Food Control: Nicolette Pegels, Isabel González, Irene Martín, María Rojas, Teresa García, Rosario Martín

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Food Control 22 (2011) 1189e1196

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Applicability assessment of a real-time PCR assay for the specific detection of

bovine, ovine and caprine material in feedstuffs
Nicolette Pegels, Isabel González*, Irene Martín, María Rojas, Teresa García, Rosario Martín
Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A TaqMan real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was developed for specific detection of
Received 17 September 2010 bovine, ovine and caprine processed animal protein (PAP) in industrial feedstuffs. The method uses
Received in revised form species-specific primers and probes targeting short mitochondrial D-loop sequences, and a positive
20 December 2010
amplification control based on 18S rRNA gene. The applicability of the real-time PCR protocol was
Accepted 20 January 2011
assessed through analysis of 126 industrial feed samples that were manufactured to reproduce rendering
processes of commercial feeds destined for farmed animals. The assay successfully classified samples as
positive or negative according to the ruminant composition, enabling qualitative detection of banned
D-loop gene
TaqMan real-time PCR
material in feeds at levels as low as 0.1%. Although the method provides quantitative potential, results
Bovine suggest that the real quantitative capability of the assay is limited by the existing variability in terms of
Ovine and caprine PAP composition and processing treatments of the feeds, which affect the amount and quality of amplifiable
Industrial feeds DNA.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Commission, 2009). This method can detect animal proteins in

the form of MBM at sufficiently low levels (0.1%). However,
The permanent ban within the European Union on the use of microscopic technique carries drawbacks (De la Roza-Delgado
processed animal proteins (PAPs), including meat and bone meals et al., 2007): it is time-consuming, it requires specialized staff
(MBM), as ingredients in feed for all farm animals (European and it does not catalogue the species of origin of the MBM. In this
Commission, 2006) seems to be the most effective preventive line, the current European regulation (EC N 152/2009) suggests
measure to avoid the dissemination of bovine spongiform enceph- the use of alternative methods to improve detection and gain more
alopathy (BSE) and other transmissible spongiform encephalopa- information about the origin of the PAPs.
thies (TSEs); and to minimize any potential risk of transmission to As a result of the growing attention on determining the species
humans. During the last few years, the European Commission has origin of animal tissues, a range of analytical approaches have been
been looking carefully into a partial amendment of the total feed arisen for species identification in a wide array of degraded and
ban, without affecting consumer’s confidence or the policy of processed substrates. These approaches are mainly based on DNA
eradicating prion diseases. In this regard, a lifting of the prohibition or protein detection (Van Raamsdonk et al., 2007). Methods based
on the inclusion of non-ruminant proteins in feedstuffs would be on protein detection applied to feedstuffs analysis are limited,
considered by European authorities if suitable methods for differ- mostly because the protein is denatured during feed processing
entiating animal proteins of certain species were available procedures. Otherwise, the use of DNA as an analyte has two basic
(European Commission, 2005). Consequently, the development and advantages: DNA is relatively stable at high temperature and
validation of sensitive methods for the detection of MBM in feed at therefore can withstand the feed rendering process; and because of
various taxonomic levels is a crucial factor in this field (Frezza et al., its sequence variability, DNA can be used to identify the species of
2003; Prado et al., 2007). origin in a defined matrix (Dalmasso et al., 2004; Krcmár &
The microscopic examination, based on the detection of animal Rencová, 2001). In particular, the amplification of specific DNA
bone fragments, has been recognized as the only official method in sequences by PCR provides a powerful and specific tool for detec-
the European strategy against BSE and other TSEs (European tion of animal tissues in food and feed. However, it is critical to note
that fragmentation of nucleic acids due to the high temperatures
applied during feed processing, makes essential to develop PCR
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34 913943751; fax: þ34 913943743. assays that rely on amplification of very short DNA targets (Colgan
E-mail address: (I. González). et al., 2001; Frezza et al., 2003; Martín et al., 2009).

