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Application for the Second Funding Period of the

German-French DFG-CNRS Research Group FOR 508

Noise Generation in Turbulent Flows

September 13th, 2005

Table of Contents
1. Preliminary Remarks ..............................................................................................................3
2. General Information ...............................................................................................................4
2.1 Applicants of the Research Group....................................................................................4
2.2 List of Subprojects............................................................................................................8
3. Motivation ..............................................................................................................................9
4. Main Achievements in the First Funding Period..................................................................10
4.1 Scientific Achievements .................................................................................................10
4.2 General Activities ...........................................................................................................13
4.3 Guest Program and PhD Student Exchange ...................................................................14
5. Objectives and Structure of the Project ................................................................................15
5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................15
5.2 Jet Noise .........................................................................................................................16
5.3 Numerical Prediction of Fluid Flow...............................................................................17
5.4 Numerical Methods for Noise Propagation ....................................................................18
5.5 Fluid/Acoustic-Coupling ................................................................................................18
5.6 Validation and Verification ............................................................................................19
5.7 Structure of the Project ...................................................................................................19
6. Cooperation of FOR 508 ......................................................................................................20
6.1 Flow Problems................................................................................................................20
6.2 Methodology...................................................................................................................21
6.3 Cooperation and Communication Structure within the Research Group FOR 508 .......23
6.4 Cooperation with DFG-CNRS Research Group FOR 507 “LES of Complex Flows” ..23
7. Cost Statement......................................................................................................................24

Appendix: Applications and Reports of the Individual Sub-Projects

- SP 1: Low-dimensional modeling of turbulent jet noise

Dillmann, Noack, Comte, Farge, Schneider
- SP 2: Shock-induced noise in supersonic jets
Sesterhenn, Juvé, Bailly, Schmid
- SP 3: Fluid-acoustic coupling and wave propagation
Munz, Sonnendrücker, Frénod
- SP 4: Physically based sub-grid scale modeling for large-eddy simulation to
enhance turbulence noise prediction
Oberlack, Sagaut
- SP 5: Mechanisms and active control of jet-induced noise
Rist, Kloker, Airiau
- SP 6 : Noise prediction for a turbulent jet
Schröder, Comte
- SP 7: Numerical simulation of jet mixing noise associated with engine exhausts
Thiele, Jacob

1. Preliminary Remarks

Within this research group novel noise simulation concepts for turbulent flow are considered.
Since the analysis of the acoustic field strongly depends on the quality of the resolution of the
turbulent flow field we use Large Eddy Simulations (LES), hybrid RANS-LES approaches
and Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) as a basis to predict noise generation and
propagation. The aim of this research is to re-investigate, compare, and improve aeroacoustic
approaches to find proper ways into the LES/DNS age of noise calculations, to get insight into
the basic noise generation mechanisms, and to find novel noise reduction concepts.
Furthermore, the research aims at intensifying the link between the different disciplines of
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and classical acoustics via the relatively new domain
of Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA).

Jet flows at different subsonic and supersonic flow regimes will be the common class of flow
problems to develop and improve. The prediction of noise generated by a turbulent jet
remains a very challenging problem for numerical simulation methods. The fact that turbulent
jets are widespread among different industrial applications reinforces the choice at different
regimes as basic problem for the research group. The requirements of sharper limits for noise
radiation, e.g., of turbine engines will be one of the key challenges for the aircraft and engine
industry in the near future and even decide on a companies success in the next years.

It is the objective of this French-German research proposal to develop advanced acoustic

prediction techniques and on this basis new active noise control strategies which are to be
applied in a low noise design. That should finally lead to a noise reduction in the field of jet
noise by approx. 10 dB. The essential components in this new development are more efficient
numerical algorithms to compute flow and acoustical field on arbitrary meshes, an enhanced
description of the turbulent flow, an improved zonal concept for noise generation and
propagation, a stable description of the acoustics in strongly sheared flows, and the inclusion
of the nozzle. Among other scientific issues these important subjects of theoretical and
numerical modeling in the computation of noise in turbulent flow are covered by the research
groups listed below. Since the nature of the underlying mathematical models of computational
aeroacoustics is quite general, we expect considerable impact of our research also in other
scientific fields of wave propagation phenomena, too. Several algorithms developed in the
first funding period of this research group have already been successfully extended to those
areas, emphasizing the fundamental and general character of the research carried out.

An important aspect of this French-German research group is the exchange of knowledge and
the intensification of cooperation between scientists in a more European spirit. These French-
German links will continue to be strengthened in the second funding period, when an even
stronger cooperation between both DFG-CNRS research groups FOR 507 “LES of Complex
Flows” and FOR 508 “Noise Generation in Turbulent Flows” will be established. The
cooperation in this joint research project is based on intensive data and information exchange
and mutual validation of the different approaches for common reference benchmark problems.
This DFG/CNRS program also aims at supporting and bringing together PhD students from
France and Germany. Also in the second funding period of the research group the French and
German students are again supposed to work for a limited time at the institutes of their mutual
partners. The objective of noise reduction, which is an important issue in industry and our
society, offers the PhD students involved in the DFG/CNRS research groups interesting and
promising perspectives for their future careers. Furthermore, the French-German cooperation
will fortify the scientific value gained from the research. That is, a greater progress can be
expected to be achieved due to the mutual motivation within each group and hence, this two-
country program will be more efficient than solely national projects.

2. General Information

2.1 Applicants of the Research Group

German Applicants

Prof. Dr. Claus-Dieter Munz (Coordinator of the research group, German side)
Institut für Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 21
70550 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711 / 685-3433
Fax.: +49 (0)711 / 685-3438

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Dillmann

Institut für Aerodynamik und Srömungstechnik
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Bunsenstraße 10
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 (0)551 / 709-21778
Fax.: +49 (0)551 / 709-2889

Dr. Markus Kloker

Institut für Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 21
D-70550 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711 / 685-3401
Fax: +49 (0)711 / 685-3438

Dr. Bernd R. Noack

Hermann-Föttinger-Institut für Strömungsmechanik
Technische Universität Berlin
Müller-Breslau-Straße 8
D-10623 Berlin (Charlottenburg)
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 314 24732
Fax.: +49 (0)30 / 314 21101

Prof. Dr. Martin Oberlack

Fachbereich für Mechanik sowie
Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie
Arbeitsgruppe Strömungsmechanik
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Petersenstrasse 13
64287 Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 (0)6151 / 16-7043

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rist
Institut für Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 21
D-70550 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711 / 685-3432
Fax: +49 (0)711 / 685-3438

