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Course Name: Project Work

Course Code: PRO 8509

A Consultancy Report on


Submitted by:

Mr. Mohammad Jasim Uddin

Group Member of MBA10
Program: MBA Batch: 10
ID: 201019004

Submitted to:

Mr. Golam Morshed Shahriar Tanim

Course Supervisor

Submission Date:
12th March 2021
Letter of Transmittal
12th March 2021

Mr. Golam Morshed Shahriar Tanim

Army Institute of Business Administration
Jalalabad Cantonment, Sylhet.

Subject: Submission of Consultancy Report on Alim Industries Limited.

Respected Sir,
With enormous inclination, I am submitting my individual assessment report about “Consultancy
Report on Alim Industries Limited: Management” which I had selected after the discussion
with my group members.
The report contains about overall managerial activities of Alim Industries Limited. Due to some
constraints, I could not manage all financial activities of Alim Industries Limited. To fulfill the
requirement of a report, I had to conduct both primary researches along with my learning materials
that I have been taught during my MBA period.
Due to time constraints, I have tried as much as possible to avoid giving any vague information. If
such arises, I am prepared to clarify them.
I would like to thank you for giving me such an opportunity to prepare this report which helps me
to increase my theoretical knowledge that will be a treasure for forthcoming.
Sincerely yours,

Mr. Mohammad Jasim Uddin
ID: 201019004
Group: MBA10
Program: MBA
Army Institute of Business Administration

All praise goes to the Almighty Allah for giving me the strength and patience in order to complete
this project report.
At the beginning, I would like to honor my sincere gratitude to my supervisors Mr. Golam Morshed
Shahriar Tanim, Mr. Md. Ali Ashraf and Mr. Chinmoy Das Gupta who have supported me
throughout this project work with their patience and knowledge whilst allowing me the opportunity
to work in.
I express my greatest honor to Mr. Alimul Ahsan Chowdhury, Managing Director of Alim
Industries Limited, for his kind permission to allow me for preparing a consultancy report on their
I would like to thank Mr. Shahriar Hasan Sourov, Executive in Human Resource Department of
Alim Industries Limited, for providing information of Alim Industries Limited.
I am very thankful to the whole team member of Alim Industries Limited for their cooperation and
guidance. Without this, I could not have successfully conduct this project work.

I am Mohammed Jasim Uddin, ID: 201019004 the student of MBA Program of Army Institution
of Business Administration, Sylhet hereby I declare that the project work titled “Consultancy
Report on Alim Industries Limited - Management” is prepared under the intensive supervision
and guidance of Mr. Golam Morshed Shahriar Tanim, Lecturer of Army Institute of Business
I also declare that the project report is prepared for academic purpose only. This repost is not
submitted by others.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Mohammad Jasim Uddin
ID: 201019004
MBA 10
Army Institute of Business Administration, Sylhet

Executive Summary
Now a days, Management is one of the important parts for every organization. If an organization
has strong management team, it would be difficult for the organization to fail. The whole report is
prepared based on the management system of Alim Industries Limited. What is the organogram,
how they use their recruitment and selection process, what is the working condition during this
pandemic, what performance appraisal and management system they practices, what types of
training session they offer, what are the organizations basic code of ethics and so on are thoroughly
discussed in chapter two. Each section I would like to describe clearly so that it is easier for the
reader to understand about the topics.

List of Illustration

Figure Figure Name Page

1 Organogram of Alim Industries Limited 3
2 Functional Department of Alim Industries Limited 4
3 Recruitment Process of Alim Industries Limited 5
Table of Content
Chapter Particular Page
1.1 Background of the Study 1
Chapter One: 1.2 Objective of the Study 1
Introduction 1.3 Methodology of the Study 1
(1) 1.4 Data Collection 1
1.5 Limitation of the Study 1
2.1 Mission and Vision of Alim Industries Limited 2
2.2 Company Growth 2
2.3 Organogram 2–3
2.4 Branches and Zones 3–4
Chapter Two: 2.5 Functional Department 4
Situational Analysis 2.6 Training Facilities 4
(2 – 39) 2.7 Working Environment during COVID-19 5
2.8 Recruitment Process 5–6
2.9 Code of Ethics 6–7
2.10 Performance Appraisal 7
Chapter Three: Findings 8
Chapter Four: Recommendation 8
Conclusion 9
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Management plays an important role for every organization. Without management, it is not
possible to run any organization successfully. Like other organization, Alim Industries Limited
has management department too. From the recruitment to final selection, performance appraisal
system to employee’s motivational strategy making, various types of activities done by the
management of Alim Industries Limited.
In today’s challenging world, every organization must need to innovate new policy system. If the
organization failed to cope up with that new change might be face in trouble.
1.2 Objective of the Study
The objectives of this report are given below:
A. To analyze the recruitment process of Alim Industries Limited.
B. To understand the performance appraisal of Alim Industries Limited.
C. To identify which factors that play vital role on company growth of Alim Industries
D. To find out the working environment of Alim Industries Limited during COVID-19.
1.3 Methodology of the Study
In this report, I have collected management related data from human resource executive of Alim
Industries Limited.
1.4 Data Collection
I have used some models and diagrams for better understanding managerial activities done by
Alim Industries Limited.
1.5 Limitation of the Study
Due to some confidential information which are directly related to company’s strategy, those are
not provided by Alim Industries Limited for maintaining secrecy.

