Journal (Anatomical and FTIR Analyses of Phloem and Xylem of Tetracentron Sinense)

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Anatomical and FTIR analyses of phloem and xylem of Tetracentron sinense

Article  in  Journal of Forestry Research · June 2017

DOI: 10.1007/s11676-017-0425-4


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3 authors:

Jiangtao Shi Feng Wang

Nanjing Forestry University Université du Québec à Rimouski UQAR


Yaoli Zhang
Nanjing Forestry University


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J. For. Res.
DOI 10.1007/s11676-017-0425-4


Anatomical and FTIR analyses of phloem and xylem

of Tetracentron sinense
Jiangtao Shi1 • Feng Wang1 • Yaoli Zhang1

Received: 4 November 2015 / Accepted: 5 November 2016

Ó Northeast Forestry University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract The fast growth of Tetracentron sinense is a was uniform, about 50–70%, throughout the growth years.
potential valuable timber resource, but whether its anatomy Growth patterns in the length and width of early and late
and chemical components are suitable for timber is wood were similar as the trees aged. From the FTIR results,
unknown. We used light microscopy and SEM to examine the chemical components differed significantly between
the anatomical structure and FITR to measure the chemical xylem and phloem, hemicellulose in particular was higher
components of the phloem and xylem of this tree. Radial in the xylem than in the phloem, where it was apparently
variations in growth ring width and tracheid dimensions absent. All of these suggest that the composition of phloem
were also evaluated. The sieve tube, phloem parenchyma in T. sinense is very similar to that of hardwood, and it has
cell and sclereids clusters were the main cells in phloem, higher growth ratio and uniform wood properties.
and the tracheid was the fundamental cell in xylem. An
unusual tracheid type, fiber-tracheids or vessel-liked ele- Keywords Phloem  Radial variation  Tracheid 
ments was visible. Wood rays nonstoried, uniseriate and Tetracentron sinense  Xylem
multiseriate, including heterogeneous II, occasionally I,
and usually 3–6 cells wide. The mean growth-ring width
was 2.53 ± 0.46 mm, and the percentage of late wood was Introduction
over 60%. For radial variation, growth-ring width increased
at an early growth stage, and reached the largest increment Originated during the Cretaceous or early Triassic and
during years 11–15, then decreased. The maximum growth- distributed in East Asia countries such as China, Nepal and
ring width was 5.313 mm. During late growth India, Tetracentron sinense Oliv. is a broad-leaf tree spe-
(60–85 years), trees also maintained a high radial growth cies in terms of its leaf and tree morphology. Over
increment. Radial variation in the percentage of late wood 100 years ago, however, the genus Tetracentron was
described as lacking vessel elements in the secondary
xylem (Harms 1897; Thompson and Bailey 1916; Li and
Project funding: This work was financially supported by the Youth
Jin 1989), which resulted in the classification of its wood as
Science and Technology Innovation Fund of NJFU (CXL2015018)
and the Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program a softwood. However, other characteristics of T. sinense
Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD). wood, such as its late wood having more ray cells and
bordered pits on the tracheid cell walls, are just like general
The online version is available at hardwood. In contrast, Suzuki et al. (1991) reported the
Corresponding editor: Yu Lei.
presence of ‘‘unusual tracheids’’ in mature wood and
branch wood of Tetracentron, similar to vessel elements in
& Jiangtao Shi hardwood. Recently, Ren et al. (2007) and Li et al. (2011) defined these particular cells as vessel-like elements and
1 suggested that Tetracentron is a vessel tree species. In
Collage of Material Science and Engineering, Nanjing
Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, People’s Republic of addition, its chemical composition has elements shared by
China softwoods and hardwoods. For example, the content of

J. Shi et al.

polymannose and polyxylose is similar to that in hardwood, Scanning electron microscopy