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schröder

Aerodynamisches Institut
Wüllnerstraße zw. 5 u. 7
52062 Aachen
Tel.: +49 (0)241 / 80-95410
Fax: +49 (0)241 / 80-92 257

Dr. Jörn Sesterhenn

Fachgebiet Strömungsmechanik
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching
Tel.: +49 (0)89 / 289-16177
Fax.: +49 (0)89 / 289-16145

Prof. Dr. Frank Thiele

Hermann-Föttinger-Institut für Strömungsmechanik
Technische Universität Berlin
Müller-Breslau-Straße 8
D-10623 Berlin (Charlottenburg)
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 314-22216
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 314-21101

French Applicants

Prof. Dr. Daniel Juvé (Coordinator of the research group, French side)
Centre Acoustique
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
36, av. Guy de Collongue
F-69134 Ecully, France
Tel. : +33 4 72 18 60 12
Fax. : +33 4 72 18 91 43

Dr. Christophe Airiau
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT)
1, Allée du Professeur Camille Soula
F-31400 Toulouse
Tel.: +33 5 61 55 62 53
Fax.: +33 5 61 28 59 33

Prof. Dr. Christophe Bailly

Centre Acoustique
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
36, av. Guy de Collongue
F-69134 Ecully, France
Tel. : +33 4 72 18 60 12
Fax. : +33 4 72 18 91 43

Prof. Dr. Pierre Comte

Laboratoire d’Etudes Aérodynamiques
Université de Poitiers
43, rue de l’Aerodrome
F 86036 Poitiers Cedex
Tel. : +33 5 49366041
Fax. : +33 5 49366001

Prof. Dr. Marie Farge

Ecole Normale Superiéure Paris
F-75231 Paris Cedex 5
Tel.: +33 1 44 32 22 35
Fax.: +33 1 43 36 83 92
e-mail :

Dr. Emmanuel Frenod

Université de Bretagne Sud
F-56017 Vannes
Tel.: +33 2 97 68 42 07
Fax.: +33 2 97 68 42 12
e-mail :

Prof. Dr. Marc C. Jacob

Centre Acoustique
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
36, av. Guy de Collongue
F-69134 Ecully, France
Tel. : +33 4 72 18 60 03
Fax. : +33 4 72 18 91 43

Prof. Dr. Pierre Sagaut
LMM/UPMC, Boîte 162
4, place Jussieu
F-75252 Paris cedex 5, France
Tel. : +33 01 44 27 54 68
Fax. : +33 01 44 27 52 59
e-mail :

Prof. Dr. Peter Schmid

Laboratoire d’Hydrodynamique (LadHyX)
Ecole Polytechnique
F-91128 Palaiseau, France
Tel.: +33 1 69 33 49 90
Fax.: + 33 1 69 33 30 30
e-mail :

Prof. Dr. Kai Schneider

Laboratoire de Modelisation et Simulation Numerique en Mecanique
UMR 6181-CNRS et Université d’Aix-Marseille
Centré de Mathématiques et d’Informatique (CMI)
Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
3, rue Joliot-Curie
F-13453 Marseille Cedex 13, France
Tel. : +33 491 11 85 29
Fax. : +33 491 11 35 02

Prof. Dr. Eric Sonnendrücker

Université Louis Pasteur
F-67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Tel. : +33 3 90 24 02 71
Fax. : +33 3 90 24 03 28

2.2 List of Subprojects

- SP 1: Low-dimensional modeling of turbulent jet noise

Prof. Dr. Andreas Dillmann
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Dr. Bernd Noack
Technische Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Pierre Comte
Université de Poitiers
Prof. Dr. Marie Farge
Ecole Normale Supérieur Paris
Prof. Dr. Kai Schneider
Université de Provence(Aix-Marseille I)
- SP 2: Shock-induced noise in supersonic jets
Dr. Jörn Sesterhenn
Technische Universität München
Prof. Dr. Daniel Juvé
Dr. Christophe Bailly
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Prof. Dr. Peter Schmid
Ecole Polytechnique
- SP 3: Fluid-acoustic coupling and wave propagation
Prof. Dr. Claus-Dieter Munz
Universität Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Eric Sonnendrücker
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
Dr. Emmanuel Frenod
Université de Bretagne Sud
- SP 4: Physically based sub-grid scale modeling for large-eddy simulation to
enhance turbulence noise prediction
Prof. Dr. Martin Oberlack
Universität Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Pierre Sagaut
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI
- SP 5: Mechanisms and active control of jet-induced noise
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rist
Dr. Markus Kloker
Universität Stuttgart
Dr. Christophe Airiau
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
- SP 6 : Noise prediction for a turbulent jet
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schröder,
RWTH Aachen
Prof. Dr. Pierre Comte
Université de Poitiers
- SP 7: Numerical simulation of jet mixing noise associated with engine exhausts
Prof. Dr. Frank Thiele
Technische Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Marc C. Jacob
Ecole Centrale de Lyon

3. Motivation

Today the reduction of noise plays an important role for human wellness und health. The
aeroacoustic noise is the central environmental issue for a wide range of technical
applications, spanning the spectrum from aircraft with helicopter, propeller, and
turbomachinery noise, noise from automobiles and trains to noise generated by cooling fans
of electronic equipment and air-conditioning devices.

Currently, we are still in the initial stages of development of computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) based tools for the numerical simulation of flow generated noise. With increasing
confidence in the use of CFD, numerical simulation plays a greater role as a tool for research
and development to predict the mean flow field. Detailed direct numerical simulations (DNS)
are limited to relatively low Reynolds numbers and simple flow geometries even with today’s
high power computers. However, large eddy simulations (LES) with their elegant
characterization of flows will become increasingly attractive for industry in the near future.
Computational aeroacoustics (CAA) can be considered a new discipline that tries to close the
gap between CFD and classical aeroacoustics. The opportunity of fully exploiting the great
advances in scientific computing offers a realistic hope of substantial improvements in this
area. CFD and CAA have the potential to identify the significant fluid dynamic events that
contribute to the generation of sound, to guide the way to noise control techniques, and
thereby to reduce noise radiation.

The overall objective of the projects proposed is refined investigation of pioneer novel noise
calculation concepts based on LES/DNS flow calculations and the simultaneous simulation of
noise generation and its propagation from the near to the far field. This is neither theoretically
nor numerically a straightforward extension of CFD into the acoustics area. It is
interdisciplinary research in mathematics, fluid dynamics, and acoustics. With the
investigation of noise generation of subsonic jets classical aeroacoustics has been started. In
the following projects jets in different subsonic and supersonic flow regimes have also been
chosen as the common problems for research. Although the growth of the bypass ratio of
turbofan engines has resulted in substantial reductions in total engine noise with improved
performance, there is no doubt that additional noise reductions, whether or not further
increase in bypass ratio is achieved, will depend on additional reductions in jet exhaust noise.
There is a large demand in research for the control of jet noise, because the limits for the noise
generation of aircraft will be further reduced in the future.