Chapter Two: Situational Analysis
2.1 Mission and Vision of Alim Industries Limited
In order to fulfill all the necessity from seeding, weeding, apply applying fertilizer-pesticides,
irrigation, harvesting, thrashing, winnowing, drying and preserving, Alim Industries has been
producing all the agriculture related machineries for farmers. As a portion of timeless task, Alim
Industries Limited has been dealing following activities:
i. Alim Industries Limited has been exporting its production in many countries of the world
after fulfilling the need of its own country’s demand.
ii. Alim Industries Limited creates its own brand as an export alternative industry.
iii. Alim Industries Limited produces its product in such way that farmers can be conveniently
worked in the field and blessed both individually and commercially.
iv. Alim Industries Limited is working to reduce the dependency on imported items.

2.2 Company Growth

Growth is a powerful measure which can ensure commitment among employees provided by the
company. Growth and development are an inborn need of human beings and everyone desires to
achieve growth. There are many ways which a company can adopt to help its employees grow.
Providing opportunities for greater responsibility, promotion, value-added jobs, meaningful and
worthwhile job, and learning culture enable employees to grow and develop. Once they recognize
that growth of the company will result in their growth, they will put in committed efforts. In order
to improve the company growth, Alim Industries Limited try to maintain the following points
effectively and efficiently:
• Health Care: Alim Industries Limited provides safe work environment the basis for their
employee to enjoy their organizational task. The task which is assigned for the employee to
complete within the time frame is not posed health hazard for them.
• Suitable Working Time: Alim Industries Limited have congruous working hours and standard
limits on overtime, time of vacation and free days before national holidays for their employees.
• Appropriate Salary: Alim Industries Limited try to follow the rate of minimum salary for their
employees which is established by the government. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the
company did not cut any salary for their employees.

2.3 Organogram
Alim Industries Limited was founded by Late M. A. Alim Chowdhury at the BSCIC Industrial
Estate in 1990 for highlighting agro-machineries development and research as a major
organizational objective for facing market boast with a continuous updated quality of services.

Currently the operation of AlL has been managed by the Alimus Sadat Chowdhury, Chairman;
Alimul Ahsan Chowdhury, Managing Director; and Alimus Shahan Chowdhury, Director of Alim
Industries Limited.


Managing Director Director

Human Resource Accounts Commercial Production Store Department Marketing Information

Department Department Department Department Department Technology
Assistant Manager Senior Production Assistant General
Manager (HR) & Assistant Manager Manager Manager Executive
(Administration) Manager IT &
Executive Deputy Branding
Assistant Deputy
Executive Manager Assistant Engineer Store Manager
Manager Front Desk

Senior Assistant
Executive Senior Manager
Executive Senior
(Internal Executive
Supervisor In-Charge

Figure 1: Organogram of Alim Industries Limited

2.4 Branches and Zones

There are almost 73 dealer points of Alim Industries Limited across the Bangladesh. Alim
Industries Limited also has foreign relation, such as China, Vietnam and India.
Alim Industries Limited imports spare parts for its products from 19 foreign companies.
Followings are some companies from which Alim Industries Limited collects its spare parts:
▪ Shandong Changnei, China
▪ VietSun Power, Vietnam
▪ Indian Machine Tools, India
▪ Lu’an Agri Machinery, China

▪ Jiangsu Jiandung Group, China
▪ Zeizung Tingneng Sheng, China
▪ Nontong Royal, Vietnam
▪ Nin Bo d easy, China
▪ KG International, India
▪ Rulton, India
▪ Tiazhu Chungfeng, China
▪ Chonging Hixing Textiles, China
▪ Vietnam Agro Tech Company Limited, Vietnam

2.5 Functional Department

In Alim Industries Limited, it has 6 functional departments in which employees have different
functional task for fulfilling departmental goals that leads to achieve the desire objectives of the
company. The figure of functional department of Alim Industries Limited is being showing below:

Human Spare
Accounts Marketing Production Commercial
Resource Parts

Quality Civil Maintenance Manufacturing Paint

Assurance Engineering Unit Servicing Section Section

Figure 2: Functional Department of Alim Industries Limited

2.6 Training Facilities

Now-a-days mechanization has created an essential attention in our agriculture. Using of
machinery tools in agriculture, it is the only way to improve the economic growth of Bangladesh.
Without having skilled manpower, it is quite impossible to achieve and improve the condition of
agriculture. In order to do so, Alim Industries Limited, the pioneer of agriculture mechanization in
this country, organizes various training program for its manpower. When we visited Alim
Industries Limited last time, we had seen that there was an ongoing training workshop on “Training
of Trainers” in which all the Combine Harvester Service Engineers of Alim Industries Limited
from all over the country attended. Alim Industries Limited also arranged field demonstration
program in various district across Bangladesh. In addition, Alim Industries Limited organize
several competitions every year for students of agricultural engineering so that they can help them
to find the smart way to achieve the sustainable agricultural mechanization.

