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ADVANCE Ramsha Khalid

Dr.Zafar sb

Internet of Things, IoT for short, Refers to the technology that is used to grant internet
access to everyday objects in a cheap and eco-friendly way. That means that, aside
from computers and smartphones, you can grant almost any object access to the
internet, from household appliances or things in the logistical chain to your suitcase or
clothing. Almost, you can make everything smart, cheaply.

The internet of things builds on two major breakthroughs. The first is the communication
technology itself, the IoT sensors. They come from smartphone technology. Both the
communication chips and various other sensors for light, motion and temperature that
you find in your smartphones have become so cheap that you can easily put them in
other devices now. The second major breakthrough is the mobile internet. Over the past
few years, telecom operators have ensured that internet is available anytime, anywhere.
Those telecom operators are now upgrading their infrastructure to get ready for tens of
billions of devices that will be soon online. Just as the internet connects people and
computers, the Internet of Things will connect all objects with one another. So, we will
be able to communicate with object, Check the status and request the data, but also
give the object instructions. That will means brands and companies will have more data
about our world. But will also be able to coordinate things better, automate them and

You will find it with consumers and industry. Consumers already have wearables, for
example: fitness trackers and smartwatches. Fitness trackers, like Fitbit, measure your
movement, sleep and so forth. Smartwatches like the apple Watch does that too, but
enables you to get messages, pay by watch and that sort of things.

You have also got everything that falls under ‘Smart Home’, which means that your
thermostat, washing machine, lights and so on will actually be online, as well. That
means you can operate them remotely, you can control them by talking to them, but the
appliances will increasingly work for you in the background. Your thermostat will set
itself, depending on whether you are home or not. Or your washing machine will go
online and order new detergent when it senses that it’s running out.

All brands have learnt that aside being technical objects, they are also fashion items,
because if you wear them every day they should look good. Today, all those brands
work with fashion houses to put new bracelets in market each season and ensure that
devices look very fashionable.

Aside from wearables clothing is getting smarter and smarter. For example numbers of
accessories are built straight into the clothing, from temperature sensors and motion
detectors to stress sensors and heart rate monitors. That means you can get smart
athletic clothes, PJs that measure how well you sleep, baby clothes that measure how
well your baby sleeps at night. So, clothing that gather data without needing another
device. But that clothing can communicate with world more and more with the world. A
label that tells you how to wash the clothes or that sets your washing machine directly.

Today many consumers want personalized product and Industry 4.0 helps in achieving
this by providing tool IoT. Many manufacturers are focusing on customized products as
well. But manufacturing small lot for highly customized products is just not an easy task
for manufacturers. For this one solution is digitization and Internet of things that enables
tools and methods to gather customer’s requirements and helping manufacturers in
adaptive production and enabling customized shopping. This will helps in achieving
sustainability and competitiveness and benefiting both customer and producer.

IOT has already been endorsed by many industries at various levels. This provides real
time information that enables intelligent design but also improves operations, safety and
time. Smart devices having sensors in them that enables through smart phones.

Sensors and actuators will be collecting information at different levels of product’s life
cycle. They will sense customer’s need, liking and disliking. They will be integrated and
secure exchange of data will take place. This will not only reduce delivery time but also

As Wearable devices have various short comings, as you cannot wear these devices for
long time so they are now converting these wearable devices into “Smart Clothing”, To
collect information through sustainable health monitoring. According to world health
organization there is huge increase in elderly people and monitoring their health
conditions needs an increase in medical facilities medicines and other health related
facilities as well. This creates heavy cost for medical facilities. This can be reduced by
monitoring daily examination of health with the help IoT based devices. Many times ago
an idea was shared based on connecting mobile devices and portable medical tools.
Smart phones collect physiological data from human body by using various health
monitoring appliances and then this data is used by medical centers through signals
and if needed they can inform medical caregivers for any instant facility.

So there is a connection between them. Miniature ECG sensors that can be attached to
human body in different forms such as jewelry or patches are also in use from last few
years. In diabetic patients, In case of mass factors that influence glucose level in blood
for every individual. This help in personalized and real time medication, activities and
exercises. This not helps in treatment but also in preventions. This helps doctors to
reach out patient’s previous health status and diseases as well. Almost 80% of OSA
patients are under risk due to misdiagnoses. IoT helps real time observation by
connecting every item through internet.

IoT is also used to monitor person’s health. With the help of miniature circuits and
wireless communication process now devices are able to monitor health. These devices
record and collect health details by using machine learning techniques they track the
exercise records as well to maintain people health (such as if the person is in standing,
sitting, running or doing other activities). These devices collect personal data (like
quality of your sleep, how well your baby sleep is, temperature of your body, heart rate
and so on to predict the changes in human body) which is then use in various
applications such as a device used by police to track you, by your doctor to check your
heart rate and other health conditions, by your insurance company or as assistant to
manage your meeting schedule or even by military and so on.