The classical approaches focused on very special and generally simplified model problems.
For this reason, it is a must from a practical stand point to reinvestigate theoretically and
numerically noise generation mechanisms, i.e., differing noise sources, especially when
broadband noise plays a major role. Various approaches will be pursued in this research
initiative ranging from two-step CFD/CAA methods to direct simulations of noise. An
especially close interaction of all the considered methods with the direct numerical simulation
of noise will be the central linking element of this jet noise research group.

4. Main Achievements in the First Funding Period

4.1 Scientific Achievements

In the following some highlights of the research projects are briefly discussed. It is fair to
state that the key objectives of the first funding period of the research group FOR 508 have
been achieved. More details and a more profound presentation of the results of each
subproject are summarized in the project reports.

4.1.1 Subproject 1

The aim of mechanistic understanding of jet noise generation has been realized by low-
dimensional Galerkin modeling of LES data from SP1 and SP6. A systematic modeling
procedure is proposed and comprises four key enablers: a detailed modal energy flow
diagnostic, a novel pressure-term representation, a refined “subgrid” turbulence representation
and a new scheme to construct 'missing' dynamic modes. Thus, the dynamic bandwidth of
POD Galerkin models is significantly increased for computationally inexpensive parametric
studies and for numerically accessible flow control design. An analytical reduced-order
framework of the far-field acoustics has been developed and will soon be refined in
collaboration with SP3 and SP7.

4.1.2 Subproject 2

A direct numerical simulation of a spatially developing, mixed subsonic/supersonic shear

layer with an impinging, oblique, weak shock wave has been performed successfully. Noise
emission has been found to occur downstream of the shock wave tip. Computation of sound
radiation into the far field by solving Lighthill’s analogy using the corresponding Green
function is in progress. For a study of the acoustic field radiated by the turbulent flow, it was
necessary to introduce into the existing sixth-order Navier–Stokes code a suitable boundary
treatment. Non-reflecting boundary conditions were obtained using a damping zone
consisting of grid stretching, low-pass filtering, a sponge layer technique, and artificial
acceleration of the flow near the boundary so as to achieve purely outgoing characteristics. At
the inflow boundary, damping is achieved by another sponge layer. Two-dimensional
transitional and three-dimensional turbulent cases have been studied. Insight into the structure
of source terms in several acoustic analogies has been gained; their behavior in the case of
shear- layer/compression wave interaction is being analyzed further. Work on DNS of the
supersonic circular jet (BP3) is currently in progress.

4.1.3 Subproject 3

The objective of developing very accurate noise propagation algorithms has been achieved
during the first funding period. Memory-saving algorithms for the solution of hyperbolic
systems and wave equations with arbitrary order of accuracy in space and time on structured
and unstructured grids in two and three space dimensions have been developed. This was
attainable by combining discontinuous and continuous finite elements with a novel time
discretization technique that makes extensive use of the governing partial differential
equations. For the sake of computational efficiency, a heterogeneous domain decomposition
approach has successfully been introduced, which is able to couple different equations, grid
topologies, numerical schemes, and even different time steps maintaining a uniformly high
order of accuracy in space and time in the whole computational domain. The new acoustic
solver is ideally suited for simulating wave propagation in very complex geometries due to its
high accuracy on unstructured grids. It has been applied in SP5 to calculate the noise in the

near far field generated by a shear flow and will be used in several other subprojects such as
in SP6 to compute the noise of the co-axial jet in the new funding period. Beside the
development of numerical schemes for the noise propagation the coupling of the fluid flow to
the acoustics in low Mach number flow has been considered. Based on low Mach number
asymptotic analysis a perturbation method has been proposed that scales the EIF method in an
appropriate way. Here the linearization is motivated with respect to the leading order terms in
the Mach number and allows a straightforward extension to non-isothermal flow.

4.1.4 Subproject 4

As the main part of this project is to develop a sub-grid scale model, which determine the
distribution of the fluctuations that are introduced into the acoustic source terms, we started to
analyze the Lighthill´s well-known analogy with the Lie group method. Several assumptions
were made to adapt this equation to the test case that we studied. The viscosity effects can be
neglected. This can be demonstrated by the Reynolds number as a scale argument, so that the
contribution of the viscous stresses to the total acoustic source term is unimportant. In this
research period the entropy effects are not taken into account as the study focused on a cold
fluid at a constant temperature.
We applied the Lie group method to Lighthill´s analogy and studied two cases: the first one
was Lighthill´s analogy without source term and the second one with a source term. The
results showed reduced set of symmetries for the second case and that they represent only
some part of the symmetries for the Lighthill´s analogy without a source term. One of the
main difficulties in both cases is to find the physical interpretation. To achieve this, other
acoustic analogies have to be analysed and compared with the above mentioned results.
The numerical work includes a cold jet simulation at different Reynolds numbers (Re=1000
und Re=3000) each having a control volume of 400,000 cells. Here, simulations have been
done with the LES incompressible code. Next, more jet computations for high Reynolds
numbers will be performed. Furthermore, other acoustic analogies are studied and compared
with each other, to decide which subgrid scale model which is best for a direct and a hybrid
acoustic simulation.

4.1.5 Sub-Project 5

The German group was able to develop the necessary computational tools for aeroacoustic
computations of a compressible mixing layer. In addition to a DNS code, programs to
generate appropriate initial conditions and to compute eigenmodes of linear stability theory
were needed. The newly developed DNS code can be applied to a wide range of compressible
flows because it relies on domain decomposition using blocks with boundary conditions that
can be freely chosen and because it contains more grid stretching capabilities than the one
used before. A high computational efficiency and good use of the available vector computer
architecture resulted in remarkable performance rates. Using this code, benchmark problem
BP1 of the research group, a two-dimensional DNS published by Colonius, Lele and Moin
[1997], was computed. It consists of an isothermal subsonic mixing layer with Mach numbers
of 0.5 and 0.25 for the upper and lower stream, respectively and a Reynolds number of 250
based on the vorticity thickness at the inlet and the difference in streamwise velocity. The
resulting amplification rates in the initial part of the mixing layer match those predicted by
linear stability theory. Also the emitted sound field showed good agreement with Colonius et
al. Three-dimensional computations and grid refinement studies of the same flow
configuration followed. During the CEMRACS summer school in 2005 an online coupling of
the DNS code with the acoustic code from SP3 has been implemented. This will allow to
compute the acoustic far-field of the mixing layer.

