Unit 2 - Section - 5 Topical Vocabulary & Speech Practice

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Unit 2_Section_5



 1. Translate the following vocabulary list into Ukrainian.
1 face lot of environmental concerns; affect sb;
2 the exploitation of our planet; the degradation of our environment
 Climate Change:
3 surface in last couple of decades; 4 effects of climate change; destructive/disastrous impact on;
5 loss of wildlife species; 6 increase in sea level; 7 changes in rainfall patterns; 8 heat waves;
9 wildfires; 10 shrinking of arctic ice.
 The Greenhouse Effect:
11 refer to the way the Earth's atmosphere traps some of the energy from the Sun;
12 solar energy; 13 radiate back out to space from the Earth's surface;
14 be absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases and re-emitted in all directions;
15 heat both the lower atmosphere and the surface;
16 without this effect; 17 make our planet hostile to life;
18 add to the natural greenhouse effect;
19 with gases released from industry and agriculture (known as emissions);
20 trap more energy; increase the temperature;
21 Carbon dioxide (CO2); 22 air pollutants;
23 collect in the atmosphere; 24 absorb sunlight and solar radiation;
25 bounce off the earth’s surface; 26 trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter.
 Global Warming:
26 the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system; 27 due to human activities;
28 fossil fuel utilization/burning; 29 the burning of gasoline for transportation;
30 bring about discharge of greenhouse gasses;
31increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere;
32 the predominant factors resulting in sth; 33 to move to renewable energy sources.
 Natural Disasters:
34 Earthquakes; 35 floods; 36 tsunamis; 37 cyclones; 38 volcanic eruptions; 39 droughts;
40 be unpredictable, devastating; 41 can cause irreparable damage; cause huge loss of life and
 Air Pollution/Pollution of air:
42 take a huge number of years to recover;
43 the most obvious toxins; substantial metals, nitrates and plastic;
44 poisons in charge of pollution; discharged by businesses and manufacturing plants;
45 burning of fossil fuels.
 Water Pollution:
46 clean drinking water; 47 turn into an uncommon thing;
48 be brought about by oil slicks, acid rain, and urban sprawl;
49 waste from industrial and agricultural activities.
 Soil and Land Pollution:
50 degradation of earth’s surface as a result of human activities;
51 mining, littering, deforestation, industrial, construction and agricultural activities; 52 have adverse
effect on human health.
 Agricultural Pollution:
53 modern day agriculture practices; 54 make use of chemical products;
55 pesticides and fertilizers to deal with local pests;
56 not to disappear and seep into the ground;
57 due to disposal of industrial and agricultural waste in local water bodies.
 Light and Noise Pollution:
58 excessive amount of unpleasant noise; 59 construction activities;
60 increase in vehicular traffic; 61 lack of urban planning
 Deforestation:
61 woodlands/ timberlands; 62create new oxygen;
63 help in managing temperature and precipitation.
 Loss of Biodiversity / Loss of Endangered Species:
64 another casualty due to the impact of human beings on the environment;
65 habitat destruction; 66 be a major cause for biodiversity loss
68 be caused by deforestation, overpopulation, pollution and global warming;
69 human overpopulation; 70 the elimination of species and environmental surroundings;
71 environmental frameworks; 72 be in risk species populace is huge.
 Household and Industrial Waste:
72 the overutilization of assets and formation of plastics;
73 make a worldwide emergency of waste transfer;
74 create an unreasonable measure of waste or junk; 75 dump one’s waste in the seas;
 Littering and Landfills:
76 disposal of garbage or debris improperly or at wrong location;
77 dispose at trash containers or recycling bins; 78 huge garbage dumps;
79 make the city look ugly; 80 produce toxic gases; 81 prove fatal for humans and animals;
82 be generated due to large amount of waste.
 Genetic Modification:
83 utilizing biotechnology; genetic engineering of food;
84 bring about expanded poisons and sicknesses; 85 ingest the unnatural chemicals.
 Effect on Marine Life:
86 the amount of carbon in the water and the atmosphere;
87 the primary effect is on shellfish and microscopic fish;
88 have similar effects to osteoporosis in humans.
