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Desimal: Jurnal Matematika Vol 3 No 3 (2020) 279-286

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p-ISSN: 2613-9073 (print), e-ISSN: 2613-9081 (online), DOI 10.24042/djm

Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities: The Impact

of The Co-Op Co-Op Cooperative Learning Model and Missouri
Mathematics Project
Rahma Faelasofi1,*, Risna Apriliani 2, Walidatul Nafi’ah 2
1 Muhammadiyah University, Pringsewu, Indonesia
2 Raden Intan State Islamic University of Lampung, Indonesia


The development of the industrial revolution must be balanced by the
Article History
Received : 25-03-2020 increase of quality soft skills, one of which is problem-solving ability.
Revised : 30-07-2020 This study was aimed to determine which learning models that have
Accepted : 06-09-2020 more influence on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities.
Published : 29-09-2020 Cooperative learning model Co-Op Co-Op with students who applied
the Missouri Mathematics Project learning model. This research
Cooperative co-op co-op; Missouri employed the quasi-experimental design. The sample was selected
Mathematics Project; using cluster random sampling. The data collection instrument used
Mathematical problem-solving. was a problem-solving ability test in the form of an essay test. Based
on the results of calculations using the t-test, it was concluded that
*Correspondence: E-mail: the Co-Op Co-Op Cooperative learning model had more influence on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities compared to the
Missouri Mathematics Project.

INTRODUCTION skill needed in the process of solving

problems to achieve the expected goals.
Mathematics is a field of study aimed
The ability to solve mathematical
at solving problems. This opinion is in line
problems has been widely researched,
with the standard content of the 2006
such as the ability to solve problems with
Curriculum that the problem-solving
the Osborn, M-apos, and exploration
approach is the focus of mathematics
models (Lestari, 2015; Nurafifah et al.,
learning that includes various types of
2016; Sariningsih & Purwaningsih, 2017)
problems (Amir, 2015). This opinion is
The cognitive style and motivation also
also supported by the Ministry of National
have a positive influence in improving
Education ( Rivai and Surya 2017) that
students' mathematical problem-solving
one of the goals of learning mathematics in
abilities (Aspriyani, 2017; ulya, 2015).
schools is to develop problem-solving
Based on several previous studies, the
abilities. Problem-solving ability is a soft
researchers were interested in conducting

Copyright © 2020, Desimal, Print ISSN: 2613-9073, Online ISSN: 2613-9081

Desimal, 3 (3), 2020 - 280
Rahma Faelasofi, Risna Apriliani, Walidatul Nafi’ah

further research on problem-solving model also demands the role of the teacher as
abilities through two different treatment a facilitator and a reference in implementing a
comparisons. learning activity. Many previous studies
Problem-solving abilities can be trained applied to the Missouri Mathematics Project
through appropriate methods. Students (MMP). The MMP model is considered good
should find solutions through alternative for improving mathematical reasoning skills
ideas in solving problems related to (Rivai & Surya, 2017) and solving
mathematics (Faelasofi, 2017). Some models mathematical problems (Rahmiati &
that are considered relevant to mathematical Fahrurrozi, 2016; Sadat, 2016; Setyawan
problem-solving abilities are the Co-Op Co-Op Putra & Fitriyani, 2017). Also, this model
Cooperative learning model and the Missouri assisted by origami and relief media has a
Mathematics Project (MMP). The Co-Op Co-Op significant effect on student learning
Cooperative learning model is a group outcomes (Bagja sulfemi & Desmiati, 2006;
investigation that demands students' active Rahayu, 2018).
role in working together to obtain an expected Based on the description, the two
concept (Yanti, 2019). Several previous models influence problem-solving
studies using the Co-Op Co-Op Cooperative abilities. Therefore, the researchers were
model stated that this model is considered to
interested in conducting a study on
be better in improving mathematical
students' mathematical problem-solving
communication skills (nadia sari & Susanti,
abilities through a comparison of the Co-
2019) and improving learning outcomes, and
Op Co-Op Cooperative learning model and
increasing student activeness and creativity
(Di, 2016; Istiglal, 2018). The use of the Co- the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP)
Op Co-Op Cooperative learning model also learning model. The novelty of this study
plays a role in influencing mathematical compared to several previous studies lays
problem-solving abilities in advanced calculus in the use of two learning models. The
material (Qurohman, 2017). The researchers wanted to know which
mathematical problem-solving abilities can learning models provided more influence
also be improved through the Co-Op Co-Op on students' mathematical problem-
Cooperative model when viewed from the solving abilities.
learning style (Henri et al., 2018; Naldi &
Susanti, 2018) and the Bredic-Observe
Explain approach (Maryanti, 2018). Apart This study employed the quasi-
from the mentioned studies, some studies experimental procedure with the quasi-
state that the model does not affect critical experimental design. The sampling technique
thinking skills (Emil Maulana, 2018). used was cluster random sampling. According
The Missouri Mathematics Project to (Yusri et al., 2018), the data collection
(MMP) learning model is a learning model that technique employed was a test instrument to
provides students the opportunity to work test the problem-solving abilities in the form
together in small groups and apply their of a description test. The design of the study
respective understandings through can be seen in Figure 1.
worksheets (Rivai & Surya, 2017). This