The French partner has built a numerical tool for the adjoint 2-D Navier-Stokes equations,
and made first simulations on a standard test case consisting of a mixing layer and a
sinusoidal point source for the adjoint. The results of the adjoint analysis for the mixing layer
are qualitatively similar to the ones obtained by Cerviño et al. (2002) for a jet. In particular,
considerable wave refraction phenomena have been found, the flow is more sensitive to
forcing of the pressure than to density, and the spectra of the adjoint get broader in particular
regions on the opposite side of the mixing layer.

4.1.6 Subproject 6

During the first period several steps were successfully carried out to develop a tool for jet
noise computations exploiting a hybrid approach based on a large-eddy simulation (LES) for
the compressible flow field and acoustic perturbation equations (APE) for the acoustical field.
In a first step, a simpler form of the right-hand side of the APE system was derived containing
the formulation of one single source term for vortex sound. On the inner boundaries between
different matching blocks covering the LES and the acoustic domain, spurious noise
generated by discontinuities in the vorticity distribution was suppressed by a damping zone.
Furthermore, the application of the APE system to jet flow problems was validated by various
benchmarks considering the relevant properties of jet like flows, i.e., noise generation in
sheared mean flows and vortex sound. An LES/CAA interface was developed that is capable
to extract the source terms from the compressible flow field data on structured, multi-block
grids and interpolates them on a coarser acoustic grid. Subsequently, a fully three-dimensional
jet at the flow conditions of benchmark BP2 was computed. The LES simulation was shown
to be in very good agreement with experimental measurements as well as with numerical
results from a direct simulation at the same flow conditions. The acoustical near field results
matched very well those from investigations based on a direct LES approach by Bogey and
Bailly indicating that all dominant noise sources could be captured. More precisely, both
acoustic spectra, downstream and on the sideline of the jet showed the same narrow-banded
pressure spectra, the same peak frequency, and similar decaying rates for higher frequencies
as is characteristic for such low Reynolds number jets. The findings of the computation of the
fully turbulent high Reynolds number jet evince the impact of the smaller turbulent structure
on the directivity of the jet.

4.1.7 Subproject 7

Within the first funding period of the DFG-CNRS research group FOR 508 „Noise generation
in turbulent flows” the work on the German and French side of subproject 7 “Numerical
simulation of jet mixing noise associated with engine exhausts” focused on the rod-airfoil test
case. The German side performed compressible detached-eddy simulations (DES) employing
different turbulence closures of this test case. During the simulations flow field data required
to calculate the far-field sound were extracted. The extraction procedures have been extended
to match the requirements of the French integration procedure. On the French side additional
measurements were carried out. Additionally, the acoustic analogy integration procedure was
extended to include the evaluation of volume sources. The results obtained by joint
DES/acoustic analogy-procedure were found to agree well with the experiments but depend
on the employed turbulence closure. As the quality of sound prediction depends highly on the
quality of the flow simulation, further extensions to the flow solver have been designed.
These consist of DES based on an explicit algebraic stress model as turbulence closure and
the implementation of non-reflective boundary conditions to avoid spurious reflections from
the boundaries of the computational domain. The extensions made are applied in ongoing
simulations of the rod-airfoil test case and the simulation of a subsonic single stream jet.

4.2 General Activities

Internal meetings and workshops

• Kick-off meeting of both research groups in Munich, together with the French partners
• meeting of the project leaders of the German side with their French partners of the
noise group in Stuttgart (2004)
• one-week workshop for the PhD students followed by a meeting of the project leaders
of both research groups (French and German side) in Orléans (2004)
• meeting of the German sides of both research groups in Stuttgart (June 10th 2005)
• several bilateral meetings

International meetings and workshops

• Conference on “High Order Non-Oscillatory Wave Propagation”, organized by Prof.

Munz and Prof. Toro in Trento, April 2005
Invited lectures were given e.g. by
o Prof. C. W. Shu (Brown University, USA)
o Prof. van der Vegt (Twente University, Netherlands)
o Prof E. F. Toro (Trento University, Italy)
and the following members of the DFG-CNRS research group:
o Prof P. Bontoux (Université de Provence, Marseille, Frankreich)
o Dr. M. Dumbser (Universität Stuttgart)
o Prof. W. Schröder (RWTH Aachen)
o Prof. E. Serre (Université de Provence, Marseille, Frankreich)

• EUROMECH Colloquium 467 “Turbulent Flow and Noise Generation”, organized by

Prof. Munz, Prof. Juvé and Dr. Dumbser in Marseille, July 18th – July 20th 2005,
with 77 international participants. The proceedings will appear in a special issue of
Computers & Fluids.
Invited speakers:
o Prof. F. Q. Hu (Old Dominion University, USA)
o Prof. S. K. Lele (Stanford University, USA)
o Dr. P. Spalart (Boeing Airplanes, USA)

• CEMRACS 2005 Summerschool, organized by Prof. E. Sonnendrücker, Prof. C.-D.

Munz, Dr. M. Dumbser, Dr. S. Salmon, Prof. M. Manhart, Prof. C. Brun and Prof. D.
Juvé in Marseille, July 20th – August 26th 2005 with 93 international participants.
Lectures were given by
o Prof. B. Despres (CEA Bruyères-Le-Châtel, France)
o Prof. Y. Moon (University of Korea)
o Prof. F. Q. Hu (Old Dominion University, USA)
together with the DFG-CNRS research group F508 members
o Prof. W. Schröder (RWTH Aachen)
o Prof. P. Comte (Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg)
The German and French PhD students of all subprojects stayed there for the whole
period and worked together with students from outside at the different projects advised
by the German and French project leaders. The proceedings will appear in the series
“IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics”. It was the CEMRACS
Summerschool with the largest number of participants since its foundation in the
year 1997.

