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1/31/2021 Drama Terms | Print - Quizizz


Drama Terms
20 Questions

1. A story that is meant to be acted out in front of an

audience. It is usually performed on a stage.

a) drama/play b) poem
c) genre d) narrative

2. What is an Act of a play?

a) It's the script of a play. b) Small sections of a play, usually within

multiple scenes.

c) A major section of a play, usually made up d) It is the part of the play that tells the
of several scenes. audience the setting.

3. The author of a play is called what?

a) playwright b) author
c) novelist d) poet

4. The main character in a play or story is called what?

a) antagonist b) protagonist
c) foil d) actor

5. A character in con ict with the main character is called


a) foil b) protagonist
c) antagonist d) tragic hero 1/4
1/31/2021 Drama Terms | Print - Quizizz

6. What is a comedy?

a) An extended speech by one character to b) The written text of a play.

the audience.
c) A play that ends with the death of a main d) A humorous play that has a light tone and
character. a happy ending.

7. A long speech given by one character.

a) synopsis b) dialogue

c) narrator d) monologue

8. A brief monologue for the audience that is unheard by

other characters on the stage.

a) aside b) soliloguy

c) monologue d) dialogue

9. Descriptions or directions in a script that tell HOW the play

is performed. Often tells the characters where to stand and
what to do. What is this called?

a) instructions b) orders
c) stage directions d) stage instructions

10. The written text of a play is called what?

a) script b) poem

c) novel d) narrative

11. A play that ends with the death of a main character is called

a) aside b) tragedy

c) comedy d) script 2/4
1/31/2021 Drama Terms | Print - Quizizz

12. A character who contrasts with or is the opposite of

another character...

a) foil b) protagonist

c) antagonist d) character

13. Any movable object that appears on stage during a

performance, except for costume or scenery.

a) line b) foil

c) prop d) cast

14. A long speech given by a character that expresses inner

thoughts aloud to himself and the audience.

a) soliloquy b) aside

c) monologue d) dialogue

15. Scene

a) A major division in a play b) Indicates time and change in a play

c) The document that contains the story d) The speaking parts in a play

16. Stage Direction

a) Written in italics and enclosed in brackets b) A playwright's descriptive comments

c) Provides information about dialogue, d) All the above
setting, and action of the play 3/4
1/31/2021 Drama Terms | Print - Quizizz

17. Which drama term does this picture illustrate?

a) theme b) characterization

c) drama d) con ict

18. When the audience knows more than the characters in the
drama, that is...

a) characterization b) Situational irony

c) verbal irony d) dramatic irony

19. A play on words

a) Humor b) Soliloquy

c) Pun d) act

20. Personality trait of the main character in a tragedy that

leads to his/her downfall

a) Stupidity b) Tragic Flaw

c) Climax d) Pun 4/4

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