0956-7135/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1190 N. Pegels et al. / Food Control 22 (2011) 1189e1196

Most real-time PCR assays designed for detection of banned concentration was measured with a NanoDrop ND-1000 spectro-
PAPs in feedstuffs test only for bovine material and will not detect photometer (NanoDrop Technologies Inc., Montchanin, DE). Unless
tissues from other ruminant species (Frezza et al., 2003; Krcmár & otherwise stated, three DNA replicates were extracted from each
Rencová, 2001; Martín et al., 2008; Tartaglia et al., 1998; Toyoda, feed sample. A negative control sample was included in every DNA
Nakajo, Kawachi, Matsui, & Yano, 2004). The present work is extraction.
aimed to the development of a TaqMan real-time PCR assay for the
detection of bovine (Bos taurus), ovine (Ovis aries) and caprine
2.3. Oligonucleotide primers and probes
(Capra hircus) MBM in feeds, based on species-specific short
mitochondrial sequences. The applicability of the method was
The oligonucleotides used in the real-time PCR assay were
evaluated through analysis of 126 industrial feeds. The samples
designed on the basis of mitochondrial D-loop and nuclear 18S
analyzed in this study were representative of compound feeds
rRNA gene sequences from various animal and plant species
commercially available, which adds practical value to the work.
available in the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Informa-
tion) database.
2. Materials and methods
Alignment and computer analysis of mitochondrial D-loop
sequences allowed the design of bovine (BDLOOPDIR/BDLOOPINV),
2.1. Sample selection
PINV) specific primer pairs for the amplification of DNA fragments
Feed samples used in this study (referred to as “industrial
of 76 bp, 77 bp and 91 bp, respectively.
feeds”) were provided by the Centre Wallon de Recherches
TaqMan probes (BDLOOPP, ODLOOPP and CDLOOPP) were
Agronomiques “CRA-W” (Gembloux, Belgium) and the Co-opera-
designed to anneal within the gene fragment generated by ampli-
tive Central Laboratory “CCL-Nutricontrol” (Veghel, The
fication of the corresponding ruminant target and were labeled on
Netherlands) (Table 3). Feeds consisted of different processed
the 50 end with the fluorescent reporter dye 6-carboxyfluorescein
animal proteins (ruminant and non-ruminant PAPs), either alone or
(FAM) and on the 30 end with the blackberry (BBQ) fluorescent
in a mixed feed matrix, and were manufactured following Euro-
quencher. TaqMan probes were designed and synthesized by Tib-
pean legislation procedures to reproduce the rendering processes
MolBiol (Berlin, Germany).
applied to commercial feedstuffs destined for farmed animals.
As a positive amplification control of real-time PCR experiments,
Industrial feeds to be analyzed were 13 reference samples
universal primers (18SDIR/18SINV) and probe (18SP) were designed
containing bovine, ovine and caprine material, and a batch of 113
on a conserved 18S rRNA gene fragment in all eukaryotic cells. This
blind samples containing different concentrations of ruminant and
set of primers was expected to produce amplicons of the same
non-ruminant PAPs. It should be noted that, in the case of caprine
length (approximately 77 bp) in all species analyzed in this work.
control references, experimentally prepared binary mixtures of
The EMMA program included in the EMBOSS software package
caprine tissue in a plant matrix (oat) were used since feed material
version 2.0 and the Primer Express 2.0 software (PerkineElmer/
from this species was unavailable.
Applied Biosystems Division, Foster City, CA) were used for
A wide range of non-target animal and plant species from
sequence alignment and primer design. The sequences and
different origins (Table 2) was also included for specificity control
description of every primer and probe used in this study are listed
purposes. Muscle and other animal tissues were obtained from
in Table 1.
different origins: beef, sheep, goat, horse, pork, rabbit, turkey and
chicken were provided by local slaughterhouses and retail shops;
duck, goose and game bird species were provided by Antonio de 2.4. Real-time PCR
Miguel (Madrid, Spain); cat, dog and rat were obtained from the
Veterinary Hospital (Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Com- Real-time PCR was run under generic cycling conditions. The
plutense de Madrid, Spain); red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, chamois, optimum PCR concentrations of primers yielding the highest
Pyrenean ibex and mouflon were obtained from several Spanish endpoint fluorescence and the lowest Cp were experimentally
meat-cutting installations. Besides, several fish and plant species determined for each set of primers: 300 nM for forward primers
samples were purchased from different local markets. and 900 nM for reverse primers. The PCR reactions were carried out
All animal specimens were morphologically identified by using the LightCyclerÒ TaqManÒ Master (Roche Diagnostics GmbH,
trained veterinarians. They were transported to the laboratory Mannheim, Germany), 2 pmol of each TaqMan probe (TibMolBiol),
under refrigeration and were processed immediately or frozen at and 100 ng of DNA. Amplification reactions were performed in
85  C until used. a total reaction volume of 10 mL in a glass capillary tube and were
run on the LightCyclerÒ 2.0 Instrument (Roche Applied Science,
2.2. DNA extraction Penzberg, Germany) with the following program: 10 min at 95  C
(denaturation and Taq polymerase activation), an amplification
Two hundred milligrams of each feed were homogenized with program of 45 cycles at 95  C for 10 s, 58  C for 30 s, and 72  C for
860 mL of extraction buffer, pH 8.0 (10 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM 1 s. Samples were then cooled to 40  C for 30 s. The same program
EDTA and 1% SDS), 100 mL of 5 M guanidine hydrochloride and 40 mL was used to amplify each of the species-specific PCR systems, along
of 20 mg/mL proteinase K (Merck, Darmstadt Germany), and with the positive amplification control. Unless otherwise indicated,
incubated overnight at 55  C with shaking at 60 rpm. Then, the all real-time PCR reactions were carried out in triplicate for each
samples were left to cool at room temperature. Five hundred mL of DNA extract.
chloroform (SigmaeAldrich) were added to the lysate before The crossing point value (Cp), which refers to the cycle number
centrifugation at 16,438  g for 10 min. where the sample’s fluorescence significantly increases above the
Genomic DNA from the clear aqueous supernatant obtained background level, was calculated automatically by the LightCyclerÒ
after the centrifugation (500 mL) was purified using the WizardÒ software as the first maximum of the second derivative of the
DNA Clean-up System kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) with curve. The continual measurement of fluorescence is related to the
a vacuum manifold, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. amount of amplicon in real-time PCR, yielding a qualitative result
The DNA was eluted in 100 mL of sterile deionized water. DNA on the presence of the target species.
N. Pegels et al. / Food Control 22 (2011) 1189e1196 1191

