Remediation Activities Personal Development

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Remediation Activities

Personal Development
Name: _____________________________________
Grade/Section: _____________________________

Activity: Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

By: Jessica V. Durante

Loving is sharing life with each other,

In order to create special plans for only two,
Standing side by side, then smiling with pride,
Dreams, one by one, all come true.

To love is to help and nurture,

With smiles and honest words of advice,
In order to take the time to share,
To attend to and to feel for
In tender, sweet and gentle shapes

Love is about getting someone special,

One you can always count on
Being together over the years,
Sharing both happiness and sadness,
As a partner, and a friend

Love is the creation of memories that are special.

Of the times you cherish pondering,
And all the amazing things relationship-sharing promises
Love is the greatest of all,

I discovered the full meaning

Of giving and of providing
Making all of my dreams come true;
I have found the true essence of affection
By just being with you and loving you.

Process Questions:
1. After reading the poem, what did you feel? Why?
2. What does the writer want to tell about the line "Love is the greatest of all"?
3. How would you express affection to your loved ones if you were the
author? (You may write a poem of your own.)
Now that you have completed reading the module and answering all the
activities you are now to sum up all the things you’ve learned through the
following activities.
Activity: Feel the blanks.

Try to complete each statement by giving the exact feelings you have that
will suit to complete the idea in each line.
a. Being responsible in a relationship makes me __________________________.

b. A person will become responsible if he/she is __________________________.

c. Valuing our relationship with our loved ones will make us _______________.

1. Conduct a mini-survey by asking your family members or neighbors
to answer the questionnaire you do through an line or group chat.
2. Retrieve and gather the results of their answers.
3. Tally the result of the survey in a table form. Use the table that you have done
in ‘Making Questionnaire’ activity.
4. Interpret the result by showing the findings of your study in the
narrative form.
QUESTIONS: Very Much Evident Less Not
Much Evident Evident Evident

5 4 3 2 1

A. Filipino
Relationship (family)
e.g. Do Filipinos value
the close family ties?



B. Filipino Relationship




C. Filipino Relationship




Creating a Mind Map
Create a mind map showing how to have a firmer and gentler relationship
in the family. To help you in creating this mind map, you may refer to the
rubrics found after the additional activities.
Rubrics for mind Map
Category 4 3 2 1

Ideas radiate All of the Most of the Some of the Few of the
out of the ideas ideas clearly ideas clearly ideas clearly
central clearly connect to connect to connect to
ideas/image connect to the the central the central
the centra central ideas/ ideas/ imag ideas/ images
l images es

Ideas have All of the Most ideas Some ideas Few ideas
key images ideas have have key have key have key
shows an key images images shows images shows images
understandin shows an an an shows an
g of the understanding understandi understandin
content understa ng of the g of the
ndin g of of the content content content

The contents All of the Most of the Some of the Few of the
are well contents contents are contents are contents are
organized are well-organized well-organized well
well organized

Use of colors Variety of Less variety Few variety of colors are

colors are colors are colors are used effective
used used effect used effectiv ly to
effectively ively to ely to clarify the
to clarify the clarify the connection
clarify the connection connection

Activity: Complete the statement below based on your personal

experiences. This activity may guide your career decisions.

I excel in
______________________________________________________________. (
subjects that you find interesting) My hobbies include

While in school, I gained skills in

_______________________________________. (things you like to do
while at school)

At home, my parents hone my skills in _________________________________.

I love to explore
_______________________________________________________. (activiti
es that I’m interested)

I have easy access in the field of

_______________________________________. (course)
I want a stable job because

__________________________________. My family’s financial situation

is ________________________________________. My dream career is

__________________________________________________. I am open for

all possibilities of career choice because _______________.

When I’m confused of what career to pursue, I ask the ideas of

_______. (name at least three persons you asked about the career

you want)

1. What did you realize while answering the activity?
2. How will you utilize your responses in the activity in career planning?

Directions: Create a collage of the various stages of your personal
development throughout your adolescence. You may use your photos, magazines,
newspapers or materials to make it more creative.

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