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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Jose Panganiban


In Science 9
Week 3: Module 3

Day & Time Learning Most Learning tasks Mode of

area Essential Delivery
Oct 21, Science 9 1. Explain  Read “Your Targets” to know the Parents
2020 Module 3- how the objectives of your module. should
Wednesda Respiratory Respiratory  Answer “Try This” to measure your hand-in
y & System and prior knowledge about the topic. student’s
1:30-3:30 Circulatory Circulatory (Check your answer on the answer key output
Systems Systems work provided) together
together to  In your notebook, answer “Do This” with the
transport sections “Complete Me” on 3rd page module to
nutrients, and P-S-C Circulation on 7th page after the
gases and reading the lessons provided. barangay
other (Differences between heart rate and outpost to
molecules to pulse rate and the P-S-C circulation) be collected
and from the (Check your answer from the answer by school
different part key) personnel
of the body.  In 1 whole sheet of paper, do Explore every
parts: How do you find a Pulse on 4th Friday.
page and “Where Do I Go from Here?”
on 6th page, after reading “Keep this in Student’s
Mind” sections. output:
**Copy the “Word Bank” in your notebook for Answers on
your future references. “Explore”
 Assignment: (In your notebook) parts in 1
Answer “Apply What you have Learned” whole
and “Assess What You Have Learned” sheet of
(Check your answer on the answer key paper and
provided) the short
**After finishing the module, have time to provided by
answer the short assessment provided by your the teacher.
teacher attached on the last part of the module.

***Good Luck***

Prepared by:

Science Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Jose Panganiban


In Science 9

Week 4: Module 4 & 5

Day & Time Learning Most Learning tasks Mode of

area Essential Delivery
Oct 21, Science 9 1. Infer how Module 4 & 5 Parents should
2020 Module 4- one’s  Read “Your Targets” to know the hand-in
Wednesda Diseases In lifestyle can objectives of your module. student’s
y Respirator affect the  In your notebook, answer “Try This I and II” output
1:30-3:30 y and functioning (Module 4) and “Try This ” in (Module 5) to together with
Circulatory of measure your prior knowledge about the the modules
System; respiratory topic. (Check your answer on the answer to the
Module 5- and key provided) barangay
Negative circulatory  Answer “Do This” section to understand outpost to be
Effects of systems. your lifestyle. (Self- rate your answer) collected by
Cigarette (Module 4) (Notebook) school
Smoking.  In 1 whole sheet of paper, do “Explore personnel
parts”: Diseases in Respiratory System every Friday.
then answer the preceding question
(Module 4) and “Explore I and II in module Student’s
5. (These serve as your output) output:
*Don’t forget to read and understand “Keep This in Answers on
Mind” sections to help you answer all the questions. “Explore”
 Extended Learning: (In your notebook) Answer parts in 1
“Assess What you have Learned I and II(Mod4) whole sheet of
and Apply what you have learned I and II in papers and the
mod. 5 (Check your answer on the answer key Performance
provided) Task.
 Don’t forget to take down notes every (Brochure
important details for your future refences. Making)

*The parallel assessment for these modules is the

“Performance Task”(Part III of the “Explore” section
in module 5)
You will make a brochure of lifestyle habits and its’
effect to one’s health. Follow the direction found in
the module, and the samples provided. (Use a short
bond paper for this output)(Make your own design,
you can cut out pictures or draw to make your
brochure alive.)
Prepared by:

SYLVIA C. ENONG Science Teacher

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Jose Panganiban

Worksheet 3
Respiratory and Circulatory System

Name & Sec._____________________________________ Date:_______________

Learning Objectives:
 Differentiate the types of circulation (pulmonary, coronary and systemic circulation)
 Describe blood flow and gas exchange within the heart, circulatory system and heart.
 Demonstrate the mechanism of how the respiratory and circulatory system works through a diagram.

Test Proper:
I. Matching Type: Match Column A to Column B. Read each sentence carefully in column A, then
choose the correct word/s in column B that best described each sentence. Write the letter only of
your answer on the space provided for.

_______1. The circulation of blood in the blood vessels that a. Lungs

supply the heart muscle. b. Coronary circulation
_______2. The portion of the circulatory system which carries c. Heart
deoxygenated blood away from the right ventricle. d. Heart rate
_______3. It provides the functional blood supply to all body e. Pulmonary circulation
tissue. F. Systemic circulation
_______4. The organ in the cardiovascular system that pumps blood.
_______5. It is the number of times your heart beats per minutes.

