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Your campaign strategy

Compile your ideas into an appropriate format to present to our VEVO

panel (Sophie & Michael) on April 29th.
You should complete this fully for review by Thursday April 22nd

Your campaign should show a clear explanation of realistic solutions that

form part of an effective marketing or public relations strategy.
Your strategy should be creative, but sill working within recognisable generic
conventions of marketing or public relations.
You will use SMART targets and other planning and management systems.
Campaign Categorise each section of your campaign and briefly
describe the key elements

Overview Public Relations

Drive a positive perception by working with selected New charity
Snoop Dogg example charity; DogsTrust.

Live concert in the UK supported by ongoing press

Introduction releases, TV/radio interviews, photo opportunities
The campaign will launch on April 19th and Online
run up to December 24th
Large scale drive to create awareness by using an
The campaign is focused on younger
Instagram/Facebook/TikTok hashtag #indadoghouse to Snoop & Ariana
generations to widen the target market. Grande 2013
be driven by celebrities and general public.
To make a fun and engaging social media
New interactive mini website aimed at Kids
drive using the hashtag #indadoghouse
whilst building on new & current
Collaborations Launch of new
Partnership with McDonalds, linked to Just Eat and new clothing line
New G logo to tie in with first line of his Just
Eat song "Get delivery like a G"
Appearence on next Ariana Grande release
Clothing line with River Island
McDonalds available
on Just Eat
Phase one As identified, Snoop's market perception is fragile due to his previous
convictions and association with drugs.
To overcome this for an immediate audience perception we have teamed up
Market perception & Growing with Dogs Trust, we will launch this partnership at the start of the campaign
Audience to bring instant positive PR:
Donation of £100,000 from Snoop to help rehoming of dogs.
Photo opportunities with Snoop and dogs currently in care, this will be
driven on Instagram with the launch of the hashtag #indadoghouse.
Snoop will volunteer to home one of the dogs whilst convincing some
celeb friends to do likewise, this will be driven on social media, videos of
Snoop sending out a message "help me home these dogs, or you in da dog
house G"

Time frame
Launch April 19 - June 30

Click here
Growing In order to grow an audience with children, Snoop will team up with
McDonalds, who have been working with Just Eat since 2017

To have an immediate huge impact, McDonalds will launch a widely sort after
product, the hot dog, aptly named the Hot Snoop Dog, this will be included in
the happy meal which during the promotion will change its name to the
'Doggy bag' to tie in both Snoop's name and the connotation of McDonalds
Kids under 12 take away service. The pester power of children will encourage Snoop to be
discussed in households.
During this promotion:
Paw print decals on the wall and floor
£0.25p donation to Dogs Trust for every Doggy Bag sold
Placemats to include kids puzzles centred around the launch of our Kids
character Puppy G
Link to Snoop's new kids website named Mini G's with inetractive game
Free Puppy G toy with every Doggy Bag sold
TV advertising by McDonalds to promote
Interviews and editorials with Snoop discussing his new website and how
it embraces a younger audience

Puppy G Time frame

6 week promotion, Launching July 12th - August 31st to coincide with school
holidays and back to school promotions
Placemat puzzle Website video game Doggy Bag promo

Game Stay Out da Doghouse

Synopsis: player controls Puppy G
through a maze to try and steal the
farmers sausages, if he gets
On back of placemat to keep kids caught, he is sent to the dog
Happy meal becomes the Doggy
occupied and create pester power house, reinforcing the hashtag
Bag during promotion
over Puppy G character, includes #indadoghouse
QR code to new website to play
video game
Growing In order to grow an audience with Teens, Snoop will partner up with River Island

Audience (similar to Rihanna's involvement in 2015). Next year will be 30 years since
Snoop launched on the music scene with his G-Funk genre and trends in fashion
often reflect that worn 3 decades earlier. River Island will launch a new range of
Teens clothing orientated around Snoop's new logo simply titled G, with a gold colour to
reflect his jewellery and finished with a metallic look to create a tough G style
The clothing line will be casual and cool (see next page for examples)
Snoop and celeb friends will wear these clothes on his social media posts,
with the cue "buy these clothes or you in da doghouse G"
Press release statements and interviews will circulate around the launch.
Window decal and posters in all high street stores.
Online promotion linked between River Island and Snoop Dogg's websites.
Photo opportunities while Snoop visits a few stores in London, Manchester,
Birmingham, Glasgow and Dublin. There will also be fan engagement while he
signs autographs and takes parts in selfies with fans.
In store poster with QR code for his website and call to action message to

New clothing post image on social media with the hashtag #indadoghouse

Time frame
logo Launching June 1st - August 31st
River Island
Men's & Women's clothes and
accessories all displaying the G
style logo
Phase Two Snoop's music video for Doggy Dogg Christmas will be launched on December
1st, following a series of PR activities and events:

Music promotion Key points

Music video posted across all social media platforms and VEVO on Dec 1st.
Live concert in November: focused around new and old music and will include
special guest Ariana Grande following their music collaboration (see next page).
Merchandise available at concert will include, T-shirts, Hoodies and baseball
caps, these will utilise Snoops normal logos and include #indadoghouse, the back
will display all tour dates. (In the event of Covid lockdown, this will be online.)
T-shirts will be priced at £20 to fit in line with most brands, quality long-lasting
material will be used in the manufacturing, giving good value. £1 for every shirt
sold will be donated to Dogs Trust. Following the concert, T-shirts will be
available at the website store.
Interviews on TV & radio to promote both the live concert and release of the
Christmas song.
Editorial in NME magazine focusing on Snoops success of 3 generations.
Ongoing Social Media

T-shirt Time frame
Launch Nov 1st - December 24
Phase Two
Music promotion
Promotional activity with HMV, new partnership allowing them
one day early access to the song, CD signing on launch day in HMV
London, local and national press invited for photo opportunities.
In order to give HMV extra promotion, they will have access to a
special edition 12" single picture disc, ony available at HMV

Drive incremental sales through exclusive access
Avoid exclusion of original 90's hip hop fans and DJ' enthusiasts
(trend in 90's mixing on 2 turntables)
Release date vinyl signing to drive walk in trade and photo
opportunity for local and national press
In store point of sale (POS) displaying call to action hashtag
#indadoghouse, encouraging customers to post their selfies on
social media platforms

Exclusive to HMV Time frame

Launch Dec 1 - December 24
Phase Two Collaborations have played a key part in Snoop's success and this
year to drive this to a wider audience and he will feature on Ariana
Grande's new release in July, Ariana was the first woman on
Music promotion Instagram to reach over 200 million followers and this will have a
huge impact on awareness of Snoop internationally.
On the day of the release, Ariana will post on instagram an image
of her and Snoop with the hashtag #indadoghouse

Previous search for Time frame

collaborations Launch July 1
Strategy Timeline Carefully plan out each stage using the annual calendar,
downloadable on the Weebly page.

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Research Summary
From both primary and secondary

SWOT analysis
and SWOT summary

These must be SMART

What to include Campaign Overview

Introduction including duration
and purpose of campaign, key
plans and proposed target

Campaign Strategy
Breakdown of each element used

Marketing calendar
Illustrating time frame of
campaign elements

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