Step 1: Examining Your Current News Diet

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Tracking Your News Diet

Reflect on how news affects your life. From where do you get your news usually (i.e. Instagram,
Snapchat, Apple News, NY Times emails, etc.)? Consider the following: Has there been a time when
you have had an emotional response to an event you heard about in the news? What are some recent
news events that have caught your attention? Have you ever felt out of the loop of current news
events? How did that make you feel? Your journal should be detailed and thoughtful.

Step 1: Examining Your Current News Diet

Now you’re going to observe where you get your news and what “news” means in your life. For at least
1 day, track all sources of information: online publications, television programs, emails, social media
feeds, newspapers, radios, online videos, websites, apps. You should find at least 3 per day.

You should also categorize the type of “news” or the topics and people you read about by distinguishing
among personal news, family news, school news, Atlanta news, international news, etc. / or sports,
music, Covid, etc. Choose categories that make sense to you.

Where do you get your news Types of news/ information found

(sources)? (topics and/or people)?
snapchat, instagram and chanel 2 action On snapchat I read about Bidens new tax
DAY 1 news(lol idk exactly what its called, I watched plan where people who make over $200,000 DAY 1
it with my grandma per year get taxed more. On instagram I saw
that a Minnesota man can't be charged with
rape because the women chose to drink
beforehand, court rules. On the news I saw
that the covid vaccine makes people sick if
they have had covid before.

Instagram, snapchat and tiktok on instagram I saw something about an

attorney claiming that George Floyd died of
an overdose and it was not the polices fault.
On snapchat I saw that a cocaine lab got
blown to pieces. on tiktok I watched this
video about a 16 year old prostitute who got
kidnapped at 14 and has been doing that job
ever since she was kidnapped.(I thought it
was interesting but super sad story)
Step 2: Finding New Sources
Now you’re going to find additional information by researching different sources. Look at the sources
and information you’ve already tracked and identify at least four topics/people that you could learn more
about from different sources.

Examples: If you find out about school events from your friend’s mom’s texts, then try the school
district’s website. If you find out about Covid updates from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, try The
New York Times or BBC. If you go to your favorite artist’s or athlete’s instagram page to find out what
he or she is doing, find a newspaper article about him or her.

5 topics and/or people I want to know more about (from step 1 assignment

covid vaccine minesota court situation George floyd cocaine lab

bidens tax plan

ORIGINAL sources (from the step 1 assignment)

the news, channel 2 instagram, snapchat

snapchat instagram
action news

NEW sources (research, actively looking for new sources)

cnn cnn Forbes

the New York Times yahoo news

new information found, similarities/differences, reaction/thoughts

The covid vaccine Bidens tax plan is The women They still argue that Someone purposely
is apparently 100% poised to raise taxes "voluntarily" got the officer did exactly blew up a cocaine
affective and on businesses and the intoxicated which the what they were trained lab and its gone now
tolerant on rich. I did not know court says so it was not to do . I think that they
adolescence. I about raising the taxes rape even though the weren't trained to hold
believe that this is on buisnesses guy did rape her. someone down like
good because the that for them to die. If
younger ones are the officer didn't do
sometimes highly that then George Floyd
affected by covid wouldn't have died

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