2.7 Working Environment during COVID-19
During the lockdown the production and all other related departments were closed down for
several months but in the crop season the demand of agro machineries went on a high level and
for that the sales department remained open but the manufacturing department were remained
With the stabilization of the situation, the departments got opened and returned into full
production. Alim Industries Limited took several safety measures assigned by the government for
ensuring the physical safety and quality work life for employee and workers so that they can
prevent COVID-19. Till then there is no single case of COVID affected people inside the industry.

2.8 Recruitment Process

Recruitment process is one of the essential parts that human resource department conducts.
Because, an unfit employee can never achieve or fulfill that goal which a company wants to
achieve in order to survive in the competitive market. To select the best employee for the company,
Alim Industries Limited follows several steps. These steps are mentioned below:

Recruitment Searching Screening & Employment

Plan Shortlisting Interviewing
Candidate Offer
Figure 3: Recruitment Process of Alim Industries Limited
A. Recruitment Plan: This is the first stage of recruitment process. In this stage, Alim Industries
Limited creates recruitment plan for the vacant position so that it can hire the best employees
and achieve the ultimate goal.
B. Searching Candidate: This process is done by various ways. Alim Industries collects CV’s
of applicant for the websites or from any other job site. After that, they screen and shortlist the
application of applicants.
C. Written Exam: In this stage, job applications have to sit a written examination. Those who
qualify in examination, they go to interview section.
D. Interviewing: This is the fourth stage of recruitment process of Alim Industries Limited.
Interview is conducted Human Resource Department and Functional Head. This is the first
stage of interview.
E. Employment Offer: This is the final stage of recruitment process. After completing the first
stage of interview, the final stage of interview is conducted by top management of Alim
Industries Limited. If the candidate pass this test, top management offer the position to the
most deserving one who will be evaluated for credibility prior to the offer.
In below, we have attached the recruitment circular of Alim Industries Limited regarding various

2.9 Code of Ethics
Alim Industries Limited has some codes of ethics for its employees that specifies guidance for
managing any unappropriate issues within the industry. Followings are some ethics that Alim
Industries Limited strictly holds:
1. Employees, staffs and other have a duty of fair dealing, one toward the other, to their
dealers, to their customers, and to their profession.
2. Employees, staffs have to conduct their internal and work life lives in accord with publicly
accepted standards.
3. Employees have the duty of adhering to the accepted standards of accuracy, truth and good

4. Employees shall recognize the right to individual dignity and sense of worth as the intended
heritage of all people and that all people should be persuaded rather than told.
5. Employees shall always try to protect the asset of Alim Industries Limited including
physical, intellectual, and electronic or digital properties.
6. Employees have to maintain punctuality and expected to be regular in the industry.
7. Employees have to avoid using personal phone while working in the organization, during
the meeting except serious issues.
8. Use of tobacco products in the area of Alim Industries Limited is strictly prohibited.

2.10 Performance Appraisals

Performance appraisals is conducted for once during the beginning of year (June-July). One the
basis of the questionnaire marking and yearly performance the top management of Alim Industries
Limited provides increment to its employees and staffs.

Chapter Three: Findings
After analyzing the overall management of Alim Industries Limited, I have found some points
which are given below:
➢ In recruitment and selection process, Alim Industries Limited prefers qualified, skilled,
experienced employees who can work for creating AIL as a brand.
➢ To evaluate the performance of employee, performance appraisal is done by Alim Industries
Limited for once a year on the basis of questionnaire and yearly performance marking by the
top management of the company.
➢ Alim Industries Limited has numerous training facilities for helping its workforce more skill
and knowledgeable. Those training facilities help its workforce to utilize theoretical learning
into practical field.
➢ During the pandemic time, Alim Industries Limited has been maintaining several
precautionary measures so that its employers, employees, workers are not affected any disease.

Chapter Four: Recommendation

I have some humble suggestions for Alim Industries Limited for improving some sectors of it.
These are explained below:
❖ I have found in recruitment and selection process of Alim Industries Limited that it prefers
skilled, experienced employee instead of freshers. It is true that a knowledgeable and
experienced person can identify the actual resource that will create a big impact on achieving
company growth. On the other hand, there are some people who have advanced technological
knowledge who can play a vital role for increasing company growth. In that case, I can say
that they should allow some freshers in their company.

❖ Generally, Alim Industries Limited evaluates its employee’s performance on the basis of
questionnaire and yearly performance marking by the top management. But there are some
other effective performance appraisal method that can increase effectiveness and efficiency of
operations of management. Such as, Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) is a
performance appraisal process that uses both qualitative and quantitative benefits by describing
common behavior of their employees. It helps to decrease any chance of bias and ensure the
fairness throughout the appraisal process.

Every company has some drawbacks. But it can be minimized easily by management if the
organization has strong bonding with its all level of employees. Alim Industries Limited has been
running its business more than 30 years. It knows how to minimize limitation and gains the
competitive advantages against its competitors. It has strong relationship with customers and
employees which is a very useful tool to achieve the company’s ultimate goal.

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