Copyright © 2020, Desimal, Print ISSN: 2613-9073, Online ISSN: 2613-9081

Desimal, 3 (3), 2020 - 281
Rahma Faelasofi, Risna Apriliani, Walidatul Nafi’ah

Individual presentation by the
Class discussion members of each group individual topics
into the group

forming groups Individual Presentation by

preparation each group

Determining Determining
topics for each topic for each Evaluation
group student

Figure 1. The Procedure of Co-Op Co-Op Cooperative Model

Explanation Cooperative
by the teacher work


Figure 2. The Procedure of the MMP Model

Based on Figure 1, the first step of the work and ends with an evaluation by all class
Co-Op Co-Op Cooperative learning model is a elements (Istiglal, 2018).
class discussion where students express their The first step of the MMP model begins
opinions on a particular topic. Then the with a review of the previous material carried
teacher forms groups of 4-5 students. At this out by the teacher by asking questions to
stage, let each group decide what topics to students to remind them about the material
discuss. Then, each member of the group that has been previously presented. In the
determines their respective topics based on next stage, the teacher explains the material to
the group's predetermined topic. Each group be studied within half an hour. Then, students
member looks for references on the topics work in groups to complete group
they have chosen. After the material has been assignments given by the teacher. After that,
deemed sufficient, each group member each student does the assignment
presents the material in front of small groups. individually. The last stage is the provision of
Each group member put together the homework by the teacher so that students
individual discussion results. Furthermore, repeat the material they have learned at home
each group presents the results of their group (Rahayu, 2018).

Copyright © 2020, Desimal, Print ISSN: 2613-9073, Online ISSN: 2613-9081

Desimal, 3 (3), 2020 - 282
Rahma Faelasofi, Risna Apriliani, Walidatul Nafi’ah


Co-Op Co-Op MMP

Cooperatibe Model (A1) (A2)


A1 B A2 B


Y1 Y2
Figure 3. Research Design Scheme

Description: solving abilities. The test was conducted to

A1: Learning Model determine students' mathematical
B: Mathematical problem-solving abilities problem-solving abilities after being given
A1: Co-op Co-op Cooperative model the treatment of the Co-op Co-op
A2: MMP Learning Model Cooperative and MMP learning models.
A1B: Problem-solving abilities with Co-op The hypothesis testing was done by using
Co-op Cooperative model an independent sample t-test.
A2 B: Problem-solving abilities with the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
MMP Model
Y1 & Y2: Final Results (Posttest) Based on the results of the analysis of
The test administered in this study students' mathematical problem-solving
was a posttest of 10 description questions. abilities in the two sample classes, the data of
the descriptive statistics test can be seen in
The posttest had been constructed based
Table 3.
on indicators of mathematical problem-

