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2.3 Steady Heat Conduction in Simple Geometries 79

2.3.1 Plane Wall with and without Heat Generation

In the first chapter we saw that the temperature distribution for one-dimensional,
steady conduction through a wall is linear. We can verify this result by simplifying
the more general case expressed by Eq. (2.6). For steady state T/ t  0, and since
T is only a function of x, T/ y  0 and T/ z  0. Furthermore, if there is no inter-
nal generation, qG = 0, Eq. (2.6) reduces to
= 0 (2.24)
Integrating this ordinary differential equation twice yields the temperature distribution
T(x)  C1x
C2 (2.25)
For a wall with T(x  0)  T1 and T(x  L)  T2 we get
T2 - T1
T(x) = x + T1 (2.26)
The above relation agrees with the linear temperature distribution deduced by inte-
grating Fourier’s law, qk  kA(dT/dx).
Next consider a similar problem, but with heat generation throughout the sys-
tem, as shown in Fig. 2.6. If the thermal conductivity is constant and the heat gen-
eration is uniform, Eq. (2.5) reduces to


qgen = qG(A dx)


T1 T1

FIGURE 2.6 Conduction in a plane wall with
uniform heat generation. Temperature distribu-
tion is for the case T1  T2 (see Eq. 2.33).

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80 Chapter 2 Heat Conduction

d2T(x) #
k = - qG (2.27)
Integrating this equation once gives
dT(x) qG
= - x + C1 (2.28)
dx k
and a second integration yields
qG 2
T(x) = - x + C1x + C2 (2.29)

where C1 and C2 are constants of integration whose values are determined by the
boundary conditions. The specified conditions require that the temperature at x  0
be T1 and at x  L be T2. Substituting these conditions successively into the conduc-
tion equation gives
T1  C2 (x  0) (2.30)
qG 2
T2 = - L + C1L + T1 (x = L) (2.31)
Solving for C1 and substituting into Eq. (2.29) gives the temperature distribution
# #
qG T2 - T1 qGL
T(x) = - x2 + x + x + T1 (2.32)
2k L 2k

Observe that Eq. (2.26) is now modified by two terms containing the heat genera-
tion and that the temperature distribution is no longer linear.
If the two surface temperatures are equal, T1  T2, the temperature distribution
qGL2 x x 2
T(x) = c - a b d + T1 (2.33)
2k L L

This temperature distribution is parabolic and symmetric about the center plane with
a maximum Tmax at x  L/2. At the centerline dT/dx  0, which corresponds to an
insulated surface at x  L/2. The maximum temperature is
Tmax = T1 + (2.34)

For the symmetric boundary conditions the temperature in dimensionless form is

T(x) - T1
= 4(j - j2)
Tmax - T1

where  x/L.

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2.3 Steady Heat Conduction in Simple Geometries 81

EXAMPLE 2.1 A long electrical heating element made of iron has a cross section of 10 cm 1.0 cm.
It is immersed in a heat transfer oil at 80°C as shown in Fig. 2.7. If heat is generated
uniformly at a rate of 1,000,000 W/m3 by an electric current, determine the heat
transfer coefficient necessary to keep the temperature of the heater below 200°C. The
thermal conductivity for iron at 200°C is 64 W/m K by interpolation from Table 12
in Appendix 2.

Iron heating element

qG = 106 W/m3

10 cm

Heat transfer
oil, 80˚C 1.0 cm

Power supply
FIGURE 2.7 Electrical heating element for Example 2.1.

SOLUTION If we disregard the heat dissipated from the edges, a reasonable assumption since the
heater has a width 10 times greater than its thickness, Eq. (2.34) can be used to cal-
culate the temperature difference between the center and the surface:
qGL2 (1,000,000 W/m3)(0.01 m)2
Tmax - T1 = = = 0.2°C
8k (8)(64 W/m k)
The temperature drop from the center to the surface of the heater is small because
the heater material is made of iron, which is a good conductor. We can neglect this
temperature drop and calculate the minimum heat transfer coefficient from a heat
# L
qG = qhc(T1 - Tq)
Solving for hqc:
qG (L/2) (106 W/m3)(0.005 m)
hqc = = = 42 W/m2 K
(T1 - Tq) 120 K
Thus, the heat transfer coefficient required to keep the temperature in the heater
from exceeding the set limit must be larger than 42 W/m2 K.

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Jawaban :


Jawaban :
3. Consider a plane wall 100 mm thick and of thermal conductivity 100 W/mK. Steady-
state conditions are known to exist with T1 = 400 K and T2 = 600 K. Determine the heat
flux 𝑞𝑞𝑥𝑥" and the temperature gradient dT/dx for the coordinate systems shown.

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