IoT is used by putting a monitor made of mini electrodes which is used to sends signals
to swimmers when heart rate is high or low according to predetermined heart rate.


As we are moving towards more and more advanced technology at the same time we
are leaving more and more harmful prints on earth which is an outcome of this vicious
cycle of fashion production and consumption. The biggest problem here is improving
management of inventory by retaining excessive sale and low operational cost. For
owners it’s not easy to observe life cycle of a product in terms of its performance, cost,
customer response and its sale. IoT use wireless sensor networks (WSN), along with
cloud computing. Therefore multiple case studies are analyzed to pick out the
sustainable strategy. Industries are adopting new supply chains and embracing industry
4.0, the usage of IoT helps supply chain helps in resolving different problems like
excessive directory, rearranging quantity, buffer stock, stock moving across various
channels, out of stock items, sales point, monitoring and tracking items.
An RFID tag which is inexpensive as well can be attached to the items which will help in
billing and prevents customers from standing queues for long hours. The item
information then appears in mobile applications and then customers can easily manage
their items according to their preferences.


Keywords identification

Searching Keywords in Title, Abstract and


Total 20 articles /chapters

Selecting relevant data (15)

Full text reading

Identifying role of IoT in fashion directly

or indirectly

This analysis is consisting of data collected through articles that were clearly showing
IoT as their main component. I have filtered all articles related to artificial intelligence as
there is difference between artificial intelligence and Internet of things. Therefore the
most and primary step was to identify Internet of things and then their applications in
different areas that are directly or indirectly facilitating humans through fashion. As this
IoT is new but rapidly growing area, it was not limited to fashion itself it contains
customized fashion, wearables and shopping is of course the most important area as it
is very important that our customer get satisfied through our services too. As we are
moving towards a world where everything is getting smarter and smarter, so as
shopping should be. In starting supply chain were not in aims but as I studied more and
more I found it relevant as customer satisfaction is very important even at the time of
shopping as well because producers should also entertain their customers in finding out
products in less time and more efficiently, which is also becoming difficult at present
because, In this time going to malls and supermarkets is increasing, there is a need to
facilitate customers at the time of events and festivals.

Firstly, a group of keywords were created which was not an easy task at all; I aimed to
target study from past ten years. Following search items were used for searching IoT,
Future of fashion, Health monitoring and Customization. These terms were carefully
inspected in titles, keywords and abstract to make sure that all to the point articles are
included. As previously described aim of this study was to role of IoT in fashion
technologies directly or indirectly. To this end I started by finding out what is what is
Internet of Things for this I used article from the journal of future generation computing
systems and chapter from Scopus.

Then I moved towards “Smart Clothing” as wearables are not easy to wear for long
time. For this I gathered data from articles published from 2010 to 2020. As
customization is the new fashion and many manufacturers are focusing on this, so I
searched articles from 2018 on this from the conference conducted on May 2018 (The
theme of the conference was Smart Manufacturing. The aim behind this was to provide
a platform for researchers) and a chapter from book (Product customization and
development through IoT).

First list of articles were 20 articles which was then reduced to 15 articles by keeping in
mind the main idea and finding the relevant data after reading abstract and full text
scanning. To make a fine image for the topic every article was then read carefully and
finding out the role of each factor and how it really impacting the future of fashion as
well human as a whole.

IoT is not the future anymore its becoming present as this technology is developing so
fast. This technology is not only helping us in medical healthcare area but also in
fashion industry. As all companies have learnt that aside being technical objects, they
are also fashion items, because if you wear them every day they should look good.

Results shows connectivity of devices can make things performed more efficiently for
the benefits of human. Observing and taking care of old people can be resolve through
IoT. As researchers worked on special people, special groups and monitor them
through sensors attached to body, connected with mobile and cloud, this helps in
identifying diseases before it get worse and alarm you about recue situations. This
improves quality of life and made healthcare services easy to family. In ECG, electrodes
are used to monitor through applications. These electrodes are washable and reusable.
By learning from studies and experiments now it’s clear that IoT is also playing vital role
in sportswear. Swimmers can wear suits to monitor the heart rate when it exceeds the
predetermined range. Electrodes, control panel and vibration feedback work together to
make swimmer more efficient. It also registers total swimming time and heart rate during

IoT connects clothes, smartphones, LED and allow them to communicate with each
other and share information among themselves. This helps not only in understanding
the demand of customer but also how to provide product to customer more efficiently by
reducing the time customer spent in lines to have their bills. IoT connects objects in real
world it connects our clothes, smartphone, sensors to exchange information. In
Automated Inventory Intelligent Management System there is Wireless network system
(WNS) interconnecting all the systems with Cloud that helps in storing and processing
of data related to shelf life, response by customer, cost, sales and other data.

