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PRELUDE Exaupti orationem meam, ad te omnis caro veniet. Duss ras, dies illa, Solvet saeclum in favilla, ‘Teste David cum Sibylla, Quantus tremor est futurus, Quarido Judex est venturus, Cuncta stricte discussurus! ‘Tuna mrum spargens sonum Per sepulchra regionum Coget omnes ante thronum. INTERLUDE, REX TREMENDAE majestatis, Qui salvandos salvas gratis, Salva me, fons pietatis. Lacamosa dies illa, Qua resurget ex favilla, Judicandus homo reus, Huic exgo parce Deus: Pie Jesu Domine, Dona eis requiem. Amen. Lrozaa we, Domine, de morte aeterna, in die illa tremenda: Quando coeli movendi sunt et'terra: Dum veneris judicate saeculum per ignem. Tremens factus sum ego, et timeo, dum discussio venetit, atque ventuira ira, Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra. Dies illa, dies’ irae, calamitatis et misetiac, dies magna et amara valde, Libera me. PosriupE This work was first performed on 8th October 1966 at Princeton University, conducted by Robert Craft. Instrumentation 3 Flutes (3rd doubling Piccolo) Alto Flute 2 Bassoons 4 Horns 2 Trumpets 3 Trombones Timpani (2) *Percussion (2) Harp Pianoforte Celesta Strings **xylophone, vibraphone, bells Note: Transposing instruments written in C in the score: Duration: 15 minutes oth mamery of Hale Dash Seger omceses REQUIEM CANTICLES IGOR STRAVINSKY {5-49 PRELUDE Tutte somiorome eguale, #s 260 nee # Pi f cho git airs Vin, vir by son fa bon ware v ltonoelt non F via Ua tare. AL rights resorved ‘Tonsitining fBrdjudes ‘Printed in Bngind © copyright 1907 by Boosey & Hawkes Muslo Publishers Li, Ba H, 10618 i foto tt attré Votint as 2 V1. Soll Vie. BH. 19618 2 Vi Solt PiU f ce le alive Vi avi sot 1B. H, 10618 avi sol a Vin, Sola ve a Visoll {oome sopra come sopra Vi. ota Yesot0 [bn mara non te ©, Solo = = & = i. 19618 Vin, Sok Vo, Sole co, Sete Bode H 10818 EXAUDI dz r04 (3 = 52) ine PERE sempro mare. Bia #10518 ws \e Figs Flee Piso (60) 5 8 come sopra | arpa B, & H, 19618 ono Bide H.10518 2 E s = ad te, a te om = cas ro Wes - ch we Bg H, 19518 10 DIES IRAE Fuso (2.08) Teh Te, La cor, con soe mv coro es y A wr voit & _ Contrabusst E Bg H, 10518 Pisso ve ©. Bg 19618) ta Pee 8 Page mm nua partando soto voce coRO I = a ae Boot neces tee Tene beet caw Syl i, we § = a == = == Sat = = Quevhe teeter wt + feeits Quarts jevdex at ya - ——-.— ite ~ BO AS 19518 13 cono If sta rus, Cuno-ta strio- te die= ous = su = rue! , Timp. Pane ob Bg H, 10688 4 thu Taba ‘en. = nh 1a cor. con tort. nav Bot H, 10818 Lm cor con oor. my ‘atlacoa pe coro TUBA MIRUM 2 196 asso Sola ™ ml = rom sper = gens co = mum Por Bea H.18518 sate thro-num. F it Ade H.19518 wv INTERLUDE De s08 740) : é => ss i Piet gets ||] $ a 4 ® 8 fof i6 fey 16 0 Plast gn a a oo es Cora sense word, Cs inns || nz or | a re 1 B&H, 19518 FLatto ce, uv Timp. mig Yop DE B&H. 19618 2 Tiap. 150} . : nf eres. =~ nf cron, aie Flalto .