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Action Plan | MATL Internship

Student Teacher: Amar Al-Shakfa Student ID: 260578280

Program: Science and Technology Internship:


Date: April 9th, 2021

Instructions: To contribute to the goal of preparing reflective practitioners, Student Teachers will write an Action Plan at the end of their First
Internship with input from their Co-operating Teacher and/or Field Supervisor. The Action Plan synthesizes the Internship’s evaluation, links the
Internship to the next, establishes goals for improvement and forms an agenda for discussion between the Student Teacher, Co-operating Teacher
and Field Supervisor at the beginning of the subsequent Internship.

I have shown ‘Thorough’ to ‘Advanced’ development in the following Professional Competencies developed during this Internship:
-Competency #8: To integrate information and communications technologies (ict) in the preparation and delivery of teaching/learning activities and for
instructional management and professional development purposes.

Throughout my internship I made sure to integrate the 21st century technology set into the classroom, whether it was online or in-person. I used Google
Classroom as a way to communicate with students and post announcements. I also adopted special teaching strategies for online classes. For example, I
used the Jigsaw strategy when in online to increase students' participation, interest, and thus learning outcomes. Additionally, in some of my classes, I
assigned synchronous group research activities. When in in-person, I constantly used, which is an online website, where students are able to
compete with one another while doing a live quiz.

Competency #12: To demonstrate ethical and responsible professional behavior in the performance of his or her duties.
I avoided having prejudices against students based on what other teachers said. In contrast, I tried to make my own judgments. I also created a safe space
for students by encouraging them to participate in class without criticizing or passing judgment of their knowledge about a specific topic. Moreover, to show
professional commitment, I provided students with extra-support outside of class whenever needed. I also received good evaluations from my CT about my
reliability and ability to act professionally.

I would like to improve my skills in the following Professional Competencies developed during this Internship:
Competency # 2: To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct grammar, in various contexts related to

My first internship as a teacher provided me with an opportunity to use my second language (i.e., English) more than usual, which I would say was a very
valuable and useful experience. However, I do notice that I need more practice, especially when it comes to oral communication. In some cases, I just
forget the proper words to use, or I find it a bit challenging to properly express myself to the person in front of me.

Competency # 7: To adapt his or her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with learning disabilities, social maladjustments, or handicaps.

I tried as much as I could to adjust my teaching methods and techniques to fit the needs of all students. However, during my first internship, I did not teach
any students who identify as the above. Therefore, I cannot quite say that I have developed this competency at its fullest. I look forward to developing this
competency and teaching students that might need special teaching techniques.

I will make use of the following strategies for improvement:

- Practice my oral communication skills in English with more people.
- Read more about teaching strategies and techniques for students with special needs.
- Learn more about differentiating lessons in a science classroom to fit the different needs of all students.
- Learn more about how to properly handle situations with students that have social maladjustments.
- Ask for advice from in-service teachers or teachers that have experience teaching students with special needs.

The Action Plan is to be discussed with your Field Supervisor and Co-operating Teacher at the start of the subsequent Internship.

*If validation of authenticity is required, please contact the Internships & Student Affairs Office at

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