Table 1
DNA sequences and description of the primers and probes used in this study.

Primers Length (bp) Sequence (50 / 30 ) Description Target gene Fragment length (bp)
BDLOOPDIR 25 AACCAAATATTACAAACACCACTAGCT Bovine-specific forward primer D-loop 76
BDLOOPINV 21 CCTTGCGTAGGTAATTCATTCTG Bovine-specific reverse primer

ODLOOPDIR 23 ACTCCACAAGCCCACATAACA Ovine-specific forward primer D-loop 77

ODLOOPINV 25 GGGTTTATGAACGCTCATGTCC Ovine-specific reverse primer

CDLOOPDIR 26 CCCAATCCTAACCCAACTTAGATACC Caprine-specific forward primer D-loop 91

CDLOOPINV 20 TGTGTAGGCGAGCGGTGTAA Caprine-specific reverse primer

18SDIR 16 TGGTGCCAGCAGCCGC Positive control forward primer 18S rRNA 77

18SINV 25 TCCAACTACGAGCTTTTTAACTGCA Positive control reverse primer


þ Symbol denotes the LNA (Locked Nucleotide Acids) bases.

2.5. Construction of standard curves and data analysis extreme processing conditions (Girish et al., 2004). Since a crucial
point in PCR-based feed analysis is the heat degradation of DNA
To check the ability of the real-time PCR method for quantitative subsequent to the autoclaving specified by the European Community
detection, standard curves were constructed using two arrays of for thermal processing of animal ingredients, the selection of short
matrix-matched bovine (B2eB5) and ovine (O1eO6) reference length DNA target sequences is mandatory for successful system
samples rendered under homogeneous conditions and containing development (Cawthraw et al., 2009; Fumière, Dubois, Baeten, von
increasing known amounts of target material in their composition. Holst, & Berben, 2006; Hird et al., 2006; Prado et al., 2009; Van
The amount of target DNA in an unknown sample can be then Raamsdonk et al., 2007). In the present work, short D-loop ampli-
measured by extrapolation of the Cp value obtained in the unknown cons (76e91 bp) were chosen for real-time PCR analysis aimed to
sample in the corresponding standard curve of Cp values generated detection of bovine, ovine and caprine MBM in industrial feedstuffs.
from known DNA percentages of the target species. In addition, the
correlation between the variables, crossing point (Cp) and
concentration ([ ]) is semilogarithmic: 3.2. Specificity and sensitivity

Cp ¼ b log½  þ a Specificity and sensitivity are two important indices of perfor-

