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and the rate of mass low out is

Q12c1 1 Q15c1
Because the system is at steady state, the inlows and outlows must be equal:
5(10) 1 Q31c3 5 Q12c1 1 Q15c1
or, substituting the values for low from Fig. 12.3,
6c1 2 c3 5 50
Similar equations can be developed for the other reactors:
23c1 1 3c2 5 0
2c2 1 9c3 5 160
2c2 2 8c3 1 11c4 2 2c5 5 0
23c1 2 c2 1 4c5 5 0
A numerical method can be used to solve these ive equations for the ive unknown

{C} T 5 :11.51
11.51 19.06 17.00 11.51;
In addition, the matrix inverse can be computed as
0.16981 0.00629 0.01887 0 0
0.16981 0.33962 0.01887 0 0
[A] 21 5 E0.01887 0.03774 0.11321 0 0 U
0.06003 0.07461 0.08748 0.09091 0.04545
0.16981 0.08962 0.01887 0 0.25000
Each of the elements aij signiies the change in concentration of reactor i due to a unit
change in loading to reactor j. Thus, the zeros in column 4 indicate that a loading to
reactor 4 will have no impact on reactors 1, 2, 3, and 5. This is consistent with the
system coniguration (Fig. 12.3), which indicates that low out of reactor 4 does not feed
back into any of the other reactors. In contrast, loadings to any of the irst three reactors
will affect the entire system as indicated by the lack of zeros in the irst three columns.
Such information is of great utility to engineers who design and manage such systems.


Background. An important problem in structural engineering is that of inding the
forces and reactions associated with a statically determinate truss. Figure 12.4 shows an
example of such a truss.
The forces (F) represent either tension or compression on the members of the truss.
External reactions (H2, V2, and V3) are forces that characterize how the truss interacts with the
supporting surface. The hinge at node 2 can transmit both horizontal and vertical forces to the
surface, whereas the roller at node 3 transmits only vertical forces. It is observed that the ef-
fect of the external loading of 1000 lb is distributed among the various members of the truss.

1000 lb

F1 90⬚ F3

H2 2 30⬚

Forces on a statically determi- V2 V3
nate truss.


1 F1,h

F1 F3
F1 F3
F2,v F3,v
H2 2 30⬚ 3 F3,h
FIGURE 12.5 F2
Free-body force diagrams for F2,h
the nodes of a statically V2 V3
determinate truss.

Solution. This type of structure can be described as a system of coupled linear alge-
braic equations. Free-body force diagrams are shown for each node in Fig. 12.5. The
sum of the forces in both horizontal and vertical directions must be zero at each node,
because the system is at rest. Therefore, for node 1,
g FH 5 0 5 2F1 cos 30° 1 F3 cos 60° 1 F1, h (12.3)
g FV 5 0 5 2F1 sin 30° 2 F3 sin 60° 1 F1, y (12.4)

for node 2,
g FH 5 0 5 F2 1 F1 cos 30° 1 F2, h 1 H2 (12.5)
g FV 5 0 5 F1 sin 30° 1 F2, y 1 V2 (12.6)

for node 3,
g FH 5 0 5 2F2 2 F3 cos 60° 1 F3, h (12.7)
g FV 5 0 5 F3 sin 60° 1 F3, y 1 V3 (12.8)
where Fi, h is the external horizontal force applied to node i (where a positive force is
from left to right) and F1, y is the external vertical force applied to node i (where a
positive force is upward). Thus, in this problem, the 1000-lb downward force on node 1
corresponds to F1, y 5 21000. For this case all other Fi, y’s and Fi, h’s are zero. Note that
the directions of the internal forces and reactions are unknown. Proper application of
Newton’s laws requires only consistent assumptions regarding direction. Solutions are
negative if the directions are assumed incorrectly. Also note that in this problem, the
forces in all members are assumed to be in tension and act to pull adjoining nodes to-
gether. A negative solution therefore corresponds to compression. This problem can be
written as the following system of six equations and six unknowns:
0.866 0 20.5 0 0 0 F1 0
0.5 0 0.866 0 0 0 F2 21000
20.866 21 0 21 0 0 F3 0
F V f v5f v (12.9)
20.5 0 0 0 21 0 H2 0
0 1 0.5 0 0 0 V2 0
0 0 20.866 0 0 21 V3 0
Notice that, as formulated in Eq. (12.9), partial pivoting is required to avoid division
by zero diagonal elements. Employing a pivot strategy, the system can be solved using
any of the elimination techniques discussed in Chap. 9 or 10. However, because this
problem is an ideal case study for demonstrating the utility of the matrix inverse, the LU
decomposition can be used to compute
F1 5 2500  F2 5 433  F3 5 2866
H2 5 0  V2 5 250  V3 5 750
and the matrix inverse is
0.866 0.5 0 0 0 0
0.25 20.433 0 0 1 0
20.5 0.866 0 0 0 0
[A] 21 5F V
21 0 21 0 21 0
20.433 20.25 0 21 0 0
0.433 20.75 0 0 0 21
Now, realize that the right-hand-side vector represents the externally applied horizontal

{F} T 5 :F1, h F3, y ;

and vertical forces on each node, as in
F1, y F2, h F2, y F3, h (12.10)
Because the external forces have no effect on the LU decomposition, the method need
not be implemented over and over again to study the effect of different external forces on
the truss. Rather, all that we have to do is perform the forward- and backward-substitution
steps for each right-hand-side vector to eficiently obtain alternative solutions. For example,

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