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UCK441E - Flight Stability and

Spring ’21
Longitudinal Trim and Stability

Emre Koyuncu

Trim and Stability

∂Mcg/∂α < 0. Longitudinal Stability

c.g and a.c!?

M=0 dCm dCm
= =0
dα dCL
total moment is zero with remains constant with
changes in AoA changes in AoA or Lift

M = const

c.g and a.c!?

Longitudinal Trim and Stability
Control Fixed Stability
Wing Contribution
Control Fixed Stability
Wing Contribution

w/ small angle

Control Fixed Stability

Center of gravity

Aerodynamic center

Static Margin - SM

(xcg,m − xac,m)
SM = 100 ,%

Control Fixed Stability
Tail Contribution

tail ef ciency, can have values in the range 0.8-1.2
Control Fixed Stability
Tail Contribution
Control Fixed Stability
Tail Contribution
Control Fixed Stability
Tail Contribution
Control Fixed Stability
Tail Contribution
Stick- xed Neutral Point

Total moment
Control Fixed Stability
Tail Contribution
Elevator effectiveness
Change in Lift
Elevator effectiveness
Change in Moment
Elevator effectiveness
Elevator angle trim
Elevator hinge moment
Elevator hinge moment
Stick Force
Trim tabs
The trim tab can be used to zero out the hinge moment and thereby eliminate the
stick or pedal forces

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