mance of qualitative assays. The close phylogenetic relationships
where b is the slope and a is the intercept. among ruminant species, together with the varied number of
Linearity test, sensitivity, accuracy and precision parameters of animals and plants that can be present in compound feeds indicates
the species-specific real-time PCR systems were evaluated the need to check the cross reactivity of the PCR against a wide
according to previously described methods (Camacho, Torres, range of species. Specificity of the bovine, ovine and caprine real-
Gil-Alegre, Obregón, & Ruz, 1993; International Conference on time PCR systems (primers and probes) was therefore assessed by
Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of analysis of the DNA extracted from fresh tissues of 31 animal
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use [ICH], 2005). To carry out the species (mammals, fish and birds) and 14 plant species. As expec-
validation of the real-time PCR technique developed in this work, ted, the bovine (BDLOOP), ovine (ODLOOP) and caprine (CDLOOP)
three separate DNA extractions of each bovine and ovine PCR systems successfully detected, respectively, DNA fragments of
percentage were assayed in different days, using three replicates of 76, 77 and 91 bp from the target tissues, while no positive ampli-
each sample. Precision of the assay was evaluated by comparing the fication signal was obtained on the non-target animal and plant
coefficient of variation (CV) values obtained in three different days species tested. The 18S rRNA eukaryotic system amplified a 77 bp
versus those obtained in the same day, to assess the influence of fragment from all samples tested (Table 2).
random events (day of analysis, analyst, equipment, etc.) in the data A part from the demand for specificity, real-time PCR methods
obtained from the feed samples. intended for species detection in feedstuffs should be aimed at
reaching a good sensitivity level when highly degraded DNA is
3. Results and discussion present as consequence of rendered treatments (Van Raamsdonk
et al., 2007). To determine the applicability and detection level of
3.1. TaqMan real-time PCR the real-time PCR assay developed in this work, a batch of industrial
feeds manufactured according to European guidelines were
The real-time PCR assay developed in this work is based on analyzed for the presence of banned ruminant (bovine, ovine and
species-specific primer pairs and TaqMan probes designed on mito- caprine) material. Thirteen known reference samples and one
chondrial D-loop sequences. Mitochondrial (mt) DNA evolves faster hundred and thirteen blind samples were assayed with each
than nuclear DNA, providing the degree of sequence variation species-specific PCR system and the universal 18S rRNA amplifi-
required for identification of closely related species. In particular, the cation control. After the analyses were finished, the European
D-loop region is interesting because it has the highest substitution laboratories provided us with the data on the actual composition
rate of all mitochondrial sequences (Sbisà, Tanzariello, Reyes, Pesole, & and treatment of the blind feed samples.
Saccone, 1997). Besides, mitochondrial genes are present in multi Results obtained indicated that bovine and ovine D-loop
copy in the cells increasing the sensitivity of the PCR and contributing species-specific real-time PCR systems allowed to classify correctly
to the recovery of at least a few copies when the tissue is subjected to 100% of the blind samples containing different levels of target (42 of
1192 N. Pegels et al. / Food Control 22 (2011) 1189e1196

Table 2
Specificity of the real-time PCR systems (Cp values obtained from 100 ng DNA).

Common name Scientific name D-loop B.S.S D-loop O.S.S D-loop C.S.S 18S rRNA P.A.C
Cattle Bos taurus 13.29  0.05a eb e 12.47  0.02
Sheep Ovis aries e 15.03  0.03 e 12.94  0.07
Goat Capra hircus e e 18.74  0.29 14.58  0.04
Swine Sus scrofa domestica e e e 14.54  0.03
Chicken Gallus gallus e e e 15.61  0.00
Turkey Meleagris gallipavo e e e 12.68  0.06
Duck Anas platyrhynchos e e e 14.92  0.00
Goose Anser anser e e e 15.18  0.01
Horse Equus caballus e e e 15.07  0.11
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus e e e 15.65  0.03
Cat Felis catus e e e 15.59  0.05
Dog Canis familiaris e e e 15.96  0.03
Rat Rattus norvegicus e e e 15.69  0.02
Guinea fowl Numida meleagris e e e 15.00  0.01
Quail Coturnix coturnix e e e 12.71  0.03
Pheasant Phasianus colchicus e e e 15.10  0.04
Ostrich Struthio camelus e e e 13.81  0.01
Partridge Alectoris rufa e e e 12.71  0.06
Red deer Cervus elaphus e e e 12.25  0.07
Roe deer Capreolus capreolus e e e 12.82  0.03
Mouflon Ovis ammon e e e 12.11  0.11
Fallow deer Dama dama e e e 14.76  0.01
Pyrenean ibex Capra pyrenaica e e e 12.42  0.09
Chamois Rupicapra rupicapra e e e 15.60  0.02
Wild boar Sus scrofa scrofa e e e 13.36  0.12
Sardine Sardina pilchardus e e e 13.29  0.03
Tuna Thunnus atlanticus e e e 13.12  0.03
Trout Salmo fario e e e 11.64  0.07
Monk fish Lophius piscatorius e e e 11.52  0.01
Red mullet Mullus barbatus e e e 13.46  0.00
Nile perch Perca fluviatilis e e e 12.31  0.03
Barley Hordeum vulgare e e e 14.08  0.04
Maize Zea mays e e e 13.65  0.00
Oat Avena sativa e e e 12.31  0.04
Soybean Glycine max e e e 12.97  0.03
Rye Secale cereale e e e 13.38  0.09
Wheat Tritucum aestivum e e e 13.12  0.04
Sunflower Helianthus annuus e e e 12.94  0.09
Rice Oryza sativa e e e 14.88  0.11
Nut Juglans regia e e e 12.18  0.07
Pistachio Pistacia vera e e e 15.57  0.03
Almond Prunus amygdalus e e e 15.04  0.01
Pine nut Pinus pinea e e e 13.67  0.07
Peanut Arachis hypogaea e e e 13.67  0.01
Hazelnut Corylus avellana e e e 12.94  0.08