but polygalactose and polyarabinose are similar to that in
softwood (Fang et al. 1992). Furthermore, it also contains Small blocks of primary sample were selected for SEM.
tiny amounts of polyrhamnose as found in birch and beech Their surface was smoothed before vacuum freezing drying
wood, whereas it has more guaiacyl monomers, which is at 65 °C for 24 h. Then the samples were Gold sprayed
common in softwood. Thus, the categorization of T. immediately and observed with a scanning electron
sinense wood is controversial. microscope (Hitachi TM 1000).
Although the structure and chemistry of secondary
xylem has been the primary focus for such categorizations, Cell maceration
phloem also offers vital clues. Phloem, particularly func-
tional secondary phloem, plays a key role in tree physiol- Xylem and phloem were separated and cut into small
ogy. The appearance of the bark of T. sinense is also pieces (3 mm 9 3 mm 9 10 mm). All samples were
similar to hardwood bark. As far as we know, however, placed in glass tube with water and water bathed in 90 °C
details on its anatomical structure and chemical compo- for 2 h. Next, the original solution replaced with 1:1 (v/v)
nents have never been reported. Herein, we hypothesized acetic acid: hydrogen peroxide and water bathed in 75 °C
that (1) the cell structure and chemical group in T. sinense until wood tuned white. Lastly, the tissues were washed
phloem will show a marked hardwood tendency; (2) the with distilled water until pH 7.0, then dipped briefly into
annual growth in T. sinense wood will be greater than for the 1% safranin solution. A slide was then dipped into the
coniferous wood in general and its wood characteristics mixture, and the samples were observed by 40 9 and
more homogeneous than other deciduous tree wood. 100 9 with an Olympus BX51.

Image analysis and data processing

Materials and methods
The size of macerated cells and sclereid clusters was
measured using Image Pro Plus 6.0 (Olympus, Japan). Fifty
Plant materials and location
cells were randomly chosen from each tree sample and
averaged. Sclereid cell mass size and tissue proportion
Three wild-growing, apparently healthy T. sinense were
were averaged from five sections. All data were analyzed
collected from Qinling Mountains (N33°490 22.0000 ,
by Excel 2007 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) and
E107°360 47.2900 ) Huangbaiyuan, Taibai Town, Shaanxi
plotted by Origin 8.0 (Originlab, USA).
Province, in northwestern China. All samples contained
xylem, cambium and secondary phloem and were har-
vested from stems at the breast height and immersed
immediately into formalin (5%)–acetic acid (5%)–alcohol
(90%) (FAA). Then, they were taken back to the lab and
Secondary structure and cell morphology
stored at -20 °C.
Secondary phloem of T. sinense consists of sieve tube,
Light microscopy phloem parenchyma cell, and sclereid clusters alternatively
in the axial direction and phloem rays in the radial direc-
Samples (approximately size: 20 mm 9 20 mm 9 8 mm) tion. Sieve tube and phloem parenchyma cells were diffi-
were fixed in 3–4% formalin (35% formaldehyde in water) cult to distinguish in cross sections with the light
at least 24 h, then they were cut into small blocks (ap- microscope (LM), but distinguishable with SEM. Sieve
proximately size: 4 mm 9 5 mm 9 5 mm) and subjected plates were found in cross sections and tangential sections,
to a vacuum until they sank. After an ethanol dehydration which proved that these cells were sieve tubes rather than
series (50, 70, 85, 95 and 100%, each for 24 h), the small not sieve cells (Fig. 1). Their length and width was
blocks were infiltrated with a series of collodion (Wako 554.36 ± 44.54 lm (n = 50) and 43.51 ± 2.58 lm
Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.) (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%, each (n = 50), respectively. Phloem parenchyma cells were in
for 48 h) at 50 °C. Finally, sections (15–20 lm thickness) strands (4–5 cells) in longitudinal directions and round in
were cut with semi-auto microtome, placed on slides and cross section. Average length and width of parenchyma
double-stained with 1% w/v safranin in water (30 min) and cells was 631.76 ± 116.35 lm and 37.18 ± 1.11 lm,
0.5% (w/v) fast green in absolute ethyl alcohol (for 2 min). respectively. Sclereids were easily distinguished with the
After the slides had air-dried, the sections were observed LM after double-staining with safranin and fast green
by 10 9 and 40 9 with an Olympus BX51 microscope. (Fig. 1) with the proportion of 32.9 ± 2.6% in secondary

Anatomical and FTIR analyses of phloem and xylem of Tetracentron sinense

Fig. 1 Cells in phloem. LM of cross sections (a); SEM (b–d); line in c), Ph: phloem, PR: phloem ray, S: sieve (shorter red line in a,
macerated cell (e). Ca: cambium (red line with two arrows in a), P: red line in b and longer red line in c), Scl: sclereid, Xy: xylem
parenchymal cell (longer red line in a, red line in b and shorter red