4.3 Guest Program and PhD Student Exchange


Prof. Y. Moon (Korea University, Seoul, South Korea): 6. 5. 2004 in Stuttgart

Prediction of Low Mach Number Turbulent Flow Noise via a Splitting Method

Dr. R. Ewert (DLR Braunschweig, Germany): 1. 6. 2004 in Stuttgart

Airframe Noise Simulations Based On Euler-Perturbation and Acoustic Analogy Methods

Prof. Dr. T. Toro (University of Trento, Trento, Italy): 19. 4. 2005 in Stuttgart
Derivative Riemann Solvers

Prof. Dr. Joseph Liu (Brown University, Providence RI, USA): 7. 5. 2004 in Stuttgart
Aerodynamic Sound Generation Revisited

Dr. R. Ewert (DLR Braunschweig, Germany): 3. 6. 2004 in Aachen

CAA Schallsimulation am Hochauftriebsflügel mittels stochastischer Quellmodellierung

Dr. C. Bogey (EC Lyon, France): 7. 10. 2005 in Aachen

Large-Eddy Simulations for Jet Flows

Prof. Dr. E. Fares (EXA Corporation): 13. 5. 2005 in Aachen

Lattice Boltzmann Flow Simulation of Exterior and Under-hood Vehicle Aerodynamics

Prof. Dr. C. Lacor (Vrije Univ. Brussels): 1. 7. 2005 in Aachen

On LES: Schemes, Solvers and Some Applications at VUB

Dr. M.. Meinke (RWTH Aachen, Germany): 29. 6. 2004 in München

Prediction of acoustic fields based on a CAA-LES method

Prof. Dr. Xiaodong Li (Beijing University, China): 17.-19.5.04 und 18.8.-23.9.2005 in Berlin
Numerical Simulation of the Generation Mechanism of Axis-Symmetric Supersonic Jet
Screech Tones

Dr. Mei Zhuang (Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA): Sept. 2003 - July 2004 as
Fulbright Scolar in Berlin
Lectures in Computational Aeroacoustics; CAA: Methodology and Application

Prof. S. Rienstra (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands): 09.02.2004 in Berlin

Aircraft Noise a singular problem and Slowly varying modes in lined flow ducts

Prof. Dietmar Rempfer (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA): 11.-18.5. 2003 in Berlin
POD Galerkin modelling of free shear flows: Opportunities and challenges

Prof. Mohammad Samimy (The Ohio State University, USA): 13. 2. 2004 in Berlin
An experimental exploration of correlation of dynamics of large scale structures and far field
acoustics in high speed jets

Prof. David Williams (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA): 1.7.2005 in Berlin

Architectures and Algorithms for Controlling Cavity Tones

Diploma and PhD Student Exchange

Michael Dumbser (Uni Stuttgart) in Strasbourg: 17. 11. 2003 - 30. 11. 2003
Sébastien Jund (Uni Strasbourg) in Stuttgart: 02. 08. 2004 - 15. 08. 2004
Andreas Gurr (TU Berlin) in Lyon: 15. 05. 2005 - 20. 05. 2005
Björn Greschner (TU Berlin) in Michigan 01. 10. 2004 - 20. 12. 2004
Bruno Spagnoli (IMFT Toulouse) in Stuttgart: 01. 04. 2004 - 30. 04. 2004
Anas Osman (TU Darmstadt) in Aachen: 19. 07. 2004 - 23. 07. 2004
Maximilian Dietrich (TU München) in Lyon: Diploma thesis 2004
Thomas Emmert (TU München) in Lyon: Diploma thesis 2004

5. Objectives and Structure of the Project

The central focus topic of the second three-year phase is the coupling and improvement of the
tools to numerically simulate turbulent jet flow developed within the research group FOR 508
during the first funding period. The research in the second three-year period is still
fundamental research, but it also aims at closing the gap between basic analyses and industrial
challenges and needs. To accomplish this objective a means for computing even more
complex flow fields will be provided. With our knowledge gained in the first period the
activities in the second three-year phase will be directed to the simulation of more complex
and industrially relevant jet flows. Among other flow problems fully turbulent unheated and
heated jets with and without co-flow at various Reynolds and Mach numbers will be tackled.
Finally, nozzle geometries with, say, streamwise vortex generators, or other devices that
influence the development of the shear layer, such as a downstream located ring, are to be
considered. Since very high-order unstructured acoustic solvers are available from the work in
the first phase, these complex geometries do not pose any problems for the acoustic solvers.
The cooperation with our joint research group FOR 507 “LES of Complex Flows” will be
intensified by jointly computing the turbulent flow field and the acoustical field over a
complex aerodynamic geometry. More precisely, the flow around a high lift configuration
will be computed by the hybrid approach and direct methods.
For the second funding period close cooperation and interaction with experimentalists will
also acquire significance and therefore will be established within the research group.
Especially in SP7 dealing with geometrically complex engine exhausts it is intended to
include experiments. On the one hand, measurements from different working groups already
participating in this research initiative are taken into account and on the other hand, data from
groups outside the research establishment will be exploited for comparison with the numerical
simulation. The composition of the research group well established in the last three years
guarantees close cooperation.

5.1 Overview

The numerical simulation of noise generated by a turbulent flow may be divided into four
main topics. The first is the proper calculation of the turbulent flow field. In the case of jet
noise research this can be achieved only through time dependent numerical simulation. Here,
the method of choice is LES and in some cases also DNS. Even with in depth experience in
LES over the last decade there are still a number of open questions that have to be addressed,
such as the proper subgrid scale modeling, the convergence to the direct numerical
simulation, and especially, the interaction between the fluid flow and the acoustic wave

The numerical prediction of acoustic wave propagation within the fluid domain up to the near
far field, i.e. over large distances forms the second care research topic. In Lighthill’s classical
acoustic analogy the noise propagation is mathematically modeled by the wave equation in a
flow at rest which is valid in the far field and with source terms concentrated in the relatively
small flow region. Often the calculations are performed in the frequency domain. In the
vicinity of the actual unsteady flow field this model has to be replaced by acoustic equations
with a non-constant background flow applied in the time domain. In acoustics numerical
schemes are designed to reproduce acoustic wave propagation over long distances with low
dispersion and dissipation errors on coarse grids and are different from those used in CFD.
The coupling of fluid flow and acoustics may be considered to be the third topic of research.
The decomposition of the flow field into a hydrodynamic and an acoustic component as used
in an analogy still has to be considered at subsonic or supersonic Mach numbers. Stable
extensions of the acoustic analogy valid in the entire flow region, i.e., including the transonic
regime, are desirable.

The final research topic is related to active noise control mechanisms. Therefore, the adjoint
linearized Navier-Stokes equations are solved in order to perform a sensitivity analysis, which
provides the information in which regions of the flow field active or passive control devices,
such as, e.g., actuators or a specially shaped geometry, respectively, must be placed in order
to be most efficient with respect to decreasing the sound pressure level at a certain point or
region. This kind of method is applied within two of the subprojects.