II. Modified True or false. Write Coronary if the statement is true, if it is false, change the underlined word or
words to make the statement true.
_____________________1. Pulse rate is very similar to your heart rate.

_____________________2. Vigorous exercise can change your heart and pulse rate.

_____________________3. Aorta is the largest artery that carries oxygen rich blood away from the heart.

_____________________4. White blood cells (WBC) contains hemoglobin which allows to carry oxygen.

_____________________5. Veins carry deoxygenated blood.

_____________________6. The human circulatory system consists of the heart, the blood
vessels, and the blood.
_____________________7. Oxygen-rich blood is pumped by the right of the heart through
the lungs.
_____________________8. Blood returning to the heart from systemic circulation is laden
with carbon dioxide.
_____________________9. Valves in the heart ensure that blood moves through the heart
in a two-way direction. It prevents the backflow of the blood.
____________________10. Deoxygenated blood is rich in oxygen from the lungs that flows in the pulmonary

III. Describe the mechanism on how the Respiratory and Circulatory System work together:

A. Complete the diagram below to describe the blood flow inside the human heart from the different
part of the body to the lungs and back to the human body.
Path of blood Circulation inside the human heart:

S. & I. Vena Cava Right Ventricle


Left Atrium Aortic Valve

B. (Answer this question 2 pts)

How do Respiratory and Circulatory System work together?

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Jose Panganiban


In Science 9
1st Quarter
Week 5: Module 6

Day & Time Learning area Most Learning tasks Mode of

Essential Delivery
Nov. 4, Science 9 1. Explain the  Read “Your Targets” to know the Parents
2020 Module 6- different objectives of your module. should
Wednesda patterns of  Answer “Try This” A and B to measure hand-in
y DNA, GENES and Non- your prior knowledge about the topic. student’s
1:30-3:30 CHROMOSOMES Mendelian (Check your answer on the answer key output
inheritance provided) together
 Answer “Do This” (Self-check your with the
answer from the answer key) module to
 Read and understand “Keep this in the
Mind”, then answer “Explore”, “Apply barangay
what you have Learned”, “Thinking outpost to
beyond” and “Reflect”. (Double check be collected
you answer using the answer key by school
provided) personnel
 Finally, answer “Assess what you have every
Learned”. Friday.

*** Use 1 whole sheet of paper for answering Student’s

your modules. Be sure to write your name, output:
section, subject and module number on top of Answer
your paper. Sheets on
module and
**After finishing the module, have time to the short
answer the short assessment provided by your assessment
teacher. provided by
the teacher.
***Good Luck***

Prepared by:

Science Teacher

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Jose Panganiban


In Science 9
1st Quarter
Week 6: Module 7 and 8

Day & Time Learning area Most Learning tasks Mode of

Essential Delivery
Nov. 4, Science 9 1. Explain the For Module 7 and 8: Parents
2020 Module 7- different  Read “Your Targets” to know the should
Wednesda Non- patterns of objectives of your modules. hand-in
y Mendelian Non-  Answer “Try This” to measure your student’s
1:30-3:30 Patterns of Mendelian prior knowledge about the topic. output
Inheritance inheritance (Check your answer on the answer key together
Module 8- provided) with the
Sex  Answer “Review” (Self-check your module to
determination, answer from the answer key) the
Sex-Linked,  Read and understand “Keep this in barangay
sex-Limited, Mind” sections, then answer all the outpost to
Sex-Influenced “Explore” and “Do this” parts. (Double be collected
Traits check you answer using the answer key by school
provided) personnel
 Answer “Apply what you have Learned every
in Module 7 and Assess what you have Friday.
Learned” in Module 8. (Self-check your
answer on the answer key provided. Student’s
 Finally, answer “Reflect” on Module 7 output:
and 8 as your output. Answer
Sheets on
*** Use 1 whole sheet of paper for answering modules
your modules. Be sure to write your name, and the
section, subject and module number on top of short
your paper. assessment
provided by
**After finishing the modules, have time to the teacher.
answer the short assessment provided by your

***Good Luck***

Prepared by:

Science Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Jose Panganiban

1st Quarter
Worksheet 4; Module 6

Name & Sec._____________________________________ Date:_______________

Learning Objectives:
 Describe the structure of the DNA molecule.
 Infer that a particular gene has specific location in the chromosomes.
 Appreciate the role of genes in storing genetic information.