phloem. They were much more lignified compared with including heterogeneous type II, occasionally type I, and
sieve tubes and phloem parenchyma cells; thus, they were width was usually 3–6 cells.
stained red. With LM, some sclereids showed in purple
(Fig. 1a), which appeared ‘‘white aggregate’’ with SEM Radial variation in wood properties
(Fig. 1b, c). Width of sclereid clusters was
0.66 ± 0.09 mm in tangential section. Growth-ring width and percentage of late wood
The xylem of T. sinense consists of tracheids, unusual
tracheids in the axial and rays in the radial direction. In The mean growth-ring width of T. sinense was
cross section, secondary xylem was obviously distin- 2.53 ± 0.46 mm, of which 60.1 ± 1.6% was late wood
guishable in early wood and late wood. Elongated bordered (Table 1). The growth-ring width radial variable is shown in
pits in scalariform arrangement were present in the cell Fig. 3a. For the first 20 growth years, tree-ring width
wall of tracheids in early wood while circular bordered pits increased with increasing age and reached the maximum
occurred in cell wall of trachieds in late wood (Fig. 2). increment during years 11–15 (Tree 2 reached 3.002 mm in
Tracheid size varied between early wood and late wood. 14th year), then decreased. Growth-ring width then increased
Tracheid mean length was 2852.57 ± 121.97 lm, mean during the next growth 20–50 years; maximum increment
width was 44.69 ± 2.65 lm and length to width ratio (L/ was 5.313 mm. For growth during the 60th–85th years, trees
W) in early wood was 67.34 ± 4.1, while tracheids in late also maintained a high radial growth increment. After
wood had the mean length of 3063.66 ± 127.09 lm, the 90 years, the increment decreased but was consistent with the
mean width of 39.14 ± 1.85 lm and mean L/W of first growth years, which may be the result of high-efficiency
81.21 ± 2.14. Unusual trachieds, vessel-liked elements or photosynthesis in the deciduous tree crown and suggests that
fiber-trachieds, were reported for T. sinense (Suzuki et al. T. sinense is a potential fast-growth timber resource.
1991) and are similar to the tracheids in some hardwoods Generally, a higher percentage of late wood is regarded
such as Celtis occidentalis, Phellodendron amurense, and as increments from more cell walls and conferring better
Sophora arizonica (Wheeler et al. 1989). Their average strength properties to the wood (Fig. 3b). The radial vari-
length was 260.32 ± 39.13 lm (much shorter than normal ation in the late wood percentage in T. sinense was rela-
tracheids), and average width was 51.87 ± 11.17 lm. tively stable, about 50–70%, over all growth years. The
Rays were nonstoried, uniseriate and multiseriate, radial pattern is similar to that of growth ring width. Late

J. Shi et al.

Fig. 2 Cells in xylem. LM of cross sections (a, b); radial section (d); tangential section (e). SEM of radial (c) and tangential (g) section;
macerated cell (f). In a, c E: early wood, L: later wood; U: unusual tracheid

Table 1 Means ± SD of variables for growth rings and tracheids

Tree Growth-ring Later wood Early wood Later wood
width (mm) percent (%)
Length (lm) Width (lm) Length to Length (lm) Width (lm) Length to
width ratio width ratio

Tree 1 2.64 ± 1.15 58.3 ± 8.6 2968.76 ± 486 47.05 ± 8.34 65.24 ± 9.92 3206.55 ± 364 41.10 ± 5.05 80.07 ± 5.64
Tree 2 2.10 ± 1.26 61.3 ± 10.1 2863.41 ± 412 41.81 ± 9.93 72.1 5 ± 12.41 3021.19 ± 409 37.44 ± 7.35 83.68 ± 10.51
Tree 3 3.02 ± 1.34 60.7 ± 5.6 2725.54 ± 436 45.22 ± 7.96 64.61 ± 14.30 2963.23 ± 464 38.87 ± 3.35 79.86 ± 9.71
Mean 2.53 ± 0.46 60.1 ± 1.6 2852.56 ± 121 44.69 ± 2.65 67.34 ± 4.19 3063.66 ± 127 39.14 ± 1.85 81.20 ± 2.12

Fig. 3 Radial variation in

a growth ring width and
b latewood percentage

wood percentage depends on the number of cells and the Tracheid length and width
tracheid width in late wood. Growth of many tree species
can differ dramatically among years, a phenomenon that is Because of the importance of tracheid size in wood quality
strongly linked to temperature, rainfall and other environ- and wood products characteristics, macerations were
mental factors. Because the late wood percent was over accurately measured. Figure 4 shows the relation of radial
50%, T. sinense wood is likely harder and has greater tracheid length and width to growth year. The length and
bending strength than most softwood. width in both early wood and late wood followed similar

