Silvela, Maria Noeme Manuscript For Final Editing

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A Thesis

Presented to

the Graduate School Faculty

College of Arts and Sciences

Iloilo Science and Technology University

La Paz, Iloilo city


In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts in Mathematics



Maria Noeme A. Silvela

May, 2020
College of Arts and Sciences – Graduate School
La Paz, Iloilo City


This thesis of MRS. MARIA NOEME A. SILVELA entitled “THE EFFECT OF


GEOMETRY” prepared and submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of MASTER

OF ARTS IN MATHEMATICS is hereby approved:



Passed the Written Comprehensive Examination conducted last December 2017.

Approved the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of PASS.


Chairman Member


Member External Panel

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of


Coordinator, MA Math Dean, College of Arts and Sciences


The researcher would like to express her sincere and deepest gratitude to the

following persons who have shared and offered a lot of guidance and support in the

completion of this study:

Dr. Alejo P. Biton, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, for his expertise on

research and valuable guidance and suggestions to enhance this study;

Dr. Roel F. Bermejo, Schools Division Superintendent of Division of Iloilo, and

Mr. Domingo E. Sumayo, School Principal 1 of Tagsing – Buyo National High School,

for allowing the researcher to conduct the study;

Dr. Catherine A. Yap, for her continual encouragement, patience, and valuable

guidance at every phase of doing the study, and also for her insightful observation and

directions in the course of completing the study;

Lavinia B. Dulla, Doly Joy C. Celindro, Engr. Rubim J. Ybarzabal, and

Dr. Roberto G. Sagge Jr., members of the panel, for sharing their bulks of wisdom,

valuable suggestions and recommendations that significantly improved the study;

Dr. Saul M. Muyco, Prof. Nesror L. Gicaraya, and Mrs. Chona P. Sumayo for

sharing their expertise and guidance in validating the instrument used in the study;

Prof. Nestor L. Gicaraya, Mr. Jopet Bernal, Mrs. Chona P. Sumayo, for their

valuable comments and suggestions in validating the lesson plans used in the study;

Dr. Neocesar G. Artajo, for giving his valuable time and effort in editing the

manuscript that led to the refinement of this study;

Grade 9 – Saturn and Grade 9 – Jupiter learners of Tagsing – Buyo National High

School for their cooperation with the researcher during the conduct of the study;

Mrs. Luisa R. Peñasa, School Head Teacher I for her encouragement and moral

support in pursuit of the study.

Mrs. Chona P. Sumayo, for giving advises and insights about this study;

Mrs. Connie Jane S. Sajonia, Miss Edjovel T. Saul, Mrs. Viowela P. Serio, Mr.

Jonel S. Silvela, Miss Vivian S. Valle, Faculty of Tagsing – Buyo National High School,

for the untiring support and assistance they have extended to finish this study;

Mr. Arnel T. Sultan and Mrs. Jovelyn B. Sultan for the friendship, wishes and

encouragement to finish the study;

To her beloved mother, Mrs. Fe S. Adolacion, for the unconditional love, untiring

support care and understanding since the start of the study;

To her late husband, Francisco D. Silvela who guides together with the Holy

Spirit, to her daughter Franz Janille A. Silvela and to her son Rejelf A, Silvela for the

inspiration in the pursuit of the study;

Above all, to the Almighty God, our Great Provider, for all the blessings, wisdom

and the gift of good health He has bestowed throughout the course of the study, to Whom

this work is humbly dedicated and given all the glory and praises.



Maria Noeme A. Silvela


Dr. Catherine A. Yap



This experimental study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Visual –

Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model to the learners’ problem solving

performance in geometry. Fifty-six (56) Grade 9 learners were the participants of

the study with 28 learners assigned to experimental group and another 28 to the

control group. The experimental group were exposed to V – A – K model as an

intervention while the control group were exposed to traditional method. A

validated researcher – made test was used to measure the problem solving

performance of the learners before and after the intervention. The study lasted for

six weeks. The statistical tool employed were the mean and the standard deviation

for descriptive analysis and the t – test for inferential data analysis. All

computations were done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)

software set at 0.05 alpha level of significance. Based on the findings, the pretest

problem solving performance of the learners with and without V – A – K model

was “low” while the posttest problem solving performance of the learners with

and without V-A-K model was “moderate”. There was no significant difference

found between the pretest and in the posttest problem solving performance of the

learners with and without V – A – K model. There was a significant difference

existed between the pretest and the posttest problem solving performance of the

learners with V – A – K model. The learners exposed to Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model improved their scores in the posttest. There was a

significant difference existed between the pretest and posttest problem solving

performance of the learners without V – A – K model. Learners exposed to

strategy without V – A – K model also improved their scores in the posttest. The

findings revealed that there was no significant effect on the learners’ problem

solving performance using V – A – K model. This implied that using traditional

way of teaching used variety of strategies wherein it also targets visual, auditory

and kinesthetic abilities of the learner. Using V – A – K model in teaching may be

an effective strategy as well as the traditional way of teaching in combination of

other strategies. This maybe explained that the learners can learn effectively when

they were exposed to visual, auditory, tactile or kinesthetic activities. These

activities are also embedded in traditional way, although it is not that substantial.

This also confirms that good teaching can truly inspire minds and motivate

actions among students. Using V – A – K model and traditional way of teaching

together with other strategies could enhance the performance of the learners’

problem solving in Geometry through the teacher’s guidance, motivation, and

innovation in the said learning strategy.














Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 4

Hypotheses 5

Theoretical Framework 6

Conceptual Framework 8

Definition of Terms 8

Significance of the Study 10

Scope and Limitation of the Study 11


Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (VAK)

as a Learning Style Model 13
Recent History 15

Characteristic Patterns of each Learning Style 16

Characteristics of Visual Learners 17

Characteristics of Auditory Learners 18

Characteristics of Kinesthetic Learners 19

Using Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K)

In Teaching Mathematics 20

Weanesses and Disadvantages of

V – A – K Model 28

Performance in Geometry 29

What is Geometry? 29

History of Geometry 30

Basic Elements of Geometry 31

Teaching Geometry 33

Improving Students’ Performance in

Geometry 35

Problem Solving in Mathematics 37

Components of Problem Solving 39

Process in Problem Solving 39

Evaluating Problem Solving 40

Summary 44


Research Design 47

Participants of the Study 48

Data Gathering Instruments 49

Data Gathering Procedure 50

Ethical Consideration 53

Data Processing Techniques 53


Pretest Problem Solving Performance of the

Learners 54

Difference in the Pretest Problem Solving

Performance of the Learners 55

Posttest Problem Solving Performance of the

Learners 57

Difference in the Posttest Problem Solving

Performance of the Learners 60

Pretest and Posttest Problem Solving

Performance of the Learners 62

Difference in the Pretest and Posttest Problem

Solving Performance of the Learners 64


Summary 66

Conclusions 69

Recommendations 70




List of Tables

Table Page

1 Distribution of Participants 49

2 Pretest Problem Solving Performance of the Learners in

Geometry With and Without Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic
(V – A – K) Model 54

3 t-test Result of the Difference in the Pretest Problem Solving

Performance of the Learners in Geometry With and Without
Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model 56

4 Posttest Problem Solving Performance of the Learners in

Geometry With and Without Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic
(V – A – K) Model 58

5 t-test Result of the Difference in the Posttest Problem Solving

Performance of the Learners in Geometry With and Without
Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model 60

6 t-test Result of the Difference in the Pretest and Posttest Problem

Solving Performance of the Learners in Geometry With
Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model 62

7 t-test Result of the Difference Pretest and Posttest Problem Solving

Performance of the Learners in Geometry Without the Use of
Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model 64

List of Figures

Figure Page

1 Relationship of the Independent Variables (With Visual –

Auditory – Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model and Without
Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model to the
Dependent Variable (Performance in Problem Solving) 8

2 Pretest and Posttest Non – equivalent Group Design 47

List of Appendices

Appendix Page

A Table of Specification in Grade 9 Mathematics 80

B Instrument of the Study

(Researcher-Made Test) 82

C Rubrics in Problem Solving

(Researcher – Made Test) 83

D Match Paired Grade from First Grading 84

E Results of the Pretest and Posttest 85

F Permit to Conduct Study 86

G Letter to Parent 90
H Letter to Validators of the Lesson Plan 91
I Letter to Validators of the Instrument 92

J Lesson Plan in Mathematics (V-A-K/Non V-A-K) 93

K Time Table 169

L Pictures 176

M Certification from the Statistician 179

N Certification from the Grammarian 180

O SPSS Results 181

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Geometry is a wonderful area of mathematics. It is full of interesting problems

and surprising theorems. (Jones, 2002). Similarly, Geometry is one of the central topics

in any high school mathematics curriculum around the world with inherent complexities.

Since learning geometry is not that easy, challenge is now on teachers on how to make

this topic meaningful and how to stimulate students’ interest, motivation and enthusiasm

in learning (Zhang and Gu, 2013).

For seven years at Tagsing – Buyo National High School, the researcher had

taught all grade levels in Junior High School. Of all the subjects taught, the researcher

noticed that students have difficulties in learning Geometry. The researcher also noticed

that many students struggled over understanding and applying geometric concepts in

solving word problems. Moreover, the researcher found out that learners cannot explain

the solutions they obtain. Learners show poor performance concerning the subject.

This research focused on building conceptual supports that include strategies to be

carried out such as recognition of the function of key words, word phrases in the word

problem and also the importance of making drawings or illustrations to visualize concepts

to help them comprehend the mathematical situation.

The researcher also believes that each learner has a different learning style that

requires varied learning activities that will boost their interest. One's learning style may

affect how well one performs. Learning style is concerned with the most efficient way an

individual’s brain processes and stores information. The identification of the student’s

learning style would not only aid the teacher in putting over information but also the

student in knowing how to study effectively (Gadzella, Stephens & Baloglu, 2002; in

Martin et al. 2011). Some students learn by listening to a simple discussion, while others

learn when they see visual aids and some learn when they perform an activity. With these

varieties of learning preferences, it requires a lot of effort, time and preparations on the

part of the teachers in preparing those activities.

With these reasons, the researcher thought of a strategy on how to cater their

learning styles in order to improve learners’ performances. One of the most common and

widely-used categorizations of the various types of learning styles is Fleming’s VARK

model (sometimes V-A-K - an acronym for the Visual (V), Auditory (A), and the

Kinesthetic (K) sensory modalities) which provides the learners with a profile of their

learning styles, based on the sensory modalities which are involved in taking in

information (Sreenidhi and Helena, 2017). People normally have a preferred learning

style. When an individual recognizes his or her preferred learning style(s), he or she is

able to appreciate the type of learning that best suits him/her. This allows him/her to

select the types of learning that work best. According to V-A-K model, most people

possess a dominant or preferred learning style; however, some people have a mixed and

evenly balanced blend of the three styles (Mackay, 2007). Learners may be able to

involve themselves not just by looking and listening to the lecture, but also to engage in a

hands-on activity where they can apply what they have learned. In addition, the

appropriation of physical tools like calculator; intellectual tools such as existing

mathematical knowledge; and cultural tools like language and the manner in which

learners addressed one another; helped us to understand the process of problem-solving in

small groups (Cooper, 2011).

Learning styles are various approaches or ways of learning (Sreenidhi and Helena,

2017). They contain educating methods, unique to each individual that are assumed to

allow a person to learn best. Learning styles are influenced by many factors such as

individual experiences, intelligence and personality.

This concept also gives the idea to the researcher in conducting this research to

gain knowledge and new insights on whether using V-A-K model will enhance the

students’ performance compared to traditional way of teaching. The researcher also

intends to improve the problem solving ability in Geometry of Grade 9 learners at

Tagsing – Buyo National High School.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Visual – Auditory –

Kinaesthetic (V – A – K) model to the performance in problem solving in Geometry of

high school learners at Tagsing – Buyo National High School (TBNHS), Tagsing, Santa

Barbara, Iloilo.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the pre-test problem solving performance of the learners in

Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K)


2. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test problem solving

performance of the learners in Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model?

3. What is the post-test problem solving performance of the learners in

Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model?

4. Is there a significant difference in the post-test problem solving

performance of the learners in Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model?

5. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test problem

solving performance of the learners with the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V-

A-K) model?

6. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test problem

solving performance of the learners without the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic

(V-A-K) model?


In view of the foregoing problems, the following hypotheses were tested:

1. There is no significant difference in the pretest problem solving

performance of the learners in Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model.


2. There is no significant difference in the posttest problem solving

performance of the learners in Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model.

3. There is no significant difference in the pretest and posttest problem

solving performance of the learners in Geometry with the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model.

4. There is no significant difference in the pretest and posttest problem

solving performance of the learners in Geometry without the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model.

Theoretical Framework

This study was based on the original V – A – K concepts that was first developed

by psychologists and teaching specialists such as Fernald, Keller, Orton, Gillingham,

Stillman and Montessori. One of the most common and widely-used categorizations of

the various types of learning styles is Fleming’s Visual – Auditory VARK model

(sometimes VAK - an acronym for the Visual (V), Auditory (A), and the Kinesthetic (K)

sensory modalities) which provides the learners with a profile of their learning styles,

based on the sensory modalities which are involved in taking in information (Sreenidhi

and Helena, 2017). According to V-A-K model, most people possess a dominant or

preferred learning style; however, some people have a mixed and evenly balanced blend

of the three styles (Mackay, 2007). The V-A-K learning styles model suggests that most

people can be divided into one of three preferred styles of learning. These three styles are

as follows:

A person with a Visual learning style has a preference for seen or observed things,

including pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, displays, handouts, films, flip-chart, etc.

These people will be best able to perform a new task after reading the instructions or

watching someone else does it first.

A person with an Auditory learning style has a preference for the transfer of

information through listening: to the spoken word, of self or others, of sounds and noises.

These people are best able to perform a new task after listening to instructions from an


A person with a Kinesthetic learning style has a preference for physical

experience - touching, feeling, holding, doing, practical hands-on experiences. These

people will be best able to perform a new task by going ahead and trying it out, learning

as they go.

The Fleming’s VARK model expanded upon earlier Neuro – linguistic

programming (NLP) models. In NLP, the senses are split into three groups (Visual,

Auditory and Kinesthetic) which are referred to as the Representational System (rep

system). This term relates to the fact the brain uses the senses to form our internal

representation, or model of the world around us.

Furthermore, everyone has a mixture of strengths and preferences. No one has

exclusively one single style or preference. It is also important to remember that this tool

is just one of many aids to help people understand the overall personality, preferences

and strengths of a learner or a person as a whole. Knowing a preferred learning style(s)

helps in understanding the type of learning that best suits in every individual. This

enables everyone to choose the types of learning that work best for him/her. There is no

right or wrong learning style. The point is that there are types of learning that are right for

everyone’s own preferred learning style (Sreenidhi and Helena, 2017).

Conceptual Framework

This study was guided by the conceptual model as shown in the paradigm.


With Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model

Problem Solving Performance

in Geometry
Without Visual – Auditory –
Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model

Figure 1. Relationship of the Independent Variables (With Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model and Without Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V-A-
K) model to the Dependent Variable (Problem Solving Performance in

The paradigm of the study indicates how Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V-A-

K) model affects the performance in problem solving of the learners. The independent

variables constituted the strategy with V-A-K model and without V-A-K model while the

dependent variable is the performance in problem solving of the Grade 9 learners of

Tagsing – Buyo National High School, Santa Barbara, Iloilo for School Year 2019 –


Definition of Terms

The following terms were conceptually and operationally defined:

Effect. Effect refers to a change which is a result or consequence of an action or

other cause (Kundu, 2016).

In this study, effect refers to the increase in the learning outcomes in problem

solving performance of learners after performing the intervention.

Geometry. Geometry is a branch of mathematics which deals with the study of

different shapes or figures and their properties (Fabiyi; in Paulina, 2007).

In this study, Geometry refers to a subject matter which include topics on

quadrilaterals and similarity that is being taught to Grade 9 learners on the third quarter.

High School Learner. High School Learner refers to an individual enrolled in an

educational institution offering basic education (DepEd Order No. 003, s. 2018).

In this study, high school learner refers to the Grade 9 learners enrolled at Tagsing

– Buyo National High School, Tagsing, Santa Barbara, Iloilo for School Year 2019 –


Learners’ Performance. Learners’ performance refers to the ability of a learner to

demonstrate knowledge by participating in class work and homework, writing test,

making presentation and participating in discussion (Mamali; in Wesslen, 2015).

In this study, mathematics performance refers to the performance of the group

exposed to V-A-K model and not exposed to V-A-K model.

Problem Solving. Problem solving refers to the ability to accurately assess a

situation and arrive at a positive solution (WikiJob, 2018).


In this study, problem solving refers to the ability of the learner to analyse,

illustrate and answer the questions correctly.

V – A – K Model. V – A – K Model refers to Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic which

provide the learners with a profile of their learning styles based on the sensory modalities

which are involved in taking in information. V – A – K provides a simple way to explain

and understand person’s own learning style and learning styles of others to assess the

preferred learning styles, and most importantly, to incorporate learning methods and

experiences that match learner’s strengths and preferences (Sreenidhi and Helena, 2017).

In this study, V – A – K learning style refers to visual, auditory and kinesthetic

activities/reinforcement given to the Grade 9 learners of Tagsing – Buyo National High


Significance of the Study

This study would be essential and significant to the following stakeholders:

learners, teachers, school administrators, and future researchers.

Learners. The learners would be benefited by this study because it motivates them

to improve their problem solving ability through V – A – K. With this study, the learners

may be helped not only to enhance their performance in problem solving ability but also

to let them experience being engaged in different activities in the classroom while

learning geometry.

Teachers. This study would be beneficial to the teachers because they may be

encouraged to consider using V – A – K as an instructional approach in enhancing the

performance in problem solving ability of learners not only in mathematics but also in

other disciplines. It would also make them acquiescent in their teaching strategies, thus,

encouraging learners’ positive attitudes and interest toward learning mathematics.

School Administrators. The school administrators would be aware of the

conditions of the learners for them to consider and give direct actions to improve the

educational setting especially on the performance in problem solving of the learners in

the field of mathematics. The result of this study will help the administrators in preparing

activities that are appropriate to the learning competency of the learners. They would be

guided in providing educational tools and resources, for encouraging the learners to take

charge of their own learning and to enrich their academic performance.

Future researchers. Finally, the result of this study would serve as the basis for

future researchers to conduct further studies on how to enhance the performance in

problem solving ability of learners using V – A – K learning style model.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This quasi – experimental study aimed to determine the effect of Visual –

Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model in the performance in problem solving of

Grade 9 learners enrolled at Tagsing – Buyo National High School, Tagsing, Santa

Barbara, Iloilo for School Year 2019 – 2020. Originally, the participants of the study

were the 90 Grade 9 learners; however, delinquent students specifically those at risk of

dropping out and candidate for retention were removed. As a result, 56 Grade 9 learners

were selected as participants of the study, specifically, 28 were taught with V – A – K

model and another 28 were taught without V – A – K model. The study was conducted

for six weeks. The study was limited with some intervening variables that can be

considered as hindrances in the conduct of classes. Time: a) since the all the three

learning styles has to be put in one session, the 1-hour period is not enough. Most of the

time, the researcher exceeds the 1-hour class; b) one o’clock in the afternoon is the time

where the learners were having their first period class. Inventory result: The V-A-K

learning style inventory result of the participants whether majority are visual, auditory or

kinesthetic were not given focus on the classroom activities or tasks given to the students

during the conduct of the study. The 10 – item researcher – made test (Pretest – Posttest)

was used as the instrument in gathering the data. Mean and standard deviation were used

as the statistical tools for the analyses of descriptive data. For the analyses of inferential

data, the t – test for independent samples and dependent samples were utilized. All

statistical computations were processed through the Statistical Package for Social

Sciences (SPSS) software set at 0.05 level of significance.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies relevant on the

Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (VAK) learning model.

Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (VAK) as a Learning Style Model

The most widely discussed and popular learning styles that are present in

literature are Dunn and Dunn, Kolb, Felder and Soloman and Fleming’s learning

styles. In addition to the above mentioned learning styles(LS), many other LSs are also

being studied. Among the above mentioned learning styles, the VAK LS model, based

on individuals’ seeing, hearing, touching and working with moving objects is

considered as basis for many other models. Learning styles are considered relevant for

the adaptation process in the user model. The VAK classification, proposed by Neil

Fleming, divides the population into three classes namely visual, auditory and

kinesthetic. The visual learners prefer the visual arts, make their own handwritten

notes and can concentrate if the surrounding is quiet. They remember visual arts

related features like colors, drawings, graphs and faces, even the position of objects in

space but they find it difficult remembering names, and titles. In short, the visual

learners remember best what they see in the form of text, video, graphics, and plots.

The auditory learners prefer to talk, sing, and whistle, speak about an action rather

than watching it and require silence to focus on learning. They learn by listening to

lectures, reading aloud, and discussions. In short the auditory learners remember well

music and the conversations and may face problems in reading the graphic forms, such

as maps, geometry. They learn language easily. The kinesthetic learner prefers to

learn in motion. They find it difficult in listening to a lecture sitting at the desk. They

need a pause between learning periods. They like to work in a group and often

gesticulate during conversations (Sreenidhi and Helena, 2017).

The VAK learning styles model states that most people can be divided into one of

three preferred styles of learning. A person with a Visual learning style has a preference

for seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, displays,

handouts, films, flip-chart, etc. These individuals will be best able to perform a new task

after reading the instructions or watching someone else does it first. These are the people

who will work from lists and written directions and instructions.

A person with an Auditory learning style has a preference for the transfer of

information through listening: to the spoken word, of self or others, of sounds and noises.

These individuals are best able to perform a new task after listening to instructions from

an expert. These are the persons who are contented being given verbal instructions and

can remember all the words to songs that they hear.

A person with a Kinesthetic learning style has a preference for physical

experience touching, feeling, holding, doing, practical hands-on experiences. These

individuals will be best able to perform a new task by working ahead and trying it out,

learning as they go. These are the persons who like to experiment, hands-on, and never

look at the instructions first (Sreenidhi and Helena, 2017).

According to VAK model, learning styles are various approaches or ways of

learning. They involve educating methods, unique to every individual that are presumed

to allow a learner to learn best. Most individuals prefer a unique method of interacting

with, taking in, and processing stimuli or information. Learning styles are influenced by

many factors such as individual experience, different brainpowers and personality factors

such as a preference for learning alone or in a group. Our learning style will influence

how we handle with regular tasks in our life such as reading a globe or cooking a meal. A

useful example to help understand this concept better is how we learn to use a new piece

of technology. We can deal it either by sitting alone, reading instructions from beginning

to end, take a hands on activity or learn by seeing things. This example helps to reflect

about how learning preferences vary among individuals. Nevertheless, certain conditions

may also determine how each person learns something new. Such examples help us to

think about how we have preferences for the manner in which we learn. Thus,

understanding learning styles approaches helps us to consider an individual’s dominant or

preferred way of thinking in turn helping us to learn better in lesser time (Sreenidhi and

Helena, 2017).

Recent History

Recent years have seen a change in the trends of education from pedagogy to

andragogy i.e. from a teacher – centered learning to a student – centered learning.

Therefore, it is not only desirable but also necessary for educators to recognize that

students have different learning styles and that they should tailor instructions to the

characteristic ways in which they prefer to learn.

In 1907, Dr. Maria Montessori, who invented the Montessori Method of

education, began using materials to enhance the learning styles of her students. Dr.