D-loop B.S.S: bovine-specific system on the D-loop gene (BDLOOPDIR/BDLOOPINV and BDLOOPP).
D-loop O.S.S: ovine-specific system on the D-loop gene (ODLOOPDIR/ODLOOPINV and ODLOOPP).
D-loop C.S.S: caprine-specific system on the D-loop gene (CDLOOPDIR/CDLOOPINV and CDLOOPP).
P.A.C: positive amplification control (18SDIR/18SINV and 18SP) for the bovine, ovine and caprine D-loop systems.
Average Cp value  SD shown from triplicate PCR reactions from each DNA extraction.
Indicates no positive signal after 45 PCR cycles.

the 113 blind samples, with Cp values from 22.91  0.06 to composition data provided by the European laboratories reflecting
35.41  0.57), in accordance with the feed description (Table 3). As the unavailability of caprine by-product materials for analysis.
can be seen, the PCR assays specifically detect as low as 0.1% of the Although caprine references (C1 and C2) are sensitively detected
corresponding target species material in the analyzed samples. No with the corresponding real-time PCR system (Table 3), the labo-
PCR signal was generated in any of the blind samples (71 of the 113) ratory-scale autoclaving treatment of 133  C applied to these
that were declared as free from bovine and ovine content (results samples cannot be considered analogous to the EU procedures for
not shown), supporting the ability of the assay to correctly classify the rendering of animal products. Thus, samples representative of
the samples as positive or negative for banned target material. real world feed ingredients containing caprine PAPs should be
It should be noted that although rendering treatments have an assayed to assess the performance of the method for the detection
indisputable effect on DNA damage (Arslan, Irfan Ilhak, & Calicioglu, of this species in feedstuffs.
2006; Hird et al., 2006), positive amplification signals were still All the feeds amplified successfully with the 18S rRNA eukary-
observed with the D-loop PCR systems in those feeds subjected to otic system and, in general, it is observed that Cp values decrease as
processing temperatures as high as 145  C (samples S34, S67, S68 sterilization conditions applied to the samples become less severe
and S70). The short length of the selected amplicons minimized (results not shown). The use of the positive amplification control
possible PCR failures due to DNA degradation. offers an indicator of the total PCR-amplifiable eukaryotic DNA
Contrarily to the bovine and ovine real-time PCR results, none of present in the samples, being important to assure no false negative
the blind industrial feeds gave positive signals for caprine content results due to the presence of PCR inhibitors in feed matrices or
(results not shown). This was in consonance with the feed DNA extraction reagents.
N. Pegels et al. / Food Control 22 (2011) 1189e1196 1193

Table 3
Real-time PCR and extrapolation results obtained with the three D-loop real-time PCR systems (bovine, ovine and caprine) for those industrial feed samples containing
different levels of declared target content processed at temperatures from 133 to 145  C (Cp values produced using 100 ng DNA).

Samples Description of industrial feeds PCR systems Target content (%)

