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Quiz 04 -- Fluids - SLE123 - Physics For The Life Sciences - CloudDeakin

SLE123 - Physics For The Life Sciences

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Quiz 04 -- Fluids



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You will be given 3 attempts of this quiz over a 3-week period. Each attempt will have a time limit of 25 minutes. Each quiz will
have questions adding up to 20 marks. The questions have different mark allocations depending on difficulty.

The highest mark from the 3 attempts will count as the score for that quiz. Each quiz is worth 4% of the unit assessment.

will close after three weeks.

Quiz 04 -- Fluids - SLE123 - Physics For The Life Sciences - CloudDeakin

Unless stated otherwise, for each question assume ideal situations (i.e. no air resistance, frictionless surfaces and isolated

Quiz Details
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Quiz Period

Due on 31 August, 2020 8:00 PM

Available on 03 August, 2020 9:00 AM until 31 August, 2020 11:59 PM

Time Allowed



Allowed - 3, Completed - 0


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Quiz 04 -- Fluids - SLE123 - Physics For The Life Sciences - CloudDeakin

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Click "Start Quiz" to begin Attempt 1.

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Question 1 (1 point)

If you are standing on a scale in a room with half the pressure than normal atmospheric pressure, which is

Question 1 options:

A) The scale would read less than your true mass

B) The scale would initially read lower and then correct to your true mass over time

C) The scale would read more than your true mass

D) The scale would read your true mass

Question 2 (3 points)

A ball floats in water (density = 1000 kg/m3). The ball has a mass of 830 g and a diameter of 14
cm. Calculate the buoyant force.

Question 2 options:

A) 830 N

B) 8134 N

C) 8.13 N

D) 137 N
Question 3 (1 point)

A metal sphere with a circumference of 0.37 m has a mass of 1950 g. What is the density of the metal?

Question 3 options:

A) 0.228 g/cm3

B) 228 g/cm3

C) 2.28 kg/m3

D) 2.28 g/cm3
Question 4 (2 points)

The average depth of Bass Strait is 0.060 km. A fairy penguin (Eudyptula minor) dive averages
approximately 24 seconds to depths between 5 and 20 metres. The maximum dive depth is approximately
60 metres. A fairy penguin (also called little penguin) swims to a depth of 25 m in Bass Strait. What is the
increase in the pressure, compared to what it was at the sea surface?

Note the density of sea water is 1030 kg/m3.

Enter only the numerical part of your answer (in kPa), to the nearest integer.

Your Answer:
Question 5 (3 points)

A ball floats in water (density = 1000 kg/m3). The ball has a mass of 740 g and a diameter of 22
cm. Calculate the average density of the ball.

Question 5 options:

A) 16.6 kg/m3

B) 133 kg/m3

C) 1.33 kg/m3

D) 70 kg/m3
Question 6 (1 point)
With regards the densities of blocks A, B and C,
what is true?

Question 6 options:

A) ρC > ρA > ρB

B) ρB > ρA > ρC

C) ρA > ρB > ρC

D) ρA = ρB = ρC
Question 7 (1 point)

Which is true about the pressures at points 1, 2, and 3?

Question 7 options:

A) p1 = p2 = p3

B) p3 > p1 > p2

C) p1 = p2 > p3

D) p1 > p2 > p3
Question 8 (1 point)

An object is floating in a tub of kerosene. The object has 68% of its volume under the liquid’s surface. What
is the density of the object? (Density of kerosene is 810 kg/m3)

Question 8 options:

A) 680 kg/m3

B) 5398 kg/m3

C) 551 kg/m3

D) 810 kg/m3
Question 9 (2 points)

When a metal is processed for storage or transportation one of the

shapes formed is called a slab. Stainless steel (density = 8000 kg/m3)
can be made into slabs (a rectangle shape). What is the mass of
a stainless steel slab with dimensions of 170 mm x 1575 mm x
12,000 mm?
Question 9 options:

A) 2.57 × 104 kg

B) 2.57 × 1013 kg

C) 1.1 × 105 kg

D) 2570 kg
Question 10 (1 point)

The density of nitrogen at room temperature is 1.1606 kg/m3. What is the mass of nitrogen if it fills a room
that is 6.6 m × 12.1 m × 8.5 m?

Question 10 options:

A) 788 kg

B) 679 kg

C) 32 kg

D) 340 kg
Question 11 (1 point)

You measure pressure in one of your car tyres. The reading is 220 kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the

Question 11 options:

A) 101 kPa

B) 321 kPa

C) 0 kPa

D) 220 kPa
Question 12 (3 points)

The rubber stopper in a laboratory flask is 3.6 cm in diameter. If the

pressure inside the flask is 455.9 kPa, then the magnitude of the net
force on the stopper due to the pressure difference is (Hint: you
need to take into account atmospheric pressure)

Question 12 options:

A) 0.005 N

B) 360.9 N

C) 3.61 × 106 N

D) 464 N


By clicking on the Submit button, I certify that the attached work is entirely my own. I agree that Deakin University may make and retain
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