 Public Health Issues:
89 represent a considerable measure of danger to sb/sth;
90 well-being of people, and creatures; the greatest well-being danger of the world;
91 pose a risk to the health and lifespan of people and animals.
 Ozone Layer Depletion:
92 the ozone layer; an undetectable layer of protection around the planet;
93 secure sb from the sun’s unsafe beams; 94 depletion of the critical Ozone layer of the air;
95 be credited to contamination brought about by;
85 Bromide and Chlorine found in Chlorofloro carbons (CFC’s); 86 cause a gap in the ozone layer.
 Nuclear Issues/Radioactive waste:
96 a nuclear fuel that contains radioactive substance; 97 a by-product of nuclear power generation; 98
have devastating effect on the lives of the people living nearby;
99 if not disposed properly; 100 be considered to be harmful for sb.
 Acid Rain:
101 because of the vicinity of specific poisons in the climate;
102 corrosive downpour; 103 be brought about;
104 because of use of fossil fuels or volcanoes or spoiling vegetation;
105 discharge sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the air.
 Urban Sprawl:
106 allude to relocation of populace;
107 from high thickness urban ranges to low density provincial zones
108 spreading of city over more rustic area; 109 expanded movement.
 2. a) Read Text 1, choose A NO.1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN, in your opinion,
and answer the questions below.
1. What are the causes of “___________________________”?
2. What can governments do about it?
3. What can individuals do about it?
 4. b) Now make a list of THE TOP 5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS, in your
opinion. Be ready to make a presentation for 2-3 min, explaining your choice.
# Name of an environmental Why is it so serious? How to tackle this problem?
Our Mother Earth is currently facing lot of environmental concerns. The environmental
problems affect every human, animal and nation on this planet. Over the last few decades, the
exploitation of our planet and degradation of our environment have gone up at an alarming rate.
Here are a few of most important environmental concerns to keep an eye on today.
 Climate Change: Climate change is an environmental concern that has surfaced in last
couple of decades. The effects of climate change can have a disastrous impact on our planet Earth.
High temperatures, loss of wildlife species, increase in sea level, changes in rainfall patterns, heat
waves, stronger storms, wildfires and shrinking of arctic ice are few of the dangerous effects of climate
 The greenhouse effect: The greenhouse effect refers to the way the Earth's atmosphere traps
some of the energy from the Sun. Solar energy radiating back out to space from the Earth's surface is
absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases and re-emitted in all directions. The energy that radiates
back down to the planet heats both the lower atmosphere and the surface. Without this effect, the Earth
would be about 30C colder, making our planet hostile to life.
Scientists believe we are adding to the natural greenhouse effect with gases released from
industry and agriculture (known as emissions), trapping more energy and increasing the temperature.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight
and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape
into space—but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat
and cause the planet to get hotter.
 Global warming: Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system
observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily
fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere. The
predominant factors resulting in the warming of the earth are the emissions of CO2 and deforestation.
CO2, which damages the ozone layer, comes from several sources, but the most problematic are those
coming from the burning of fossil fuels from power plants. This releases thousands of tons of CO2 into
the atmosphere every year. Another cause of these emissions is the burning of gasoline for
transportation, which continues to grow because of our demand for cars and also our increasing
worldwide consumption, resulting in an escalating need to transport goods. Also, forests store large
amounts of carbon, so deforestation is causing larger amounts of CO2 to remain in the atmosphere.
 Natural Disasters: Natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, cyclones, volcanic
eruption can be unpredictable, devastating and can cause irreparable damage. They can cause huge loss
of life and property.
 Air Pollution: Pollution of air, water and soil take a huge number of years to recover.
Industry and engine vehicle fumes are the most obvious toxins. Substantial metals, nitrates and plastic
are poisons in charge of pollution. While water contamination is brought about by oil slicks, acid rain,
and urban sprawl; air contamination is created by different gasses and poisons discharged by
businesses and manufacturing plants and burning of fossil fuels; soil contamination is majorly created
by mechanical waste that takes supplements out of the soil.
 Water Pollution: Clean drinking water is turning into an uncommon thing. Water is turning
into a monetary and political concern as the human populace battles for this need. Waste from
industrial and agricultural activities pollute the water that is used by humans, animals and plants.