Now customers can have the bill in their mobiles just by seconds through Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) tags attached to the product. RFID sensors are
attached to cart that reads the information from items accurately and allow customer his
manage its shopping list this information is then sends to the server to automatically
generate bill. This generated bill will either display on mobile screen of customer or on
the LCD displayed in mall.

As consumers are getting more and interested in personalized products manufacturers

are also focusing on this. Companies willing to provide customized items are adopting
the strategy, allowing molding items according to their demand. From research I found
manufacturers are already working on mass customization but there is a difference
between manufacturers using IoT and those not using it. There are four types of
approaches for this. In collaborative approach customers are involved in development
stage and manufacturers take one time decision to make products. In adaptive
approach during mass customization manufacturers develop product in such way that
every customer can modify the product according to their demand. In cosmetic
approach customer use same product in different manners e.g. your name on shirt.
Transparent approach can be achieved when you know your customer’s demand. This
approach needs deep knowledge of customer’s likes, dislikes and behaviors.
Representation of product can also be very effective as well.

With the help of Internet of Things making relationship between consumer and producer
is possible. As already described in IoT you can connect objects, products, customers,
process and systems, this makes easier to track response to products. This not only
made more efficient inventory management but also made it possible to know
customer’s demand.
As 3G, 4G, 5G, RFID, LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network), Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
combined together can help in building relationship between customers and companies
enabling companies to get data for manufacturing of products. This also helps in
tracking customers experience with brands from their first interaction to products entire
life cycle. Thus help in increasing their economy by making them more competitive.

As Internet of Things is helping in achieving customer’s satisfaction by enabling a great
customer experience. Even so, there are huge concerns regarding security and privacy

As these smart sensors collects a large amount of personal data, there is a serious
need of protection. For sure the data collected through machine learning and data
analytics are in controlled manner but still there is a need to make it perform in more
secure way. Any individual’s data should be protected by hi-tech solutions. There
should be some limits for using data for different purposes, according to these limits
strict laws should be made.

If customers use smart clothing for their health definitely they will be more aware and
responsible for their health, As long as they use smart clothing. To maintain this
customers have to sustain the usage of products regarding their health issues, For this
we have to focus on way and how people agree to use a product. To determine this we
have to study customers both individually and as a society. No doubt properties and
usefulness of product matters a lot, the most important factor behind the purchase of
such product depends on fulfillment of need.

As features are the primary need of product we should not underestimate the value of
pleasure seeking nature of customers. As with the passage of time brands have learnt
the importance of aesthetics in human life. As these technologies are the part of daily
life they should look good as well.

We have to achieve features and aesthetics both together by keeping in mind the cost
and other alternatives.

The usage of product largely depends on its technical context and social acceptance.
Technical context will determine the features and range of its benefits for consumers;
we can’t achieve highly valuable features without working on infrastructure. Society will
determine what is acceptable and what is not. Security is the major concern, especially
due to absence of transparency regarding the usage of personal information. Social
acceptance can have a great impact on customer’s behavior so strongly that it can even
overrule the bad performance of a product. People may also accept a technology, if
used by role models or by watching others accepting the new technology.

Personal experience with technology and benefits of its usage can also impact
consumer’s behavior. In such condition age, cognitive traits and gender matters a lot,
for example generation Z are more adaptive to new technologies and innovations. In
case of gender men are likely to be more willing than women. However, impact
regarding gender can be insignificant, as gender behavior towards buying a product
also depends on the role of individual in society. Cognitive traits depend on patience
towards uncertainty, rationality, goals, values, investigating style are the factors behind
acceptance of new technology. Sustainability of technology depends of the features and
benefits gained by the consumer. Especially this is notable when technology is being
used by consumer in their daily life as a routine.

As from literature review we can analyses the usefulness of these technologies and this
will impacts the consumer’s resistance behavior to them. The era we are living in is full
of consumers wishing for unique and distinctive products. This will also negatively
impact resistance to new innovations. As new innovations are most likely to be
expensive, consumers resist to spending large amount.

As IoT is a system connecting objects to objects, human to objects, objects to system

and infrastructure this make this system even more complex and advanced. Therefore
making it possible to track product experience by consumer, product can even learn
from their environment and improved as well. Product experience can also help in
developing new designs, finding out new features to offer their customers that may not
be the first concern at all.

This is clear that right application of these new technologies with right strategies can
help in not only improving the products but also increase economy and competitiveness.
As quality of products is now becoming more and more important for consumers. One
way is to use the data generated by consumers by tracking the product life, quality
related issues faced by consumer and then advancing the product according to
customers need. It can also help manufacturers in making offers according to trends
evaluated from generated data. Artificial Intelligence can also help in maintaining the
quality of products by working on already identified errors or defects in product.
Cameras and hearing systems can help in identifying problems that may get neglected
by human. In addition to this machine learning is also helpful in improving reliability and
accuracy in product manufacturing.
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