Montessori believed that students do not exhibit mastery of subjects through a multiple-

choice answer sheet, but through their actions. In 1950 to 1970, the study of learning

styles declined for approximately 50 years before re-emerging in the 1950s. The decline

was due to the rise in emphasis on IQ and academic achievement. In 1956, Benjamin

Bloom developed a system known as Bloom's Taxonomy, which took another step

toward defining learning-style differences. Further advancement was made when the

Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Model was introduced in 1976, generating diagnostic

instruments for evaluation. From 1980s to the present day, different learning-style models

have been developed building on previous discoveries. In the '90s, the emphasis was

placed on having teachers address learning styles in the classroom through adjustments in

curriculum that incorporate each style, giving an equal chance for students to learn

(Sreenidhi and Helena, 2017).

Characteristic Patterns of each Learning Style

All the three learning styles have their own set of characteristics. Visual learning

is a teaching and learning style in which ideas, concepts, data and other information are

associated with images and techniques. It is one of the three basic types of learning styles

in the widely-used Fleming VAK/VARK model.

Prevalence: Making up about 60%-65% of the general population, visual learners absorb

and recall information best by seeing.


Characteristics of Visual Learners

Individuals who prefer this style of learning are those who learn through seeing

things. They prefer to see information & instructions and may forget information that has

only been heard. With the ability to visualize, they tend to see pictures and images when

they remember things and may use mind maps. They have a predisposition for writing,

drawing, imagining and prefer to create their own notes and to read for themselves.

They have an inclination to see a concept as whole rather than individual parts. They

benefit from seeing the aims and objectives of learning sessions or from understanding

the purpose of the session. Relying heavily on their senses and enjoying working in

groups where they observe non-verbal cues from colleagues, they learn through role play

and watching others perform or demonstrate a skill. Moreover, they also tend to have

good control over sign language.

Though visual learners tend to be good at spelling, they sometimes forget names.

Preferring a less formal setting to learn, a traditional classroom environment may not be

highly beneficial to them. They are usually organized and observant but can be distracted

by movement of others when they are trying to concentrate. With a tendency to daydream

while reading, they are likely to visualize what they are hearing. Visual Learners tend to

be fascinated with color and have the ability to understand complex maps, graphs and

charts. Hence, they may use color coding, diagrams and symbols to revise and help recall,

or by re-writing pieces of text or other information in their own style (Sreenidhi and

Helena, 2017).

Characteristics of Auditory Learners

Auditory learning is a learning style in which an individual learns through

listening. An auditory learner depends on hearing and speaking as the primary style of

learning. Auditory learners must be able to hear what is being said in order to understand

and may have difficulty with instructions that are written. They also use their listening

and repeating skills to sort through the information that is sent to them.

Prevalence: Making up about 30% of the population, auditory learners absorb

information best through the sense of hearing.

They may struggle to understand a chapter they have read, but then experience a

full understanding as they listen to the class lecture. They have the ability to follow

verbal instructions readily and prefer to hear information rather than read it. With a

tendency to adopt a theoretical style of learning, they need to understand small parts and

the relationships between these parts in order to create a bigger picture and gain a deeper

understanding. An auditory learner is skill oriented, memorizes tasks well and benefits

from traditional styles of teaching /lectures/ question and answer sessions.

Even though they are able to orally communicate well, they may have difficulty

communicating in written form. Auditory learners are good at writing responses to

lectures they have heard. They are also good at oral exams and learn effectively by

listening to information delivered orally, in lectures, speeches, and oral sessions. They

may be reluctant to make their own notes or conduct personal research and may prefer

delivering presentations to a written report.

Auditory learners tend to have a skill for ascertaining the true meaning of

someone's words by listening to audible signals like changes in tone. When memorizing a

phone number, an auditory learner will say it out loud and then remember how it sounded

to recall it. They tend to recall accurately what has been spoken, but may gain little

benefit from additional reading or writing out facts. They enjoy explaining their learning

to others in the group and learn from discussion.

Proponents claim that when an auditory/verbal learner reads, it is almost

impossible for the learner to comprehend anything without sound in the background. In

these situations, listening to music or having different sounds in the background (TV,

people talking, etc.) will help learners work better (Sreenidhi and Helena, 2017).

Characteristics of Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learning is a learning style in which learning takes by the student

actually carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or merely

watching a demonstration. It is also referred to as tactile learning. People with a

kinesthetic learning style are also commonly known as do-ers.

Prevalence: Making up about 5% of the population, tactile and kinesthetic learners absorb

information best by doing, experiencing, touching, moving or being active in some way.

According to Fleming’s learning style theory, students who have a predominantly

kinesthetic learning style are thought to be natural discovery learners. They prefer

learning by doing as opposed to having thought first before initiating action. With a

tendency to prefer exploring concepts through experimentation, they may not benefit

from learning by reading or listening. Moreover, such students need few verbal or

written instructions and are confident in participating in hands on activities. Thus,

kinesthetic learners would enjoy making things and learning through practical activities

and learn best in a laboratory, workshop, gymnasium, simulated or real environments

where they can be active.

The kinesthetic learner usually does well in things such as experiments, sporting

activities, art and acting. They also may listen to music while learning or studying. It is

common for them to focus on two different things at the same time. Kinesthetic learners'

short- and long-term memory is strengthened by their use of their own body's

movements. They will often remember things by going back in their minds and

visualizing their own body's movements. They also have very high hand-eye coordination

and very quick receptors.

In an elementary classroom setting, these students may stand out because of their

constant need to move; high levels of energy which may cause them to be agitated,

restless and/or impatient; fidgeting a lot but may be unaware of this and not distracted by

their own fidgeting (Sreenidhi and Helena, 2017).

Using Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) in Teaching Mathematics

According to the VAK model, the students’ learning styles are dependent on how

they prefer to perceive/receive information. They may prefer a single mode, two modes

(bimodal), or all three modes (tri-modal) of the information presentation.

In the study of Gilakjani (2012), an analysis of learning styles for Iranian EFL

university, more than 100 students completed a questionnaire to determine if their

learning styles are auditory, visual or kinesthetic. The finding showed that Iranian EFL

university students preferred learning style was visual. As teachers, we need to assess and

understand how to reach all students by understanding how to present information in

multiple modes.

Proponents say that teachers should assess the learning styles of their students and

adapt their classroom methods to best fit each student's learning style, which is called the

'meshing hypothesis”, that a student will learn best if taught in a method deemed

appropriate for the student's learning Style. The research study showed that most

preferred VAK mode was the kinesthetic and the most preferred teaching – learning

method was practical/activity. A positive correlation (Pearson’s correlation coefficient, r

= 0.752) was observed between the preferences of the VAK modes and the teaching

learning methods.

In addition, it was also observed that a significantly higher number of female

students preferred the auditory mode of the learning style as compared to the males;

whereas a significantly higher number of male students preferred the kinesthetic mode.

The VAK is applicable to an array of contexts. In addition to its traditional usage in

education contexts, the VAK facilitates communication in sports coaching, workplace

dynamics and even personal relationships (Gilakjani & Ahmadi, 2012)

According to Dunn and Dunn, as cited by Gilakjani and Ahmadi (2012), only 20-

30% of school age children appear to be auditory learners, 40% are visual learners, and

30-40% are tactile/kinesthetic or visual/tactile learners. Barbe and Milone (1981) stated

that for grade school children the most frequent modality strengths are visual (30%) or

mixed (30%), followed by auditory (25%), and then by kinesthetic (15%).

Learning styles are various approaches or ways of learning (Sreenidhi and Helena,

2017). They involve educating methods, exclusive to each individual that are assumed to

allow each learner to learn best. Most people prefer a distinguishable method of

interacting with, taking in, and processing stimuli or information. Moreover, learning

styles are influenced by many factors such as individual experience, different

intelligences and personality factors such as a preference for learning alone or in a group.

Our learning style will influence how we cope with regular tasks in our life such as

reading a map or cooking a meal. A useful example to help understand this concept better

is how we learn to use a new piece of technology. We can approach it either by sitting

alone, reading instructions from beginning to end before or take a ‘hands on’ approach

like pressing the different controls to discover through trial and error or learn by seeing

others using the same. This example helps to reflect about how learning preferences vary

among individuals. This said however, circumstances may also determine how each

person learns something new. Such examples help us to think about how we have

preferences for the manner in which we learn. Thus, understanding learning styles

approaches helps us to consider an individual’s dominant or preferred way of thinking in

turn helping us to learn better in lesser time.

According to Atkinson (2017), Visual learners learn by seeing. They have a high

ability for visual recall. They prefer to learn using visual representations such as graphs,

posters, maps, displays. Auditory learners learn by listening. They favor the audio and

have a high ability for auditory recall. They prefer repetition, summaries and benefit from

discussions, lectures, stories, Podcasts. Kinesthetic learners rely on doing to learn. They

heavily depend on interactions within the learning environment and especially with their

bodies. They will easily recall events or information attached to an experience or the

feelings of a physical event. They learn best through field trips, physical activity,

manipulating objects and touch.

Gholami and Bagheri (2013) conducted a study which aimed at finding out

whether there are significant differences in VAK learning styles and problem solving

styles according to students’ gender and students’ fields of study. Its purpose was to

investigate both VAK learning styles of EFL students of Boushehr Azad University and

problem styles they use. The correlational analyses revealed a positive relationship

between VAK learning styles and problem solving styles. The results revealed that

confidence learning style significantly correlated with tactile learning style. This implies

that tactile learners are more confident and can solve the problem when facing a difficult

situation. Creativity learning style significantly correlated with auditory, tactile, and

kinesthetic learning styles. The results also indicated that seeking support learning style

significantly correlated with auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic learning styles. Therefore,

the results show that auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic learners when facing a problem get

help from other people.

Dobson (2010) compared learning style preferences and sex and course

performance. There were 64 student respondents: 50 undergraduates and 14 graduates (40

women and 24 men). The results showed that there was a significant relationship between

learning style and sex and course performance.

In the study of Deshmukh et. al, aimed to determine the thinking style and

learning style of Engineering and MBA students and compare the findings to help

instructors design and deliver appropriate contents as per their learning needs. A Brain

dominance and VAK (Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic) questionnaire was administrated

to the students who were enrolled for m-learning course and learning styles of these

students with dominant hemisphere were determined. In this paper data from 265 learners

is collected and learner’s thinking style and learning style are determined. The

experimental results indicate that there is diversity in thinking style and learning style

preferences of the two experimental groups. The comparative study has shown that

Electronics engineering students prefer kinesthetic style of learning. The course content

should have more of laboratory applications where students get hands-on experience of

different tools, analysis. The Mechanical engineering students prefer visual and auditory

styles of learning. The course content should have more machine tools with explanation

based learning material. Thus, students are not limited to a single style of instruction and

their learning styles can be converged to a common goal of understanding and benefitting

from the course. The Civil engineering and MBA students prefer auditory style of

learning, and the course should be designed and delivered to give them more

instructions or explanation and prepare them for managerial roles for giving instructions,

discussions etc. The instructors must be able to modify their teaching styles to support

those different learning processes and evaluating the effect of such modifications on

individual learners.

In the study conducted by French, et al. (2007), it examines the learning styles of

occupational therapy students at one Australian university. The learning style

preferences of first year undergraduate occupational therapy students (n = 120) were

investigated. The students completed the Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI) and

Fleming's VARK (Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic) Questionnaire in the first

weeks of their course. Results revealed that the response rate was 97% (n = 116).

Learning style preferences as determined by the Kolb LSI were spread over all four Kolb

LSI learning styles with ‘diverging’ (30.2%) and ‘converging’ (28.4%) being the most

preferred. Instructional preference as measured by the VARK Questionnaire was

kinesthetic learning (33%), followed by the multimodal preference VARK (18.1%).

Visual and aural categories were these students’ least preferred methods of learning.

According to the study of Lisle (2007), the development of an electronic

inventory to assess learning styles of adults with intellectual difficulties was seen as an

inclusion strategy to aid learning and achievement. The use of VAK inventories (whether

electronic or paper based), however, has been derogated as leading to theory-practice

pedagogy that is misinterpreted and ill-informed. The focus here is dual in that the vigor

and ‘user friendliness’ of the tool developed is analyzed in the midst of a critical

appraisal of its use. Assessments conducted using the inventory developed showed 34

percent of the participants have visual preferences, 34 percent have auditory, 23 percent

have kinesthetic, and 9 percent have multimodal learning preferences. Thus, this

participant group requires a varied and diverse learning program. The inventory was

found to be user friendly but in need of further development, and would best be used as

part of a self-reflective learning package.

In the quasi-experimental research conducted by Rahman et al. (2016) which

objectives are to examine: 1) which model of cooperative learning (TAI or STAD) is

suitable for improving student learning outcomes; 2) whether the learning outcomes of

mathematics students who have a visual learning style taught by the TAI type model is

better than when they are taught with the STAD model; 3) whether the learning outcomes

of mathematics students who have an auditory learning style taught by the TAI type

model are better than when they are taught with the STAD model; 4) whether the

learning outcomes of mathematics students who have a kinesthetic learning style taught

by the TAI type model are better than when they are taught with the STAD model; and 5)

whether the learning outcomes of students who have a visual learning style are better than

for students with an auditory or kinesthetic learning style. The results of the learning

outcomes of mathematics by students who were taught by the TAI and STAD

cooperative learning model types show that there are no significant differences in terms

of the visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles.

This descriptive study conducted by Rahman & Ahmar (2017) which aims to

examine the relationship between learning styles and learning outcomes by gender. The

population in this study were all students in 1st year of SMAN 1 Galesong Selatan,

Indonesia, in the 2014/2015 academic year. The instruments used in this research was the

test of modalities learning styles (TMLS), to determine whether the students’ learning

styles are visual, auditory and kinesthetic (VAK), and documentation. The results of this

study showed that: 1) the learning styles of visual and auditory learning styles is

dominated by women; and 2) there is no relationship between the variables of learning

styles, genders and interaction of learning styles with genders to learning achievement.

In the study conducted by Nuzhat et al (2013) which aimed to know the

differences in learning styles between male and female students, and the effect it has on

academic performance. The VARK Questionnaire version 7.0 (Visual, Aural,

Read/Write and Kinesthetic) was administered to the fourth year and fifth year medical

students at King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University for Health Sciences. The learning

styles were then compared to cumulative grade point average (GPA) obtained by the

students. Results revealed that the dominant learning style preference of students was

multimodal. Among students who preferred unimodal preference, auditory and

kinesthetic preference was predominant for males and females. Moreover, Females had

more diverse preferences than male students. Multimodal learners have higher

cumulative GPAs when compared with the unimodal learners. This study revealed

variation in learning style preferences among genders, and its implications on academic

performance of medical students.

In the study of Vaishnav (2013), learning style refers to the ability of learners to

perceive and process information in learning situations. One of the most important uses

of learning styles is that it makes it easy for teachers to incorporate them into their

teaching. This study is an analysis of learning styles prevalent among secondary school

students. It was conducted on three learning styles-visual, auditory and kinesthetic

(VAK). It also tries to find out relation and effect of different learning styles on academic

achievements of students. A sample of 200 students of class 9th, 10th and 11th standard

of Maharashtra state was selected for the study. Findings of the study reveal that,

kinesthetic learning style was found to be more prevalent than visual and auditory

learning styles among secondary school students. There exists positive high correlation

between kinesthetic learning style and academic achievement. The main effects of the

three variables - visual, auditory and kinesthetic are significant on academic


In some sense, teachers need to be sure they are being practical and interactive in

their teaching with students. Teachers should always strive for new and innovative ways

to make teaching and learning effective, beginning with an awareness of the different

ways in which students learn.

Weaknesses, Disadvantages and Applicability of V – A – K Model

According to Morgan (2020), if a learner struggles to understand information in a

certain class, it may have been because the learning style of a learner didn’t match up

with the instructor’s personal learning style. Whether they learn best by seeing, hearing

or doing, all students have dominant learning styles with different advantages and

disadvantages describe as follows:

Visual learners best obtain information by reading, seeing or interpreting

illustrations of material. They normally excel at observation and memory skills, often

able to picture the location of information in textbooks and their class notes. Their ability

to see the action of a story happening in their minds also makes them strong readers. On

the other hand, visual learners struggle with listening to directions and information that is

not written out. They may experience difficulty in lecture-oriented classes and often

require instructors to repeat information.

Auditory learners succeed in classes that let them process knowledge through

hearing and verbal communication. Lectures, reading out loud and giving oral reports and

speeches comprise their strongest methods of instruction. They enjoy discussing and

debating class material and often have special skills in music, such as memorizing lyrics.

Their tendency toward speaking can also be a demise, though, as they tend to be too

talkative and dominate conversations. They also may need to hear information in order to

fully learn it, meaning that information not covered in lectures may be unclear to them.

Kinesthetic learners secure information best when they are able to directly

experience it through movement and touch. Hands-on activities like experiments, art

projects, role-plays and skits give them the greatest advantage. Their tendency toward

movement, however, is sometimes problematic, as they frequently struggle with sitting

still and paying attention. They are often uncomfortable in classes that involve a great

deal of reading and lectures and may need to take frequent breaks while studying.

According to Saari, et al (2015), there are lots of cons in learning style theory.

(a)There is no definite scientific evidence to support it; (b) Teachers are using the

information incorrectly and forcing children to focus on one specific learning style;

(c)Students learn using all of the methods of the learning style rather than one specific

one; (d)It is important to see how students learn best which may involve more than one

specific way of learning. Working with their similarities may be more important than

teaching towards their differences. Providing access to all learning styles can reach

students on multiple levels and create a deeper meaning.

Sharp, Bryne & Bowker (2008) as cited by Martin, Lewis & Edwards (2011)

discussed the tendency to trivialize learning as well as the validity of the claims made for

the VAK framework, in the context of its wide adoption. The use of the VAK framework

was spreading around schools by “word-of -mouth”, and the basic beliefs and ideas

involved were consequently second-hand, confused and misinformed. The users could

rarely explain how learning styles, multiple intelligences, accelerated learning, and other

concepts were linked (Slater, Lujan & DiCarlo, 2007; in Martin et al. 2011). Sharp et al.

(2008) further expressed their dislike of the VAK framework and deemed it weak, with

little elaboration of design and development, or establishment of validity and reliability.


However, despite the reservations of Sharp et al. (2008), the VAK framework does

provide a useful means of analyzing learning styles.

Geake (2005) as cited by Martin et al. (2011) also expressed reservations about

applicability of the VAK framework to the classroom where students with different

learning modalities would almost inevitably be found together.

There would be problems for teachers to know how best to deal with V and K

learners in a music lesson, or A and K learners in an art lesson, for example. Gilmore,

McCarthy & Spike (2007) as cited by Martin et al. (2011) suggested that a simple

demonstration of the ineffectiveness of VAK as a model of cognition comes from asking

5-year-olds to distinguish different sized groups of dots where the groups are too large for

counting. Kratzig & Arbuthnott (2006) as cited by Martin et al. (2011) noted that there is

no measurable improvement in learning outcomes with VAK over-and-above that

accounted for by teacher enthusiasm, and suggested that attempts to focus on learning

styles were wasted efforts. This negative criticism of the VAK approach to learning styles

can be addressed: (1) Firstly, VAK appears to provide teachers with a perfectly plausible

model which includes a theoretical framework, instrumentation, and strategies and

activities to try out in their own classrooms (Sharp et al., 2008). (2) Its analysis is based

on real-life situations and respondents identify with the results that they receive. For

example, 60% of respondents on the VAK website reported that their VAK results match

what they perceive to be their learning preferences”. (3) An understanding of one’s

learning style (Rochford, 2004; in Martin et al. 2011) and the preference of one style over

another has been shown to improve performance of students. (Boatman, Courtney & Lee

2008; in Martin et al. 2011).


Performance in Geometry

What is Geometry?

Geometry comes in many definitions such as: (a) Geometry is a branch of

mathematics which deals with the study of different shapes or figures and their properties

(Fabiyiin; in Paulina, 2007). (b) The Geodes (2005) defines the word geometry as to

“measure the earth” and is the science of shape and size of things. (c) Geometry is the

study of shapes and sizes in various dimensions (Olortegui, 2017). Geometry could be a

plane or solid shape and their properties. The plane shape is a geometrical object with

length and width/ breadth or base and height/ altitude. Plane shapes are also called 2-

dimensional shapes such as square, rectangle, circle, polygon, triangle, and so on. A solid

shape is a geometrical object with length, breadth and height or base area and height.

Solid shapes are also called 3-dimensional shapes such as a cone, pyramid, sphere,

cylinder, prism, cube, and cuboid and (Salman, 2009).

History of Geometry

Geometry's origins go back to approximately 3,000 BC in ancient Egypt. Ancient

Egyptians used an early stage of geometry in several ways, including the surveying of

land, construction of pyramids, and astronomy. Around 2,900 BC, ancient Egyptians

began using their knowledge to construct pyramids with four triangular faces and a

square base. The next great advancement in geometry came from Euclid in 300 BC when

he wrote a text titled 'Elements.' In this text, Euclid presented an ideal axiomatic form

(now known as Euclidean geometry) in which propositions could be proven through a


small set of statements that are accepted as true. In fact, Euclid was able to derive a great

portion of planar geometry from just the first five postulates in 'Elements. These

postulates are (1) A straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points. (2) A

straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points. (3) Given any straight line

segment, a circle can be drawn having the segment as radius and one endpoint as center.

(4) All right angles are congruent. (5) If two lines are drawn which intersect a third line in

such a way that the sum of the inner angles on one side is less than two right angles, then

the two lines inevitably must intersect each other on that side if extended infinitely.

Euclid's fifth postulate is also known as the parallel postulate (Wyzant, 2005).

Basic Elements of Geometry

According to Wyzant (2005), there are some of the key concepts and terms that

are needed to know in order to begin the study of geometry. (1) Point: use points to

specify exact locations. They are generally denoted by a number or letter. Points specify a

single, exact location, they are zero-dimensional. In other words, points have no length,

width, or height. It may be helpful to think of a point as a miniscule "dot" on a piece of

paper. (2) Line: lines in geometry may be thought of as a "straight" line that can be drawn

on paper with a pencil and ruler. However, instead of this line being bounded by the

dimensions of the paper, a line extends infinitely in both directions. A line is one-

dimensional, having length, but no width or height. Lines are uniquely determined by two

points. (3) Line segment: Consider the task of drawing a "straight" line on a piece of

paper (as we've done when thinking about lines). What you've actually done is create a

line segment. Because our piece of paper has defined dimensions and we cannot draw a

line infinitely in any direction, we have constructed a segment that begins somewhere and

ends somewhere. (4) Ray: A ray is a "straight" line that begins at a certain point and

extends infinitely in one direction. A ray has one endpoint, which marks the position

from where it begins. (5) Endpoints: Endpoints mark the beginning or end of a line

segment or ray. Line segments have two endpoints, giving them defined lengths, whereas

rays only have one endpoint, so the length of a ray cannot be measured. (6) Midpoint:

The midpoint of a line segment marks the point at which the segment is divided into two

equal segments. In other words, the lengths of the segments from either endpoint to the

midpoint are equal. (7) Intersection point: When we have lines, line segments, or rays

that meet, or cross at a certain point, we call it an intersection point. In other words, those

figures intersect somewhere. (8) Parallel: Two lines that will never intersect are called

parallel lines. In the case of line segments and rays, we must consider the lines that they

lie in. In other words, we must consider the case that the line segments or rays were

actually lines that extend infinitely in both directions. If the lines they lie on never

intersect, they are called parallel. (9) A transversal is a type of line that intersects at least

two other lines. The lines that a transversal cross may or may not be parallel. (10) Plane:

A plane can be thought of as a two-dimensional flat surface, having length and width, but

no height. A plane extends indefinitely on all sides and is composed of an infinite number

of points and lines. One way to think about a plane is as a sheet of paper with infinite

length and width. (11) Space: Space is the set of all possible points on an infinite number

of planes. Thus, space covers all three dimensions - length, width, and height. (12) Angle:

a geometric figure made up of two rays of two line segments that have the same endpoint.

