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Assignment # 2

Name: Aisha Naeem Khan

Enrollment No: 02-133182-075
Class: BEE-4C
Submitted to: Sir Umair Shahid

Q1) Assess the validity of using intelligence score for selecting new employees.
Traditionally only intelligence tests have been used in ascertaining whether an employee would
be productive in the workplace or not, but we now know that that is not true. IQ as well as EQ
(emotional intelligence) is an important part of being productive in a workplace. This sis
because you interact with many people in any workplace daily, and your EQ determines how
well you will interact with them .
In many cases, higher IQ is no guarantee that that person will be successful in their job,
especially in jobs that require more human interaction, like eg ,in marketing.

Q2) What are the 5 steps of behavior modification?

There are 5 steps of behavior modification:
1) step is identifying critical behavior.
2) developing baseline data tree
3) identifying behavior consequences
4) developing and implementing an intervention strategy and
5) evaluating performance improvement

Q3) Explain classical conditioning.

Classical conditioning is when an automatic conditioned response is paired with a specific

stimulus that would not have created that response primarily.
The biggest example of this is palovs (the scientist’s) dog. He noticed that his dogs would
salivated first only at smelling the food he brought after he rung a bell. But later he noticed
they started salivating even if only
the bell was rung. These dogs
learned to associate the bell
ringing with food, causing their
mouths to salivate whenever the bell
rang — not just when they
encountered the food.

Q1) Contrast the Veteran, Boomers, Xers and Nexters classifications with the terminal values
identified in the Rokeach Value Survey.

1. Veterans: they place a higher value on comfortable life and family security
2. Boomers: terminal values like sense of accomplishment and social recognition
3. Xers: on RVS they rate high on true friendship, happiness and pleasure
4. Nexters: they value freedom and a comfortable life.

Q2) Contrast the cognitive and affective components of an attitude.

The cognitive component of attitudes refers to the beliefs, thoughts, and attributes that we
would associate with an object. It is the opinion or belief segment of an attitude. It refers to
that part of attitude which is related in general knowledge of a person. It is also called
evaluation stage of our attitudes.
Typically, these come to light in generalities or stereotypes, such as ‘all babies are cute’,
‘smoking is harmful to health’ etc.
Affective component is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.It deals with feelings or
emotions that are brought to the surface about something, such as fear or hate.
Using the above example, someone might have the attitude that they love all babies because
they are cute or that they hate smoking because it is harmful to health.

Q3) What is self perception theory? How does it increase our ability to predict behavior?

Self-perception theory describes the process in which people, lacking initial attitudes or
emotional responses, develop them by observing their own behavior and coming to conclusions
as to what attitudes must have driven that behavior.

As we come to a reasoning for our behaviour after a response or act has been done, we tend to
do things to reinforce that belief or we ,by inference come to a conclusion to that behavior.
Since we come to conclusion by observing beforehand the responses, hence ,we can use that
reasoning to predict further behavior, and have a decent chance at it being correct.

Q1) What is personality?

It is the sum total of ways in which a person reacts and interacts with others. It is a
characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Personality embraces moods, attitudes,
and opinions and is most clearly expressed in interactions with other people.
Everyone also has personality traits.

Q2) What is the myer-briggs type indicator?

The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a self-help assessment test which helps people gain
insights about how they work and learn. It is a framework for relationship-building, developing
positivism, and achieving excellence. Basically, it is a 100 question personality test that tells of 4
different components of your personality:
1. Introverted (I) - Extroverted (E)
2. Sensing (S) - Intuition (N)
3. Thinking (T) – Feeling (F)
4. Judging (J) – Perceiving (P)
Then each personality or result is told by a 4 letter code for eg ISTJ, according to what
personality type it is from the four mentioned above.

Q3) What is emotional intelligence and why is it important?

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to understand and manage your emotions. The skills
involved in emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and
social skills. It is also a very important skill to have in a workplace.
Our ability to be aware of and understand our own emotions can aid our awareness and
understanding of the feelings of others (in short, what EQ is). This sensitivity, or lack thereof,
impacts our communication capabilities in both personal and work life. Where those with low
levels of EQ may react defensively in stressful situations and escalate conflict, individuals with
higher emotional intelligence have the skills available at their disposal to communicate
effectively without resorting to confrontation or escalating tension.

Q1) What is perception?

Perception refers to the way sensory information is organized, interpreted, and consciously
experienced. It means how we take stimuli from the outside world and how our mind analyzes
that data that it gets. For example in a workplace, all of the workers experience almost the
same kind of environment and stimuli , but some might like their workplace while the other
may have a fault with it or with anything in it.

Q2) What is stereotyping? Give an example of how stereotyping can create perceptual

In social psychology, a stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of

people. It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group. Ot
may be about, women, for example or any race, ethnicity etc.

The reason it creates perceptual distortion is because we have preconceived notion in our mind
of how a certain group of people may be , which is not true for all, maybe even half of them and
this distorts our perception as we refuse to see their true behavior and instead distort the
reality of what a certain persons behavior truly is.

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