Is Creative Thinking Important in The Business That You Work in or in The Business That You Want To Work In?

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Answer to the question no 1

Is creative thinking important in the business that you work in or in the business that you
want to work in?

Creative thinking is important in the restaurant business. Because today is highly competitive
market in the world. Without creative thinking a business can't be sustain. Creative thinking not
only effect your restaurant business but also effect others business. Organizations today operate
in a highly competitive, global environment, making creativity crucial. Creativity is what fuels
big ideas, challenges employees’ way of thinking, and opens the door to new business
opportunities. Creativity is a mechanism to being innovative. You can have great ideas, but not
be innovative. Some creative thinking of restaurant are as follows:

Different strokes for different folks: Innovative restaurant ideas aren’t just about menu items.
Extend exclusive hours or offers to loyalty club members, seniors, singles or those defined by
other differentiators. Draw up separate menus customized to specialty diner preferences; i.e.,
whole menus just for vegetarians, people with gluten allergies, dieters, etc., so they don’t have to
look longingly at things they cannot have.

Mood Menus: Keeping with the idea of themed-restaurants in this list of innovative ideas,
establishments could devote themselves to menus that offer pick-me-ups for people feeling the
blues, passion-inspiring foods for love birds, foods that pacify for people who are angry or
calming choices for people who feel anxious or overly enthused.

Two of a Kind Menus: Go the extra mile in making recommendations so that if a patron is
ordering a cheese burger, they will know it’s perfect pairings for drinks, sides, appetizers and
desserts. Think of it as an upscale way to mimic the ‘combo’ upsell done every day, all day long
in the fast food industry.

Designated Dining: Choose a new charity to benefit each month of the year, or choose a handful
and let diners decide where a portion of their evenings’ spend will go. Highlight local causes
which are likely to be near and dear to your target market’s hearts. This will be great fodder for
PR, social media and email marketing, giving diners one more reason to choose your restaurant.
Keep a tally on website and digital display so patrons feel good every time they walk through the

Some importances of creative thinking to restaurant business success are as:

Creative thinking helps you to see opportunities in the marketplace or come up with a unique
solution to a problem—and isn’t this the cornerstone of any business?
Creativity is key to innovation. When issues come up, you’ll be able to think of ways over,
under, or through the roadblocks.
Creativity stimulates the brain and helps us to wake up and pay attention. Noticing more of
what’s around us an aid in developing novel approaches to help your business stand out.
Creative thinking helps you keep your business presence fresh. You’ll be able to constantly
reinvent your business in order to stay in your customers’ awareness.
Creativity helps you shift your perception so you can better understand your customers’ point of
Creativity gives you a higher tolerance for risk—you’re used to working through fear of failure.
Creativity improves your leadership skills. Being an effective leader means being creative in
your approach and problem-solving. When you have the capacity to let go of the outcome and be
open to out-of-the-box thinking, you free your business team up for generating new ideas.
Creativity helps you to broaden your vision of what it means to be successful in your business—
what it can offer to the world.
Creativity strengthens your resilience. When those inevitable stressful periods come up, you’re
able to bounce back faster instead of getting derailed.
Creativity invites flow and feels good, and when you feel good, you attract your ideal customers
and clients.
Can you creatively think of even more ways that creativity can help your business?
Answer to the question no 2

Have you ever brainstormed ideas? Was it useful? What are the advantages and

Yes, I was thought about restaurant business idea. I try to make something’s new for these
sectors. I can help to growth this business productivity. Because food lover are always want
something new flavors. My idea was provide every popular food in a restaurant. Like - Chinese,
Mexican, Bengali, Arabian etc.

It was a useful idea for restaurant. Because the restaurant can hold all kind of customers and
more customers provide more revenue.

Advantages of creative thinking and innovation:

 Businesses can initially charge higher prices for new products before competitors
products come on the market

 Being innovative good for a firm's reputation

 If they have been first in the past - people naturally interested in future products

 Innovations in processes add value to existing products and services

 Businesses with lots of innovative products can take advantage of economies of scope

Disadvantages of creative thinking and innovation

 Very costly and time consuming
 Businesses can run out of money if they invest too much and don't get products to market
quickly enough
 End up wasting resources by developing something that doesn't sell
 Businesses not able to produce new product on large scale at low enough cost - no
guaranteed return on investment
 Businesses risk ruining reputation if new product is poor quality

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