BUS 622 Week 4 Discussion 1

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Part I: Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing

A brand image is a consumer's perception of brands depending on their observation

regarding the brand, packaging, after-sales services, brand marketing, and other cues
involving the brand (Keegan, 2020). On the other hand, brand equity is the overall
value that a company gets due to its brand marketing, and it is also consumer's
perception is favourable for the company due to healthy relationships with the
consumers and unique brand associations. Substantial brand equity is brought about
by global brand awareness and a positive brand image (Keegan, 2020).
Redbull followed the customer-based brand equity (CBBE) by Keller to have
substantial brand equity. The CBBE concept focuses on consumer's needs and a
company providing products and marketing that would satisfy them. Redbull's brand
awareness and brand image have positively affected the company's brand equity
(Beach, 2014). Redbull sponsors and participates in extreme events and sports, and
this increases brand awareness globally to non-consumers and consumers. The
company also owns sports teams internationally, and through this marketing, they get

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the attention of the youth the other thing is Redbull invests in their brand image that is

also unique for example their packaging shows wings on the products thereby stating

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that drinking their energy drinks gives one wing to do anything they want.

Furthermore, Redbull's energy drinks are associated with positive attributes, such as
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strengths and stamina (Beach, 2014).
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The Redbull for many years has invested and associated with extreme sports and
events because it gives them a competitive advantage in the global market. This way

also, the company increases its brand awareness and creates a unique brand due to
sponsoring of these extreme events and sports internationally (Forbes, 2012).
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Co-branding is when two or more products that complement each other from different
brands and companies are advertised or packaged together (Keegan, 2020). Other than
Disney parks, Disney has various brand extensions and co-brands such as Disney
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English, Baby clothing, Colouring books, Movies, and Disney English, which is a
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training centre that is successful globally in non-native countries where young

children learn English. Marvel Entertainment is Disney's brand that produces
superhero films using fictional characters. Disney Baby sells baby clothing with
Disney characters and superheroes.
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Part 2:

Budweiser Company has an existing market in India and the country I choose in
Colombia. Maslow's Hierarchy is used to meet the needs of potential global
consumers if their needs are to be satisfied. In the case of the Budweiser Company,
the need for consumers to drink and socialize can be satisfied with their products. In
India and Colombia, there is a drinking culture and a lot of social gatherings; thus, the
company would be able to satisfy their needs. Budweiser used the adaption strategy to
change their packaging and product to enter the Indian market and ensure it is to their
preference. They formulated a new brew of alcohol so that it could be suited for
Indians. In addition to that, the consumers in India prefer the American beer style, and
this way, the company successfully hit the market (Kurian, 2007). In Colombia, they
also have apathy for American beer as it light-coloured, and the company used the
adaptation strategy to exist in the Colombian market successfully. In terms of strategic

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strategies used in this global market the Budweiser company

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Forbes. (2012). The Billionaire Behind the Space Jump [Video file]. Retrieved from:

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Keegan, W. J., & Green, M. C. (2020). Global Marketing (10th ed.). Retrieved from
Kurian, B. Budweiser to hit India but with a special brew. Retrieved from:

Matusz, J. (2009). Disneyland Paris: A Case Analysis Demonstrating How

Glocalization Works. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International
Communication Association, Marriott, Chicago, IL. Retrieved from

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