Target tissue/T ( C) Matrix Cp value Declared Detected

B1a Bovine (carcase) 133 23.81  0.02 100 133
B2 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed þ chicken PAPd 33.81  0.15e 0.1 0.1
B3 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed þ chicken PAP 33.03  0.10 0.2 0.2
B4 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed þ chicken PAP 31.73  0.10 0.5 0.5
B5 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed þ chicken PAP 30.62  0.13 1.0 1.0
S1b UD (bovine material) UD UD 30.45  0.16 0.1 1.2
S9 UD (bovine material) UD UD 30.84  0.18 0.1 1.2
S16 UD (bovine material) UD UD 27.81  0.08 0.1 7.6
S6 UD (bovine material) UD UD 34.29  0.02 0.5 0.1
S11 UD (bovine material) UD UD 29.89  0.01 1.0 1.7
S2 UD (bovine material) UD UD 29.43  0.08 1.0 2.4
S13 UD (bovine material) UD UD 28.13  0.12 1.0 6.1
S28 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 34.31  1.44 0.1 0.1
S32 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 35.41  0.57 0.1 0.5
S73 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Chicken (soft þ bones) 33.84  0.17 0.1 0.1
S78 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Poultry meal 33.97  0.22 0.1 0.1
S83c Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pork (soft þ bones) 32.52  0.13 0.08 0.3
S30 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 32.82  0.25 0.2 0.2
S74 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Chicken feed 30.67  0.31 0.2 1.0
S82 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 32.46  0.11 0.2 0.3
S29 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 32.83  0.25 0.3 0.2
S72c bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Aquafeed 28.76  0.07 0.4 3.9
S27 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 32.24  0.20 0.5 0.3
S75 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed þ chicken PAP 30.45  0.09 0.5 1.2
S84c Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pork (soft þ bones) 29.23  0.14 0.8 2.8
S26 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 29.32  0.13 1.0 2.6
S33 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 30.92  0.08 1.0 4.9
S69 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pork (soft þ bones) 29.40  0.03 1.0 2.5
S80 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Chicken feed þ porcine PAP 27.07  0.18 1.0 2.5
S86 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pork greaves meal 28.11  0.08 1.0 6.1
S85c Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pork (soft þ bones) 27.95  0.25 1.6 6.9
S87 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pork greaves meal 27.11  0.10 2.0 12.4
S25 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 27.47  0.22 5.0 9.6
S109 Bovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 26.22  0.01 5.0 26.3
S81 Bovine (carcase) 137 Porcine PAP 33.87  0.35 0.5 0.2
S65 Bovine (carcase) 141 Porcine carcase 32.39  0.43 1.0 0.2
S66 Bovine (carcase) 141 Porcine carcase 31.89  0.10 2.0 0.5
S67 Bovine (carcase) 145 Porcine carcase 33.44  0.22 1.0 0.2
S68 Bovine (carcase) 145 Porcine carcase 32.34  0.05 2.0 0.3
S34 Bovine (carcase) 145 28.41  0.06 100 50
S79 Bovine (muscle) 141 Porcine carcase 31.01  0.07 1.0 0.5
S70 Bovine (muscle) 145 Porcine PAP 33.70  0.30 1.0 0.1

O1 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Chicken feed þ pork (soft þ bones) 28.72  0.08 5.0 6.0
O2 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Chicken feed þ pork (soft þ bones) 32.01  0.28 1.0 0.7
O3 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Chicken feed þ pork (soft þ bones) 32.70  0.61 0.5 0.5
O4 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Chicken feed þ pork (soft þ bones) 33.31  0.43 0.3 0.3
O5 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Chicken feed þ pork (soft þ bones) 33.51  0.37 0.2 0.3
O6 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Chicken feed þ pork (soft þ bones) 35.15  0.61 0.1 0.1
S44 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 31.62  0.20 0.1 0.9
S83 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pork (soft þ bones) 33.57  0.54 0.02 0.3
S72 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Aquafeed 32.77  0.46 0.1 0.4
S84 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pork (soft þ bones) 34.90  0.96 0.2 0.1
S85 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pork (soft þ bones) 29.42  0.20 0.4 3.8
S43 Ovine (carcase þ muscle) 133 Pig feed 28.43  0.31 1.0 7.2
S88 Ovine (carcase) 133 Feather meal 28.14  0.08 0.1 8.7
S42 Ovine (carcase) 133 23.63  0.06 100 160
S108 Ovine (carcase) 133 22.91  0.06 100 255

C1 Caprine (muscle) 133 Oat 27.20  0.02 0.1

C2 Caprine (muscle) 133 Oat 24.85  0.08 1

UD: undetermined (no information supplied).

Samples S1 to S16 were provided by the Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques “CRA-W” (Belgium). Reference and blind samples from S17 to S113 were provided by the
Co-operative Central Laboratory “CCL-Nutricontrol” (The Netherlands). Samples C1 and C2 were prepared at the Department of Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los
Alimentos (Spain). Blind simples are rearranged in the table according to temperature, matrix and target percentage characteristics.
Reference samples (B: bovine; O: ovine; C: caprine), showed in bold-face type.
Blind samples (S1 to S113; only positive samples are reflected in the table).
S83, S72, S84, and S85 correspond to 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2% RR1 samples, respectively. RR1 consists of ruminant PAP (60% bovine carcase, 20% ovine carcase, 15% bovine muscle,
5% ovine muscle).
PAP: processed animal protein.
Average Cp value  SD shown from triplicate PCR reactions from each DNA extraction.
1194 N. Pegels et al. / Food Control 22 (2011) 1189e1196