The common endpoint is the vertex. Acute angles have a measure that is less than 90

degrees. Right angles have a measure that is exactly 90 degrees. Obtuse angles have a

measure that is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. Straight angles that

have a measure that is exactly 180 degrees. (13) Triangle: a geometric figure made up of

three rays or three line segments. Acute triangle composed of three acute angles. Right

triangle composed of one right angle and two acute angles. Obtuse triangle composed of

one obtuse angle and two acute angles. Scalene triangle with no congruent sides and no

congruent angles. Isosceles triangle with at least two congruent sides and at least two

congruent angles. Equilateral triangle with three congruent sides and three congruent

angles. (14) Quadrilaterals: a geometric figure made up of four sides and four angles.

Rectangle, a quadrilateral with four right angles. Opposite sides are equal in length.

Square, a quadrilateral with four right angles. All sides are equal in length. Parallelogram,

a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel. Opposite sides are equal and opposite

angles are equal. Rhombus, a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel. Opposite

sides are equal in length and opposite angles are equal in measure. All sides are equal in

length. Trapezoid, a quadrilateral with two sides are parallel and two sides are not

parallel. Kite, a quadrilateral with two pairs of consecutive congruent sides. (15)

Polygons: A polygon is a closed figure where the sides are all line segments. Each side

must intersect exactly two others sides but only at their endpoints. The sides must be

noncollinear and have a common endpoint. Triangle (3 sides), Quadrilateral (4 sides),

Pentagon (5 sides), Hexagon (6 sides), Heptagon (7 sides), Octagon (8 sides), Nonagon

(9 sides), Decagon (10 sides), Dodecagon (12 sides).


Teaching Geometry

Geometry, as one of the most important branches of Mathematics, has a very

significant place in education. Most of the items that we mostly see and use in our

environment are composed of geometrical shapes and objects. Utilizing these objects and

shapes efficiently depends on understanding the relations among them. We also make use

of geometrical thoughts in solving problems (like painting, lining-wall etc.), in defining

the space and running our profession as well (Serin, 2018). Geometry is of far reaching

importance beyond the worlds of professional mathematicians and of mathematics

teaching. It is frequently used to model what we call the ‘real world’ and has many

applications in solving practical problems (Royal Society, 2001).

According to Serin (2018) as cited in Bakul (2005), the following items can be

among some reasons why geometry is given place in mathematics teaching at schools. (a)

Critical thinking and problem solving occupy an important role amongst mathematical

studies at school. Geometry studies provide significant contribution to the skills of

critical thinking and problem solving. (b) Geometry subjects give assistance in teaching

other topics of the mathematics. For instance, geometry is utilized to gain the concepts

regarding fraction and decimal numbers; rectangles, squares, areas and circles are mainly

used to teach the techniques of the operations. (c) Geometry is one of the most important

parts of the mathematics which is used in daily life. For example, the shapes of the

rooms, buildings and shapes used for ornaments are geometric shapes (d) Geometry is a

device which is used a lot in science and art as well. As an illustration, it can be said that

architects and engineers use geometric shapes a lot; geometrical characteristics are used

quite much in the physics and chemistry. (e) Geometry helps students gain much more

awareness about the world in which they live and appreciate its value. For example, the

shapes of crystals and the orbits of the space objects are geometric. (f) Geometry is a tool

that will help students have fun and even make them love mathematics. For example,

they can have enjoyable games with geometrical shapes through cutting, pasting, rotating,

parallel displacement and symmetry. It is required that a person who will be in charge of

teaching and training of students must have comprehensive knowledge of the subject and

must know the growth and development of human closely.

According to Fabiyi (2017), Geometry plays a significant role in primary and

secondary schools mathematics curricula in Nigeria and other countries. It provides a rich

source of visualization for understanding arithmetical, algebraic, and statistical concepts.

Geometry appears naturally in the structure of the solar system, a geological formation,

rocks and crystals, plants and flowers, and even in animals. It is also a major part of the

synthetic world such as art, architecture, cars, machines, and virtually everything humans

create. In the same vein, studies revealed that geometry is applicable and relevant to

employment in everyday live, other subjects in the curriculum such as science, arts, and


Improving Students’ Performance in Geometry

In spite of these importance, a thorough research revealed the factors that are

responsible for students’ difficulty in learning geometry to include: lack of proof by

students, lack of background knowledge, poor reasoning skill in geometry, geometric

language comprehension, lack of visualizing abilities, teachers’ method of teaching, non-


availability of instructional materials, lack of proof by students, gender differences

among others.

In the study of Fabiyi (2017), which focused on geometry concepts in

mathematics perceived difficult to learn by senior secondary school students in Ekiti

State, Nigeria. 500 senior secondary school two (SS2) students made up of 228 males and

272 females from thirty (30) co-educational schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria constituted the

sample for the study using proportionate and random sampling techniques respectively. A

23-item Questionnaire on Geometry Concepts in Mathematics Perceived Difficult was

used as instrument for the study. Three research questions were answered using

frequency counts and percentages while the only formulated hypothesis was tested using

chi-square statistics. The findings revealed that, out of 23 concepts, eight concepts were

perceived difficult to learn by students which includes: Construction, coordinate

geometry, circle theorem and so on and reasons given for perceiving geometry concepts

difficult includes: Unavailability of instructional materials, teachers’ method of

instruction and so on. Also, students’ gender had a great influence on the learning of

concepts in geometry at 0.05 level of significant in favor of female students. It is

therefore recommended that the identified difficult geometry concepts in mathematics

should be taught by using appropriate teachers’ method of instruction and instructional


In the study of Ma et. Al (2014), as an effort to account of disparities in

mathematics performance between American and East Asian middle school students, the

present research aims to compare the relationship between learning styles (competitive

and cooperative) and mathematics performance among middle school students between

the USA and the three top – performing East Asian countries (Hong Kong, Japan, and

Korea) in 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Results from

hierarchical linear model (HLM) with students nested within schools demonstrated three

key findings: (a) competitive learning had a statistically significant positive through small

relationship with mathematics performance in all four countries, (b) cooperative learning

had a statistically significant through small relationship with mathematics performance in

the three East Asian countries but not in the USA, and (c) relationship between

competitive learning and mathematics performance was as strong as the relationship

between cooperative learning and mathematics performance across the three East Asian


In the study of Kariuki and Humphrey (2006), a sample of 26 at-risk fourth

graders was randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental

group was taught geometry concepts using drama, while the control group received more

traditional instruction. Fifty minute lessons per day were given for one week. Then, a

multiple choice test to assess academic achievement was administered along with a Likert

survey to assess interest and attitude towards math. A significant difference was found

between the academic achievement of experimental and control groups. No difference

was found in the interest and attitude toward math between experimental and control

groups. Finally, no significant relationship was found between academic achievement and

interest and attitude towards math. These results imply that drama can be an effective

teaching tool but may be more beneficial over a longer time to students whose learning

style best appeals to such instruction.


Problem Solving in Mathematics

Mathematical word problem solving involves the integration of several cognitive

(e.g., attention, memory, language) and metacognitive processes (e.g., self-questioning,

selfmonitoring, self-evaluation) (Jitendra et. al, 2015). Solving problems is the obvious

way of manifestation and usefulness of mathematics, intellectually and beyond. This

activity provides the student the opportunity to face a difficulty that he can overcome by

exploiting the combination of knowledge he possesses (declarative, procedural and

conditional) in an efficient manner in a well-defined context. It also favors the transfer of

this knowledge between different fields of knowledge. The successful completion of the

process of solving a math problem, whether it is a pure mathematical problem or a

problem with a practical application, is subject to a positive way of thinking of the solver

engaged in a successful project, supported by "the firm intention to reach the end. The

student also needed: motivation, pleasure, and self-confidence (essential for a positive

attitude). Self-confidence is acquired by understanding matter through personal reflection

on work, by analyzing successes, even the partial ones, and also failures. The chances of

a student to carry out the solving of a difficult problem are significantly reduced if he

shows fear towards the statement and he is pessimistic as regarding his possibilities of

success: such a negative mindset is often paralyzing and can lead to a real "mental block"

right from the start. To avoid these situations, the teacher must provide the conditions to

achieve "successful experiences" in solving problems, to give him a positive self-image

in relation to this activity. As regarding the conditions of solving problems, problems can

be solved individually or in groups, with repercussions on the resolving process.

(Caprioara, 2015).

In the study of Prakitipong and Nakamura (2006), Thailand still faces the

problems of low performance in mathematics at primary school level, especially in the

area of ability in mathematical problem solving. Their paper attempts to reveal the cause

of students' low achievement through analysis of the levels of their abilities, which are

classified into the five stages, i.e. reading, comprehension, transformation, process skills,

and encoding. Comparison was made between students in Bangkok and Samutsakhon

Province. Results revealed that there are five questions to interview forty Grade five

students. The data suggested that most of students’ errors occurred at comprehension

level for structured questions while the errors for multiple choice questions occurred at

the transformation level. Good performers’ errors did not occur at reading level, but poor

performers’ errors occurred mostly at comprehension level.

Components of Problem Solving

Lester (1982) postulated that successful problem solving in mathematics is a

function of at least five components: First component is (a) mathematical knowledge and

experience. (b) skill in the use of a variety of generic "tool" skills (e.g., sorting relevant

from irrelevant information, drawing diagrams, etc.), c) the ability to use a variety of

heuristics known to be used in mathematical problem solving, d) knowledge about one's

own cognitions before, during, and after a problem-solving episode, and e) the ability to

maintain executive control (i.e. to monitor and regulate) of the procedures being

employed during problem solving.


Process in Problem Solving

According to Todd (2019), in the book of George Polya, a European-born

scholar and mathematician, problem solving process includes (a) understanding the

problem, and desiring its solution. This process may restate the problem, identify the

principal parts of the problem and considering the essential questions “What is

unknown?”, “What data are available?”, “What is the condition?” (b) devising a plan:

consider the question “Do you know a related problem?” (then look at the unknown

and try to think of a familiar problem having the same or similar unknown ),

“Can you restate the problem?”, “Did you use all the data?”, and “Did you use the whole

condition? (c) carrying out the plan: consider these questions “Can you see that each

step is correct?”, and “Can you prove that each step is correct?” (d) looking

back: consider the questions “can you check the result?”, “can you check the

argument?”, “Can you derive the result differently?”, “Can you see the result in

a glance?”, and Can you use the result, or the method, for some other

problem?” Mathematically proficient students start by explaining to themselves

the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution. They

analyze givens, constraints, relationships, and goals. They make conjectures

about the form and meaning of the solution and plan a solution pathway rather

than simply jumping into a solution attempt. They consider analogous

problems, and try special cases and simpler forms of the original problem in

order to gain insight into its solution.


Evaluating Problem Solving

The most natural and common method for assessing performance in problem

solving is to obtain general impressions about the quality of a solution while scanning

students’ work. These general impressions are strongly influenced by proximity of

correctness of the answer. As a result, good solutions with minor errors due to

carelessness that alter the answer dramatically can receive undeservedly low scores.

Scales are available that focus more attention on solution procedures, enabling teachers to

obtain fairer and more reliable scores. For example, Charles, Lester, and O’Daffer (1987)

devised a scale that provides ways to more clearly identify what is to be evaluated,

outlines some evaluation techniques, discusses ways to organize and manage an

evaluation program, and examines how to use the results of the evaluation. The

evaluation techniques that are described include: (1) observation and questioning

(addressing informal observation methods and structured interviews; (2) self-assessment

data (dealing with student reports and inventories); (3) holistic scoring (including analytic

scoring, focused holistic scoring, and general impression scoring); and (4) multiple-

choice and completion tests. Each technique discussed includes sample problems and

examples of solution.

Related studies to Mathematics Performance are described in the following


In the study of Devine, et. al (2002), about Mathematics anxiety (MA) which

aimed to measure girls’ and boys’ mathematics performance as well as their levels of MA

while controlling for test anxiety (TA) a construct related to MA but which is typically

not controlled for in MA studies. Four-hundred and thirty-three British secondary school

children in school years 7, 8 and 10 completed customized mental mathematics tests and

MA and TA questionnaires. No gender differences emerged for mathematics

performance but levels of MA and TA were higher for girls than for boys. Girls and boys

showed a positive correlation between MA and TA and a negative correlation between

MA and mathematics performance. TA was also negatively correlated with mathematics

performance, but this relationship was stronger for girls than for boys. When controlling

for TA, the negative correlation between MA and performance remained for girls only.

Regression analyses revealed that MA was a significant predictor of performance for girls

but not for boys.

In the study conducted by Kalloo & Mohan (2012), where mobile learning is

explored to determine if it can assist students in improving their performance in

mathematics in secondary schools in the Caribbean. A mobile learning system was

designed comprising multiple strategies, game-based learning and personalization for

learning mathematics. The mobile learning application referred to as Mobile Math was

created for learning algebra. The results revealed that the students were able to improve

their performance and they were excited about using a mobile device for learning. They

adapted well to using this method of learning for the first time. The students who

improved were those who had done algebra in a previous school term but may have been

failing the subject. However, the mobile application did not make a significant impact on

students who were learning the algebraic content for the first time.

In the study conducted by Yara and Otieno (2010), two hundred and forty-two

(242) students were randomly selected from nine schools in the three divisions of Bondo

districts out of 24 schools. The study was based on Skinner’s Motivational Theory of

learning (Skinner, 1985), which postulates that students’ motivation to undertake a task

depends on expected reward. Efficient learning will take place when there is strong

motivation of learner to learn by the teacher. The result shows that there is a positive

multiple correlation among the eight independent variables and the dependent variable –

mathematics performance. These variables are parent/guardian financial support,

government financial support, lack of trained teachers, classroom/laboratories,

stationeries/teaching aids, textbooks/student-ratio, students’ attitude and personal extra

time and academic performance in mathematics, which is the dependent variable. It also

implies that the factors are relevant towards the determination of the dependent measure.

In the study of conducted by Khashi’el et al. (2017) which aimed to compare the

performance of Engineering Technology (ET) students’ in a pre and post Mathematics

Competency Test. Pre-test was given in the first week of the semester before the topics

were discussed, while the post-test was held during the second semester after the topics

was being discussed. Results revealed that the students’ performance in post-test was

better compared to that pre-test.

The study of Rajapakshe (2018) which focuses on investigation of learning style

preferences of business students who enrolled in two different set of course modules;

descriptive and mathematical. Findings revealed that there was no difference between the

two groups of students enrolled in descriptive and mathematical course module using

independent sample t-test. The learning style preferences of business descriptive and

mathematical students revealed that both groups of students prefer multimodal more than


The study of Risnawati & Sari (2017), which aimed to develop learning media

based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) approach that was valid and practical

and able to facilitate students' mathematical understanding ability. Results showed that

based on the students’ mathematical understanding ability test, the learning media based

on Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) was very effective with 89.74% effectivity

rate. From these results, the developed learning media was very valid, very practical, and

very effective to facilitate students’ mathematical understanding ability.

The study of Adhitya (2018), which aimed to obtain a type of errors and their

reason of 7th -grade students in mathematics problem-solving test about quadrilateral

based on visual learning style: auditory learning style, and kinesthetic learning style. The

error of this study is based on Newman’s Error Analysis that are reading, comprehension,

transformation, process skill, and encoding. The results showed that (1) the visual

learning style student mostly makes transformation error, (2) auditory learning style

student mostly makes transformation error and process skill, (3) kinesthetic learning style

don’t have a tendency on the type of errors. Generally, the reason for error, whereas

visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, are low prerequisite lessons such as ratio, algebra, and

one variable linear system.


This review of literature provides the concept, theory and related studies of V-A-

K model, Geometry, problem solving and mathematics performance

The first section of the literature reviews the description of learning styles, V-A-K

model and other factors related to it.

The learning styles that are present in literature are Dunn and Dunn, Kolb, Felder

and Soloman and Fleming’s learning styles. The VAK classification, proposed by Neil

Fleming, It is one of the three basic types of learning styles in the widely-used Fleming

VAK/VARK model. It divides the population into three classes or three preferred

learning styles namely visual, auditory and kinesthetic. A person with a Visual learning

style has a preference for seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams,

demonstrations, displays, handouts, films, flip-chart, etc. A person with an Auditory

learning style has a preference for the transfer of information through listening: to the

spoken word, of self or others, of sounds and noises. A person with a Kinesthetic learning

style has a preference for physical experience touching, feeling, holding, doing, practical

hands-on experiences. Learning styles are various approaches or ways of learning

(Sreenidhi and Helena, 2017). Gilakjani (2012), studied an analysis of learning styles.

Barbe and Milone (1981) stated that for grade school children the most frequent modality

strengths are visual (30%) or mixed (30%), followed by auditory (25%), and then by

kinesthetic (15%). In addition, Gholami and Bagheri (2013) conducted a study which

aimed at finding out whether there are significant differences in VAK learning styles and

problem solving styles according to students’ gender and students’ fields of study. The

results revealed that confidence learning style significantly correlated with tactile learning

style. This implies that tactile learners are more confident and can solve the problem

when facing a difficult situation. Creativity learning style significantly correlated with

auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic learning styles. Furthermore, in the study conducted by

Nuzhat et al (2013) which aimed to know the differences in learning styles between male

and female students, and the effect it has on academic performance. Results revealed

variation in learning style preferences among genders, and its implications on academic

performance of medical students.

In some sense, teachers need to be a facilitator and interactive in their teaching

with students. Teachers should always find creative ways to make teaching and learning

interesting and effective, beginning with an awareness of the different learning styles of

the students.

The second part of the review discussed the variables that are related to Geometry.
Geometry defined as :(a) Geometry is a branch of mathematics which deals with the

study of different shapes or figures and their properties (Fabiyiin; in Paulina, 2007). (b)

The Geodes (2005) defines the word geometry as to “measure the earth” and is the

science of shape and size of things. (c) Geometry is the study of shapes and sizes in

various dimensions (Olortegui, 2017).  In the study of Fabiyi (2017), which focused on

geometry concepts in mathematics perceived difficult to learn by senior secondary school

students. The findings revealed that, out of 23 concepts, eight concepts were perceived

difficult to learn by students which includes: Construction, coordinate geometry, circle

theorem and so on.

The third section of the review shows the factors that are related to problem

solving. Mathematical word problem solving involves the integration of several cognitive

and metacognitive processes (Jitendra et. al, 2015). In addition, according to Todd

(2019), in the book of George Polya, problem solving process includes (a)

understanding the problem, and desiring its solution. In the study of Prakitipong and

Nakamura (2006), Thailand still faces the problems of low performance in mathematics

at primary school level, especially in the area of ability in mathematical problem solving.

Results revealed that most of students’ errors occurred at comprehension level for

structured questions while the errors for multiple choice questions occurred at the

transformation level. Good performers’ errors did not occur at reading level, but poor

performers’ errors occurred mostly at comprehension level.

The author of this study accepts the theory in the aforementioned literature and

related studies has an influence the learning of mathematics.


Chapter 3


This chapter deals with the description of the research design, participants of the

study, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure, and data processing


Research Design

This study utilized the quasi – experimental specifically the pretest – posttest non

– equivalent group design. This method was used to compare participant groups and

measure the degree of change occurring as a result of treatments or interventions

(Shuttleworth, 2008). In this design, two groups were involved, one group was given the

intervention and the results were gathered at the end. The control group received no

intervention, over the same period of time, but underwent exactly the same tests.

The research design is shown in Figure 2.

Group Participants Pretest Teaching Model Posttest

Experimental group O1 X1 O2

Control Group O3 X O4

Figure 2. Pretest and Posttest Non – equivalent Group Design


The figure shows the pretest and posttest non – equivalent group design where the

experimental group has given a pretest (O1), taught the topics using VAK model (X1),

then were given a posttest (O2). On the other hand, the control group was given a pretest

(O3), taught the topics without VAK model (X), and were given also a posttest (O4). Both

groups took the same pretest and posttest and taught the same topics but of different

teaching strategies.

Participants of the Study

The 90 Grade 9 learners of Tagsing – Buyo National High School in Santa

Barbara, Iloilo enrolled for the School Year 2019 – 2020 were all taken as participants of

the study. However, delinquent students specifically those learners who were at risk of

dropping out were removed. As a result, twenty – eight learners from each sections,

Grade 9 – Jupiter and Grade 9 – Saturn, were selected as participants of the study and

these sections were heterogeneous. Match pairing was used in the selection of the

subjects used as samples of the study. An adopted VAK learning styles self-assessment

questionnaire by Chislett & Chapman (2005) were administered to the participants before

the start of the study for inventory. Results revealed that majority of the participants of

the experimental group were kinesthetic (49%), while visual (27%), and auditory (24%).

On the other hand, majority of the participants in the control group were auditory (56%),

while kinesthetic (25%), and visual (19%). The participants were divided into two

groups: experimental and control group. The tossing of coin was employed in selecting

the group participants of the study. As a result of tossing a coin, the Grade 9 – Saturn

learners were assigned as the experimental group while Grade 9 – Jupiter learners as

control group. The class schedule of the experimental group and the control group was

1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M., respectively.

Table 1 represents the distribution of the participants.

Table 1

Distribution of the Participants


Category N %
A. Entire group 56 100

B. With VAK learning style model 28 50

C. Without VAK learning style model 28 50


Data Gathering Instrument

For the purpose of this study, a 10 – item researcher – made test was used to

determine the learners’ performance in problem solving. The researcher prepared the

questionnaire together with the Table of Specifications (TOS) and the rubric in scoring.

The lessons covered in the study were based on the Grade 9 Learners’ Material as

prescribed by the Department of Education. The lessons included quadrilaterals and

similarities. The utilized the pre-test and post-test instrument to the two groups of

participants. Before the conduct of the experiment, three jurors were chosen according to

their expertise to validate the questionnaire.

The data for this study were collected using the instruments namely: Teacher –

Made Problem Solving test and Teacher – Made Rubrics.


Teacher – Made Problem Solving Test in Math. The test consisted of 10 items

problem – solving involving mathematics in high school. The teacher – made rubrics

were utilized to score the test. The perfect score a student can achieve in every problem is

5 points, therefore, every student is expected to earn a total score of 50 points in the test.

To interpret and describe the score, the following scale will be used.

Score Description

40.01 – 50.00 Very High

30.01 – 40.00 High

20.01 – 30.00 Moderate

10.01 – 20.00 Low

0.00 – 10.00 Very Low

Teacher – Made Rubrics. This instrument was utilized to determine the

mathematics performance of learners. The rubric scoring utilized the 5 Likert points (see

Appendix C).

The teacher – made problem solving test was be submitted for face and content

validation to a panel of jurors, meticulously selected for their expertise and experience in

teaching mathematics.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before this study conducted, the researcher secured a letter of permission to

conduct the study from the Schools Division Superintendent of the Division of Iloilo.

Upon approval, the School Principal of Tagsing – Buyo National High School was

furnished a copy of the said letter.

After which, the researcher has sought permission from the School Principal of

Tagsing – Buyo National High School to conduct a study. Prior to the participation of the

learners in the study, they were given a consent form signed by their parent or guardian.

For this study, toss coin was used to determine the experimental group and

traditional group. Grade 9 – Saturn learners were under experimental group with one

hour per meeting and Grade 9 – Jupiter were under traditional group with one hour per

meeting. Each section was taught the same concepts, but through different methods.

