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Diaphysis = long shaft surrounding the bone marrow cavity.

Metaphysis = Shaft that widens towards the end of bone.

Epiphysis = In immature bodies separated by cartilage !!!!!!!

Long Bones = Strongest when added force through the long AXIS

Short Bones

*Carpals (hand)

*Tarsals (foot)

Shock Absorption and Transmition of forces.

*Sesamoid bone (tendon and joint) – PATELLA (Knee), First Metatarsal in the foot, and THUMB

>> Alter angle of insertion of the muscle and diminish friction created by the muscle.

Flat Bones

- Protect internal organs and offer broad surface for muscle attachment

Irregular Bones

Skill, vertebrae, pelvic

- Support weight
- Protecting of spinal cord
- Contribution to movement
- Sites for muscular attachment

“Every change in the form and function of a bone or of their function alone is followed by certain definitive
changes in their internal architecture and equally definite secondary alteration in their external conformation, in
accordance with mathematical laws”

1. OSIFIKACIJA (Bebinja hyline cartilage > (FETUS)

2. MODELIRANJE (Deposited bone from osteoblasts and resorbed by osteoclasts)
 Resporpcija, stara koskena masa e digestirana I otfrlena od teloto (5-7% godisno)
After growing stage bone deposit and resorption are equal.
The dominant arms of professional tennis players have cortical thicknesses that
are 35% greater than the contralateral arm (32).

Rebuilding process prodolzuva do 40tata godina koga istata se namaluva zaradi osteoblastite.

Kratki intenziivni aktivnosti se poefektivni vo promoviranje na koskena masa.

Aktivnostite vo faza na razvoj imaat pogolem udel vo razvojot na koskenata masa sporedbeno so veke oformeno



Normalen kosken volume e 1.5 do 2.0 L

Po 30 godini 0.3 do 0.5 mineral weight of bone occurs.

Estrogen levels in anorexic women and amenorrheic female athletes have also been related to the presence of
osteoporosis in this population

If the imparted energy exceeds the zone of elastic deformation, plastic deformation occurs at
the price of microdamage to the bone. If both the elastic and plastic zones are exceeded, the imparted energy is
released in the form of a fracture.

The compressive strength of cortical bone is greater than that of concrete, wood, or glass (Fig. 2-18). The
strength of cortical bone in the middle of long bones is demonstrated in the ability to tolerate large impact loads
and resist bending.
Cancellous bone strength is less than that of cortical bone, but cancellous bone can undergo 200 more deformation
before failure.

deforms no more than approximately 3% (50)
Compression 15-20 times when jumping.

It is proposed that runners develop femoral neck fractures because the gluteus medius fatigues and
cannot maintain its reduction of the high tensile force,producing the fracture

A ligament avulsion, or an avulsion fracture, occurs when a portion of the bone at the insertion of the ligament is
torn away.

Two other common tension-produced fractures are at

by the peroneal muscle group, and at the calcaneus, where the forces are generated by the triceps surae muscle

Articular or hyaline cartilage is an avascular substance

consisting of 60% to 80% water and a solid matrix composed
of collagen and proteoglycan

Roles of Articular cartilage?

What is the role of articular cartilage?
1. Transmit compressive forces across the joint
2. Allows motion in the joint with minimal friction
and wear
3. Redistributes contact stresses over a larger area
4. Protects the underlying bone

Meniskusi = kicma, koleno sekade kade treba da se izdrzat tenzilni sili, pritisok.
Meniskusite se fibrorskavicni tkiva.

Ligament = Elastin, retuculin fiberi I collagen.

- Ligament vo kapsula (Ligamentite na ramoto)
- Ligamen nadvor od zglob (lateralen ligament koleno)
- Ligament vo Zglob (koleno)

Ligamentite odgovaraat na stress I opteretuvanje so toa sto stanuvaat pocvrsti I pojaki so tek na vreme

Ligamenti = tenzicno opteretuvanje (koga optereteni kolagenot se dvizi paralelno so aplikacijata na opteretuvanjeto, koga se vo
miruvanje branovito)

1 / 2 / 3 ocena za ostetuvanje na ligamentot


a ligament?
1. To guide normal joint function
2. To restrict abnormal joint movement

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