3.3. Quantitative capability of the assay bovine and ovine PAPs, analyzed in duplicate three times on the
same day, versus the values obtained for the same samples on three
In light of the results described above, it is possible to conclude different days. Results showed significant differences with higher
that the real-time PCR method developed evidences a high skill in CV values when the assay was done on different days with respect
terms of qualitative detection of bovine and ovine PAPs in feedstuffs. to the same day. Thus, a standard curve should be determined on
However, on account of the widely reported quantitative potential of each day of analysis.
real-time PCR assays (Heid, Stevens, Livak, & Williams, 1996;
Rodríguez et al., 2005), a further step of this study consisted in 3.3.2. Blind sample analysis
determining whether the assay was able to quantify the concentra- To assess the quantification ability of the assay, extrapolation
tion of banned ruminant (bovine and ovine) PAPs in an unknown feed. analysis of the Cp data obtained for blind feeds was carried out
Quantification analyses are performed by comparing the amplifica- using the linear regression equations of the reference curves. Table
tion (Cp) of a target mtDNA sequence in an unknown (blind) sample 3 shows the average Cp values obtained for all the ruminant-posi-
with a calibration curve prepared with known (reference) concen- tive blind samples, together with the correlation between the
trations of the same target in the sample. In the work herein devel- actual (declared) target content and the content estimated for these
oped, bovine and ovine reference calibration curves were constructed feeds by substitution of the Cps in the corresponding bovine and
and analyzed statistically as a first benchmark for judging the quan- ovine equations. It is observed that for the bovine (B2eB5) and
titative performance of the assay. Subsequently, extrapolation anal- ovine (O1eO6) reference samples, which contain the target PAPs
ysis of the blind sample Cp results was carried out using the mixed in identical matrices and processed homogeneously at
corresponding calibration curve equations to determine whether the 133  C, the estimated bovine and ovine content was identical or
detected ruminant content (%) of each sample fitted with the declared very close to the declared one. In contrast, heterogeneous extrap-
(real) one. olation behaviour is observed for the majority of the blind feeds,
resulting in discordances between the declared target content and
3.3.1. Calibration curves and statistical analysis the detected one. The described results bring up the issue that,
Two arrays of matrix-matched bovine (samples B2eB5) and although the real-time PCR technique developed has quantitative
ovine (samples O1eO6) reference feeds subjected to identical potential, there are two global factors that make the quantification
temperature processing (133  C) and containing increasing of MBM in feeds unattainable. The first one is related with the
amounts of the target MBM were used to construct the calibration existing variability in terms of processing conditions of the feeds,
curves using a simple regression model with the log input DNA which affect the amount and quality of amplifiable DNA. Because
concentration versus the Cp (Fig. 1). As shown in the figure, the European legislation only specifies minimum treatment require-
resulting slopes of the linear equations are 3.26 for D-loop ments, the real temperature and pressure conditions will vary
bovine-specific system (Fig. 1A) and 3.56 for D-loop ovine-specific amongst the different rendering systems and the exact impact of
system (Fig. 1B), being near to the slope’s value of 3.32 corre- sterilization cannot be established. Secondly, the mixed propor-
sponding to a 100% PCR efficiency. The theoretical detection limit tions of vegetal and animal ingredients in compound feeds,
for the species-specific PCR systems was also calculated from the including the different kind of MBM that can be present (carcases,
standard curves shown in Fig. 1. The detection limit for each muscle, bones, etc.), also affect quantification results because the
species-specific system was estimated from the corresponding number of cells and, consequently, of target mtDNA, will vary
curves as the DNA amount yielding a Cp value of 45. These values considerably depending on the type and origin of the tissue. As
are 4.11 105 ng and 1.60  104 ng for bovine and ovine-specific consequence, the Cp value measured on a blind feedstuff would
systems, respectively. only be useable for a quantitative estimate of the target species
Cp values obtained from bovine and ovine calibration curves, content if identical MBM in terms of composition and processing
plotted against the logarithm of the DNA concentrations, were used treatment are available for the preparation of suitable calibration
to test the sensitivity of the real-time PCR method. Fig. 1 also shows standards, which is not feasible from a practical point of view.
the discriminating capacity, which is the least difference in loga- These observations are in line with results obtained by other
rithm of target DNA concentration in the sample that the analytical authors (Fajardo et al., 2009; Prado et al., 2009) regarding the
method can discriminate with a significant level. Linearity of the limitations of real-time PCR for quantification of species in food and
bovine and ovine real-time PCR response was also analyzed. In each feed.
PCR system, the following parameters were evaluated: (a) The degree of contamination of animal feed with prohibited
Cochran’s test, which determined whether the variances of the material, whether fraudulent or accidental, can be low and, there-
responses obtained for each concentration of bovine or ovine DNA fore, detection methods should provide a selective and sensitive
in the reference feeds were homogeneous, (b) regression analysis detection level. One of the achievements of the assay described in
and (c) variance analysis with lack of-fit. All parameters were this work is the ability to specifically detect as low as 0.1% of banned
evaluated following previously described validation protocols bovine and ovine PAPs in feeds, which is an optimal detection limit
(Camacho et al., 1993; Fajardo et al., 2009; ICH, 2005). in consonance with the official method based on optical micros-
The accuracy of the bovine and ovine assays was determined copy for the detection of MBM in feedingstuffs (European
from the four bovine PAP percentages (0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1%) and the Commission, 2009). Other real-time PCR approaches report
six ovine PAP percentages (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1 and 5%) of reference similar or higher detection levels when attempting the identifica-
samples. Accuracy is reported as percentage recovery by the assay tion of different ruminant or other mammalian material in feeds
of known added amounts of analyte. Using the Snedecor F-test, it (Frezza et al., 2007; Prado et al., 2009; Tartaglia et al., 1998;
was verified that the concentration of DNA present in a sample did Woodgate, van den Hoven, Vaessen, & Margry, 2009). Moreover,
not affect the variation of the results. The values for Student’s t-test the industrial feeds analyzed in this work are all representative of
obtained demonstrated that the method was accurate, since no the real world feed ingredients and processing treatments dictated
significant differences between 100% and the mean recovery values by European regulations, which adds significant value when
were detected. The influence of day of analysis on the precision of compared with other PCR-based assays using laboratory-scale
the assay was also tested by comparing the coefficients of variation prepared samples that do not reproduce the rendering processes of
(CV) of three separate DNA extractions performed on the 0.1% commercial feeds. As previously noted, further analysis with real
N. Pegels et al. / Food Control 22 (2011) 1189e1196 1195