Test Proper:
I. Multiple Choice. Read each sentence carefully then choose the correct answer that best described each
sentence. Write the letter only of your answer on the space provided for.
______1. The segments of chromatin that code for a particular trait are called _______________.
a. DNA b. Chromatins c. genes d. Chromosomes
______2. DNA strand has the following bases: A A G C C A. What are the bases on its complementary strand?
a. A A G C C A b. A C C G A A c. T T C G G T d. C C A T T C
______3. It is the genetic materials that found in genes. It is also known as the blueprint of life.
a. DNA b. Chromatins c. genes d. Chromosomes
______4. What is the basic unit of the DNA molecule that form double helix?
a. Nucleotides b. Nucleosomes c. Chromosomes d. Chromatin
______5. The largest structures visible under the microscope during cells division are called __________.
a. Nucleotides b. Nucleosomes c. Chromosomes d. Chromatin

II. Modified True or False. Write DNA if the statement is true, if it is false, change the underlined
word or words to make the statement true.
_____________________1. Pyrimidines have two rings.
_____________________2. Genes are made up of DNA.
_____________________3. Nucleotides differ in the Phosphate group that attached to them.
_____________________4. The DNA sequence of every individual varies from each other.
_____________________5. Nucleotides have five nitrogenous bases.
III. DNA structure and sequence.
A. Write the complete sequence of complementary strands of the given strand.
1. DNA strand A T T C G G A C C T A G C C
Complementary strand

2. DNA strand C C A A A G A T T C C A A T A T
Complementary strand

B. Draw and label the components of a DNA nucleotides. (5pts)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Jose Panganiban

1st Quarter
Worksheet 5; Module 7 and 8
Non-Mendelian patterns of Inheritance

Name & Sec._____________________________________ Date:_______________

Learning Objectives:
 Describe the different types of non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance.
 Solve sample problems on non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance.

Test Proper:
I. Multiple Choice. Read each sentence carefully then choose the correct answer that best described each
sentence. Write the letter only of your answer on the space provided for.

In rabbits, assume that the dominant allele (B) produces black fur. The allele (b) for white fur is recessive to B.
______1. Which rabbits will have gray coat color?
a. 1,2, and 3 b. 1 and 4 c. 2 and 3 d. 1,2,3 and 4
______2. If rabbits 1 and 4 were mated together and had 12 babies, how many of these would you expect to
be gray?
a. 0 b. 4 c. 8 d. 12
______3. What is the possible blood type/s of an offspring if both parents are type O?
a. A and B b. A and AB c. A, B and AB d. Type O only
______4. A red cow is crossed with a white cow and produced an offspring that is a Roan cow. What is a roan
a. A purebred red cow c. A purebred white cow
b. A cow with red hair and white blotches d. A pink cow
______5. The alleles controlling the ABO blood groups is a type of inheritance called___________.
a. Complete dominance b. Incomplete dominance c. Codominance d. Multiple Allele

II. Modified True or False. Write DNA if the statement is true, if it is false, change the underlined word or
words to make the statement true.
_____________________1. Pyrimidines have two rings.
_____________________2. Genes are made up of DNA.
_____________________3. Nucleotides differ in the Phosphate group that attached to them.
_____________________4. The DNA sequence of every individual varies from each other.
_____________________5. Nucleotides have five nitrogenous bases.
III. Give the meaning or give an example of the following types of inheritance: (Use a separate answer sheet
if necessary)
1. Incomplete dominance 5. Sex-linked
2. Codominance 6. Sex-influenced
3. Multiple Alleles 7. Sex-limited
4. Polygenes
IV. Solve the following problems. (10 pts)
A. Predict the phenotypic ratios of offspring when a homozygous white cow (WW) is crossed with a roan
bull (RW). Illustrate using a Punnet square.
B. What combination of human blood types can produce an offspring of all possible blood types (A, B, AB
and O). Solve using a Punnet square. (Think of a possible blood type of mother and father)
C. The father has blood type AB and the mother has blood type O, would it be possible for them to have
a child with blood type O? Prove your answer using a Punnet square.