Within the proposed projects these different issues are addressed. In all topics substantial
improvement is necessary to simulate turbulent fluid flow together with the sound generation
and propagation. Renewed efforts in computational aeroacoustics are essential for new noise
simulation concepts, which will yield improved low noise design strategies and will be the
basis for a competitive advantage for industry.

5.2 Jet Noise

One of the basic benchmark flows in aeroacoustics is a round turbulent jet. The first papers
dealing with this type of flow appeared in the fifties and sixties. Later on a lot of experimental
work on the jet flow was performed.

The generation of noise from turbulent jets is of significant interest for civilian jet powered
aircraft. As a result of progress in noise reduction today's commercial airplanes are as much as
20 dB quieter than their former counterparts. Much of this remarkable achievement is due to
the use of high bypass ratio turbofan engines. Although the increase of the bypass ratio has
generated pronounced reductions in total engine noise, there is a technical limit on the bypass
ratio. In other words, further noise reductions will be determined by minimizing jet exhaust
noise. To achieve this goal the large scale structures in the flow, which are often loosely
referred to as high energetic structures, have to be modified or other structures have to be
generated to enhance entrainment and mixing. Although different vortex generators have been
introduced in various applications the details of vortex generation, vortex interaction, and
mixing scales and thus of noise reduction are still not understood especially when one thinks
of heated co-axial jets.

In recent times there have been a number of numerical studies on supersonic jet noise using
LES or even DNS. These CFD calculations are coupled to those for acoustic wave
propagation into the far field using the Kirchhoff method or another approach based on
classical acoustic analogies. The simulation of noise generation by subsonic jets is more
difficult than that in the supersonic regime. Subsonic jets are relatively quiet and the effect of

computational noise is far more critical. The ratio of acoustic to mechanical energy flux scales
at low Mach numbers with M5 and at higher Mach numbers with a lower exponent. Since the
small eddies may generate an important part of the noise an LES becomes very sensitive with
respect to the size of the grid cells and the subgrid modeling. Lighthill’s theory has been
developed for this case of fluid flow in the 60s and has been the dominant theory almost up to
the present day. Recent papers, however, indicate that the prediction of the overall sound
pressure level is very susceptible to the size of the source region, especially the downstream
located arc. In other words, the maximum sound pressure values are extremely user dependent
and as such this acoustic analogy can be used to predict trends but is no basis to analyze noise
generation mechanisms.

The numerical simulation of subsonic and supersonic jet noise is still a computational
challenge for high performance computing. The jet noise of supersonic jets consists of
different components. One component radiates principally in the downstream direction and is
consistent with Mach wave radiation from the large turbulence structures of the jet flow.
These structures correspond to instability waves, which generate wave packets. Another
component with uniform directivity is the noise from the fine-scale turbulence. Additional
noise may be generated by shocks in an imperfectly-expanded jet due to the interaction of the
large scale jet turbulence with the shock-cell structure, called jet-screech when feedback is
present. Since there are still many open questions in the context of noise reduction for
turbulent jets and it is of general environmental interest, jet noise is the core problem of this
research group.

5.3 Numerical Prediction of Fluid Flow

Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow, which numerically resolves all the scales of the
flow, is limited to relatively low Reynolds numbers and simple flow geometries even with
today’s high power computers. Engineering flow computations for complex geometries are
usually based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) calculating time or
ensemble averaged mean quantities in the flow. Relatively coarse grids can in general be
used, because the influence of all turbulent scales is approximated via a statistical turbulence
model. But RANS calculations only provide local statistical properties and do not give direct
information about the acoustic source term. A good compromise between the detailed time
dependent DNS calculations and the mean flow RANS calculations is given by the large-eddy
simulation. A spatial filtering procedure is applied and a model is needed to account for the
influence of the subgrid scale motions. The advantage of LES is that the time dependent large
scale motions of the flow are resolved, not modeled. Further increase in computational power
or improvement of simulation methods will lead to better predictions of turbulent flow. At the
moment, however, LES cannot be considered an engineering design application in CFD. A lot
of insight has been gained in the past and significant advances have been made, but there is
still a good deal of research to be done. To mention just a few topics, efficient high-order
methods on arbitrary meshes are necessary and quality measures as well as theoretical results
still have to be provided that indicate convergence to a DNS for finer and finer grid

If large eddies, i.e., large in the sense of the inertial subrange, generate the main sound, noise
calculations based on LES seem to be well motivated. However, when the details of small
scale turbulence influence the sound production, the impact of subgrid scale modeling on
sound generation has to be considered.

With respect to approximation errors aeroacoustics imposes other severe restrictions on CFD
calculations. Since the amplitudes of the acoustic fluctuations are often much smaller than

hydrodynamic fluctuations, there is the danger that the noise generated by the numerical
approximation errors is larger than the physical noise, if appropriately accurate numerical
methods are not used.

Within this French-German research group, some projects focus on the aspects of the CFD
calculations to provide their essential findings to partner projects that deal with the prediction
of the acoustical field. As in the first period, the whole range of research issues is supposed to
be covered in the second phase: DNS of the flow field together with sound generation and
propagation as well as large-eddy simulations being coupled to acoustic calculations.
Furthermore, theoretical considerations with respect to the modeling of small scale turbulence
complete the research.

5.4 Numerical Methods for Noise Propagation

The next challenge of aeroacoustic simulation is noise propagation within the time domain.
Numerical schemes for acoustics are designed to predict wave propagation over long
distances with low dispersion and dissipation errors on coarse grids. They are different from
those used in CFD. For instance, acoustic pressure fluctuations can be 60dB below those of
interest to fluid dynamicists, with frequencies in the 100 Hz to 10,000 Hz range.

In Lighthill’s acoustic analogy noise propagation is modeled by a wave equation in a medium

at rest, which is valid outside the flow. In the flow field this model has to be replaced by
another set of equations allowing a non-constant background flow. The improvement of
acoustic propagation schemes on body-fitted meshes together with robust and anechoic
boundary or transmission conditions is still necessary to meet the challenges of acoustic
propagation in the time domain. The increase of small scale instabilities within the numerical
solution of the linearized Euler equations has been observed in the literature. This may be
triggered by flow-acoustic coupling as asymptotic results for low Mach numbers indicate
and/or by the mathematical model of the linearized Euler equations as discussed in some
recent theoretical analyses. To capture non-linear acoustic effects stable and/or nonlinear or
weakly nonlinear acoustic equations are to be considered.