 Soil and Land Pollution: Land pollution simply means degradation of earth’s surface as a
result of human activities like mining, littering, deforestation, industrial, construction and agricultural
activities. Land pollution can have huge environmental impact in the form of air pollution and soil
pollution which in turn can have adverse effect on human health.
 Agricultural Pollution: Modern day agriculture practices make use of chemical products
like pesticides and fertilizers to deal with local pests. Some of the chemicals when sprayed do not
disappear and infact seeps into the ground and thereby harms plants and crops. Also, contaminated
water is used for irrigation by farmers due to disposal of industrial and agricultural waste in local water
 Light and Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is another common form of pollution that
causes temporary disruption when there is excessive amount of unpleasant noise. Construction
activities, industrialization, increase in vehicular traffic, lack of urban planning are few of the causes of
noise pollution.
 Household and Industrial Waste: The over utilization of assets and formation of plastics
are making a worldwide emergency of waste transfer. Developed nations are infamous for creating an
unreasonable measure of waste or junk and dumping their waste in the seas and, less created nations.
 Littering and Landfills: Littering simply means disposal of piece of garbage or debris
improperly or at wrong location usually on the ground instead of disposing them at trash container or
recycling bin. Littering can cause huge environmental and economic impact in the form of spending
millions of dollars to clean the garbage of road that pollute the clean air.
Landfills on the other hand are nothing but huge garbage dumps that make the city look ugly
and produce toxic gases that could prove fatal for humans and animals. Landfills are generated due to
large amount of waste that is generated by households, industries and healthcare centers everyday.
 Deforestation: Our woodlands create new oxygen and additionally help in managing
temperature and precipitation. At present, timberlands cover 30% of the area, but wooded areas are
being lost on a regular basis because people are looking for homes, food, and materials. Deforestation
is a huge problem and will just continue to get worse.
 Loss of Biodiversity: Biodiversity is yet another casualty due to the impact of human beings
on the environment. It is the result of 3.5 billion years of evolution. Habitat destruction is a major
cause for biodiversity loss. Habitat loss is caused by deforestation, overpopulation, pollution and
global warming.
 Loss of Endangered Species: Human overpopulation is prompting the elimination of
species and environmental surroundings and the loss of various biomes. Environmental frameworks,
which took a huge number of years to come into being, are in risk when any species populace is huge.
 Genetic Modification: Genetic modification utilizing biotechnology is called genetic
engineering. Genetic engineering of food brings about expanded poisons and sicknesses as qualities
from a hypersensitive plant can exchange to target plant. Some of these crops can even be a threat to
the world around us, as animals start to ingest the unnatural chemicals and such.
 Effect on Marine Life: The amount of carbon in the water and the atmosphere is continuing
to be a problem in the world around us. The primary effect is on shellfish and microscopic fish, and it
has similar effects to osteoporosis in humans.
 Public Health Issues: The current environmental concerns represent a considerable measure
of danger to well-being of people, and creatures. Dirty water is the greatest well-being danger of the
world and poses a risk to the health and lifespan of people and animals.
 Ozone Layer Depletion: The ozone layer is an undetectable layer of protection around the
planet that secures us from the sun’s unsafe beams. Depletion of the critical Ozone layer of the air is
credited to contamination brought about by Bromide and Chlorine found in Chlorofloro carbons
(CFC’s). When these poisonous gasses each the upper parts of the atmosphere, they cause a gap in the
ozone layer, the greatest of which is over the Antarctic.
 Nuclear Issues: Radioactive waste is a nuclear fuel that contains radioactive substance and
is a by-product of nuclear power generation. The radioactive waste is an environmental concern that is
extremely toxic and can have devastating effect on the lives of the people living nearby, if not disposed
properly. Radioactive waste is considered to be harmful for humans, plants, animals and surrounding
 Acid Rain: Acid rain happens because of the vicinity of specific poisons in the climate.
Corrosive downpour might be brought about because of use of fossil fuels or volcanoes or spoiling
vegetation which discharge sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the air.
 Urban Sprawl: Urban sprawl alludes to relocation of populace from high thickness urban
ranges to low density provincial zones which bring about spreading of city over more rustic area.
