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Midterm Project: Hazard Infographic for

the Community
One sure way to build capacity for disaster risk reduction is education.
Community members should be informed about the potential hazards that
could lead to economic damages, mortality, and other adverse effects. When
people know what threats are present, they could be more prepared for them.
In this project, you will make an infographic for your community. The
guidelines are as follows.
General Guidelines
1. You will be working in groups of three. The grouping assignment is
based on the city or municipality where you live.
2. The task is to create an infographic about ONE hazard in your
3. The content of the infographic should include, but is not limited to:
a. Basic information about that hazard (historical data, scientific
concepts, etc.).
b. How to prepare for the impacts of that hazard
c. How to prevent the hazard from taking place (not applicable for
natural hazards)
d. How to respond during the occurrence of the hazard
e. Contact details of the local authorities and related agencies
f. Names of the group members. Note: do not put any logo that
ties this infographic to O.B. Montessori Center
g. References
4. The infographic will be submitted by one group member as a PDF file
through Google Classroom with the file name following this format:
Larson_Johansson_Olsen_Floods Infographic.pdf
Technical and Creative Details
1. The size of the infographic should be A3 or 297mm x420mm. It can
either be in portrait or landscape orientation.
2. Use FILIPINO in writing the content of your infographic. There can be
some English words, especially the scientific terms that do not have
equivalents in Filipino, but keep them to a minimum.
3. Use a conversational tone and make sure that the level of language you
use is accessible to everyone.
4. You have complete creative freedom on how you want to lay out your
infographic, but make sure that the visuals do not override the content.
5. Cite the references using the ACS citation format. Use superscripts for
the in-text citation.
Rubrics for Grading
Component 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
Completenes All the expected One to two Three to four More than five
s of Content content are important parts important parts important parts
(x3) included. Rules are not included. are not included. are not included.
for submission One rule for Two to three rules More than four
are all followed. submission is not for submission rules for
followed. are not followed. submission are
not followed.
Accuracy and All of the One to three Four to seven More than seven
Relevance of information in the errors in the errors in the errors in the
Information infographic are accuracy or accuracy or accuracy or
up-to-date and relevance of the relevance of the relevance of the
lifted from information information information
reliable sources. presented. presented. presented.
Grammar and Filipino was used Filipino was used Filipino was used Filipino was not
Language as a medium for as a medium for in few portions of used in the
(x2) writing the writing, but not the infographic. infographic.
content of the extensively. Sentences are Sentences are
infographic. Sentences are difficult to extremely
Sentences are slightly understand. Four difficult to
understandable complicated to to six understand. More
and easy to read. read. One to three grammatical than seven
No grammatical grammatical errors. grammatical
errors. errors. errors.
Ergonomic Colors, shapes, Some colors, Most colors, Visual elements
Use of Visual and images used shapes, and shapes, and present in the
Elements are all relevant to images used are images used are infographic make
(x2) the infographic. not relevant to the not relevant to the it extremely
Graphs, tables, infographic. Few infographic. Most difficult to read
and charts have graphs, tables, graphs, tables, and interpret.
labels and and charts do not and charts do not
markers. Font have labels and have labels and
sizes, styles, and markers. Font markers. Font
colors are easy to sizes, styles, and sizes, styles, and
read. colors are slightly colors are hard to
hard to read. read.
References All references are One to two Three to five All references are
from reputable references are references are from non-reliable
sources. Proper from non-reliable from non-reliable sources. Citation
citation rules are sources. Proper sources. Some rules are
followed. citation rules are citation rules are completely
followed. disregarded. disregarded.

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