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(Unit 13)
Project Proposal and Realisation


NUMBER NAME: Robert Johns
ULN: 8094773838


The Celts- Uncivilised Pagans or Vilified Natives?

LAUNCHED ON 3TH March, 2021

MAIN AREA OF ACTIVITY / PATHWAY e.g. art/fashion/illustration etc.


Creative Media Production & Technology
Unit 13/14 Project Proposal
Candidate Robert Johns
Candidate 8094773838
Pathway Creative media production

Project Title The Celts- Uncivilised Pagans or Vilified Natives?

Section 1: Rationale (approx. 150 words)

Throughout this course, I have learnt the skills necessary to create a
documentary and various other media implementations. Before starting
college, I didn't know very much about the conventions of areas like
documentaries and trailers. But, after studying for 2 years, I have learnt that
there is so much more to media than meets the eye.
This has helped me decide to make a documentary for my Final Major Project
because I find it to be the best way to express my feelings about a subject
and what I know about the area I am covering. A documentary also allows me
to combine my favourite topics into a final media piece.
This project will help me complete my further aspirations as it allows me to
teach people about the history of England and hopefully change their views
on an area of history.

Section 2: Project Concept (approx. 200 words)

I have found that The Roman description of the native Britons (the Celts)
have always portrayed them as brutal barbarians who knew nothing of
civilized behaviour. However, after spending time looking into the Celts it is
my belief that The Roman description is far from the truth. Because of this, I
want to make a historical documentary about the Pre-Roman Britons and how
they lived to show that the Romans treated anyone who wasn't ethnically
Roman as inferior.
To do this I will need to research into how the Celts lived and what they
believed in, To do that I will need to read books on the subject, read through
articles about them and talk to professionals about the subject.
To film this documentary, I will need to use a Sony VG20 filming camera to
film, Final Cut Pro for editing my documentary together, Contributors who are
knowledgeable on the subject to interview in order to get valuable
information. I will also need a well written script for my voice over.
I plan on creating a participatory Documentary and have interviews with 3
experts lined up. I also plan on using interviews, B-roll, a voice over and
archive footage.

Section 3: Evaluation (approx. 150 words)

I will be recording my process and my thought process on my online website
called a Weebly. This is where everything I research and do to advance my
project is explained.
I am working alone on this project as I believe that it would be easier to create
a documentary I am passionate about alone. This could be a problem for me
as it means that I have a lot more work to do. It also mean that I can't fall back
on a partner if I am struggling. However it is good that I'm working alone as it
means that I don't have to worry about anyone not doing work and slacking
off as there is no one else working on the project. It also allows me to make
decisions based on what I feel would be best without having to discuss it
with anyone else. This is helpful as it allows the project to alter its course
without a discussion on the subject.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

Peter Berresford Ellis (2002). The Mammoth Book of Celtic Myths and Legends. Great
Britain: Robinson. p1-22.
Loren Cruden (2003). Cú Chulainn. Great Britain: Amazon. p1-151.
Alice Roberts (2016). The Celts Search for a Civilization. 2nd ed. London: Heron Books. p3-
Peter Berresford Ellis. (unknown). The Celtic-Vedic Connection. Available:
Last accessed 23/03/2021.
Ben Johnson. (unknown). Boudica. Available: https://www.historic- Last accessed 23/03/2021.

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Date Week
Activity / What you are intending to do - including independent study
Resources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops

Week Week start beginning Activity Resources needed

3 March Think of my idea, and Computer, pen,
1 start thinking and start pencil, phone
fleshing it out. Update

8th March start paper work for Computer, Pen,

2 project and start on Pencil, Phone,
pitch. Film B-Roll for Camera and tripod
documentary. Update
Find contributors

15th March Continue doing paper Computer, Pen,

3 work. Independent Pencil, Phone,
study on documentary Camera and tripod
styles, filming Workshop
Update Weebly
22nd March Independent Study on Computer, Pen,
4 Celtic religion, Work on Pencil, Phone,
Pitch, Continue paper Camera and tripod
work, Update Weebly.
Email contributors

29th March Hand Pitch in Computer, Pen,

5 Hand UAL Proposal in Pencil, Phone,
Update Weebly Camera and tripod
Independent study on
how the celts lived
Watch similar

5th April Easter holidays, Computer, Pen,

6 continue doing paper Pencil, Phone,
work. Independent Camera and tripod
study, Update Weebly
Film interviews

12th April Easter Holidays Computer, Pen,

7 Continue doing paper Pencil, Phone,
work. Independent Camera and tripod
study researching
notable figures, filming
Workshop Update
Weebly, Film B roll
19th April Continue doing paper Computer, Pen,
8 work. Independent Pencil, Phone,
study on roman Camera and tripod
invasion, filming
Workshop Update
26th April Continue doing paper Computer, Pen,
9 work. Independent Pencil, Phone,
study on roman impact Camera and tripod
on celts, filming
Update Weebly
Film B-roll
3rd May Continue doing paper Computer, Pen,
10 work. Independent Pencil, Phone,
study into editing styles, Camera and tripod
filming Workshop
Update Weebly.
Mid Project Weebly
check-up (6th)

Hand paper work in
10th May Independent study, Computer, Pen,
11 filming Workshop Pencil, Phone,
Update Weebly Camera and tripod
17th May Independent study, Film Computer, Pen,
12 and edit Pencil, Phone,
Update Weebly Camera and tripod
Independent study into
editing styles

13 24th May Independent study into Computer, Pen,

celts, Film and edit Pencil, Phone,
Update Weebly Camera and tripod
Hand Presentation in
Hand FMP in (27th)
Hand Weebly in (28th)

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