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Introduction to

Literary Studies

Greek Word "Poieo" which means "to make" or "to produce"

* Oldest genre (Greek literature)
*Poetry closely related to the term Lyric (lyre or harp) and points
an origin in the sphere of music
Tears Idle Tears by Tennyson

• Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,

Tears from the depth of some divine despair
Rise in the heart, and gather in the eyes,
In looking on the happy autumn-fields,
And thinking of the days that are no more.

Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail,

That brings our friends up from the underworld,
Sad as the last which reddens over one
That sinks with all we love below the verge;
So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more.

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All the World A Stage by Shakespeare

All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
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Critics Corner " The art of doing by means of words
what the painter does by means of
colours" (Macaulay)

"Poetry is the musical thought" (Carlyle)

"Poetry is to discover a new world

within a known world" D.H Lawrence
What is the
function of
Poetry __Universal
and Celebrated Appeal

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Critics Corner

" Spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions

recollected in tranquillity" (William Wordsworth)

• Choice and the

arrangement of the
words, both vocabulary
and Syntax

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•How any poet embellishes his poem?

•Poetic Devices(Figures of Speech)

Poetic Devices(Figures of Speech)

A figure of speech is a poetic device which consists in the use of

words and phrases in such a manner as to make the meaning clearer
and the language more graphic and vivid.

* It makes poetry Pictorial(Visual)

Poetic Devices include:
• Simile * Synecdoche
• Metaphor * Onomatopaeia
• Personification * Metonymy
• Pathetic Fallacy
• Apostrophe
• Alliteration
• Oxymoron
Simile (Direct Comparison)

• You are like a lion

• As fresh as a Rose
• As soft as Butter
• Comparing two different things side by side.
• Like,so,as
Metaphor (Implied Simile)

• Greek word "Meta _over'', 'phero means –Carry

• He is a Lion
• Life is a dream
• The camel is the ship of the desert
• Note:
* We don’t use words like, as ,such
• A figure of speech in which inanimate objects and abstract ideas
or qualities are spoken of, as if they are persons or human
• Qualities of human beings are given to non –living or abstract
• Examples
• * Death is knocking at the door
• * Autumn is the breath of Spring Season
• Death be not proud
• A figure of speech in which consonants, especially at the
beginning of words are repeated.
• Latin word " repeating and playing upon the same letter"
(Rhythm+enhance the theme of the poem)
• Examples
• * Fresh flowers
• Wild Wind
• Sweet Scent

• Betty Botter bought some better

• But,she said,the butter's bitter
• If I put it in my batter bitter
• But a bit of better better
• That would make my batter better
Apostrophe ( O,!) Identification markers

• Person __________tree(non living things, abstract things)

Ode to the West Wind by Shelley
O Wild West Wind! (Non-living things and it seems that they are
Greek word:
Ode to the Grecian Urn.(Vase)
O Judgment day! When will you come!
Apostrophe ( O,!) Identification markers

" It indicates the process of talking to inanimate objects as if they

were alive"
West Wind,,,,,, Symbol,,,,, O Wild Spirit!
Onomatopoeia( Sounds)

Jingling of coins Murmuring of humans Roaring of

Gushing of wind Buzzing of bees
Rustling of leaves Dripping of rain
Howling of wolves Chirping of birds
Engine is Roaring Bleating of lambs
Barking of the dog lub dub of the heart
Splash of water Ticking of clock
Onomatopoeia( Sounds)
Greek word "name-making"
*** creates rhythm
*** make theme more prominent
** Decoration(mood +theme)
*Aesthetic pleasure, Excite passions and interest,
*Pictorial (VISUAL)
Metonymy (Part ___Whole)
** Pen(Writing) is mightier than the sword"(War)
Writing is more powerful than warfare.
** The Stage (Theatrical Profession) Black
* Crown (Monarchy) Lend ears(((seeking
** The Bench (Judiciary)
* Wheel (Car)
* Press ( Journalism) White House( )
** ( 2 different things are combined together)
Idle Tears
Sweet tears Living death True lies Icy hot
Vinegar tears walking dead Half-death Silent
Happy autumn Big baby clearly confused
Dark Light Seriously fun Speaking Silence
Small Crowd Sweet Sorrow Cruel Kindness

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