& 1.10618 Flatts sian [EI Fi ato Fler Pee uM Fhalto = Flatto Bhge nm Falto 22 Bee Lge ux Fate Bjcome 9° Blecpra : Tip. raw f 23 REX TREMENDAE 2 5 104-108 SOPRANI J» Rex, [rexorr verge? Be nonf Boa 10618 24 ‘Qu tal - van - Flan un Mgr us Bde 110518 25 ‘ts, Qui sal - van-dos | sal- van gra - tie, haces fous pt [220] i HH i i | i Ww q ee : eo mare, ma non f Bade H 10518 4 4 foome sopra Tae R&T A988 27 LACRIMOSA Aa ase cane on SSS Flaaia paolo (ee alas lawl grands Lt Flaato ato conta Bide 110619 28 === , FAL pe. ee eee ay viet mate = b, Sott St Arps = = sa neem (ge i [bee fs ee = = ae vin Ye 1B. H. 10618 ff FI. pee, Fl ge kit Piatto Bed 1.19518, 29 80 n.S0t0 = = ju-di- can ~ dus, jus df oon ‘Fup a ————————d 3 5 § 4 & ee Ae a} Lia ES = (0b. Sot 1.11 9000, mare. Arp eu (isbted Lu Tebo. Ih feome sopra ica B&H. 10018 at exten ff Fl pce, Plentit Fiat (ob Sout 1.21 Arpt Bed H. 10618, 32 D3 i ‘al ( 5 tf % f (255) Eileoms sopra Teal D) 1 leome eepre Wie. i a Fge Tt Flstte arpa ett nine ge 33 ‘able sempre poco of Blomgren (265) poco rit. == Ig feome sopra [8 . —a— a = é vs eSS— — B.& H, 19618 34 LIBERA ME. Jeti coRo LIQERA MY, Down, DE | NORTE AETERNA, Pow, I pie | TLL TaNMENDA; tulét partandto in p i TibeRA wx, LIBERA Me, DOCH, sempre f La eon bord, nw =— uipeea sey foe monte Limma ME, DOWN, oxo ‘TmxeNDA:{LA6HRA we, [LIBKRA ME, QUANDO parlando ‘pox AETERNA, ‘oe Oe 1 ‘poxin, ‘cout, Le a ee (270) fesse 1m cor. may ono, quawno costx jsunrer mama, SaxcouM ree pertando MOVENDI; LIBRA Mi ONIN. REQUIIN AB nal wh ja ah = on- im tae - ou -lam per gape Dum verne ris ja Sat fm ps hw cor, maw 35 Saas = ane i 2733 17 : BBE = a= =e 275] 4 aats+s) 3 18 1m oF ——S = = veo | SS : — i fee , a Sa 5 : aE LPP PPP Pape : | jt ide SS = (iene i i 7 Ee =e ; == = _ te: SS ————————— —— — Rg ERA, [Aa [DE MORE arn, | sem nna mg fore —————— = J RR tt t | Pade lg Qersen 3 280 om —4 z : = . SS — | —_———>. — ie___ta mv Le SSS = B&H, 10518 38 coRo partando ostNy, LIRERA ME, | DOMINE, DE MONTE HTHRNA, HC DUE TLLA. f coro sna; umura pow — [EIORRA wR, [QUANDO CORE MOFERDL _f TRRA: VENETO JOD one fe, | | tore cae i a == 2 —— tr le wl ae 4 — e re 3 7a oa ale a) 1g $8. Emean f+ um rer futpama ms, 1-BHRA Me i Whoo” 2 Taw ’ f i = i ee = = a See ee = == 37 POSTLUDE 40 Fino pie (a alta) 47% 4 te Pal grand! 1.1 vimte ate [E Piao tv yon 4 loom orpen. [290] Iq, bvoco, mom teato(sompre) Z {now fogato (sempre) 1000 fo Vana Corso 1 seas ord B, dH, 19518 38 Plato pe a is i ten | feom pra ! 25 et _ campase | a = _ E F ve Ba H, 10618 39 FL pee Phentat Piatto Plano Arps {come sopra mE eS iS Coes Canpeae ff vant Son, 3 E j | $ 8 Be H, 19518 40 Fue. eon SE = ee SE = of 7 FB | te 4 ita : rane [Qa conan vin. | Angest 18,1968 Bide H, 19518

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