It was the third quarter topic of Grade 9 Mathematics. To establish a statistical

analysis, a pretest and posttest was given before and after the unit. Each group has

completed the same questions on pre and post-tests. The entire study lasted for seven

weeks with each part including time for pre and post-tests.

There were three stages involved in this study: pre – experimental, experimental

proper and post experimental. The first stage was the pre – experimental wherein the

researcher let the participants answer a V – A – K questionnaire to determine what

learning style is dominant to each group. Most of the participants in the experimental

group were kinesthetic. While most of the participants in the controlled group are

auditory. Then learners were given the pretest on the selected topics in Mathematics 9.

The next stage was the experimental proper wherein the researcher uses the 4 A’s

in teaching the V – A – K group. The experimental group were exposed to the Visual –

Auditory – Kinesthetic (VAK) model. The researcher observed the strategies and

techniques in class just like hands on activity, playing related video or music, power

point presentation, group presentation, games and the like wherein it can catch the

attention and interest of every learner while taking in the information. A sample of a

specific lesson and activities that utilized the visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning

styles: First A is Activity; learners were given different figures of parallelogram. Based

on the figures, the learners recall its properties. Then they grouped themselves according

to the figure they held, measure the length and the width of each figure using meter

stick/ruler and get the respective product. Second A is Analysis; the researcher assisted

the learners analyze the properties of the figures that will help them in solving the area

and the perimeter. Third A is Abstraction; the learners at this point will view a video

showing the process on how to solve the area and the perimeter of a parallelogram.

Fourth A is Application; each group of the learners will measure the length and the

width of their assigned figure (door, room, window) then they solve for each area and

perimeter using the given formula. During the session, students were urged to listen

attentively, analyzed the problem and thought of some possible solutions and process to

arrive at the correct answer. After answering the problem, students were told to look

back at the process and the concepts used on how the solution was obtained. After the

lesson, there were problem solving tests given to learners to determine whether they

understand the lesson and if the objectives have been achieved.

On the other hand, the control group was exposed to traditional way of teaching

like lecture method, board work, drills, worksheets and power point presentations.

The last stage is the giving of posttest to the learners. Upon retrieval of the test

instrument, test papers were checked using rubric, recorded, analyzed and interpreted

using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software.


Ethical Consideration

As to the ethical issues, the researcher secured a letter of permission to conduct

the study from the Schools Division Superintendent of the Division of Iloilo as a form of

a will from the School Principal. A parent consent was also given to the participants if

they were allowed or not to participate in the said study (see Appendix G). All of these

assured that the data gathered and results taken cannot affect other academic

performances and will be kept confidential.

Data Processing Techniques

To analyze the data in this study, the researcher utilized both descriptive and

inferential statistics. The researcher used the mean and standard deviation for descriptive

analysis and the t – test for inferential statistics.

The mean scores were computed and used to determine the learners’ performance

in problem solving in Geometry. The t – test for independent samples was used to

determine if a significant difference existed in pretest performance in problem solving of

the experimental and control group as well as the posttest performance in problem

solving. The t – test for dependent samples was used to determine if a significant

difference existed on the pretest and posttest performance in problem solving of the

learners in the experimental group as well as in the control group. All statistical

computations were processed through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)

software set at 0.05 level of significance.


Chapter 4


The findings of the present study are presented in this section.

Pretest Problem Solving Performance of the Learners

Table 2 presents the pretest Problem Solving performance in Geometry of grade 9

learners with and without Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model.

Table 2

Pretest Problem Solving Performance of the Learners in Geometry With and Without

Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model

Category N Mean Description SD

Entire Group 56 10.73 Low 1.46

With V – A – K 28 10.96 Low 1.60

Without V – A – K 28 10.50 Low 1.29

Note: Very High (40.01-50.00); High (30.01-40.00); Moderate (20.01-30.00);

Low (10.01-20.00); Very Low (0-10.00)

The findings showed that the pretest problem solving performance in Geometry of

the learners as an entire group, with V – A – K model and without V – A – K model was

“low” (M= 10.73, SD = 1.46), (M = 10.96, SD = 1.60), (M = 10.50, SD = 1.29),


This means that both groups have the same level of Mathematics performance.

The low scores obtained by the learners were reasonable enough due to the fact that the

topics were not yet presented and explained to them. They were not familiar of the

subject matter and they did not have any knowledge on how to possibly get the correct

answer. Also, it is always the weakness of most learners that if the topics/terms were not

familiar to them, they simply scan the items, make unnecessary drawings and notes with

incorrect answers.

This implies that the participants of both groups were comparable in terms of their

learning capacity and ability in problem solving performance in Geometry. It simply

shows that learners in both groups have no idea of the topics yet to be discussed. Hence,

they need intervention for improvement in their low Mathematics performance.

The result of the study supported the study of Fabiyi (2017), which focused on

geometry concepts in mathematics perceived difficult to learn by senior secondary school

students. The findings revealed that, out of 23 concepts, eight concepts were perceived

difficult to learn by students which includes: Construction, coordinate geometry, circle

theorem and so on. It is therefore recommended that the identified difficult geometry

concepts in mathematics should be taught by using appropriate teachers’ method of

instruction and instructional materials.

Difference in the Pretest Problem Solving Performance of the Learners

Table 3 presents the difference between the pretest problem solving performance

in Geometry of the learners with and without Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A –

K) Model.

Table 3

t-test Result of the Difference in the Pretest Problem Solving Performance of the

Learners in Geometry With and Without Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K)


Mean df t-value Sig.

With V – A – K 10.96
54 1.200 .237
Without V – A – K 10.50

The findings revealed that there was no significant difference in the pretest of the

problem solving performance in Geometry of the learners with and without V – A – K

model (t[54] = 1.200, p = .237).

This means both group have the same ability in terms of their low problem

solving performance. The result was reasonable considering that the topics were not yet

discussed by the teacher and the learners had no idea on how to solve the given

mathematical problems including the process on how to illustrate the problem given. This

also means that the learners have no idea on how to deal with the solution. They don’t

have a technique on how to label, arrange, visualize and sketch the figure being described

in the problem.

It implies that the learners with V – A – K model and without V – A – K model

are equivalent before the intervention was conducted. This was being supported by the

match pairing result of their grades before the intervention was given. Hence, valid

results of the study will be attained since both groups are comparable at the start of the


The result of the present study supported the study of Adhitya (2018), which

aimed to obtain a type of errors and their reason of 7th -grade students in mathematics

problem-solving test about quadrilateral based on visual learning style: auditory learning

style, and kinesthetic learning style. The error of this study is based on Newman’s Error

Analysis that are reading, comprehension, transformation, process skill, and encoding.

The results showed that (1) the visual learning style student mostly makes transformation

error, (2) auditory learning style student mostly makes transformation error and process

skill, (3) kinesthetic learning style don’t have a tendency on the type of errors. Generally,

the reason for error, whereas visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, are low prerequisite

lessons such as ratio, algebra, and one variable linear system.

Posttest Problem Solving Performance of the Learners

Table 4 presents the posttest Problem Solving performance in Geometry of the

learners with and without Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model.


Table 4

Posttest Problem Solving Performance of the Learners in Geometry With and Without

Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model

N M Description SD
Entire Group 56 22.50 Moderate 9.50

With V – A – K 28 23.32 Moderate 8.52

Without V – A – K 28 21.68 Moderate 10.48

Note: Very High (40.01-50.00); High (30.01-40.00); Moderate (20.01-30.00);

Low (10.01-20.00); Very Low (0-10.00)

The findings showed that the posttest Mathematics performance of the learners as

an entire group, with V – A – K model and without V – A – K model was “moderate”

(M= 22.50, SD= 9.50), (M = 23.32, SD = 8.52), (M = 21.68, SD = 10.48), respectively.

This means that the learners exposed with and without V – A – K model

noticeably improved in their posttest results but the learners with V – A – K model

performed better. The learners without V – A – K model also improved their scores.

This implied that the participants in both groups had improved their scores after

the lessons were finally presented and discussed by the teacher. The teacher employed

variety of teaching strategies in presenting the lessons for the learners to be able to master

the concepts and procedures in answering problem solving. Hence, learners got moderate

scores in the posttest because they have learned and comprehended the concept and its

application in getting the solution of the problem.


The result of the present study supported the study conducted by Apipah (2018),

which aims to analyze the quality of VAK learning with self-assessment toward the

ability of mathematical connection performed by students and to analyze students'

mathematical connection ability based on learning styles in VAK learning model with

self-assessment. The result of the research shows that VAK learning model results in

well-qualified learning regarded from qualitative and quantitative sides. Students with

visual learning style perform the highest mathematical connection ability, students with

kinesthetic learning style perform average mathematical connection ability, and students

with auditory learning style perform the lowest mathematical connection ability.

Moreover, the present result also conformed to the study conducted by Browder

(2012), which states that there was a functional relationship between math instruction and

student behavior with an overall increase in independent correct responses.

Furthermore, the present result conforms to the study conducted by Nuzhat et al

(2013) which aimed to know the differences in learning styles between male and female

students, and the effect it has on academic performance. Results revealed variation in

learning style preferences among genders, and its implications on academic performance

of medical students.

The result of the present study supported the study conducted by Nuzhat et

al (2013) which aimed to know the differences in learning styles between male and

female students, and the effect it has on academic performance. Results revealed

variation in learning style preferences among genders, and its implications on academic

performance of medical students.


Difference in the Posttest Problem Solving performance of the Learners

Table 5 presents the difference between the posttest Problem Solving performance

in Geometry of the learners with and without Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A –

K) Model.

Table 5

t-test Result of the Difference in the Posttest Problem Solving Performance of the

Learners in Geometry With and Without Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K)


N Mean df t-value Sig.

With V – A – K 28 23.32
54 .644 .522
Without V – A – K 28 21.68

The result showed that there was no significant difference in the posttest

Mathematics performance in Geometry of the learners with and without V – A – K model

(t[54]=.644, p=.522).

This means that the posttest results of Grade 9 learners with and without V – A –

K model have the same moderate Mathematics performance but the mean of the group

that was exposed to V – A – K was higher than the group that was not exposed to V – A –

K, hence, the learners can learn effectively when they were exposed to visual, auditory,

tactile or kinesthetic activities and these activities are also somehow embedded in

traditional way, although it is not that substantial.

This implies that there was a thin gap between the V – A – K model and the

traditional method. In the said model, all the three learning styles were included in every

session even though the VAK learning style inventory states that the majority of the

learners in the experimental group were kinesthetic (49%); visual (27%), and auditory

(24%). In the control group of traditional way, discussion was used most of the time in

the session and the majority of the learners were auditory (56%); kinesthetic (25%), and

visual (19%). This means that more than one half of the group were auditory in the

control group which uses more on lecture and was suitable to the auditory learning style

of the learners.

This also denotes that the learners’ active participation in lessons and enough

learning instructional materials contributed to the development of their critical thinking

and problem solving performance.

Hence, with the use of V-A-K model as teaching method, it helped learners

improve their problem solving performance as well as the traditional way depending on

the group of learners and their learning style.

The present result supported the study of Rajapakshe (2018) which revealed that

there was no difference between the two groups of students enrolled in descriptive and

mathematical course module using independent sample t-test, using V – A – K model.

The learning style preferences of business descriptive and mathematical students revealed

that both groups of students prefer multimodal more than unimodal.


Moreover, the result of the study conformed to the quasi-experimental research

conducted by Rahman et al. (2016), the results of the learning outcomes of mathematics

by students who were taught by the TAI and STAD cooperative learning model types

show that there are no significant differences in terms of the visual, auditory and

kinesthetic learning styles.

Pretest and Posttest Problem Solving Performance of the Learners

It was noted that the Problem Solving performance of the learners with and

without V – A – K model were comparable at the beginning of the study. To

determine whether the use of V – A – K model has a significant effect on the

Mathematics performance of the learners, the researcher utilized t-test for dependent

samples to compare their pretest and posttest mean scores. The result is shown in Table 6.

Table 6

t-test Result of the Difference in the Pretest and Posttest Problem Solving Performance

of the Learners in Geometry With Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model

M Mean Diff t-value df Sig.

Pretest 10.96
12.36 8.102* 27 .000
Posttest 23.32

*p<.05 significant

The findings showed that there was a significant difference between the pretest and

posttest Problem Solving performance in Geometry of the learners exposed to V – A – K

model (t[27] = 8.102, p =.000). This was supported by the mean gain (Mean Diff =


This means that the posttest result was higher than the pretest result bearing in

mind that the topics were completely explained and demonstrated to the learners that

definitely helped them improved their problem solving performance in Geometry.

This implies that the use of V – A – K model in teaching mathematics was

effective and improved the learners’ problem solving performance in Geometry. It has

manifested that through the use of V-A-K model, learners are engaged in power point

presentations, measurements of actual objects, activity sheets, visual aids, individual and

group activities, hands on activities, and playing related videos. Hence, this V-A-K

learning model is also helpful in motivating the learners to improve their performance

and developed positive attitudes towards Problem Solving.

The present study supported the study of Risnawati & Sari (2017), which aimed to

develop learning media based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) approach that

was valid and practical and able to facilitate students' mathematical understanding ability.

Results showed that based on the students’ mathematical understanding ability test, the

learning media based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) was very effective

with 89.74% effectivity rate. From these results, the developed learning media was very

valid, very practical, and very effective to facilitate students’ mathematical understanding


In addition, the present result also conformed to the study of Suaib (2017) which

tells that (1) the implementation of Visual Auditory Kinesthetic learning styles in

teaching vocabulary improve the students’ achievement as there is a significant

difference vocabulary mean score of the experimental group in posttest was significantly

higher than the control group (82.40 > 58.80). (2) The students interest in Visual

Auditory Kinesthetic learning styles was categorized as very high. It can be concluded

that the Visual Auditory Kinesthetic learning styles in the teaching process is effective to

be implemented in improving the students’ vocabulary achievement.

Difference in the Pretest and Posttest Problem Solving of the Learners

To determine whether or not there was a significant difference between the pretest

and posttest Mathematics performance of the learners without V – A – K model, the

researcher compared their mean scores using the t-test for paired samples. The result is

shown in Table 7.

Table 7

t-test Result of the Difference Pretest and Posttest Problem Solving Performance of the

Learners in Geometry Without the Use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K)


M Mean Diff t-value df Sig.

Pretest 10.50
11.18 5.649* 27 .000
Posttest 21.68

*p<.05 significant

The findings revealed that there was a significant difference in the pretest and

posttest Problem Solving performance of the learners without V – A – K model (t[27]=

5.649, p=.000).

This means that the Mathematics performance of the learners also improved even

with the use of traditional method of teaching. Also, the result of the posttest was

relatively higher than the pretest.

This implies that the traditional teaching strategy employed by the teacher and the

use of additional instructional materials such as work sheets, visual aids which were very

helpful for facilitating the effective learning of the learners. Hence, learners have

significantly improved in their Mathematics performance.

The present result supported the study of Khashi’el et al. (2017) which aimed to

compare the performance of Engineering Technology (ET) students’ in a pre and post

Mathematics Competency Test. Pre-test was given in the first week of the semester

before the topics were discussed, while the post-test was held during the second semester

after the topics was being discussed. Results revealed that the students’ performance in

post-test was better compared to that pre-test.


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusion and recommendations

of the study.


This quasi- experimental study aimed to determine the effect of Visual – Auditory

– Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model to the Problem Solving performance in Geometry of

grade 9 learners of Tagsing – Buyo National High School (TBNHS), Tagsing, Santa

Barbara, Iloilo for the school year 2019-2020.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the pre-test performance of the learners’ problem solving in Geometry

with and without the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model?

2. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test performance of the learners’

problem solving in Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model?


3. What is the post-test performance of the learners’ problem solving in

Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V-A-

K) model?

4. Is there a significant difference in the post-test performance of the learners’

problem solving in Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V-A-K) model?

5. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test performance of the

learners’ problem solving with the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V-

A-K) model?

6. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test performance of the

learners’ problem solving without the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic

(V – A – K ) model?

The participants of the study were fifty – six (56) Grade 9 learners of Tagsing-

Buyo National High School, Tagsing, Santa Barbara, Iloilo enrolled during the School

Year 2019 – 2020. Twenty – eight (28) learners were assigned as the experimental group

and twenty – eight (28) learners were assigned as the control group.

The study utilized the quasi-experimental, non-equivalent group design. The

participants with Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model were taught using V

– A – K model that involves class presentation by the teacher, activity sheets, visual aids,

power point presentations, individual and group activities, hands on activities and playing

related videos while the participants without V – A – K model were taught using

traditional method of teaching that includes worksheets, group activities, lecture methods,

and board work. The researcher taught both groups during the experimental period that

lasted for six weeks.

The data-gathering instrument used in the study was a 10 – item problem solving

researcher – made test and a rubric. It was validated by the experts in Mathematics.

To describe the learners’ Problem Solving performance in Geometry using V – A

– K model, the researcher calculated the mean and used the scale for interpreting the

results. The t – test for paired samples was utilized to determine the significance of the

difference between the pretest and posttest learners’ Problem Solving performance in

each group. Moreover, to determine if a significant difference existed between the pretest

of the learners with and without V – A – K model, the researcher used the t-test for

independent samples. The same test was used by the researcher for determining the

significant difference between the posttest of the learners with and without V – A – K

model. All hypotheses were tested at .05 alpha level of significance. All statistical

computations were done using SPSS.

The following were the findings of the study:

1. The pre-test performance of the learners’ problem solving in Geometry with and

without the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model was “low”.

2. There was no significant difference in the pre-test performance of the learners’

problem solving in Geometry with and without the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model.

3. The post-test performance of the learners’ problem solving in Geometry with and

without the use of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model was


4. There was no significant difference in the post-test performance of the learners’

problem solving in Geometry with and without using the Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model.

5. There was a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test performance of the

learners’ problem solving in Geometry with the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model.

6. There was a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test performance of the

learners’ problem solving in Geometry without the use of Visual – Auditory –

Kinesthetic (V – A – K) model.


Based on the findings gathered and observations made by the researcher, the

following conclusions were drawn:

1. The low result of the pre-assessment of the learners’ performance in problem

solving can be explained because they were not familiar of the topics and the

lessons were not yet introduced and discussed to them by the teacher.

2. The performance of the learners’ problem solving in Geometry with and

without V – A – K is the same due to the fact that the two groups were

comparable at the start of the experiment.

3. The improvement in the posttest performance of the learners’ problem solving

in Geometry with and without V – A – K model showed that the learners

learned differently. Learners exposed to V – A – K model improved their

scores as well as those learners who were taught using traditional method.

4. Using V – A – K model in teaching Mathematics is effective as well as the

traditional way of teaching. This maybe explained that the learners can learn

effectively when they were exposed to visual, auditory, tactile or kinesthetic

activities. These activities are also embedded in traditional way, although it is

not that substantial. This also confirms that good teaching can truly inspire

minds and motivate actions among students. V – A – K model could enhance

the performance of the learners’ problem solving in Geometry through the

teacher’s guidance, motivation, and innovation in the said learning strategy.

5. Using V – A – K model in teaching Mathematics had greater positive effects

in enhancing the performance of the learners’ problem solving in Geometry.

Learners exposed to V – A – K model were motivated to learn and improve

their learning and problem solving performance. They can easily understand a

concept better through having visual presentations, auditory and kinesthetic or

tactile activities.

6. The learners without V – A – K model improved their problem solving

performance in Geometry in the posttest. Traditional teaching strategies are

time-tested methods for their effectiveness in teaching, hence it can also

contribute to the learners’ better performance.


The researcher formulated the following recommendations as drawn from the

findings and conclusions made in the study.


1. Learners are encouraged to read, analyze and familiarize all the questions

especially the terms used in the pre-assessment honestly and refrain from

cheating so that the teacher would be able to assess their level of understanding

or knowledge and skills, and identify the gaps in their learning. This would

help the teacher in making necessary interventions or changes to the lesson for

better instruction.

2. Learners may toughen their skill and ability on the content knowledge in

Problem Solving wherein it will be very useful to them in generating ideas for

future lessons and build their confidence in applying problem solving in real

life situations. They should also develop and improve their content knowledge

in the subject through self-study.

3. Teachers are encouraged to use Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K)

model in combination with some teaching methods in teaching Mathematics

depending upon the subject matter, abilities, and needs of the learners.

4. Teachers should continue on working innovative changes especially on the use

of different teaching strategies, be it collaborative or individual activities,

depending on the topic to be presented and the integration of learning in the

Mathematics classroom to help learners explore, discover, and learn better.

They are also encouraged to attend seminars, and trainings on current trends in

education and learn how to utilize strategies like V – A – K model.

5. Teachers should invest on and update with instructional materials that can

excite and engage students to learn Mathematics.


6. Administrators should support and provide avenues for teacher advancement

especially on the use of instructional strategies and new teaching methods like

V – A – K in combination of other strategies in teaching mathematics.

7. Future researchers may use V – A – K model but to secure first the inventory

on the type of learners whether visual, auditory or kinaesthetic and focus on the

majority of the students’ learning style to address their needs in learning.

Other factors may be considered such as time, suitability of the grade level, and

the topics included.




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Table of Specification in Grade 9 Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Tagsing, Santa Barbara, Iloilo



Number HOTS
Major r of LOTS Applicatio
Content of Class K–C
(An – Syn)
Areas Test n
Parallelograms 1
Conditions for a 1
Q Parallelogram

Properties of a
Parallelogram 2
Proving theorems on
different kinds of 3
Midline Theorem 1
Theorems on Trapezoids 1
U Theorems on Kites 1
A Solving Problems
D Involving Parallelogram 2 2 1 4
R Solving Problems
3 3 6, 9 5
I Involving Trapezoid
L Solving Problems
Involving Kite
Proportion 2 1 8
Fundamental Theorems
on Proportion 1
SSS Similarity Theorem 1 1 10
S Triangle Proportionality
I Theorem 1
M Right Triangle Similarity
I Theorem
L 45°- 45°- 90° Right
Triangle Theorem 1
30°- 60°- 90° Right
R Triangle Theorem 2
I Similarities in a Right
T Triangle 2 1 3
Y Pythagorean Theorem
2 2 2 7
and its Proof
Solving Problems
Involving Right Triangle 1
TOTAL 30 hours 10 6 4


Instrument of the Study

(Researcher-Made Test)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Tagsing, Santa Barbara, Iloilo


Name: _______________________ Grade & Section:_______________ Score:________

General Direction:
Solve the following problems by showing a detailed solution for each item.
Illustrate, write the given, represent the unknown, give equations or formula, and write
the correct answers.

1. A rectangular field is 80 meters long and 60 meters wide. How many meters
of cyclone wire is needed to fence the whole field?
2. A carpenter wants to construct a diagonal brace for a gate that is 6 meters by 8
meters for a factory. Find the length in meters of the two diagonal braces of
the gate.
3. How tall is the flagpole if a 3-meter vertical stick casts a 4-meter shadow at
the same time that the flagpole casts a 9-meter shadow?
4. The perimeter of quadrilateral ABCD is 46 inches. AB = x + 8, BC = 2x + 1, 
CD = 3x - 6, and DA = 4x - 7. Find the length of the shortest side of the
5. ISAT is a trapezoid with median WC and with IS and AT as bases. If IS=18
and AT=22, find the length of WC.
6. If the measure of one of the base angles of an isosceles trapezoid is 50, what is
the measure of the other angle?
7. The hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangular board is 20cm. Find the length
of the other sides.
8. A map of Iloilo has a scale of 1 km to 0.5 cm. What map distance corresponds
to an actual distance of 12 kilometers?
9. If the measure of one angle of an isosceles trapezoid is x0 and the angle
opposite it is x + 200. What is the measure of each angle?
10. Given ∆LOV~ ∆ING. If the length of the segments LO = 12, OV = 16, and
LV = 20, What is the perimeter of ∆ING, if NI = 3?