Urban sprawl brings about expanded movement, environmental concerns and well-being concerns.

 3. 3-2-1: BRIDGING. Share your list of environmental concerns with your study partner.
Choose ONE CONCERN that you agree on it’s being THE MOST IMPORTANT. Fill out 3 WORDS, 2
QUESTIONS and a SIMILE/METAPHOR relating to the name of that environmental concern (e.g.
GREENHOUSE EFFECT). Then share your ideas with your classmate. Fill out your classmates’ answers
in the second part of the answer sheet. Discuss your answers trying to find a “bridge” (similar vision) if
there is any. Share your observations with the group.
 List 3 WORDS you think of when you hear the phrase “_______________________________”
1. ________________________ 2.________________________3.___________________________
 Write 2 QUESTIONS you have about the topic of ____________________________________:
 Write 1 SENTENCE that is a simile or metaphor about ________________________________:


 List 3 WORDS you think of when you hear the phrase “___________________________”
1. ________________________ 2._____________________________3.____________________
 Write 2 QUESTIONS you have about the topic of _______________________________:
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
 Write 1 SENTENCE that is a simile or metaphor about ________________________________:
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
 4. Read a few mind-blowing facts about environmental concerns and match the
concern and the fact by putting its number in the box before the name of the concern.
 Climate Change  The Greenhouse Effect  Global Warming
 Natural Disasters  Public Health Issues  Deforestation
 Effect on Marine Life  Air Pollution  Loss of Biodiversity
Fact 1: The global temperature on an average has increased by 0.6 to 1 degree Celsius till the
20th century.
Fact 2: The United States constitutes 5% of the world population and contributes to 22% of the
world’s carbon emission. Vehicles like cars and trucks contribute to 20% of carbon emissions in the
United States.
Fact 3: Around 15% of the carbon released in the environment is due to deforestation and
change in the use of land.
Fact 4: 20 of the warmest years on record have occurred in the last 22 years, as stated by The
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), compounding the research released in the 2018 IPCC
report. The world’s five warmest years have all occurred since 2015, with nine of the 10 warmest years
occurring since 2005, according to scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental
Information (NCEI). NASA scientists also found that 2010-2019 was the hottest decade ever
Fact 5: Climate change can have serious health impacts such as heat stress, extreme cold,
which can cause major deaths due to heart diseases. The rising temperatures will cause more deaths
due to a result of overheating or hyperthermia and rapid spread of deadly diseases. Above 600000
deaths occur worldwide every year due to climate change. 95% of these deaths take place in
developing countries. Also, the growing number of people in cities and an increasing population of
elderly have increased heat-related deaths, according to a 2018 study in The Lancet. Climate change
enhances the spread of pests that causes life-threatening diseases, e.g. malaria, Lime disease, etc.
Fact 6: Air conditions and heating elements consume 50% of electricity in America.
Fact 7: Hurricanes, droughts and coral deaths are a few of the natural disasters caused due to
climate change. Maria. Irma. Harvey. Sandy. Katrina. Andrew-hurricanes are reaching new extremes
for climate change. The frequency of more intense hurricanes ranked as categories 4 and 5 has
increased over the last 30 years. Increasingly destructive hurricanes are putting a growing number of
people and structures at risk, and it has become immensely more difficult to escape these storms
Fact 8: In recent times, half of all amphibians are at risk of extinction due to climate change.
Many argue that extinction is a natural phenomenon, claiming about five species per year. However,
some experts suggest we’re in the midst of the sixth mass extinction caused mostly by human activity.
Fact 9. While instances of wildfires have decreased over the years, according to the WMO, the
burn area and intensity of fires have increased. The year 2020 has seen unprecedented wildfires cause
havoc across the world. Australia recently battled its largest bushfire on record, while parts of
the Arctic, the Amazon and central Asia have also experienced unusually severe blazes.
Fact 10: According to a recent report by Oxfam, climate change could push food prices by 50-
60 percent more by 2030. The horrifying impacts of climate change are definitely nature’s way to
indicate that the worse is yet to come. Human beings can be called ‘men of wisdom’ only if we are
prepared and already taking action to save the world from such terrible effects of climate change.
Abridged from: https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/various-climate-change-facts-php.php

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