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How To Find Out Wi-Fi Passwords

Sekedar mengingatkan, hal ini berlaku hanya ketika laptop mu atau teman mu sudah pernah
tersambung dengan wi-fi tersebut.

1) Pertama, open yours laptop

2) Go to menu search file/application

3) Enter words "CMD" or Command Prompt

4) Choose the file

5) If the application has opened, enter word "nets wlan show profile"

6) And then check/choose Wi-Fi yang mau di ketahui sandinya

7) Misal Kantor, you choose kantor, with enter word "nets wlan show profiles Kantor" and then
enter word key= clear" the texts will to be "netsh wlan show profiles Kantor key = clear"

8) Wait the process

9) Finish, lihat bagian sandi nya

Just a reminder, this applies only when your laptop or your friend has been connected to the wi-fi.

1) First, open yours laptop

2) Go to the file search / application menu

3) Enter the words "CMD" or Command Prompt

4) Choose the file

5) If the application has opened, enter the word "nets wlan show profile"

6) And then check / choose the Wi-Fi that you want to know the password for

7) For example Office, you choose office, with enter the word "nets wlan show profiles Office" and
then enter key word = clear "the texts will to be" netsh wlan show profiles Office key = clear "

8) Wait the process

9) Finish, see the password section

If you really hacked wifi, you can use the pro workstation application, to do various hacks, and
attacks on the website.

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