Rubrics in Problem Solving

(Researcher – Made Test)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Tagsing, Santa Barbara, Iloilo

Rubrics in Problem Solving

No. of
Description of responses
The student: 5

 Properly illustrated with appropriate mathematical concepts used

 Performs computation with complete process and final answer is
obtained and properly labelled

The student:
 Properly illustrated with appropriate mathematical concepts used
 Performs computation with incomplete process and final answer is 4
obtained and properly labelled

The student:
 Not properly illustrated with appropriate mathematical concepts used
 Performs computation with no process and final answer is obtained but 3
not properly labelled

The student:
 Not properly illustrated without appropriate mathematical concepts used
 Performs less computation with no process and final answer is incorrect

The student:
 Not properly illustrated without appropriate mathematical concepts used 1
 Did not perform computations and has no answer


Match Paired Grade from First Grading

Participants With V – A – K Model Without V – A – K Model

1 92 92
2 89 89
3 88 88
4 88 88
5 88 88
6 88 88
7 84 84
8 84 84

9 84 84
10 83 83
11 80 80
12 80 80
13 79 79
14 78 78
15 76 76
16 75 75
17 75 75
18 92 90
19 85 87
20 85 86
21 85 86
22 84 85
23 84 85
24 80 82
25 78 79
26 78 76
27 76 75
28 76 75


Results of the Pretest and Posttest

Pretest Posttest
Participants With V-A-K Without V-A- With V-A-K Without V-A-
model K model model K model
1 13 10 47 35
2 14 10 36 46
3 13 10 25 39
4 10 10 35 42
5 10 10 33 28
6 10 10 24 32

7 10 10 27 33
8 13 10 26 16
9 10 10 26 13
10 10 10 24 15
11 10 10 17 13
12 10 10 19 12
13 10 10 19 12
14 10 10 22 11
15 12 10 15 17
16 10 14 18 11
17 10 10 14 11
18 14 12 40 22
19 14 14 18 31
20 14 10 16 16
21 10 10 25 14
22 10 14 19 29
23 10 10 19 26
24 10 10 18 19
25 10 10 11 16
26 10 10 25 21
27 10 10 23 15
28 10 10 12 12


Permit to Conduct Study

Republic of the Philippines

La Paz, Iloilo City

October 28, 2019

Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division of Iloilo
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City


Good day!
I am presently undertaking my thesis writing of Master of Arts in Mathematics
degree. My research is entitled “The Effect of V–A–K model to the Learners’ Problem
Solving Performance in Geometry”, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Arts in Mathematics at Iloilo Science and Technology University, La
Paz, Iloilo City.

My study will employ the quasi – experimental non-equivalent groups design

where the learner participants will be divided into two groups: experimental and control
group. Both groups will be taught of the same topics in Mathematics 9 but of different
teaching strategies. The experimental group will be exposed to Visual – Auditory –
Kinesthetic (VAK) model which involves class presentation by the teacher, exposed them
in audio – visual presentations like charts and pictures, games, and manipulations of
materials related to the topic being presented. On the other hand, the control group will
be exposed to traditional way of teaching which includes lecture method, board work,
drill and worksheets. The result of the study will not affect their academic performance as
a whole since learner participants from both groups will be given formative assessments
at the end of every session to evaluate their learning outcomes and those who failed to
meet the learning competencies will be given remediation.
In this connection, I would like to ask permission from your good office to
conduct my study among Grade 9 learners of Tagsing – Buyo National High School,
Tagsing, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Prior to their participation in the research, they will be
given a consent form to be signed by their parent or guardian.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless.


Very truly yours,



Recommending Approval:




Principal I



Schools Division Superintendent

Permit to Conduct the Study

October 28, 2019

School Principal I
Tagsing – Buyo National High School
Tagsing, Santa Barbara, Iloilo


Good day!
I am presently undertaking my thesis writing of Master of Arts in Mathematics
degree. My research is entitled “The Effect of V–A–K Model to the Learners’ Problem
Solving Performance in Geometry”, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Arts in Mathematics at Iloilo Science and Technology University, La
Paz, Iloilo City.

My study will employ the quasi – experimental non-equivalent groups design

where the learner participants will be divided into two groups: experimental and control
group. Both groups will be taught of the same topics in Mathematics 9 but of different
teaching strategies. The experimental group will be exposed to Visual – Auditory –
Kinesthetic (VAK) model which involves class presentation by the teacher, exposed them
in audio – visual presentations like charts and pictures, games, and manipulations of
materials related to the topic being presented. On the other hand, the control group will
be exposed to traditional way of teaching which includes lecture method, board work,
drill and worksheets. The result of the study will not affect their academic performance as
a whole since learner participants from both groups will be given formative assessments
at the end of every session to evaluate their learning outcomes and those who failed to
meet the learning competencies will be given remediation.

In this connection, I would like to ask permission from your good office to
conduct my study among Grade 9 learners of Tagsing – Buyo National High School,
Tagsing, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Prior to their participation in the research, they will be
given a consent form to be signed by their parent or guardian.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,



Recommending Approval:





Principal I

Letter to Parent

Parent’s Consent
October 29, 2019
Dear Mr and Mrs.______________________,
Good day!
I am Maria Noeme A. Silvela, teacher of your son/daughter
______________________ in Grade 9 Mathematics. I am currently conducting my study
entitled “The Effect of V–A–K Model to the Learners’ Problem Solving Performance in
Geometry” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in

Mathematics. The participants of this study are the Grade 9-Saturn and Grade9-Jupiter of
Tagsing – Buyo National High School.
In this regard, I would like to inform and ask your consent about the participation
of your son/daughter in a group of Grade 9 learners being the participants of this study.
Rest assured that the learners will be taught accordingly with the topics assigned in the
third quarter.
Thank you and God bless.
Very truly yours,





Approved: Received:
(SGD)DOMINGO E. SUMAYO _______________________________________
Principal I Signature over Printed Name of Parent/ Guardian


Letter to Validators of the Lesson Plan

Republic of the Philippines

La Paz, Iloilo City

October 28, 2019

Prof. Nestor L. Gicaraya

Faculty, College of Education
Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City


Good day!

I am presently undertaking my thesis writing entitled “The Effect of V – A – K

Model to the Learners Problem Solving Performance in Geometry” in partial fulfilment
to the degree of Master of Arts in Mathematics at Iloilo Science and Technology
University, La Paz, Iloilo City.

In this connection, I would like to ask for your expertise to validate my lesson
plans and test questionnaire.

I would be grateful if you could give suggestions and recommendations for each
item of the questionnaire and the lesson plans.

Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,






Letter to Validators of the Instrument

Republic of the Philippines

La Paz, Iloilo City

October 28, 2019

Dr. Saul Muyco

Faculty, College of Education
Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

Good day!

I am presently undertaking my thesis writing entitled “The Effect of V – A – K

Model to the Learners’ Problem Solving Performance in Geometry” in partial fulfilment
to the degree of Master of Arts in Mathematics at Iloilo Science and Technology
University, La Paz, Iloilo City.

In this connection, I would like to ask for your expertise to validate my test

I would be grateful if you could give suggestions and recommendations for each
Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,





Lesson Plans

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding
of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids,
kites) and triangle similarity. kites) and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

The learner Identifies quadrilaterals that are parallelogram. The learner Identifies quadrilaterals that are parallelogram.
(M9GE- IIIa-1) (M9GE- IIIa-1)

At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
. 1 Recall the different kinds of quadrilaterals. . 1. Recall the different kinds of quadrilaterals.
2. Identify quadrilaterals that are parallelogram. 2. Identify quadrilaterals that are parallelogram.
3. Appreciate the importance of quadrilaterals in real-life. 3. Appreciate the importance of quadrilaterals in real-life.


Topic: Quadrilaterals: Parallelograms Topic: Quadrilaterals: Parallelograms
Materials: Activity sheets, laptop, monitor, Learners’ Materials: Activity sheets, laptop, monitor, Learners’

Module, different geometrical figures Module

References: Math 9 Learners’ Module 305 – 309 References: Math 9 Learners’ Module 305 – 309
q=room+picture+decor III. PROCEDURE:
III. PROCEDURE: A. Preliminary
A. Preliminary Showing pictures on the TV screen and letting each
Showing pictures on the TV screen and let each learner learner study the features of each picture.
study the features of each picture.

1. What have you
observed on the
pictures shown in the
TV screen?
2. Which part of the pictures represent
Questions: polygon?
1. What have you observed on the pictures shown in the TV 3. What kind of polygon did you see in the picture?
screen? B. Lesson proper:
2. Which part of the pictures represent polygon? The teacher presents the lesson for the day which is about
3. What kind of polygon did you see in the picture? Quadrilaterals with sub topic about parallelogram. Then, she
presents the learning objectives.
B. Lesson proper: (20 minutes)

The teacher presents the lesson for the day which is about 1. Teaching/Modeling
Quadrilaterals with sub topic about parallelogram. Then, she
presents the learning objectives. Activity 1: Refresh your mind:
Complete the table by recalling the definition of each
1. Teaching/Modelling quadrilateral. Write it on the activity sheet.

Activity 1: Refresh your mind

Figure Definition
Let the student pick, hold and describe the figure. After
every recall of the definition of each object, let the
student record their answer in an activity sheet. Trapezoid
Figure Definition

Trapezoid Parallelogram




Square Square

Kite Kite

Activity 2: We are Family Activity 2: We are Family

Study the schematic diagram of quadrilateral, let the students make a tree Study the schematic diagram of quadrilateral, ask the students the
diagram of quadrilaterals. (boys vs girls) following:

2. Analysis
a. How are quadrilaterals related to each other? 2. Analysis
b. Which quadrilaterals are parallelograms? c. How are quadrilaterals related to each other?
d. Which quadrilaterals are parallelograms?
3. Guided Practice Study the figure below and name as many
parallelograms as you can. If the parallelogram is special, tell 3. Guided Practice Study the figure below and name as many

whether if it is a rectangle, rhombus or square. parallelograms as you can. If the parallelogram is special, tell
whether if it is a rectangle, rhombus or square.

Examples: Rhombus BCHF
Parallelogram GIML Examples: Rhombus BCHF
Parallelogram GIML
4. Playing the jingle on parallelogram
During this time, play the “Parallelogram Song” Analysis saved on You Tube watch later.
let the learners identify the following:
5. Individual Activity: “Pick Me Up”
Let the student pick a figure. Let him/her identify the 1. Square
figure he/she has chosen if it is a parallelogram or a mere 2. Rectangle
quadrilateral. 3. Rhombus
Analysis: 4. Trapezoid
1. How are quadrilaterals related to each other? 5. kite
2. Which quadrilaterals are parallelograms? 6. Parallelogram
7. What are these figures?
1. Quadrilateral is a closed figure with four sides.
2. Parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of opposite Abstraction

sides parallel. 1. Quadrilateral is a closed figure with four sides.

3. Rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles are right. 2. Parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of opposite
4. Rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides are congruent. sides parallel.
5. Square is a rhombus with all sides congruent and a 3. Rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles are right.
rectangle with all angles are right. 4. Rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides are congruent.
6. Trapezoid is quadrilateral with 1 pair of sides are parallel 5. Square is a rhombus with all sides congruent and a
and consider as the bases. rectangle with all angles are right.
6. Trapezoid is quadrilateral with 1 pair of sides are parallel
Application: and consider as the bases.
Name all the objects that represent parallelogram in this room.
Name all the objects that represent parallelogram in this room.

IV. EVALUATION (15 minutes)

Using the schematic diagram of quadrilaterals, classify IV. EVALUATION

each statement as true or false.
1. Every rectangle is a quadrilateral. Using the definition of quadrilaterals, classify each
2. Every rectangle is a parallelogram. statement as true or false.

3. Every square is a rectangle. 1. Every rectangle is a quadrilateral.

4. Every parallelogram is a square. 2. Every rectangle is a parallelogram.
5. A square is both a rectangle and a rhombus. 3. Every square is a rectangle.
4. Every parallelogram is a square.
V. Assignment: 5. A square is both a rectangle and a rhombus.

1. Follow-up Name 5 things inside your house that represent V. Assignment

2. Study The conditions that guarantee a quadrilateral a 1. Follow-up Name 5 things inside your house that represent
parallelogram (Properties of a parallelogram). parallelogram.
2. Study The conditions that guarantee a quadrilateral a
parallelogram (Properties of a parallelogram).


A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding
of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids,

kites) and triangle similarity. kites) and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

The learner uses properties to find measures of angles, sides and The learner uses properties to find measures of angles, sides and
other quantities involving parallelograms. (M9GE- IIIb-1) other quantities involving parallelograms. (M9GE- IIIb-1)

At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. Determine the conditions that make a quadrilateral a 1. Determine the conditions that make a quadrilateral a
parallelogram. parallelogram.
2. Identify and state if the quadrilateral is a parallelogram using 2. Identify and state if the quadrilateral is a parallelogram using
the given condition. the given condition.
3. Show camaraderie in doing the activity 3. Show camaraderie in doing the activity


Topic: Parallelogram Sub-topic: Quadrilaterals that are Topic: Parallelogram Sub-topic: Quadrilaterals that are
Parallelogram Parallelogram

Materials: Activity sheets, laptop and monitor, letter Materials: Activity sheets, laptop and monitor
markings, different geometrical figures
References: Grade 9 Teacher’s Guide pp. 210-212 References: Grade 9 Teacher’s Guide pp. 210-212
Grade 9 Learner’s Material pp. 309-313 Grade 9 Learner’s Material pp. 309-313

A. Preliminary (5minutes) A. Preliminary (5minutes)

Using the table being flash in the monitor, the teacher will In the table that follows, the teacher will instruct the
instruct the learners to write T in the second column if their learners to write T in the second column if their guess on the
guess on the statement is true; otherwise, write F. They are statement is true; otherwise, write F. They are going to
going to revisit the same table later on and respond to their revisit the same table later on and respond to their guesses
guesses by writing R if they were right or W if wrong under by writing R if they were right or W if wrong under the third
the third column. Let the learners record their answers. column. Let the learners record their answers.

STATEMENT My guess IIwas B. B.Lesson Proper

is (T or F) (R Lesson 1. Teaching/Modeling
1. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram Proper Show the figures on the screen stating the conditions in every
if both pairs of opposite sides are figure.
Illustrative Example #1:
2. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram In quadrilateral PQRS,
if both pairs of opposite sides are ≅ .
PQ ǁ SR and PS ǁ QR
3. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram PQ≅ SR and PS ≅ QR
if both pairs of opposite angles are ≅.
4. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram
if any two consecutive angles are ∴ PQRS isa parallelogram .
5. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram
if exactly one pair of adjacent sides
is perpendicular.
Illustrative Example #2:
6. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram In quadrilateral LMNO,
if one pair of opposite sides are both ∠ L≅∠ N
congruent and parallel.
1. Teaching/Modeling
Show the figures on the screen stating the conditions in every

figure. ∠O ≅∠ M
∴ LMNO is a parallelogram
Illustrative Example #1:
In quadrilateral PQRS,
PQ ∥ SR and PS ∥QR
Illustrative Example #3:
PQ≅ SR and PS ≅ QR
In a parallelogram ABCD,
∴ PQRS isa parallelogram .

DE ≅ ∠B
Therefore, ABCD is a parallelogram.
Illustrative Example #2:
In quadrilateral LMNO,
∠ L≅∠ N
Illustrative Example #4:

∠O ≅∠ M
m∠ R+ m∠ Q=180 °
∴ LMNO is a parallelogram
m∠Q+ m∠ P=180 °
Illustrative Example #3:
m∠ P+ m∠ S=180 °
m∠ R+ m∠ S=180°
∵ ABCD is a parallelogram .

Illustrative Example #5:


In a parallelogram ABCD, ∆ DCA ≅ ∆ BAC
DE ≅ ∠B
∴ ABCD is a parallelogram .
∴ ABCD is a parallelogram .

Illustrative Example #4:

m∠ R+ m∠Q=180 °
2. Analysis
What are the conditions that guarantee that a quadrilateral is
m∠ Q+ m∠ P=180 ° a parallelogram?
m∠ P+ m∠S=180 °
m∠ R+ m∠ S=180° 3. Guided Practice
∵ ABCD is a parallelogram . Given: Parallelogram MATH
1. MA ≅ ____________ M A
Illustrative Example #5: S
2. △ MAH ≅ ¿
3. MS ≅____________
4. △ THM ≅____________
∆ DCA ≅ ∆ BAC 5. ∠ ATH ≅ ____________ H T

4. Group Practice:
∴ ABCD is a parallelogram . Group the class by 4. Complete the table by illustrating the
parallelogram being described. Put markings on the figure to
represent the property.

Properties of Parallelogram
Opposite Opposite Opposite Consecutive Diagonals
2. Analysis
sides are sides are angles are angles are bisect each
What are the conditions that guarantee that a quadrilateral is a
parallel congruen congruent supplementar other
parallelogram? Go back to the preliminary exercise.

t y
3. Class Activity:
Guided Human Parallelogram (outside the classroom)
The teacher will select 21 learners to form a parallelogram
MATH. The fifth learner will carry the M, tenth learner will
carry the T and the twentieth learner will carry the H. One
5. Generalization: Go back to the preliminary exercise.
learner will carry the S at the center of the parallelogram with 1
Conditions that guarantee a quadrilateral a parallelogram:
learner on his/her left and 1 at his right side. The figure should
1. Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent
look like this. The measure of the opposite segments/sides will
2. Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent
be determined by the number of learners standing on it. Teacher
3. Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary
will emphasize that congruent sides mean equal in measure.
4. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other
The remaining students who did not
5. Either diagonal of a parallelogram forms two congruent
perform the activity will be group by 4 and each group will IV. EVALUATION
identify and describe the following conditions.
A. Identify the following:
1. MA ≅ ____________ M A
S a. Quadrilateral BRAD
2. △ MAH ≅ ¿
b. BD and RA B R
3. MS ≅____________
c. ∠ B∧∠R
4. △ THM ≅____________
5. ∠ ATH ≅ ____________ H T
d. ∠ D∧∠ R
e. DR and BA

Properties of Parallelogram
Opposite Opposite Opposite Consecutive Diagonals
sides are sides are angles are angles are bisect each C. Complete the statement:
parallel congruen congruent supplement other 1. BT ≅ ______
t ary 2. ∠ B ≅ ______
3. _______ ≅ DA

4. m ∠ B+ m∠ R=¿ ______
5. DT ≅ ______

4. Application:
Alex uses parallelogram DEFG in completing the table.
(Draw and label the figure on the board.

1. EF ≅ _________
2. ∠ E ≅ _________
3. FG ≅ _________
4. ∆≝≅ _______
5. m∠ D+ m∠ G=¿ _____

5. Generalization: Go back to the preliminary exercise.

Conditions that guarantee a quadrilateral a parallelogram:
1. Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent
2. Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent
3. Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are
4. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other
5. Either diagonal of a parallelogram forms two
congruent triangles


A. Identify the following:

a. Quadrilateral BRAD

b. BD and RA
c. ∠ B∧∠R
d. ∠ D∧∠ R
e. DR and BA
B. Complete the statement:
1. BT ≅ ______
2. ∠ B ≅ ______
3. _______ ≅ DA
4. m∠ B+m ∠ R=¿ ______
5. DT ≅ ______ D A E


A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding
of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids,
kites) and triangle similarity. kites) and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

Use properties to find measures of angles, sides and other quantities Use properties to find measures of angles, sides and other
involving parallelogram (M9GE- IIIb-1) quantities involving parallelogram (M9GE- IIIb-1)

At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. Describe the angles, sides and other quantities 1. Describe the angles, sides and other quantities
involving parallelogram. involving parallelogram.
2. Find the measure of angles, sides and other 2. Find the measure of angles, sides and other
quantities involving parallelogram. quantities involving parallelogram.
3. Show patience in finding the measure of angles 3. Show patience in finding the measure of angles
and sides of a parallelogram. and sides of a parallelogram


Topic: Properties of a Parallelogram Topic: Properties of a Parallelogram
Materials: Activity Sheets, quadrilaterals, ruler, protractor, Materials: Activity Sheets, laptop and TV monitor
laptop and TV monitor, different geometrical figures References: Grade 9 Teaching Guide pp. 209-2012
References: Grade 9 Teaching Guide pp. 209-2012 Grade 9 Learning Materials pp. 309 – 324
Grade 9 Learning Materials pp. 309 – 324 III – PROCEDURE
III – PROCEDURE A. Preliminary: (by pair)
A. Preliminary: (by pair) Let the students view on screen each figure given. Write C for
Let the students hold each figure given. Write C for Congruent, Congruent, S for Supplementary, P for Parallel , B for Bisect
S for Supplementary, P for Parallel , B for Bisect each other to each other to describe the angles , sides and diagonals of a
describe the angles , sides and diagonals of a parallelogram A parallelogram A

A.1.Opposite Angles:__ B. 1.Opposite Angles:__ A.1.Opposite Angles:__

2.Consecutive Angles: __ 2.Consecutive Angles: __ B. 1.Opposite Angles:__
2.Consecutive Angles: __ 2.Consecutive Angles: __
3.Opposite Sides:___ & ___ 3.Opposite Sides:___ & ___ 3.Opposite Sides:___ & ___
4.Diagonals are ___ 4.Diagonals are ___ 3.Opposite Sides:___ & ___
4.Diagonals are ___ 4.Diagonals are ___
5.Sum of consecutive 5.Sum of consecutive 5.Sum of consecutive
angles:___ angles:___ 5.Sum of consecutive
angles:___ angles:___

C. 1. D. 1.Opposite Angles:__ C. E. 1.Opposite Angles:__

Opposite Angles:__ 1.Opposite Angles:__
2.Consecutive Angles: __ 2.Consecutive Angles: __
2. Consecutive Angles: __ 2.Consecutive Angles: __
3.Opposite Sides:___ & ___ 3.Opposite Sides:___ & ___
3. Opposite Sides:___ & ___ 3.Opposite Sides:___ & ___
4.Diagonals are ___ 4.Diagonals are ___
4.Diagonals are ___ 4.Diagonals are ___
5.Sum of consecutive 5.Sum of consecutive
5.Sum of consecutive 5.Sum of consecutive
angles:___ angles:___
angles:___ angles:___
6. Consecutive angles:__ 6. Consecutive angles:__
6. Consecutive angles:__ 6. Consecutive angles:__
B. Lesson Proper B. Lesson Proper
1. Teaching/Modeling 1. Teaching/Modeling
Illustrative Example 1: Illustrative Example 1:
Follow the PROCEDURE below to find the measure of Follow the PROCEDURE below to find the measure of
angles, sides and other quantities involving parallelogram. angles, sides and other quantities involving parallelogram.

a. WXYZ is a parallelogram. Using

a. Using a protractor, draw ∠ M what you know about
that measures 60° in a graphing parallelograms,
paper. Extend the rays of M , and XW ∥ YZ , mXW =mYZ
draw parallelogram MNOP on XY ∥ WZ ,mXY =mWZ
the grid paper, remember opposite What is mXY ¿ and mYZ___?
angles are congruent m ∠N=120, m∠WXY =113 ° . Use what you know about angles of a
m ∠M=60, m∠ O =______ and m ∠P =_________ parallelogram to find the measure of the other angles.
m∠ XYZ=¿ m∠ YZW =¿ , m∠ZWX =¿ ¿

b. In the same graphing paper, b. Juan measured some segments in Problem a. He found
draw a parallelogram WXYZ that WY = 8cm and MZ = 3cm. Give the lengths of the
such that XW ∥ YZ and XY ∥WZ. following segments: WM = _____cm, MY = _____cm,
XW = 3cm and WZ = 6cm. XM = _____cm, XZ = _____cm
Using what you know about
parallelograms, c. Diagonals MK and JL bisect each other.
What is mXY ¿ and mYZ___? 1. The midpoint of JL is P.
2. Another line MK passing through P so that MP ≅ KP.
c. Draw another parallelogram WXYZ such that WY = 8cm 3. What quadrilateral did you form using MJKL
and MZ = 3cm. Give the lengths of the following
segments: WM = _____cm, MY = ____cm, XM =
____cm, XZ = ____cm

Make another parallelogram WXYZ such that the M L

m∠WXY =113° . Use what you know about angles of a P
parallelogram to find the measure of the other angles. What is
the measure of the following:
m∠ XYZ=¿ m∠ YZW =¿ , m∠ZWX =¿ ¿ J K

2. Analysis
a. What property of a parallelogram is involve letter a, b.c and

d. Diagonals MK and JL bisect each other. d

b) The midpoint of JL is P. b. How do you find the measure of each angle in the
c) Another line MK passing through P so that MP ≅ KP. parallelogram?
d) What quadrilateral did you form using MJKL
e) If MP = 4, what is PK? 3. Guided Practice
Find the measure of angles and sides in each parallelogram.
P Example 9 1.