A Total number of
D-loop bovine-specific PCR system (B2-B5) "C" Cochran 0.7879*
36 S comb 0.011
y = -3.2644x + 30.683 ANOVA test "F"
regression (1)
34 2
R = 0.9913 ANOVA test "F"
Lack-of-Fit (2)
Cp 32
30 capacity 0.010*

28 * p<0.05 **p<0.01
-1.5 -0.5 0.5 ***p>0.05
log DNA concentration [ng/reaction] (1) P value = 0.000
(2) P value = 0.2264

B Total number of

D-loop ovine-specific PCR system (O1-O6) "C" Cochran 0.616*

40 S2 comb 0.228
ANOVA test "F"
y = -3.5625x + 31.482 regression (1)
R = 0.9435 ANOVA test "F"
Lack-of-Fit (2)

25 capacity 0.165*
-1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 * p<0.05 **p<0.01
log DNA concentration [ng/reaction] ***p>0.05
(1) P value = 0.000
(2) P value = 0.1145

Fig. 1. Cp values obtained from D-loop bovine (A), and D-loop ovine (B) reference samples, plotted versus the logarithm of the DNA concentrations. Linearity test, regression line and
sensitivity parameters are calculated for each species-specific PCR system.

feed ingredients containing caprine PAPs would be necessary to Acknowledgements

validate the detection of this species in feedstuffs.
In spite of the mentioned benefits, one of the reported draw- The authors are indebted to CCL-Nutricontrol (The Netherlands)
backs of PCR is linked to the fact that authorized feed ingredients and CRA-W (Belgium) for kindly providing us with the industrial
(e.g. milk products or animal fats) may also be sources of animal feed samples analyzed in this study. This work was supported by
DNA. Such DNA presence may hence lead to false positive results the Programa de Vigilancia Sanitaria 2009/AGR/1489 of the
from a legal point of view, although it would not reflect non- Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) and by a project (AGL2007/60077)
compliance with the feed ban from a scientific perspective from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain). Nicolette
(Bellorini et al., 2005; Prado et al., 2007). According to the supplier’s Pegels is recipient of a fellowship from the Ministerio de Ciencia e
information, the feeds analyzed in this work do not seem to contain Innovación (Spain).
any permitted ingredient susceptible of generating a positive signal
due to DNA amplification with the species-specific PCR systems. In
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