Test Angielski

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You can put the cotton swab on your finger now.

I need to check your blood glucose level .

We'll have to wait for the result to flash on the screen.
Can you hold out your finger,please?
I'll put a drop of blood on the strip.
I'll just put a test strip in the glucometer.
 I'll record it on your chart now.
I'm going to prick the side of your finger with this lancet.

Diabetes controlled by insulin Type 1

Diabetes during pregnancy. Gestational
Diabetes usually controlled by medication, diet and exercise. Type 2

amount of fat in the blood


blood glucose level

glycated haemoglobin  
amount of glucose which sticks to the blood

low blood sugar



high blood sugar

litre L

amount of fat in the blood → cholesterol,

blood glucose level → bgl,
amount of glucose which sticks to the blood → glycated haemoglobin,
low blood sugar → hypoglycaemia,
millimols → mmols,
high blood sugar → hyperglycaemia,
litre → L

Normal blood [glucose] results are between 4 and 7 mmols/L before[meals], blood
glucose [level]should be between 4 and 7 mmols/L. Ninety minutes  [after] meals,
blood glucose level should be [less] than 10 mmols/L. When going to bed for the
night, blood glucose level [should] be about 8 mmols/L[low]blood glucose,or
hypoglycaemia is less[than] 4 mmols/L. [hyperglycaemia], high blood glucose is
[greater] than 14 mmols/L.

1.My grandparents had never flown before, and they were [so] nervous when we
arrived at Okęcie Airport that they didn't know where to go.
 2. There were[so many] people at the airport that it was difficult to park there.
 3.I ate [so much] food at the party that I had  to lie down.
 4.The waiter at the airport restaurant was [such an ] unfriendly person that we
decided not to stay there.
 5.It was [such] awful weather that I got a cold.
1. My luggage is [so]  heavy I can hardly pick it up.
2. I have bought [so many] souvenirs that I had to buy another bag.
3. She drank [so much] alcohol at the party that she had to lie down.
4. It was [such a] good flight that I wanted to stay on the board.
5.It was [such a] bad song that I couldn't listen to it.
6.She has [so many] things in her bag that it's really heavy.
7.They were playing [such] loud music their neighbours called the police.
8.Tom ate [so many] sandwiches that he felt sick.
9.I played [so] badly I lost 5-0.
10.It was [such a] hot day that I spent the day in the swimming pool.

1.      I’m always [so] hungry after work.

2.      They live in [such a] beautiful house.
3.      [such] small children should go to bed early.
4.      They’ve cut down [such an] old tree. It’s unreasonable!
5.      Don’t be [so] stupid! Chocolate doesn’t grow on trees
6.      [such] heroes exist only in books.
7.      I’ve never seen [such a] fabulous city?
8.      The Browns are very mysterious. And thoughts of [such] people are hidden very
9.      Skiing on very steep slopes is [so] dangerous. Never do that!
10.     When she gave him motorbike for his birthdays, he was [so] surprised.

to be unable - nie być wstanie

insuline resistance - insulinooporność
gestational diabetes - cukrzyca ciążowa
essentially - głównie
develope - rozwijać
causes - powody, przyczyny
case - przypadek
factor - czynnik
cataract - zaćma
glaucoma - jaskra
blidness - ślepota
amputation - amputacja
crucial - istotny
tailor to - dedykowany, tworzony dla pacjenta
glucose - glukoza
target range - zakres docelowy
diabetes management - zarządzanie cukrzykami, diabetykami

to be unable -[ nie być wstanie ]

insuline resistance - [ insulinooporność]
gestational diabetes - [ cukrzyca ciążowa]
factor - [czynnik]
gum - [dziąsło]
cataract - [zaćma]
glaucoma - [jaskra]
blidness - [ślepota ]
amputation -[amputacja]
crucial - [istotny]
tailor to - [ dedykowany dla pacjenta]
target range - [zakres docelowy]
case - [przypadek]
glucose - [glukoza]
diabetes management - [zarządzanie cukrzykami]

HBA → glycated haemoglobin,

wk → week,
Pt. → patient,
RN → Registered Nurse,
appt → appointment,
bgls → blood glucose level

 Take cover off insuli pen.

 Clean rubber seal of the insulin pen with alcohol wipe.
 Screw needle onto insulin pen.
 Turn dose to 2.
 Prime insulin pen.
 Turn end of pen to dial dose.
 Pinch up skin.
 Inject insulin.
 Hold pen in for count of 5.
 Store at room temperature.

 Hmmm. To be honest you have a pretty high BMI. That's a big risk factor for
developing diabetes.
 I see. Will I need to really restrict my diet then?
 Not necessarily. We'll start with a lifestyle plan that includes normal helthy
eating guidelines.
 So I'll have to give up chocolate, pasta, and all sorts of staff.
 Actually, no. You will probably have to eat less than you do now. But small
amounts can still be okay.
 That's good. Will I have to lose a lot of weight?
 Not a lot.

[Do you mind] if I take your blood pressure?
- No, I don't mind. I'll [roll up] my sleeve for you.
Thanks. That makes it [easier].
- Is it OK if I [do] your dressing now?
- Yes, that's fine . I've just had a [shower].
- Good I've got everything [ready] for you here.
- Can I [check] your blood glucose level?
- Sure. I hope it's OK. 
- It should be OK. 
- I need to see your [identity]bracelet.Is that all right?
- Yes. Here it is. It's on my right[arm].
Thanks.Yes........ that's all right.
- Is it all right if I give you this [injection]?
- OK. It's a pain killer, isn't it?
- That's right.

 - I've got the lab results here for you.

 - Oh,right. How are the results?
 - Overall, much better than last time. Your glycated haemoglobin is 7%.
 - What about my cholesterol?
 - It's 5.0,which is less than last time.
 - What's normal?
 - It should be less than five.
 - Oh, What about my blood pressure?
 - Let's see .I'll take it now.It's a hundred and thirty over seventy.
 - Do you think I I've lost weight?
 - We'll see. Hop on the scales.
 - That's great . You've lost 5 kg.

Taking drugs like speed or ecstasy  → can change your diabetes.,

Have you been drinking  → more alcohol than usually?,
You have to be very careful → or your blood sugar may drop too much.,
Always have a meal or a snack → while you are drinking.,
A unit of alcohol  → is one standard glass of wine or half a pint of beer.,
Taking drugs can be more harmful for diabetics → than for non-diabetics.,
Sounds like a good time to have → a chat about partying when you have diabetes.,
You still need to understand → what can happen just in case.

I'll show you how to use your insulin pen now.

I've got everything ready on the trolley .
Use a alcohol wipe to clean the rubber seal on the end of the insulin pen.
You have to get the insulin right to the end of the needle.
Pinch up some skin on abdomen so it's easier to inject the insulin.
Is the skin raised?
Hold in the button at the end of the pen and count to five so all the insulin goes in.
Use the cool pouch when you travel so the insulin stays at the right temperature.

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