112 50°

2. Analysis Note: AB = 7,
a. What property of a parallelogram is involve letter a, b.c and d AB ≅ DC ,∴ DC=7
b. How do you find the measure of each angle in the AD = 9, AD ≅ BC , ∴ BC =9 m∠ BCD ¿
parallelogram? m∠C=112 ,m ∠ C=m∠ A , ∴∠m∠ ABC ¿
Consecutive angles are m∠ ADC ¿
3. Guided Practice
Find the measure of angles and sides in each parallelogram.

Example 9 1.

2. H O
x° y°
Note: AB = 7, 7
m∠ BCD ¿ 75° z° 105°
AB ≅ DC ,∴ DC=7
AD = 9, AD ≅ BC , ∴ BC =9
m∠ ABC ¿ E M
m∠C=112 ,m ∠ C=m∠ A , ∴∠ m∠ ADC ¿
A=112 HE = ______; OM = ______
Consecutive angles are supplementary m∠ x =¿ ❑, m∠ y ¿ m∠ z ¿
m∠ H ¿ m∠ O¿
2. H O

x° y°
75° z° 105°
E M 4. 5.
m∠ x =¿ ❑, m∠ y ¿ m∠ z ¿ HE = ______; OM = ______ a x y
m∠ H ¿ m∠ O¿

4. 5. c b z 100°

x = _______
a x y 60° y = _______
z = _______
c b z 100° m∠ a=¿ ¿
m∠ b=¿ ¿
x = _______ m∠ c=¿ ¿
60° y = _______
z = _______
m∠ a=¿ ¿
m∠ b=¿ ¿ Questions:
m∠ c=¿ ¿ 1. Measure ∠ BCDand ∠ ABC, What did you find?
2. What can you say about the consecutive angles in each
Questions: figure? 3. When you draw diagonals in each figure. What did
The teacher will give the quadrilateral ABCD in figure #1. Let you find?
the students measure the figure using either ruler. 4. Does quadrilateral HOME appear to be a parallelogram?
1. Measure ∠ BCDand ∠ ABC, What did you find? Why? 5. What specific parallelogram does it represent?
2. What can you say about the consecutive angles in each
figure? 3. When you draw diagonals in each figure. What did 4. Generalization
you find?
 The opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent and
4. Does quadrilateral HOME appear to be a parallelogram?
Why? 5. What specific parallelogram does it represent?
 The opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.
 Consecutive angles of a square/ rectangle are congruent
4. Generalization

and supplementary
 The opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent and  Diagonals bisect each other.
 The opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.
 Consecutive angles of a square/ rectangle are congruent
and supplementary 5. Application
 Diagonals bisect each other. Do the PROCEDUREs below and answer the questions that
follow. Materials Needed: bond paper, protractor, ruler,
5. Application pencil, and compass
Do the PROCEDUREs below and answer the questions that PROCEDURE:
follow. Materials Needed: bond paper, protractor, ruler, 2. Mark two points O and P that are 10 cm apart.
pencil, and compass 3. Draw parallel segments from O and P which are 6 cm
PROCEDURE: each, on the same side of OP and are perpendicular to
1. Mark two points O and P that are 10 cm apart. OP.
2. Draw parallel segments from O and P which are 6 cm 4. Name the endpoints from O and P as H and E,
each, on the same side of OP and are perpendicular to respectively, and draw HE.
OP. 5. Draw the diagonals of the figure formed.
3. Name the endpoints from O and P as H and E,
respectively, and draw HE. Questions:
4. Draw the diagonals of the figure formed. 1. Measure OHE and PEH. What did you find?
Questions: 2. What can you say about the four angles of the figure?
1. Measure OHE and PEH. What did you find? 3. Measure the diagonals. What did you find?
2. What can you say about the four angles of the figure? 4. Does quadrilateral HOPE appear to be a parallelogram?
3. Measure the diagonals. What did you find? Why?
4. Does quadrilateral HOPE appear to be a parallelogram? 5. What specific parallelogram does it represent?
5. What specific parallelogram does it represent? IV. EVALUATION
Choose the letter of the best answer Choose the letter of the best answer
1.What is the measure of ∠ 2 in rhombus HOME? 1.What is the measure of ∠ 2 in rhombus HOME?
a. 75°

b. 90° a. 75°
c. 105° b. 90°
d. 180° c. 105°
d. 180°

2.. Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram have measures 2.. Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram have
(x + 30)° and [2(x – 30)]°. What is the measure of the smaller measures (x + 30)° and [2(x – 30)]°. What is the measure
angle? of the smaller angle?
a. 30° b. 80° c. 100° d 140° a. 30° b. 80° c. 100° d 140°

3. In rhombus RHOM, what is the measure of ROH?

a. 35° 3. In rhombus RHOM, what is the measure of ROH?
b. 45° a. 35°
c. 55° b. 45°
d. 90° c. 55°
d. 90°

4. In rectangle KAYE, YO = 18 cm. Find the length of

diagonal AE.
a. 6 cm 4. In rectangle KAYE, YO = 18 cm. Find the length of
b. 9 cm diagonal AE.
c. 18 cm a. 6 cm
d. 36 cm b. 9 cm
c. 18 cm
d. 36 cm


A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding
of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids,
kites) and triangle similarity. kites) and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

Proves theorems on the different kinds of parallelogram Proves theorems on the different kinds of parallelogram
(rectangle, rhombus, square) (rectangle, rhombus, square)

At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. Prove theorem on special parallelogram. 1. Prove theorem on special parallelogram.
2. Apply theorem on special parallelogram. 2. Apply theorem on special parallelogram.
3. Value accumulated knowledge as means of new 3. Value accumulated knowledge as means of new
understanding. understanding.


Topic: Quadrilaterals Topic: Quadrilaterals

Sub-Topic: Special Parallelogram Sub-Topic: Special Parallelogram

Materials: Activity Sheets, Laptop and monitor, Materials: Activity Sheets, Laptop and monitor
illustration board, scissors, meter stick, protractor
References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp. 317-326 References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp. 317-326
Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9 pp. 317-326 Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9 pp. 317-326
A. Preliminaries III. PROCEDURE
1. Pre - Assessment A. Preliminaries
Direction: Study the photo below 1. Pre - Assessment
How can you tell whether a given figure is a parallelogram,
a rectangle, a rhombus or a square?

2. Motivation
Are you familiar with one of the subdivisions here in
second district? You can see this when you pass Aganan,
Pavia. This is Providence Residences located at Balabag,
Pavia, Iloilo

How can you tell whether a given figure is a parallelogram,
a rectangle, a rhombus or a square?
2. Motivation
Are you familiar with one of the subdivisions here in
second district? You can see this when you pass Aganan,
Pavia. This is Providence Residences located at Balabag,
Pavia, Iloilo

Motive question:
How did the contractors and carpenters apply the conditions

for rectangles to make sure that the frame of a house has

correct shape?

B. Lesson Proper
1. Teaching/Modeling

Theorem Example
a. Parallelogram: If one angle of a
parallelogram is a right angle, then the parallelogram is a rectangle.
Motive question: A B
How did the contractors and carpenters apply the conditions b. Parallelogram with diagonals are
for rectangles to make sure that the frame of a house has congruent is a rectangle.
correct shape?
B. Lesson Proper c. Parallelogram with one pair of
1. Teaching/Modeling consecutive sides are congruent is a
2. Play the video “Math Antics – Quadrilaterals” rhombus.
Theorem Example E
a. Parallelogram: If one angle of a
parallelogram is a right angle, then the d. Parallelogram with diagonals are F G
parallelogram is a rectangle. perpendicular is a rhombus.
b. Parallelogram with diagonals are
congruent is a rectangle.

D E e. Parallelogram with diagonals

bisecting opposite angles is a rhombus.
c. Parallelogram with one pair of
consecutive sides are congruent is a

d. Parallelogram with diagonals are f. Parallelogram with diagonals is

perpendicular is a rhombus. perpendicular and has four right angles
and four congruent sides is a square.
e. Parallelogram with diagonals
bisecting opposite angles is a rhombus.
2. Analysis

Rectangle, rhombus and square are special parallelograms

because of the distinct characteristics of their diagonals. How
the diagonals of these parallelograms differ from one another?

f. Parallelogram with diagonals is A. Guided Practice

perpendicular and has four right angles
and four congruent sides is a square.
Work in Pairs. Fill in the blanks of the correct answer.
a. A contractor build a frame for office so that XY
≌ WZ and XW ≌YZ . Using a tape measure, the
contractor found that XZ = WY. Why must the
frame be a rectangle?

Fill in the blanks of the correct answer.

Reason: Both pairs of opposite sides of WXYZ are

3. Analysis ̅
____, so WXYZ is a parallelogram, since ̅XZ= WY ,̅ ̅
the _____ of the frame WXYZ are _____, Therefore
Rectangle, rhombus and square are special parallelograms the frame is a rectangle by theorem b.
because of the distinct characteristics of their diagonals. How
the diagonals of these parallelograms differ from one another?

A. Guided Practice b. Given R A

PARK is parallelogram 3 4
a. Work in 2 groups (boys and girls) RP bisects ∠KRA and ∠KPA
Build a frame for your room using illustration board so Prove: JKLM is a rhombus 1 2
that XY ≌ WZ and XW ≌YZ . The teacher will measure
your frame and she found that K P
Boys: ∠XYZ ≅ ∠WY. The teacher conclude that your
Statement Reason
frame is a rectangle. Why must the frame be a rectangle?
Girls: XZ and WY forms a 90° angle, and WX ≅XY
1. ___________________ 1. Given
≅ YZ ≅ ZW . The teacher conclude that your frame is a
2. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠2 ,∠3 ≅ ∠ 4 2. _________________
square. Why must the frame be a square?
3. RP ≅ RP 3. _________________
4. ∠¿ ≅ ∠¿ 4. ASA Congruence Postulate
Fill in the blanks of the correct answer.
5. KR ≅ AP 5. _________________
6. with one pair of
Boys: Both pairs of opposite sides of WXYZ are ____,
consecutive sides are ≌ 6._________________
so WXYZ is a parallelogram, since XZ= WY, the
_____ of the frame WXYZ are _____, Therefore the B. Independent Practice
frame is a rectangle by theorem b.
Reason: Answer the following using the figure at the right.
1. If QUAD is a rectangle,
a) UE =21, ED =_____

b) QU =13.5, DA =________

Girls: Both pairs of opposite sides of WXYZ are ____, c) m QUA = ___________ E
XZ and WY are ________ of WXYZ that are ______, d) m ∠DQA=38°,m ∠UQA=_______
so WXYZ is a parallelogram since all sides are e) m ∠QAU=25°, m ∠AEU=_______
______ . Therefore the frame is a square by theorem D A
2.If QUAD is a square
a. QA =17.5 DU =_____ Q U
b. Given R b. DA =37, QU =______
A c. m ∠QUA=__________ E
PARK is parallelogram 3 4 d. m ∠QED=__________
RP bisects ∠KRA and ∠KPA e. m ∠UDA=__________
Prove: JKLM is a rhombus D A
C. Generalization
3. Application
Things problem below.
Gerryofis rhombus
1. Diagonals making area frame to provide shelter to his
2. planted tomatoes; He stretched plastic
Each diagonal of a rhombus bisects a pair cover a wooden
of opposite angles.
3. frame.
Diagonals of awall
Each rectangle
of theare congruent.
frame is a rectangle, with diagonal
4. braces
Diagonals of afor
added square are perpendicular
support. If the braceand congruent.
connecting points A
2 and C has length of 73 inches, how long is the brace
K connecting points B and D? What is the length from the
P point of intersection to point A?
Statement Reason

1. ___________________ 1. Given
2. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 2 ,∠ 3 ≅ ∠ 4 2. _________________
3. RP ≅ RP 3. _________________
4. ∠¿ ≅ ∠¿ 4. ASA Congruence Postulate IV. EVALUATION
5. KR ≅ AP 5. _________________ ´ =6 y + 4 , HO=5 y +8 . Find y,
If RHOM is a rhombus, RH

6. with one pair of RH, HO, OM

consecutive sides are ≌ 6._________________ R 6y+4 H

B. Independent Practice
Answer the following using the figure at the right. 5y+8
1. If QUAD is a rectangle,
a) UE =21, ED =_____ Q U M O
b) QU =13.5, DA =________
c) m QUA = ___________ E V. ASSIGNMENT
d) m ∠DQA=38°,m ∠UQA=_______
e) m ∠QAU=25°, m ∠AEU=____ D A 1. Follow-up If ABCD is a square, AB´ =7x-3 and ̅̅ BC=4
´ x +9 ,
find the perimeter of ABCD.
2. If QUAD is a square Q U 2. Study: State the Midline Theorem .
a. QA =17.5 DU =_____
b. DA =37, QU =______
c. m ∠QUA=__________ E
d. m ∠QED=__________
e. m ∠UDA=__________ D A

C. Generalization
a. Application
Things problem below.
Gerryofis rhombus
1. Diagonals making are
a frame to provide shelter to his
2. planted tomatoes;
Each diagonal He stretched
of a rhombus plastic
bisects a pair cover a wooden
of opposite angles.
3. frame.
Diagonals of a rectangle are congruent.
Each wall of the frame is a rectangle, with diagonal
4. braces
Diagonals of afor
added square are perpendicular
support, as shown. Ifand thecongruent.
brace connecting
points A and C has length of 73 inches, how long is the
brace connecting points B and D? What is the length from
the point of intersection to pt A?

If RHOM is a rhombus, RH
´ =6 y + 4 , HO=5 y +8 . Find y,
RH, HO, OM R 6y+4 H



1. Follow-up If ABCD is a square, AB´ =7x-3 and ̅ BC=4

´ x +9 ,
find the perimeter of ABCD.
2. Study: State the Midline Theorem .


A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle
similarity. similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

Proves the Midline Theorem Proves the Midline Theorem

At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. Proves the Midline Theorem 1. Proves the Midline Theorem
2. Apply the Midline Theorem 2. Apply the Midline Theorem
3. Show camaraderie in doing the activity 3. Show camaraderie in doing the activity


Topic: Quadrilaterals Topic: Quadrilaterals


Sub-Topic: Midline Theorem Sub-Topic: Midline Theorem

Materials: Activity Sheets, Laptop and monitor, bond paper Materials: Activity Sheets, Laptop and monitor

References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp.306-308 References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp. 306-308
Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9 Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9


B. Preliminaries A. Preliminaries
Motivation: Motivation:

Activity: Activity:
Draw a different kinds of triangles on the board (equilateral,
Form 5 groups and give the different kinds of triangles and equiangular, right, acute, and obtuse)
other materials needed. Follow the given PROCEDURE.
Materials: equilateral triangle, right triangle, obtuse triangle, and B. Lesson Proper
acute triangle that is not equiangular, pencil, ruler, protractor, 1. Teaching/Modeling
adhesive tape, pair of scissors

Given: ∆ HNS , O is the
1. One or two members of each group shall perform the ´ , E is the
midpoint of HN
following in each triangle.
2. Choose a third side of a triangle. Using a ruler, measure and
midpoint of NS .
mark the midpoints of the other 2 sides then connect the
midpoints to form a segment.
• Does the segment drawn look parallel to the third side of 2 E
the 1
triangle you chose? Prove: OE ∥ HS , OE= HS O 3 T
3. Measure the segment drawn and the third side you chose. 4
• Compare the lengths of the segments drawn and the third H S

you chose. What did you observe?

4. Cut the triangle along the segment drawn. Statements Reasons
• What two figures are formed after cutting the triangle 1. ∆HNS, O is the midpoint of 1. Given
HN, E is the midpoint of NS
along the segment drawn? 2. ∆HNS, O is the midpoint of 2. In a ray, point at a given
5. Use an adhesive tape to reconnect the triangle with the other HN, E is the midpoint of NS distance from the endpoint of the
figure in such a way that their common vertex was a ray.
midpoint and that congruent segments formed by a midpoint 3. ´ ≅ És
EN 3. Definition of Midpoint
coincide. 4. ∠ 2 ≅ ∠3 4. VAT
• After reconnecting the cutouts, what new figure is formed? 5. ∆ONE ≅ ∆TSE ≅ ∆ONE ≅ 5. SAS Congruence Postulate
Why? ∆TSE
• Make a conjecture to justify the new figure formed after 6. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠4 6. CPCTC
doing the above activity. Explain your answer. 7. HN || ST 7. If AIAC, then the lines are
• What can you say about your findings in relation to those parallel.
8. OH ≅ ON 8. Definition of midpoint
of your classmates?
9. ON ≅ TS 9. CPCTC
• Do you think that the findings apply to all kinds of
10. OH ≅ ST 10. Transitive property
triangles? Why?
11. Quadrilateral HOTS is a 11. Definition of parallelogram
12. OE || HS 12. OE´ is on the side of OT
´ of
B. Lesson Proper HOTS
13. OE + ET = OT 13. Segment Addition Postulate
1. Teaching/Modeling
14. OE + OE = 0T 14. Substitution (SN 2)
15. 2OE = OT 15. Addition
Given: ∆ HNS , O is the 16. HS ≅ OT 16. Parallelogram Property1
midpoint of HN
´ , E is the 17. 2OE = HS 17. Substitution
N 18. OE = 1/2 HS (The segment 18. Substitution (SN 14 & 15)
midpoint of NS . joining the midpoints of two
1 sides of a triangle is half as
long as the third side.)
2 E
Prove: OE ∥ HS , OE= HS O 3 T 2. Analysis

4 What is midline Theorem? How do we prove midline

H S Theorem?
Statements Reasons
1. ∆HNS, O is the midpoint of 1. Given 3. Guided Practice
HN, E is the midpoint of NS
2. ∆HNS, O is the midpoint of 2. In a ray, point at a given Consider ∆ABC, if M and N are midpoints of AD ´ and AC
HN, E is the midpoint of NS distance from the endpoint of the
respectively, then MN is a midline ( or a midsegment). Prove
´ ≅ És 3. Definition of Midpoint 1
3. EN that MN ∥ DC and MN = DC.
4. ∠2≅∠3 4. VAT 2
5. ∆ONE ≅ ∆TSE ≅ ∆ONE ≅ 5. SAS Congruence Postulate
6. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠4 6. CPCTC
7. HN || ST 7. If AIAC, then the lines are
parallel. M N O
8. OH ≅ ON 8. Definition of midpoint
9. ON ≅ TS 9. CPCTC
10. OH ≅ ST 10. Transitive property
11. Quadrilateral HOTS is a 11. Definition of parallelogram D C
12. OE || HS 12. OE´ is on the side of OT
´ of
13. OE + ET = OT 13. Segment Addition Postulate Statements Reasons
14. OE + OE = 0T 14. Substitution (SN 2) 1. Draw ⃗NO , such that 1. Construction
15. 2OE = OT 15. Addition MN ∥ DC
16. HS ≅ OT 16. Parallelogram Property1 2. 2. Given
17. 2OE = HS 17. Substitution 3. AM ≅ MD , AN ≅ NC 3
18. OE = 1/2 HS (The segment 18. Substitution (SN 14 & 15) 4. 4
joining the midpoints of two 5. ∆MAN ≅ ∆OCN 5
sides of a triangle is half as 6. 6. CPCTC
long as the third side.) 7. AD || CO 7. If AIAC, then the lines are
2. Analysis 8. AM ≅ CO 8

What is midline Theorem? How do we prove midline 9. MD ≅ CO 9

Theorem? 10. MOCD is a parallelogram 10
11. MN || DC 11. Definition of parallelogram
12. MO ≅ DC 12
13. MO = DC 13
14. MN + NO = MO 14
15. MN + MN = MO 15
3. Guided Practice 16. 2MN = MO 16
17. 2MN =DC 17
Consider ∆ABC, if M and N are midpoints of AD ´ and AC 1 18
respectively, then MN
´ is a midline ( or a midsegment). Prove that 18. MN = DC (The segment
1 joining the midpoints of two
MN ∥ DC and MN = DC.
2 sides of a triangle is half as
long as the third side.)
4. Independent Practice

Activity: Go for It! I

n ∆MCG, A and I are the midpoints of MG and GC,
respectively. Consider each given information and answer
the questions that follow.
Statements Reasons 1. Given: AI = 10.5
1. Draw ⃗NO , such that 1. Construction
MN ∥ DC •What is MC?
2. 2. Given
•How did you solve for MC? A I
3. AM ≅ MD , AN ≅ NC 3
4. 4 2. Given: CG = 32
5. ∆MAN ≅ ∆OCN 5 Questions:
6. 6. CPCTC • What is GI?
7. AD || CO 7. If AIAC, then the lines are • How did you solve for GI? G

8. AM ≅ CO 8 3. Given: AG = 7 and CI = 8
9. MD ≅ CO 9 Questions:
10. MOCD is a parallelogram 10 • What is MG + GC?
11. MN || DC 11. Definition of parallelogram • How did you solve for the sum?
12. MO ≅ DC 12
13. MO = DC 13 4. Given: AI = 3x – 2 and MC = 9x – 13
14. MN + NO = MO 14
15. MN + MN = MO 15
16. 2MN = MO 16
• What is the value of x?
17. 2MN =DC 17 • How did you solve for x?
1 18 • What is the sum of AI + MC? Why?
18. MN = DC (The segment
joining the midpoints of two
sides of a triangle is half as
long as the third side.) 5. Given: MG CG, AG – 2y – 1, IC = y + 5
4. Independent Practice • What is the value of y?
• How did you solve for y?
Activity: Go for It! In ∆MCG, A and I are the midpoints of • How long are MG and CG? Why?
MG and GC, respectively. Consider each given information
and answer the questions that follow. 5. Generalization
1. Given: AI = 10.5 Midline Theorem
Questions: The segment whose endpoints are the midpoints of two
•What is MC? sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and has a length
•How did you solve for MC? A I equal to half the length of the third side.
2. Given: CG = 32 The next theorems can be proved by using the midline
Questions: theorem.
• What is GI?  If the consecutive midpoints of the sides of a y quadrilateral
• How did you solve for GI? G are joined together, then the quadrilateral formed is a
3. Given: AG = 7 and CI = 8

• What is MG + GC?  If three or more parallel lines cut off congruent segments on
• How did you solve for the sum? one transversal, then they cut off congruent segments on
every transversal.
4. Given: AI = 3x – 2 and MC = 9x – 13
• What is the value of x?
• How did you solve for x?
• What is the sum of AI + MC? Why?
5. Given: MG CG, AG – 2y – 1, IC = y + 5 6. Application
• What is the value of y? In the triangle PQR, X, Y and Z are the midpoints of
• How did you solve for y? PQ, QR and PR respectively. If PQ = 24, QR = 30 and PR
• How long are MG and CG? Why? = 18, find perimeter of triangle XYZ.

