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DRAGONLANCE® CAMPAIGN, SETTING COMPANION AGE OF MORTALS Jamie CHAMBERS CuikistoPHiER COYLE Appitionar Desicn CaM Banks, Jitr GRUBB Mary Hac. RICHARD KNAAK ANDRE La Roctte SEAN MACDONAL Desicners ~ MARGARET Wais Cover Artist interior Artists Drew BAKER Marr StAWICKI JEEF PASLEY. LARRY ELMORE Jason ENGLE Mark, EVANS DaN FRazier ALAN GUTIERREZ, MARTIN MCKENNA © MICHAEL Pi ‘ALAN POLUACK Eviting & Rake jucit Voor PRooFReaping Marcarer Wets CHRISTY EVERETTE Cartocrarnens Ep Bourette ERIC Horz Project Manacen Jamie CHAMBERS. Row Ler CRAIG ZIPSE Ant Director CuristorHer CoyLe Grarnic Desicners Dawn Muri tyresetter Jamie CHAMBERS. ‘BON PERRIN Speciat THanks: Nancy Berberick, Timothy Brown, Christy Cardenas, Renae Chambers, ‘Tracy Hickman, Chris Laurie, Douglas Niles, Mark Sehestedt, James M. Ward, and Ken Whitman. This 420 Stem game uilizes mechanics developed forthe new DuNooss& DraonsI game by Jonathan Tet Monte Cook, Skip Willians, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkinson This Wizards of the Coast Oficial Liens Prout consis no Open Game Content. No portion ofthis work may be reproduced in any form without writen persion, To learn more about the Open Gaming Liens and the 20 Sytem License, please vst wizards. co 20, Dungsons& Dragons, DRD, Dragonlance, the Dragonlance Log, 420, the d20 System Logo, Wizards of the Cost andthe Wiars of the Coast Logo ae restered trademarks of Wizars of the Coast, Inca subsidiary f Hasbro, Ine. © 2003 Wizards of the Coat, sed ith permission lights resred First Printing 2003, Printed in China. © 2003 Sovereign Pres, lc Sovereign Pres and the Sovereign Pres Logo are trademarks ‘one by Sovereign Pre, In, Fast Forward Entertainment andthe Fas Forward Enertainment Logo are trademark of Fast Forward Entertainment, Ie Al rights reserve. Additional information apd content available at ‘www dragonancecom, Soup & Distnisvten ay SOVEREIGN PRESS Sovereign Press 253 Center St #126 Lake Geneva, WI 53147-1982 United States ‘ Fast Forward Entertainment 772 W. Main, Sic 205 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 United States ‘ww ~~ cw TaBLe oF Contents ‘orewo 4 Bin Spit Pepe ieee $ Cat Chea ‘amon inthe Age of Morale 3 Call ead near ‘The War of Soule er Call Undead = Mera as a Unead 1V Race fe ih Age Bo ity Gall Undead Vit rie Fan 3 Cll Undead Viti ‘mad 4 all Undead 1X ‘The Tarmak (Brutes) ~ Diamond Body Tarmale Racal Tra Dragon's Blood Drearves Dragonbane Noxntin Bares Emesionl Sew Fil Deeaves Enoane the Heat Dak Decrves 5 Ethereal Mame =o Gully Daves 3 Eternal Repo ma Eves Foot Fer Kagoncal Grced Minduc Quaint vant Giomes Kender Hale Render HalfKender Racal Trae Centaur Draconians Ogres Minotaurs Classes of the Fifth Age Marner Mitshackes = Part Death's Shroud Reshape Metal yeaa Reveal the True Font Second Life Spear of Divine Might Spear of Divine Wrath Spiritual Hone an Shintat Weapon Spintward Stnge Swarm “Gass Tale formation Soest Prestige Cae en Trace Magic %6 Academy Sorcerer ‘Magic [terns a le Fezures Palin's Misi ote Fl i 2 tae! Mya “The Age of Mortals nnn B2 ender Nighsacr ‘Assan on Cage ete een —h [Legion Seout ——~-— Characters Somers agin Sore aes