A standard numerical method for the prediction of wave propagation is the dispersion relation
preserving (DRP) method, a finite difference method where the coefficients are chosen to
preserve the basic wave properties. The tendency to instability, which can be observed in
practical calculations, is simply suppressed by artificial dissipation. New concepts such as
ADER finite volume or discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods as well as continuous
finite element approaches, which are more appropriate for arbitrary grids, are under
consideration by this research group. These schemes can be designed to maintain the positive
properties of the DRP approach and yet be more robust on highly clustered meshes. This is
definitely of interest, when strong shear layers such as in high Reynolds number co-axial jets
occur in the flow field or complex geometries.

5.5 Fluid/Acoustic-Coupling

As a branch of acoustics the theory of noise generated aerodynamically is relatively new. It

was established in the sixies in conjunction with the noise from turbo-engine powered aircraft.
Classical aeroacoustics are based on the acoustic analogies developed for the purpose of
studying the sound radiated from subsonic jets characterized by enormous disparities in
energy levels between near field and far field pressure fluctuations. The basic idea of acoustic
analogies is to replace the real multi-scale problem by radiation in a medium at rest with
equivalent acoustic sources. Several acoustic analogies have been proposed in the past. The

extension of the acoustic analogy to the flow region may be based on perturbation methods.
At low Mach numbers the perturbations are the compressible corrections of the
incompressible base flow.

At moderate or higher Mach numbers the decomposition of the flow field into a
hydrodynamic and an acoustic part becomes difficult. Acoustic waves are simultaneously
transported by the CFD solver and the acoustic equations. An alternative to decomposition or
hybrid approach is to perform highly accurate CFD calculations including the generation and
propagation of sound waves in the compressible flow region without any analogy. The far
field sound levels can then be deduced from surface methods that relate the acoustical field to
integrals over a closed surface that surrounds all acoustic sources (Kirchhoff method). Both
approaches are studied by the research group. Different flow decompositions are proposed
and will be compared with theoretical, DNS, and classical methods based on acoustic

5.6 Validation and Verification

The methods and tools developed in the first funding phase will be validated using apart from
basic benchmark tests also problems in a parameter regime of technical relevance. These
problems are a mixing shear layer and subsonic and supersonic jets at laminar and fully
turbulent conditions in the engine exit. Experimental and numerical results are available for
these problems from different working groups of this research program as well as from the
literature such that in depth analyses of the fluid mechanical and acoustical phenomena are

5.7 Structure of the Project

The research project FOR 508 “Noise Generation in Turbulent Flows” contains seven
subprojects, which are each investigated by a French-German research group, who have
jointly formulated the proposal of each subproject for the next phase under one common title.
The different research topics of the French and German partners are highly synchronized. To
cover a broad range and many aspects of turbulent jet flow, various research issues are
investigated by several project teams. Thus, there is a need for a pronounced cooperation
among all French and German groups. Three groups focus on jet flow simulation. The flow
regimes considered range from subsonic to supersonic. Four groups perform DNS of subsonic
mixing layers, and subsonic and supersonic jet-related flows to provide fundamental solutions
of the proposed common test problems for the other groups. Some of these partners consider
LES simulations with some fluid/acoustic coupling and a standard scheme for the acoustic
wave propagation. Further investigations focus on the understanding of noise generation,
numerical modeling of the fluid/acoustic coupling and acoustic wave propagation. The proper
acoustic wave propagation into the far field is considered using finite element and finite
volume schemes with good wave simulation properties. The immediate exchange of the flow
data gives these groups the possibility to scrutinize and compare different acoustic
approaches. Furthermore, the results of the “acoustic research groups” such as algorithmic
developments and boundary condition formulations will be directly used within other projects
to improve their computational acoustics method.

6. Cooperation of FOR 508

6.1 Flow Problems

As outlined in the structure of the research program different groups deal with various topics
of research that cover numerous aspects of noise generation in turbulent jet flow. The inner
and outer cooperation, which has been established in the first period, will be continued into
the next phase. The direct collaboration with the corresponding French partner within each
subproject represents the inner cooperation. This inner cooperation is strongly emphasized by
the common French-German definition of the research topics. The mutual exchange of data
and CFD / CAA codes within the complete research group FOR 508 "Noise Generation in
Turbulent Flows" is the basis of the outer cooperation.

The list of basic test problems, that have been defined and have been the common milestones
to compare and discuss the numerical results, will be extended for the next phase. The
problems of the first period have covered different flow regimes and different applications.
The team members of each subproject have chosen appropriate flow problems to establish a
sound basis for validation and comparison in various flow regimes. Some of tests are still
valid for some of the subprojects in the next phase. They are listed as follows:

- BP1: A 2D developing isothermal subsonic mixing layer (convective Mach numbers

of 0.25 and 0.5 for the upper and the lower stream, respectively, and a Reynolds
number of 250 based on the vorticity thickness at the inlet and the difference in
streamwise velocity), randomly excited in one case and excited by its fundamental and
first subharmonic frequency in another case, forms an excellent first test problem. In
the literature several numerical solutions are available. A DNS of this problem is
feasible to give a proper reference solution for all data requested. Especially the sound
radiation generated by vortex pairing and fine-scale turbulence in the shear layers is to
be captured.

- BP2: A transitional circular jet at a Mach number M=0.9 and a Reynolds number
Re=3600 is considered. Experimental and numerical data are available from the
investigations by Stromberg et al. and Freund. Furthermore, a LES is performed by the
group of Pierre Comte.

- BP3: 3D circular supersonic jets (perfectly expanded and over-expanded) emerging

from a pipe at M=1.5 and Re=4000 are computed using DNS and LES.

The flow problems for the new period contain on the one hand, still basic flow phenomena
that are of interest to emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches and
on the other hand, bridge the gap to more industrially relevant configurations. Moreover, a
test problem, jointly defined with the research group FOR 507 “LES of Complex Flows” is
given to substantiate also the cooperation between the turbulence and the acoustic groups:

- BP4: The geometry of a coaxial jet defines this test problem. That is, there is a
primary or inner jet, which is covered by a bypass stream. The configuration and the
flow parameter are related to the flow problem in the European CoJeN program.
Hence, the Reynolds number will be of the order of 105 and the Mach number 0.9.
Two configurations are defined, one with a cold and one with a heated inner jet.

- BP5: For engine exhaust with or without chevrons the noise control by flat rings in the
mixing layer will be considered as proposed by Roger & Serafini in their AIAA paper
2005-2958. Following the experiments the Reynolds number of the jet will be 4x105.
The aim of the configuration is to examine the interaction of turbulence with walls.