5. Generalization Q

Midline Theorem
The segment whose endpoints are the midpoints of two
sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and has a length
equal to half the length of the third side.
The next theorems can be proved by using the midline theorem. X Y
 If the consecutive midpoints of the sides of a quadrilateral are
joined together, then the quadrilateral formed is a

 If three or more parallel lines cut off congruent segments on

one transversal, then they cut off congruent segments on every P Z R

6. Application
In the triangle PQR, X, Y and Z are the midpoints of
PQ, QR and PR respectively. If PQ = 24, QR = 30 and PR =
18, find perimeter of triangle XYZ.


M and N are midpoints of AC and AD respectively.

X Y Complete each statement.




M and N are midpoints of AC and AD respectively. Complete each 1. If MN = 12 then DC = ________

statement. 2. If AD = 36, then AN = ________
3. If MC = 12.5 then AC = ______
4. If DC = 37 then MN = ________
5. If MN = x – 2 and DC = x +10, then DC = _

1. If MN = 12 then DC = ________
2. 2. If AD = 36, then AN = ________
3. If MC = 12.5 then AC = ______
4. If DC = 37 then MN = ________
5. If MN = x – 2 and DC = x +10, then DC =
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates
of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, understanding of key concepts of quadrilaterals
kites) and triangle similarity. (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

Proves theorems on trapezoids and kites. Proves theorems on trapezoids


At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. Prove theorems on trapezoids. a. Prove theorems on trapezoids.
2. Apply theorems on trapezoids in solving problems. b. Apply theorems on trapezoids in solving problems.

3. Show camaraderie in doing activities. c. Show camaraderie in doing activities.


Topic: Quadrilaterals
Sub-Topic: Prove Theorems on Trapezoid Topic: Quadrilaterals
Materials: Activity Sheets, Laptop and monitor Sub-Topic: Trapezoid
References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp.306-308 Materials: Activity Sheets, Laptop and monitor
Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9 pp.306-308 References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp.306-308
III. PROCEDURE Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9 pp.306-308
A. Preliminaries
A. Preliminaries
1. Pre-Assessment 1. Pre-Assessment
Explain why the figure at right is NOT a parallelogram Explain why the figure at right is NOT a parallelogram

2. Motivation
2. Motivation
In what places here in Santa Barbara can you find big
In what places here in Santa Barbara can you find big basketball basketball courts? We have Sta Barbara Sports Complex, and
courts? We have Sta Barbara Sports Complex, and almost every almost every barangay has its own basketball court.
barangay has its own basketball court.
Motive Question: Motive Question:
1. What is the shape of the free-throw lane above?
1. What is the shape of the free-throw lane above? 2. Describe the angles inside the 4-sided figure.
2. Describe the angles inside the 4-sided figure. 3. Which sides of the figure appear to be parallel? Congruent?
3. Which sides of the figure appear to be parallel? Congruent?
B. Lesson Proper
3. Let the students view the basketball game showing the 1. Teaching/Modeling
free throw area of the court. Emphasize that the free
If ABCD Is an isosceles trapezoid, then

throw area is an example of an isosceles trapezoid. A B

B. L
e ss E G H F
o n
´ ≌ DC
a. AB ´ , because legs of an isosceles trapezoid are ≌.
b. ∠ A≌ ∠ B , because base angles of an isosceles trapezoid is
Proper c. ∠D ≌ ∠C because base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are
a. Teaching/Modeling ´ ≌ BD
d. AC ´ , because diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are ≌.
b. Let the students view about theorems on isosceles e. EF = ½ (AB+DC) because the median of a trapezoid is ½ the
sum of the bases.

Things to remember: In trapezoid ABCD above, if AB and DC are 15 cm and 23 cm,

If ABCD Is an isosceles trapezoid, then respectively, find the length of EF.
EF = ½ (AB+DC)
EF = ½ (15 +23)
EF = 19 cm
2. Analysis
How can be the base angles and diagonals be used to determine if the
trapezoid is isosceles? What is true about median of isosceles
D C trapezoid?
´ ≌ DC
a. AB ´ , because legs of an isosceles trapezoid are ≌.
b. ∠ A≌ ∠ B , because base angles of an isosceles trapezoid is ≌. 3. Guided Practice
c. ∠D ≌ ∠C because base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are ≌.

´ ≌ BD
d. AC ´ , because diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are ≌. TRAP is an isosceles trapezoid T R
e. EF = ½ (AB+DC) because the median of a trapezoid is ½ the with median ED. Determine the
sum of the bases. relation exists between each of
In trapezoid ABCD above, if AB and DC are 15 cm and 23 cm, the following:
respectively, find the length of EF. 1. TR´ and ṔA ______ E D
´ ´
2. TP and RA _______ Z O
EF = ½ (AB+DC) 3. TA´ and RP ´ _______
EF = ½ (15 +23) 4. ED and ṔA _______
EF = 19 cm 5. ∠T and ∠R _______ P A
c. Analysis 1. Independent Practice
How can be the base angles and diagonals be used to determine if
the trapezoid is isosceles? What is true about median of isosceles
trapezoid? Given the parallelogram ABCD and the median XY. If XY =25
d. Guided Practice inches and CD = 24 inches,
Give each learner a trapezoid made of bond paper. Let them do the Find: HR
following: A B
1. Label the trapezoid as TRAP such that TR ∥ PA.
2. Fold and join the parallel sides and trace the folded
part with a pencil. Mark the endpoints with E
between TP and D between RA.
TRAP is an isosceles trapezoid T R
with median . Determine the
relation exists between each of
the following: 5. Generalization
1. TR´ and ṔA ______ E D
´ ´
2. TP and RA _______ Z O Things to remember
3. TA´ and RP ´ _______ 1. Base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent.
4. ED and ṔA _______
´ 2. Diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are

5. ∠T and ∠R _______ P A 3. The median of a trapezoid is parallel to the base and its length is half
e. Independent Practice the sum of the lengths of the bases.
4. The median of a trapezoid bisects each of the diagonals.

Many different kinds of ornamental/ medicinal plants are found

here in our school. Considering this pot of fresh flowers.

6. Application

LOVE is an isosceles trapezoid, find the indicated

Find: HR L O

5. Generalization
Things to remember
1. Base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent.
2. Diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are E V
3. The median of a trapezoid is parallel to the base and its length is
half the sum of the lengths of the bases. If LO = 2x -2 , YU = 15 and EV = 3x+2, find x, LO and EV.
4. The median of a trapezoid bisects each of the diagonals.

Use isosceles trapezoid TRAP to find the following

T 45cm R

6. Application
LOVE is an isosceles trapezoid, find the indicated Z O
P 67cm A
∠ PTR=111
Y U TA = 63 cm
TP = 18cm
E V a) EP

If LO = 2x -2 , YU = 15 and EV = 3x+2, find x, LO and EV. b) RP

Use isosceles trapezoid TRAP to find the following measure:
d) ∠ TPA
T 45cm R
e) ∠ RAP


∠ PTR=111
TA = 63 cm

TP = 18cm 1. Follow-up
a) EP Compare an isosceles trapezoid to a trapezoid that is not isosceles.
What properties do the figures have in common? What property does
b) RP one have that the other does not?

c) ED
d) ∠ TPA
e) ∠ RAP

1. Follow-up

Compare an isosceles trapezoid to a trapezoid that is not isosceles. What

properties do the figures have in common? What property does one have
that the other does not?


A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of
key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites)
and triangle similarity. and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

Proves theorems on Trapezoids and kite. Proves theorems on trapezoids and kite.


At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. Prove theorem on kites. 1. Prove theorem on kites.
2. Apply theorem on kites in solving problems. 2. Apply theorem on kites in solving problems.
3. Show camaraderie in doing activities. 3. Show camaraderie in doing activities.


Topic: Quadrilaterals Topic: Quadrilaterals

Sub-Topic: Prove Theorems on Kite Sub-Topic: Kite
Materials: Activity Sheets, Laptop and monitor Materials: Activity Sheets, Laptop and monitor

References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp.306-308 References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp.306-308
Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9 Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9

A. Preliminaries A. Preliminaries
1. Pre-Assessment 1. Pre-Assessment

STIBEC __________ STIBEC __________
TIKE __________ TIKE __________
ANALOGID __________ ANALOGID __________
SALENG __________ SALENG __________
ARPIS __________ Question:
Question: If you are asked to use these words what certain theorem can you
If you are asked to use these words what certain theorem can you form? form?

B. Lesson Proper B. Lesson Proper

1. Teaching/Modeling 1. Teaching/Modeling

Theorem Example Theorem Example

If a quadrilateral is a kite, then KM ⊥ JL
its diagonals are perpendicular. If a quadrilateral is a kite, then KM ⊥ JL
its diagonals are perpendicular.

If a quadrilateral is a kite, then

exactly two pairs of congruent
adjacent sides are ≌. BA ≅ BC
If a quadrilateral is a kite, then
DA ≅ DC exactly two pairs of congruent
adjacent sides are ≌. BA ≅ BC


Kite has exactly one pair of

Kite has exactly one pair of opposite angles is ≌ ∠ A ≅∠C
opposite angles is ≌ ∠ A ≅∠C

Kite has exactly one ∠ DCA ≅ ∠ DCB Kite has exactly one ∠ DCA ≅ ∠DCB
diagonal bisects a pair diagonal bisects a pair
of opposite angles ∠ CDA ≅ ∠CDB of opposite angles ∠ CDA ≅ ∠CDB

2. Analysis
What is true about the diagonals and adjacent sides of kite? 2. Analysis

3. Guided Practice : Human KITE What is true about the diagonals and adjacent sides of kite?
Make a human kite outside the classroom. This is to prove that
one pair of opposite angles of a kite is congruent. Ask volunteers to form
a figure presented on the TV screen. Refer to the figure below. One 3. Guided Practice :
student will hold letters J, K, L, and M as the vertex of the figure. Insert
7 students between J and L, 7 students between J and M. Insert 5
students between K and L and another 5 students between M and L. Given: JKLM is a kite with JK ≅ JM and KL ≅ ML .
Insert 10 students between J and L. Let the students do the following: Prove: ∠K ≌ ∠M
a. Count the number of persons from J to K. JK = _____ K
b. Count the number of persons from J to M. JM = ______
c. What can you say about the length of JK and JM?
d. Count the number of persons between K and L. KL = _____

e. Count the number of persons between M and L. ML = ____

f. What can you say about the length of KL and ML? M
g. Count the number of persons from J to L. JL = ______ It is ________ that JK ≅ JM and KL ≅ ML . By the ________
h. Emphasize to students that the number of persons counted Property JL≌JL. This means that ΔJKL ≌ ΔJML by ________
will serve as the length of the side of a kite. By reflexive So K ≌ M by ________.
property, JL ≅ JL. K
4. Independent Practice

´ and ÁI , complete the
Given: MARI is a kite with diagonals MR
M 1. MI≅ ________ A
2. ME ≅ ________
i. This means that ΔJKL ≌ ΔJML ´ ¿ ÁI
3. MR E
j. by __SSS Congruence, _ So K ≌ M by _CPCTC__.
4. ∆IER is a ________ M R
4. Independent Practice 5. m ∠MEA = ________
6. ∠AMI ≅ ________
´ and ÁI , complete the
Given: MARI is a kite with diagonals MR 7. ∠ MAI ≅ ________
following 8. ∠RIA ≅ ________
1. MI≅ ________ A
9. ḾA ≅ ________
2. ME ≅ ________
10. ∆AMI ≅ ________ I
3. MR´ ¿ ÁI E
4. ∆IER is a ________ M R
5. Generalization
5. m ∠MEA = ________
6. ∠AMI ≅ ________ Things to Remember
7. ∠ MAI ≅ ________ 1. The diagonals of a kite are ⊥.
8. ∠RIA ≅ ________ 2. Exactly one pair of opposite ∠s is ≌.
9. ḾA ≅ ________ 3. Exactly one diagonal of a kite bisects a pair of opposite ∠s.
10. ∆AMI ≅ ________ I

6. Application
5. Generalization
In KITE PQRS, m ∠PQR= 78° and m ∠TRS= 59°, Find
Things to Remember
a. m∠ QRT
1. The diagonals of a kite are ⊥.
b. m ∠QPS
2. Exactly one pair of opposite ∠s is ≌.
c. m ∠PSR R
3. Exactly one diagonal of a kite bisects a pair of opposite ∠s.
6. Application
In KITE PQRS, m ∠PQR= 78° and m ∠TRS= 59°, Find
Q 78° S
a. m∠ QRT
b. m ∠QPS
c. m ∠PSR R
Find the indicated measure if MATH is a kite
Q 78° S _____ 1. AT
_____ 2. TH A
_____3. MO
P _____ 4. AO
A _____ 5. m ∠ MOA MT =16 M 16 T
_____ 6. m ∠MAH
Find the indicated measure
_____ 7. m ∠MHA
if MATH is a kite M 16 T
_____ 8. m ∠ATH
_____ 1. AT
______ 9. m ∠MAT H
_____ 2. TH
_____ 3. MO
_____ 10. m∠ M + m ∠A + m ∠T + m ∠H
_____ 4. AO
_____ 5. m ∠MOA MT =16 H
_____ 6. m ∠MAH
_____ 7. m ∠MHA

_____ 8. m ∠ATH
______ 9. m ∠MAT
_____ 10. m∠ M + m ∠A + m ∠T + m ∠H



A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding
of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids,
kites) and triangle similarity. kites) and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

Solving problems involving parallelograms, trapezoids, and kites. Solving problems involving parallelograms, trapezoids, and kites.


At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. state the properties of trapezoids 1. state the properties of trapezoids
2. apply the properties of trapezoids in solving problems 2. apply the properties of trapezoids in solving problems
3. appreciate the importance of the properties of trapezoids in 3. appreciate the importance of the properties of trapezoids in
solving real – life problems. solving real – life problems.


Topic: Quadrilaterals Topic: Quadrilaterals

Sub-topic: Solving Problems Involving Trapezoids Sub-topic: Solving Problems Involving Trapezoids
Materials: TV monitor Materials: problem sheet
References: Teacher’s Guide, p. 222 References: Teacher’s Guide, p. 222
Learner’s Material, p. 341 Learner’s Material, p. 341


A. Preliminaries A. Preliminaries
1. Pre – EVALUATION/ Review 1. Pre – EVALUATION/ Review
a. How can you identify that a four – sided polygon is a. How can you identify that a four – sided polygon is a
a trapezoid? trapezoid?
b. What are the properties of a trapezoid? b. What are the properties of a trapezoid?
 Base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are  Base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent.
congruent.  Diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are ≅.
 Diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are ≅ .  The median of a trapezoid is parallel to the base
 The median of a trapezoid is parallel to the base and its length is half the sum of the lengths of the
and its length is half the sum of the lengths of bases.
the bases.  The median of a trapezoid bisects each of the
 The median of a trapezoid bisects each of the diagonals.
diagonals.  Opposite angles of an isosceles trapezoid are
 Opposite angles of an isosceles trapezoid are supplementary.
supplementary. 2. Motivation
2. Motivation
Which is usually more stable, a three- legged stool or a four-
Which is usually more stable, a three- legged stool or a four- legged one? Why?
legged one? Why?
B. Lesson Proper

B. Lesson Proper 1. Teaching/Modeling

1. Teaching/Modeling
a. Group the students by 5 and give them the figures of a. ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with m∠A = 6x + 10
trapezoid. and m∠B =4x + 50. Find m∠ A.

b. ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with m∠A = 6x + 10

and m∠B =4x + 50. Find m∠ A.
Solution: D C
Solution: D C m∠A=m∠B
m∠ A=m ∠B 6x + 10 = 4x + 50
6x + 10 = 4x + 50 2x = 40
2x = 40 x = 20 ⸫m∠A =
x = 20 ⸫ m∠A = 6(20) + 10 = 130 A B
6(20) + 10 = 130 A B

c. If DB = 2x – 4 and CA = x + 1, how long is DB? b. If DB = 2x – 4 and CA = x + 1, how long is DB?

2. Analysis 2. Analysis

A. What property of a trapezoid is used in forming an A. What property of a trapezoid is used in forming an
equation in x? equation in x?

B. How is the m∠ A obtained? B. How is the m∠A obtained?

C. How is the area of a trapezoid determined? What if the C. How is the area of a trapezoid determined? What if the
length of one diagonal is missing, what formula is length of one diagonal is missing, what formula is

used? D. What property of a trapezoid is applied in forming the

D. What property of a trapezoid is applied in forming the
equation? E. How is m∠A related to m∠B ?
E. How is m∠A related to m∠B ?
3. Guided Practice
a. Given: Quadrilateral POST is an isosceles trapezoid
3. Guided Practice ´ // PT
with OS ´ , ER is its median.

a. Given: Quadrilateral POST is an isosceles trapezoid 1. If OS = 3x – 2, PT = 2x + 10 and ER = 14, how

´ // PT
with OS ´ , ER is its median. long is each base? (property on parallel sides)

1. If OS = 3x – 2, PT = 2x + 10 and ER = 14, how 2. If m∠P=2x+5 and m∠O=3x-10,What is m∠T?

long is each base? (property on parallel sides) (property on consecutive angles)

2. If m∠ P=2 x +5∧m∠O=3 x−10 ,What ism ∠T?

(property on consecutive angles) 4. Independent Practice

3. At this moment, a video on how to solve problems

on trapezoid will be played.
´ DC
A. Given trapezoid ABCD, AB∥ ´ ; X and Y are midpoints of ´ BC ´ respectively.
1. Find XY if AB = 30 and DC = 18 D C
4. Independent Practice 2. Find AB if DC = 5 and XY = 8
´ ´
A. Given trapezoid ABCD, AB∥ DC ; X and Y are midpoints of
´ BC
AD∧ ´ respectively. A B
1. Find XY if AB = 30 and DC = 18 D C 5. Generalization
2. Find AB if DC = 5 and XY = 8 To solve problems on trapezoids, use or apply its

properties and theorems.

6. Application
5. Generalization
To solve problems on trapezoids, use or apply its Solve the following problems by applying the properties/theorems
on trapezoids.
properties and theorems.
a. Find the area and the median of 20 m high trapezoid if
6. Application the measure of its bases are 16 m and 18 m
Solve the following problems by applying the properties/theorems
on trapezoids. IV. EVALUATION
a. Find the area and the median of 20 m high trapezoid
if the measure of its bases are 16 m and 18 m 1. If one of the angles of an isosceles trapezoid is 40, how
respectively. many degrees are there in each of the other angles?

2. Find the area and the median of 10 m high trapezoid if

IV. EVALUATION the measure of its bases are 25 m and 47 m respectively.

1. If one of the angles of an isosceles trapezoid is 40, how

many degrees are there in each of the other angles?

2. Find the area and the median of 10 m high trapezoid if

the measure of its bases are 25 m and 47 m respectively.


A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding
of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids,
kites) and triangle similarity. kites) and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

Solves problems involving parallelograms, trapezoids, and Solves problems involving parallelograms, trapezoids, and
kites. kites.

1. Objectives: I. Objectives:

At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. Solve problems involving parallelograms. 1. Solve problems involving parallelograms.
2. Apply the properties of parallelograms in solving 2. Apply the properties of parallelograms in solving

problems. problems.
3. Appreciate the importance of the properties of 3. Appreciate the importance of the properties of
parallelograms in solving real – life problems. parallelograms in solving real – life problems.

II. Subject Matter b. Subject Matter

Topic: Quadrilaterals Topic: Quadrilaterals
Sub-Topic: Solving Problems Involving Parallelograms Sub-Topic: Solving Problems Involving Parallelograms
Materials: Ruler/Meter Stick/Tape Measure, Figures of Materials: Ruler/Meter Stick/Tape Measure, Figures of
Parallelograms, Activity sheets, Laptop Parallelograms, Activity sheets, Laptop
and monitor and monitor
References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp.343 References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp.343
Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9 pp. 222 Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9 pp. 222

III. Procedure c. Procedure

1. Preliminaries (5min) 1. Preliminaries
a. Prayer played through monitor. a. Prayer
b. Recall the formula in finding the area and the b. Review on the properties of square, rhombus and
perimeter of square, rhombus and rectangle. rectangle.
 Parallelogram with diagonals is perpendicular and
has four right angles and four congruent sides is a
SQUARE A=s 2 P=4 s square.

1 Rectangle
RHOMBUS A= d 1 d 2 P=4 s
 If one angle of a parallelogram is a right angle, then
RECTANGLE A=lw P=2 l+2 w

the parallelogram is a rectangle.

2. Lesson Proper (35 min)  Parallelogram with diagonals are congruent is a
A. Guided Activity (by group) rectangle.
1. Choose the figure in the box.
2. Name the figure chosen as WAVE. Rhombus
3. Form a group according to the chosen figure (square,  Parallelogram with one pair of consecutive sides are
rectangle, rhombus). congruent is a rhombus.
4. Name the group sound of an animal.  Parallelogram with diagonals are perpendicular is a
5. Introduce the group by yelling the sound and say rhombus.
about the property/ies of the figure.  Parallelogram with diagonals bisecting opposite
angles is a rhombus.
 Parallelogram with diagonals are perpendicular c. Review on the formula in finding the area and the
and has four right angles and four congruent perimeter of square, rhombus and rectangle.
sides is a square.
SQUARE A=s 2 P=4 s
 If one angle of a parallelogram is a right angle,
then the parallelogram is a rectangle. 1
RHOMBUS A= d 1 d 2 P=4 s
 Parallelogram with diagonals are congruent is a 2
rectangle. RECTANGLE A=lw P=2 l+2 w
6. Lesson Proper
 Parallelogram with one pair of consecutive
A. Guided Activity (by pair)
sides are congruent is a rhombus.
Solve each problem completely and accurately.
 Parallelogram with diagonals are perpendicular

is a rhombus. Show your solution by applying the property inside the

 Parallelogram with diagonals bisecting opposite parenthesis.
angles is a rhombus. 1. Given: Parallelogram WISH is a rectangle.
a. If the measure of m∠W= x + 15 and the
measure of m∠S = 5, what is the measure of
m∠W ? (property on opposite angles)
b. If WI = 3y + 3 and HS = y + 13, how long is HS
? (property on opposite sides)
c. What is the area and perimeter of the rectangle?
Use the properties inside the parenthesis. All units must
be in inches. 2. Given: Parallelogram POST is a square.
For Rectangle a. If PT = 2, how long is OS? (property on sides)
b. What is the area and perimeter of the square?
1. Measure and label the side WA, WA = _____, ∴ EV =¿
_____. (property on opposite sides)

2. Measure and label the side WE, WE = _____, ∴ AV =¿ 3. Given: Parallelogram LOVE is a rhombus
_____. (property on opposite sides) a. If LO = 2x – 5 and VE = 3, how long is LO?
a. If WA = 2x – 6 and EV = x + 2, how long is WA? (property on sides)
EV? b. If m∠V =3 y−2, and m∠ L=4 y+5, what is
b. If WA = 2x + 5 and EV = x + 2, how long is WA? m∠ V ? (property on opposite angles)
EV? c. If m∠ L=3 y−13 and m∠O= y +1, what is the
c. What is the area of the figure? value of y? What is the measure of each angle?
3. Measure ∠ V ,∠V =¿_____. Measure ∠ E, ∠ E=¿_____. (property on consecutive angles.
If m∠ E=x +20 and m∠V =3 x+ 60;
d. What is the value of x? (property on consecutive

angles) B. Analysis
e. What is m∠ V ? m∠ E? (substitution) 1. How would you describe a square? A rectangle?
f. What is the perimeter of each figure? (Use the A rhombus?
formula in solving for perimeter) 2. What are their common properties?
g. What is the area? (use the formula) 3. How would you solve problems involving
For Rhombus: 4. What is the importance of solving
1. Draw and measure diagonal EA, EA = _____. Draw and
measure diagonal WV, WV = ____.
2. Label the intersection of the diagonals as T. C. Abstraction
3. Measure the length of ET, ET = _____, ⸫ AT = ____
(diagonals bisect each other) Properties of Parallelogram
4. Measure the length of WT, WT = _____ (diagonals bisect  Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
each other)
 Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.
a. If ET = 2y – 3 and AT = y + 1, how long is ET and AT?
 Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are
5. Measure ∠ V ,∠V =¿_____. Measure ∠ E, ∠ E=¿_____.
If m∠ E=x +20 and m∠V =3 x+ 60;
 The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
 Either diagonal of a parallelogram forms two
b. What is the value of x? (property on consecutive angles)
congruent triangles.
c. What is m∠ V ? m∠ E? (substitution)
h. What is its perimeter? (Use the formula)
D. Application
i. What is the area of the figure? (Use the formula in
solving for area)
Find the area of a rectangular garden if its perimeter is
14 m and its length is 6m.