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics of Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities

Mean Median Mode Max Min Variance Sd Range
Co-op Co-op 75,767 80 88 90 35 171,978 13,114 55
Cooperative 0
Missouri 71,075 70 68 88 45 93,917 9,6911 43

Based on Table 3, it can be seen that Project learning model. It indicated that
the mean and median values of the Co-op the Co-op Co-op model significantly
Co-op Cooperative learning model were influences students' mathematical
greater than the Missouri Mathematics problem-solving abilities compared to the

Copyright © 2020, Desimal, Print ISSN: 2613-9073, Online ISSN: 2613-9081

Desimal, 3 (3), 2020 - 283
Rahma Faelasofi, Risna Apriliani, Walidatul Nafi’ah

Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) between Co-op Co-op Cooperative

learning model. learning model and the MMP learning
Furthermore, the independent model.
sample t-test was carried out to compare 𝐻1 = There is no significant difference in
whether there was a difference in the the mathematical problem-solving
average students’ learning outcomes. The abilities between Co-op Co-op Cooperative
hypotheses of the study are: learning model and the MMP learning
H0 = There is a significant difference in the model.
mathematical problem-solving abilities

Table 4. The Results of t-Test

Levene's Test for t-test Equality of Means
Equality of
F Sig. T Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error
tailed) Difference Difference
Mathematical Problem 3,520 , 065 1,722 , 090 4,6917 2,7241
Solving Ability Co-op Co-
op Cooperative Learning 1,650 , 105 4,6917 2,8426
Model and MMP Learning

Testing criteria: also states that the Co-op Co-op Cooperative

𝐻0 : 𝜇1 ≤ 𝜇2 learning model affects the activeness and
𝐻1 : 𝜇1 > 𝜇2 creativity, mathematical communication
If 𝑡𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 ≤ 𝑡𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 , then 𝐻0 is accepted. skills, and student learning outcomes (Anggit
In Table 2, the t-value was 1.722. setiari, rahmi susanti, 2016; Irawati et al.,
Based on the testing criteria, it was found 2019; Istiglal, 2018; nadia sari & Susanti,
that 𝑡𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 ≤ 𝑡𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 1.722 ≤ 2019).
1.99547, then H0 was accepted. It Based on the steps in Figure 1, the
indicated that the Co-op Co-op initial stage of the Co-op Co-op
Cooperative learning model significantly Cooperative learning model begins with a
influenced students' mathematical class discussion where all class elements
problem-solving abilities compared to the submit their respective arguments about a
Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) particular topic. This is in line with the
model. This means that the application of first step of the MMP model where all class
the Co-op Co-op Cooperative learning elements discuss topics that have been
model provided a more significant impact previously discussed. The individual
on students' mathematical problem- preparation steps in the Co-op Co-op
solving abilities. Cooperative learning model are the same
The Co-op Co-op cooperative learning as the explanatory steps by the teacher in
model was more influential than the Missouri the MMP model. However, in the Co-op Co-
Mathematics Project (MMP) learning model. op cooperative learning model, students
The results of this study are in line with play a more active role in finding material
previous research which states that the Co-op while in the MMP model, the teacher is
Co-op Cooperative learning model affects dominant in providing material. The group
critical thinking skills, problem-solving preparation and group presentation steps
abilities, concept understanding, calculus
of the Co-op Co-op Cooperative learning
problem-solving, and students’ learning
model are in line with the third step of the
outcomes (Henri et al., 2018; Naldi &
MMP model where each group works
Susanti, 2018; Pristanty & Krisdiana,
together to discuss a particular topic. The
2018; Qurohman, 2017). Other research

Copyright © 2020, Desimal, Print ISSN: 2613-9073, Online ISSN: 2613-9081

Desimal, 3 (3), 2020 - 284
Rahma Faelasofi, Risna Apriliani, Walidatul Nafi’ah

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Copyright © 2020, Desimal, Print ISSN: 2613-9073, Online ISSN: 2613-9081

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