Anatomical and FTIR analyses of phloem and xylem of Tetracentron sinense

patterns and increased with growth years. Early in growth, 2930 cm-1, attributed, respectively, to O–H stretching
tracheid length and width increased rapidly in early wood, vibration and C–H stretching vibration, although we cannot
mean length went from 1102.78 to 2902.07 lm and mean attribute the source definitively because the O–H and C–H
width from 20.71 to 59.65 lm. Then they slowed slightly, stretching vibration rarely exist in the entire molecule. The
then continued to increase with growth year, remaining band at 1738 cm-1 for the xylem was assigned to uncon-
similar after growth year 45. Mean length increased from jugated C=O in xylans (hemicellulose) (Pandey 1999).
2211.04 to 3786.71 lm, mean width from 30.46 to However, this band doesn’t appear in the secondary
52.86 lm. phloem spectrum and indicates that hemicellulose content
The mean ratio of length and width was closely related may be rare in phloem. A well-defined narrow band at
to wood physical properties. The combined capacity of 1635 cm-1 was attributed to acid amide, which might be in
tracheids was better while a larger ratio would reflect some nitrogen natural polymers such as proteins, alkaloids
greater cell wall strength and tree stiffness, which would and so on. In the spectra, the relative abundance of the
also significantly improve the quality of paper and wood- nitrogen polymer in secondary phloem was higher than that
based panels. The ratio of length and width was in xylem. The band at 1510 cm-1 was assigned to the
67.34 ± 4.19 in early wood and 81.20 ± 2.14 in late wood benzene skeletal bending vibration in lignin and is obvi-
(Table 1). The radial length and width of tracheids ously higher in the secondary phloem than in the xylem.
increased during the first growth years and was similar to Another lignin-related band at 1227 cm-1, assigned as a
the changes in tracheid length and width (Fig. 4). C-O stretching vibration in phenolic hydroxyl, is also dis-
tinct to the xylem and absent in the phloem. These suggest
FTIR that the secondary phloem has less lignin than in the xylem.

FTIR is an effective, widely used method for chemical

analysis of wood, which consists of cellulose, hemicellu- Discussion and conclusion
lose, lignin and other multitudinous extractives, such as
polyphenols, carboxylic acid and lipids and so forth. All of In this study, characteristics of secondary phloem and
these biomolecules have various functional groups, which xylem of T. sinense wood were observed and measured and
present conspicuous infrared spectrum characteristics. their chemical nature analyzed. Radial variation in annual
Sometimes the intensity of the band can be used for semi- growth and percentage of late wood over time was inves-
quantification of the wood chemicals. The FTIR spectrum tigated. The tracheid shape on cross section is rectangle or
of T. sinense xylem differed significantly from that of the irregular in T. sinense and hexagonal or polygonal in other
secondary phloem (Fig. 5). Xylem and secondary phloem softwood. Richter et al. (2004) defined tracheid length as
both had a strong band at 3423 cm-1 and a weak band at shorter (\3000 lm, Taxus baccata), medium

Fig. 4 Radial measures of

tracheid length and width over

J. Shi et al.

Populus tremula (Yanchuk 1984), increased with growth

years and did not increase more at particular years.
Cell types and arrangement in phloem differ signifi-
cantly between softwood and hardwood. In softwood, sieve
cells, phloem parenchyma cells and phloem fibers are the
main cells types, with sclereids occasionally found in
specific species. The phloem in the hardwood consists of
sieve tubes, companion cells, parenchyma cells and phloem
fibers. Ryberg et al. (2007) found that sieve and fibers
tangentially arranged and alternating in Cycas revoluta. A
similar cell distribution was also reported for Sabina chi-
nensis (He et al. 1999). Our study showed sieve tubes,
phloem parenchyma cells, and sclereids in the phloem of T.
Fig. 5 FTIR of secondary xylem and phloem
sinense. Sieve plates including the sieve area was clearly
shown in SEM (Fig. 1). Sclereids were distinct after
staining in the phloem. Wang et al. (2006b) extracted
(3000–5000 lm, Larix decidua) and longer ([5000 lm, compounds from T. sinense bark that had cytotoxic activity
Araucaria angustifolia). Our results showed that in T. against human leukaemia cells. All of these results indicate
sinense tracheid length in early wood and in late wood is that the phloem of T. sinense is very similar to the phloem
shorter than in normal softwood, but it has longer fiber in hardwood and has some components that might be used
length than in hardwood, which was less B900 lm, med- as medicine. Thus, T. sinense wood can be classified as
ium 900–1600 lm, longer C1600 lm (Wheeler et al. hardwood and should be an excellent raw commercial
1989). Moreover, there are special cells, reported by material.
Suzuki et al. (1991) as ‘‘unusual tracheids’’ that are like
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