For Square
IV. Evaluation
1. Measure and label the side WA, WA = _____, ∴ EV =¿ 1. Given the parallelogram square TEAM. If TE = 2x + 4
_____. (property on opposite sides) and AM = 5x+1,
2. Measure and label the side WE, WE = _____, ∴ AV =¿ a. What is x?
_____. (property on opposite sides) b. What is the length of TE?
a. If WA = 2x – 6 and EV = x + 2, how long is WA? c. What is its area?
EV? d. What is its perimeter?
b. If WA = 2x + 5 and EV = x + 2, how long is WA?
c. What is the area of the figure? V. Assignment/Enrichment
3. Measure ∠ V ,∠V =¿_____. Measure ∠ E, ∠ E =_____. If
m∠ E=x +20 and m∠V =3 x+ 60;
Solve the following problems.
d. What is the value of x? (property on consecutive
angles) The width of a rectangle is 5 cm less than 7times its
e. What is m∠ V ? m∠ E? (substitution) length. If the perimeter is 80cm, find the length and the
j. What is the perimeter of each figure? (Use the width.
formula in solving for perimeter)
k. What is the area? (use the formula)














B. Analysis
a. What kind of figures are square, rectangle and
b. How would you describe a square? A rectangle? A
c. What are their common properties?
d. How would you solve problems involving
e. What is the importance of solving parallelograms?

C. Abstraction

Properties of Parallelogram

1. Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.

2. Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.
3. Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are

4. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

5. Either diagonal of a parallelogram forms two
congruent triangles

D. Application
Each group will be given different figures to measure.
Using a ruler/ meter stick/tape measure small and bigger
square member will measure the area of Ma’am Saul’s
room, small and bigger rectangle members will measure
the area of the window, small and bigger rhombus
members will measure the area of the room. Write the
answer at the back of the activity sheet. Let one member
of the group present their answer.

IV. Evaluation

1. Given the parallelogram square TEAM. If TE = 2x + 4

and AM = 5x+1,
a. what is x?
b. What is the length of TE?
c. What is its area?
d. What is its perimeter?

V. Assignment/Enrichment
Solve the following problems.

The width of a rectangle is 5 cm less than 7times its


length. If the perimeter is 80cm, find the length and the




A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding
of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids,
kites) and triangle similarity. kites) and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

Describe proportion Describe proportion



At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. Describe a proportion 1. Describe a proportion.
2. Solve for the unknown term in a proportion. 2. Solve for the unknown term in a proportion.
3. Value accumulated knowledge as means of new 3. Value accumulated knowledge as means of new
understanding understanding


Topic: Similarity Topic: Similarity
Sub – Topic: Proportion Sub – Topic: Proportion
References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp. References: Learner’s Material for Mathematics 9 pp.
356–363 356 – 363
Materials: Activity Sheets, laptop and monitor Materials: Activity Sheets, laptop and monitor


A. Preliminary A. Preliminary
1. Pre-Assessment Express the following as ratio: 1. Pre-Assessment Express the following as ratio:
a. 2 meters to 40 centimeters a. 2 meters to 40 centimeters
b. 3 weeks to 6 days b. 3 weeks to 6 days
c. 25 minutes to 2 hours c. 25 minutes to 2 hours
d. 6 years to 1.5 decades d. 6 years to 1.5 decades
e. a century to a decade e. a century to a decade

B. Lesson Proper B. Lesson Proper

1. Teaching/Modeling Illustrative examples: 1. Teaching/Modeling Illustrative examples:

Find the missing term in a proportion:


a. x : 8 = 4 : 16 Find the missing term in a proportion:

a. x : 8 = 4 : 16
x • 16 = 8 • 4
16 x 32 x • 16 = 8 • 4
16 16 16x/16 = 32/16
x=2 x=2

b. 5: 2 = x : 4 b. 5: 2 = x : 4

2•x=5•4 2•x=5•4
2 x 20 2x/2=20/2
2 2 x = 10
x = 10
2. Analysis:
2. Analysis:
How do you solve for the unknown term in a proportion? How do you solve for the unknown term in a proportion?

3. Guided Practice 3. Guided Practice

Find the missing term in each of the following proportions. Find the missing term in each of the following proportions.
3 9 a. 3/ 4=9/ x Solution:
a. = Solution:
4 x
¾ = 9/x
3 9 3•___ = ___ • 9
4 X 3x = 36
3•___ = ___ • 9 x = ___
3x = 36
x = ___

2 10 2 10
b. = Solution: b. = Solution:
3 3 x +3 3 3 x +3

2(3x + 3) = ___ • 10 2(3x + 3) = ___ • 10

____ + 6 = 30 ____ + 6 = 30
_____ = 24 _____ = 24
x = ____ x = ____

4. Independent Practice 4. Independent Practice

Express the following ratios into proportion and tell whether they Express the following ratios into proportion and tell whether they
are proportional or not. are proportional or not.

30:20 and 198:132 ____________ 30:20 and 198:132 ____________

1.5:15 and 0.1:10 _____________ 1.5:15 and 0.1:10 _____________
169:121 and 130:110 __________ 169:121 and 130:110 __________
32:80 and 96:240 _____________ 32:80 and 96:240 _____________
280:340 and 42:51 ____________ 280:340 and 42:51 ____________
0.2:2 and 11:110 _____________ 0.2:2 and 11:110 _____________

5. Generalization 5. Generalization
 Ratio is used to compare two or more quantities.  Ratio is used to compare two or more quantities.
Quantities involved in ratio are of the same kind so Quantities involved in ratio are of the same kind
that ratio does not make use of units. However, so that ratio does not make use of units. However,
when quantities are of different kinds, the when quantities are of different kinds, the
comparison of the quantities that consider the units comparison of the quantities that consider the
is called rate. units is called rate.

 Proportion is the equality of two ratios.

 Proportion is the equality of two ratios.

w y
Fundamental Rule of Proportion If 𝒘:𝒙 =𝒚:𝒛, then =
x z
provided that 𝒙 ≠ 𝟎;𝒛 ≠ 𝟎 w y
Fundamental Rule of Proportion If 𝒘:𝒙 =𝒚:𝒛, then =
x z
provided that 𝒙 ≠ 𝟎;𝒛 ≠ 𝟎
6. Application:
6. Application:
A. Who among you here went to Bucari, Leon, Iloilo. This A. Who among you here went to Bucari, Leon, Iloilo.
place is said to be the little Baguio of Iloilo because of This place is said to be the little Baguio of Iloilo
its cold and fresh air. It is due to many trees planted in because of its cold and fresh air. It is due to many
the said place. Do you know that: (show the pictures trees planted in the said place. Do you know that:
about the place)

A A certain type of tree always grows at some rate throughout its


20 meters
certain type of tree always grows at
some rate throughout its life

20 meters
2 years 6 months

Calculate the height of the younger tree


B. Determine if the ratios are proportional or not. Write P for

Proportional or NP for Not Proportional

2 years 6 months __________1. 3:5 and 9:15

B. Determine if the ratios are proportional or not. Write P __________2. 7:9 and 3:4
for Proportional or NPoffortheNot
Calculate the height Proportional
younger tree __________3. 6:7 and 18:21
__________4. 4:x and 12:3x
2a 6 a
__________1. 3:5 and 9:15 __________5. =
5 15
__________2. 7:9 and 3:4
__________3. 6:7 and 18:21
__________4. 4:x and 12:3x IV. EVALUATION Apply the fundamental law of proportion
2a 6 a by finding the missing variable. Write the answer on the
__________5. =
5 15 blank before the number.

IV. EVALUATION Apply the fundamental law of proportion by 3 9 5 60

1. = 4. =
finding the missing variable. Write the answer on the blank 14 X X 84
before the number.

3 9 5 60 17 X X 9
1. = 4. = 2. = 5. =
14 X X 84 8 64 8 2

17 X X 9
2. = 5. = X 24
8 64 8 2 3. =
13 39
X 24
3. =
13 39

V. Assignment V. Assignment
1. Follow-up. 1. Follow-up.
Supply the missing numbers or variables which will make the Supply the missing numbers or variables which will make the
statement proportionality. statement proportionality.
3 ( ) () 3 () ()
1. = = 1. = =
4 12 20 4 12 20
() 8 35 () 8 35
2. = = 2. = =
6 15 ( ) 6 15 ( )
2 () 12 2 () 12
3. = = 3. = =
() 35 66 () 35 66

2. Study: Study about similar polygons. 2. Study: Study about similar polygons.



A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding
of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids, of key concepts of quadrilaterals (parallelograms, trapezoids,
kites) and triangle similarity. kites) and triangle similarity.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate, B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate,
analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals analyze, and solve problems involving quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity (parallelograms, trapezoids, kites) and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation. through appropriate and accurate representation.

C. Learning Competencies: C. Learning Competencies:

Apply the Fundamental Theorems of Proportionality to Apply the Fundamental Theorems of Proportionality to
Solve Problems Involving Proportions Solve Problems Involving Proportions

At the end of the session, the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. Solve problems involving proportions applying the 1. Solve problems involving proportions applying the
theorems of proportionality. theorems of proportionality.
2. Apply theorems on proportions in solving problems. 2. Apply theorems on proportions in solving problems.
3. Appreciate the importance of proportions. 3. Appreciate the importance of proportions.


Topic: Similarity Topic: Similarity
Sub – Topic: Solving Problems Involving Proportion Sub – Topic: Solving Problems Involving Proportion
Materials: Activity Sheets, laptop and monitor, meter stick, ruler Materials: Activity Sheets, laptop and monitor, meter stick, ruler
References: Grade 9 Teaching Guide pp. References: Grade 9 Teaching Guide pp.
Grade 9 Learning Module pp. 360 – 361 Grade 9 Learning Module pp. 360 – 361


A. Preliminary A. Preliminary
1. Below are points A, B, C, and D in a meter stick with 1. Below are points A, B, C, and D in a meter stick with
their corresponding coordinates. Let the students draw the figure their corresponding coordinates. Use the figure to find
on a sheet of paper. Use the figure to find the ratio of the
the ratio of the following:
0 10 30 35

0 10 30 35
a. AB to BC c. DC to AD
c. AB to BC c. DC to AD
b. BC to CD d. AB to AD
d. BC to CD d. AB to AD

2. The figure in each number are proportional. Find the

value of x in the given figures: 2. The figure in each number are proportional. Find the
value of x in the given figures:
a. Using a ruler
a. Using a ruler

4 5
4 5

X 15
X 15
b. Using a ruler
b. Using a ruler

21 x
21 x
3 8
3 8

X 45
70 35 X 45
70 35

a. How did you find the activity?

b. Were you able to determine the ratio of the first activity? a. How did you find the activity?
c. How did you find the value of x on the second activity? b. Were you able to determine the ratio of the first activity?
d. Let the students view this video c. How did you find the value of x on the second activity?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Lesson Proper 1. Teaching/Modeling
1. Teaching/Modeling
Illustrative Example:
Illustrative Example: Study the examples on how to determine the indicated quantities
Group the learners by five. Study the examples on how to from a given proportion, then solve the item labeled as Your
determine the indicated quantities from a given proportion, then Task.
solve the item labeled as Your Task.
Examples Your Task Examples Your Task
1. If m : n = 4 : 3, y 1. If m : n = 4 : 3, y
Find : Find :
find 3m – 2n : 3m + n s find 3m – 2n : 3m + n s
Solution: If 5y – 2s : 10 = 3y – s : 7 Solution: If 5y – 2s : 10 = 3y – s : 7
m 4 4n m 4 4n
= → m= = → m=
n 3 3 n 3 3
4n 4n
Using m= Using m=
3 3
4n 4n
3 m−2 n
3( )3
−2 n
3 m−2 n
3( )3
−2 n

3 m+ n 4n 3 m+ n 4n
3( )3
+n 3( ) 3

4 n−2 n 2 n 2 4 n−2 n 2 n 2
= = = =
4 n+ n 5 n 5 4 n+ n 5 n 5

2 2
Therefore, 3m – 2n:3m + n = Therefore, 3m – 2n:3m + n =
5 5

2. Analysis 2. Analysis

a. How did you find a. How did you find

the activity? the activity?

b. What property of b. What property of

proportion did you proportion did you
use to obtain use to obtain
7(5y – 2s) = 10(3y – 7(5y – 2s) = 10(3y –
s)? s)?

c. Why is 7(5y – 2s) = c. Why is 7(5y – 2s) =

10(3y – s) become 10(3y – s) become
35y – 14s = 30y – 35y – 14s = 30y –
10s? 10s?

d. What did you do to d. What did you do to

35y – 14s = 30y – 35y – 14s = 30y –
10s to become 35y 10s to become 35y
– 30y = 14s – 10s? – 30y = 14s – 10s?

On the second column, let each On the second column, let the
group explain their solution. learner explain how they
e. arrived at a solution.

3. Guided Practice
3. Guided Practice
Solve the given problem.
a. Find c : r if 3c + 4r : 18 = c + 3r : 9
Solve the given problem.
3 c+ 4 r c +3 r a. Find c : r if 3c + 4r : 18 = c + 3r : 9
= → Writethe proportion on fractionform
18 9
9(3c + 4r) = 18(c + 3r)→ Use cross−multiplication property
27c + 36r = 18c + 54r → Use distributive multiplication 3 c+ 4 r c +3 r
= → Writethe proportionon fractionform
27c – 18c = 54r – 36r → Use Additive Inverse 18 9
9c = 18r → Subtraction Property 9(3c + 4r) = 18(c + 3r)→ Use cross−multiplication property
9 c 18 r 27c + 36r = 18c + 54r → Use distributive multiplication
= → Multiplicative inverse 27c – 18c = 54r – 36r → Use Additive Inverse
9 9
Therefore, c = 2r 9c = 18r → Subtraction Property
c 2r 9 c 18 r
= → substitute the value of c = → Multiplicative inverse
r r 9 9
c 2 Therefore, c = 2r
= c 2r
r 1 = → substitute the value of c
r r
b. If e and b represent two non- zero number, find the c 2
r 1
ratio e : b if 2e2 + eb – 3b2 = 0.

4. Independent Practice b. If e and b represent two non- zero number, find the
ratio e : b if 2e2 + eb – 3b2 = 0.
Use the properties of proportion to solve the given problem.
a. If g : h = 4 : 3, evaluate 4g + h : 8g + h 4. Independent Practice

b. If r, s and t represent three positive numbers such that Use the properties of proportion to solve the given problem.
r : s : t = 4 : 3 : 2 and r2 – s2 – t2 = 27. Find the values a. If g : h = 4 : 3, evaluate 4g + h : 8g + h
of r, s and t.

5. Generalization b. If r, s and t represent three positive numbers such that

r : s : t = 4 : 3 : 2 and r2 – s2 – t2 = 27. Find the values
of r, s and t.

5. Generalization

6. Application:

Use the properties of proportion to solve the given problem.

q r s 5 q−6 r −7 s 6. Application:
a. = = = , find x.
2 3 4 x
Use the properties of proportion to solve the given problem.

IV. EVALUATION q r s 5 q−6 r −7 s

a. = = = , find x.
2 3 4 x
Use the properties of proportion to solve the given problem.
a. If x : y = 7 : 6, find 6x – 5y : 6x + 3y.
Use the properties of proportion to solve the given problem.
Follow-up a. If x : y = 7 : 6, find 6x – 5y : 6x + 3y.
1. Use the properties of proportion to solve the given
a. Find the value of a, b and c so that

a b 6 18 Follow-up
= = =
24 8 16 c 1. Use the properties of proportion to solve the given
b. Find the value of a, b and c so that
a b 6 18
= = =
24 8 16 c


Time Table

First Week

(November 5 – 8, 2019)


Day 1 : Orientation about the study and giving of pretest to

both groups

Day 2 : Identifies quadrilaterals that are parallelogram

Day 3 : Determines the conditions that guarantee a

quadrilateral a parallelogram

Day 4 : Use properties to find measures of angles, sides and

other quantities involving parallelogram

Second Week

(November 11 – 15, 2019)


Day 1 : No Class (Attending Seminar)

Day 2 : No Class (Attending Seminar)

Day 3 : Proves theorems on the different kinds of parallelogram

(rectangle, rhombus, square)

Day 4 : Proves theorems on the different kinds of

parallelogram (rectangle, rhombus, square)

Day 5 : Proves the Midline Theorem


Third Week

(November 18 – 22, 2019)


Day 1 : Proves theorems on trapezoids

Day 2 : Proves theorems on trapezoids and kite

Day 3 : Solves problems involving parallelograms,

trapezoids, and kites.

Day 4 : Solves problems involving parallelograms,

trapezoids, and kites.

Day 5 : Solves problems involving parallelograms,

trapezoids, and kites.

Fourth Week

(November 25 – 29, 2019)


Day 1 : Describe proportion

Day 2 : Apply the Fundamental Theorems of

Proportionality to Solve Problems Involving

Day 3 : Apply the Fundamental Theorems of

Proportionality to Solve Problems Involving

Day 4 : Illustrate similarity of figures

Day 5 : Prove the condition for similarity of triangles using

the SAS Similarity Theorem

Fifth Week

(December 2 – 6, 2019)


Day 1 : Prove the condition for Similarity of Triangles

using the AA and SSS Similarity Theorem

Day 2 : Prove the condition for Similarity of Triangles

using the AA and SSS Similarity Theorem

Day 3 : Proves the conditions for similarity of triangles

Day 4 : Proves the conditions for similarity of triangles

Day 5 : Proves the conditions for similarity of triangles


Sixth Week

(December 9 – 13, 2019)


Day 1 : Apply the Theorems to show that triangles are


Day 2 : Apply the Theorems to show that triangles are


Day 3 : Apply the Theorems to show that triangles are


Day 4 : No Class

Day 5 : No Class (Christmas Party)


Seventh Week

(January 6 – 10, 2019)


Day 1 : Proves the Pythagorean Theorem

Day 2 : Proves the Pythagorean Theorem

Day 3 : Solves problems that involve triangle similarity and

right triangles

Day 4 : Solves problems that involve triangle similarity and

right triangles

Day 5 : Giving of Posttest to both groups



Pictures of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model


Pictures of Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model


Pictures of Non Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic (V – A – K) Model



Certification from the Statistician


This is to certify that the undersigned, has employed the appropriate and

correct statistical tools for the descriptive and inferential data analysis of the thesis of

MRS. MARIA NOEME A. SILVELA entitled “The Effect of V–A–K Model to the

Learners’ Problem Solving Performance in Geometry”. All computations are

processed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).




Certification from the Grammarian


This is to certify that the undersigned, reviewed and went through all the pages of

the thesis of MRS. MARIA NOEME A. SILVELA entitled “The Effect of V–A–K

Model to the Learners’ Problem Solving Performance in Geometry” and that has aligned

with the set of structural rules that govern sentences, phrases and words in the English





SPSS Results

Statement #1

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

pretest with VAK 28 10.00 14.00 10.9643 1.59820

pretest without VAK 28 10.00 14.00 10.5000 1.29099
Valid N (listwise) 28

combined pretest with VAK and without VAK

with and without VAK Mean N Std. Deviation

experimental group 10.9643 28 1.59820

control group 10.5000 28 1.29099
Total 10.7321 56 1.45841

Statement #2


Group Statistics

with and without VAK N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

combined pretest with VAK experimental group 28 10.9643 1.59820 .30203

and without VAK control group 28 10.5000 1.29099 .24398

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for t-test for Equality of Means

Equality of

F Sig. t df Sig. Mean Std. 95% Confidence

(2- Differe Error Interval of the
taile nce Differen Difference
d) ce Lower Upper

combined variances 5.086 .028 1.196 54 .237 .46429 .38826 -.31413 1.24270
pretest with assumed
VAK and Equal
without VAK variances not 1.196 51.713 .237 .46429 .38826 -.31492 1.24349

Statement #3


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Std. Deviation

posttest with VAk 28 11.00 47.00 653.00 23.3214 8.51601

posttest without VAK 28 11.00 46.00 607.00 21.6786 10.47768
Valid N (listwise) 28

combined posttest with VAK and without VAK

with and without VAK Mean N Std. Deviation

experimental group 23.3214 28 8.51601

control group 21.6786 28 10.47768
Total 22.5000 56 9.49641

Statement #4


Group Statistics

with and without VAK N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

combined posttest with VAK experimental group 28 23.3214 8.51601 1.60938

and without VAK control group 28 21.6786 10.47768 1.98010

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for t-test for Equality of Means

Equality of

F Sig. t df Sig. (2- Mean Std. 95% Confidence

tailed) Differen Error Interval of the
ce Differen Difference
ce Lower Upper

combined variances 2.991 .089 .644 54 .522 1.64286 2.55164 6.75859
posttest with assumed
VAK and Equal
51.8 -
without VAK variances not .644 .523 1.64286 2.55164 6.76349
35 3.47777

Statement #5


Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

pretest with VAK 10.9643 28 1.59820 .30203

Pair 1
posttest with VAk 23.3214 28 8.51601 1.60938

Paired Samples Correlations


N Correlation Sig.

pretest with VAK & posttest

Pair 1 28 .366 .056
with VAk

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-

Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence
Deviation Mean Interval of the

Lower Upper

Pair pretest with VAK -

12.35714 8.07013 1.52511 -15.48641 -9.22787 8.102 27 .000
1 posttest with VAk

Statement #6


Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

pretest without VAK 10.5000 28 1.29099 .24398

Pair 1
posttest without VAK 21.6786 28 10.47768 1.98010

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

pretest without VAK &

Pair 1 28 .067 .734
posttest without VAK

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-

Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence
Deviatio Mean Interval of the
n Difference

Lower Upper

pretest without
Pair 10.4706
VAK - posttest 11.17857 1.97876 -15.23865 -7.11849 5.649 27 .000
1 1
without VAK

Curriculum Vitae

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