- BP6: This problem concerns noise generation of a high-lift configuration. It is a

common test problem with research group FOR 507. The high-lift geometry consists
of a two-element airfoil containing a slat and a main wing. The configuration was
especially designed such that the slat noise is the dominant noise source of the
problem. Experimental data such as hot-wire and PIV distributions will be available
for flow conditions in the range of M=0.15, Re=2x106 and α = 20°.

Figure 1: Geometry of the high-lift configuration

The strong interaction between the partners of this research group, the data and knowledge
transfer and the benchmark problems computed within each subproject are illustrated in Fig.2.

6.2 Methodology

One the one hand, the inner and outer cooperation are supported by jointly investigating the
aforementioned test problems. On the other hand, this cooperation is also substantiated
through the application and exchange of likewise methods and approaches. This collaboration
on the methodological level concerns for instance the discontinuous Galerkin methods, the
acoustic perturbation equations, the sub-grid scale modelling, and the adjoint equations to
mention just a few of these common theoretical aspects.

SP2: Sesterhenn, Juvé, Bailly,
Schmid DNS data
F: LES for rectangular SP3: Munz, Sonnendrücker,
SP1: Dillmann, Noack, Comte, nozzle, shape variation Frenod
Farge, Schneider D: DNS for BP3, nozzle BP: BP1, BP3, BP5, BP6
BP: BP2,BP4,BP5 outlet shape optimization F: High order FE schemes,
F: DNS, postprocessing and for noise reduction, multi-scale asymptotics
mathematical reduced structure identification for source term evaluation
order modelling
D: High order unstructured
D: Low dimensional models
DG and FV schemes,
for jet noise Acoustic solver / Galerkin models as source input
domain decomposition

data DNS data, LES data,

reduced APE equations
modelling Adjoint NS-eqns. for
SP7: Thiele, Jacob LES data optimal control; SP4: Oberlack, Sagaut
BP: BP4, BP5,BP6 structure identification DNS data / BP: BP1, BP6
F: Nozzle-ring interaction coupling with F: LES wall models for
study, CFD-CAA acoustic solver CAA
validation vs. active control of D: Symmetry analysis of
experiment shear layer wall models for LES
D: LES for BP4, Active
data exchange,
shear layer noise
reduction of an engine
SP6: Schröder, Comte SP5: Rist, Kloker, Airiau
BP: BP4, BP6 BP: BP1, BP5 Legend:

F: Subgrid scale models F: Optimal fluid control,

and sensitivity adjoint equations SPX : Sub-project X

D: acoustic perturbation D: DNS, identification of BP : Test problems calculated

equations, CAA mechanisms for shear F : Main research on the French side

efficiency, sound layer noise control, D : Main research on the German side

generation mechanisms influence of perturbations

and boundary conditions

Figure 2: Main cooperations and benchmark problems

6.3 Cooperation and Communication Structure within the Research Group FOR 508

To ensure intensive communication and substantial mutual information exchange between the
members of the DFG/CNRS research group the successful structural and organizational
measures of the first period are carried over into the second period.
That is, regular meetings of the project directors and the participating scientists are planned to
take advantage of the expertise within the group. The website is www.iag.uni- and will continuously be updated to provide a fast, easy, and efficient
communication interchange concerning the organization as well as the latest scientific
achievements of each subproject.

Besides regular meetings within each subproject, the following activities will be organized by
the research group in the second phase of the DFG-CNRS research program:
- Two international workshops
- Guest program
Two international workshops will provide the possibility to discuss and exchange the results
of every subproject and to receive fruitful exterior impulses. International specialists will be
invited to document the state of the art of research, to judge the findings of the research group,
and to stimulate new ideas. These workshops are open to participation from outside the
research group.
The guest program will be continued, therefore, also in the next period it will be possible to
invite experts in the field of computational aeroacoustics, who are interested in cooperating
with different subprojects of the group.

6.4 Cooperation with DFG-CNRS Research Group FOR 507 “LES of Complex Flows”

The numerical methods for fluid acoustic coupling and the acoustic wave propagation are
developed such that they may also be applied to LES data in complex geometries at the end of
the second funding period. The flow problem BP6 has especially been introduced as a
common test case together with our partner research group FOR 507 “LES of Complex
The high-lift configuration (BP6) is defined to be a problem for both research groups. The
high-order unstructured acoustic solvers developed in the group FOR 508 are able to deal
with complex geometries very easily since unstructured mesh generation is well understood
and can be done in an almost completely automatic manner. As far as the flow solvers are
concerned, the partners of research group FOR 507 will come up with numerical methods,
which are able to deal with this kind of complex geometries. They will deliver reliable LES
results, which can be used to feed the high-order acoustic solvers. Since the high lift
configuration poses a low subsonic flow problem it is well-suited for the hybrid approach.
That is to say, the LES data of the analyses from the FOR 507 research group will be used as
input data for the acoustic perturbation equations (APE) already developed in research group
FOR 508 and other standard acoustic equation systems such as the linearized Euler equations
or the wave equation.

7. Cost Statement

The following table summarizes the estimated costs on the German side per year and in total
for the next three years of the French-German research program. The costs of the French side,
are assumed to be covered by CNRS. The details are given in each subproject.

Personnel Student Travel Consum- Subtotal

Assistants expenses ables per year
Dillmann, Noack, 1 BAT IIa 1 assistant 2500 ¼ 500 ¼ 3000 ¼
Comte, Farge, Schneider (40 h/month)

Sesterhenn, 1 BAT IIa 1 assistant 2500 ¼ 500 ¼ 3000 ¼
Juvé, Bailly, Schmid (40 h/month)

Munz, Sonnendrücker, 1 BAT IIa 2 assistants 2500 ¼ 500 ¼ 3000 ¼
Frénod (40 h/month)

Oberlack, Sagaut 1 BAT IIa 1 assistant 2500 ¼ 500 ¼ 3000 ¼
(40 h/month)

Rist, Kloker, Airiau 1 BAT IIa 1 assistant 2500 ¼ 500 ¼ 3000 ¼
(40 h/month)

Schröder, Comte 1 BAT IIa 1 assistant 2500 ¼ 500 ¼ 3000 ¼
(40 h/month)

Thiele, Jacob 1 BAT IIa 1 assistant 2500 ¼ 500 ¼ 3000 ¼
(40 h/month)

Guest program 10000 ¼

Total: 7 BAT IIa 8 assistants 17500 ¼ 3500 ¼ 31000 ¼

Additional costs:

- Two international workshops (5th and 6th year) 30000 ¼

Total costs for the research group over three years without personnel: 123000 ¼


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