Prepared by:
Science teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Jose Panganiban

3rd Quarter
Name & Sec._____________________________________ Date:_______________
 Use the mole concept to express the mass of substance.
 Determine the percentage composition of a compound given its chemical formula and vice versa.

Test Proper:
I. Multiple Choice. Read each sentence carefully then choose the correct answer that best described each
sentence. Write the letter only of your answer on the space provided for.
______1. It is the amount of substance containing the same number of atoms as 12.0000 g of pure Carbon.
a. Molar mass b. Atomic mass c. Mole d. Molecules
______2. It is equal to 6.022 X 10 . It is a total number of atoms or molecules of any substance.
a. Avogadro’s number b. Atomic mass c. Molar mass d. Mole
______3. It is equal to the sum of atomic masses of all atoms present in a compounds (g/mol unit).
a. Avogadro’s number b. Atomic mass c. Molar mass d. Mole
______4. It is the total masses of all the particle of a given element. You can find each value from the Periodic
table of Elements.
a. Avogadro’s number c. Atomic mass
b. Percentage composition d. Molar mass
______5. It tells you the percentage of the mass made up by each element in a compound.
a. Avogadro’s number c. Atomic mass
b. Percentage composition d. Molar mass

II. Computation. Solve for the following problems. (5 pts each.) (You may use additional sheet of paper)
A. Compute for the molar masses of the following compounds. You may look for the examples on
page 79 of your LAS.
1. Ammonia (NH3) 2. Ethanol (C2H5OH)
Mass of substance
B. Mass to mole relationship (Formula: No. of moles ¿ ) refer to page 80 of you
Molar mass
LAS for example.
3.How many moles are in 270 g of NH3?
Mass of substance
C. Mole to number of particles (Formula: No. of molecules ¿ X 6.02 X1023
Molar mass
(Refer to page 82 of your LAS for example)
4.How many molecules are in 25 g of NaCl?
Total Mass of element
D. Percentage composition: (Formula: %Composition ¿ X 100
Molar mass of the compound
(You may refer to page 97 of your LAS for example)
5.Calculate the percentage composition Carbon in Ethanol (C 2H5OH).
Prepared by: SYLVIA C. ENONG, Science teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Jose Panganiban

3rd Quarter
Name & Sec._____________________________________ Date:_______________
 Describe the different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions.
 Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt.

Test Proper:
I. Multiple Choice. Read each sentence carefully then choose the correct answer that best described
each sentence. Write the letter only of your answer on the space provided for.
______1. It is a spot in the Earth’s crust where molten rocks, volcanic ash and certain types of gases escape
from an underground chamber.
a. Mountain b. Volcanoes c. Both a and b d. All of these
______2. It is a steep-sided conical volcano characterized by loose rocks fragments from eruptions.
a. Cinder cone b. Composite c. Shield d. Strato
______3. It is a type of volcano that has erupted within historical times or those that has erupted within the
last 10,000 years based on the analyses of material from young volcanic deposits.
a. Active volcanoes b. Inactive volcanoes c. Potentially active volcanoes
______4. Volcanoes that has no recorded eruptions.
a. Active Volcanoes c. Inactive volcanoes
b. Potentially active volcanoes d. None of these
______5. Which of the following volcanic eruptions is considered as a violent eruption due to the contact
between water and magma.
a. Plinian b. Phreatomagmatic c. Vulcanian d. Strombolian
______6. This type of volcanic eruption is characterized by excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and
a. Plinian b. Phreatomagmatic c. Vulcanian d. Strombolian
______7. Philippines is considered as home for many volcanoes and it is an ideal site for any volcanic activity.
What is the main reason for these?
a. Our country is near the equator c. Our country is surrounded by water
b. Our country is located along the Ring of Fire d. All of these
______8. Which of the following s NOT true about volcanoes?
a. Volcanoes are randomly located across the Earth’s surface.
b. All volcanic eruptions may cause significant changes to the surrounding land.
c. Volcanoes may bring both negative and positive effect to living things.
d. All volcanic eruptions are violent.
9-10. Give at least one (1) active and (1) inactive volcano found in the Philippines.
11-15. Describe what happens when volcanoes erupt.

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