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Marketing is a marriage between company and customer.

Where company is the Husband and

customer is the wife.

By- Prof. Arpan Anand

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent that survive. It is the one
most adaptable to change. BY- Charles Drawin

What is marketing

Marketing is defined as the process of determining the needs and wants of comsumer and being
able to deliver offering that satisfy those needs and wants in ways that benefit the organization and
its stakeholders.


Need = Transportation

Wants = Motor cycle, car.

Marketing is

Creating, communication, delivering value to the Target market for profit.

 Meeting needs profitable

 Situational
o Non profit and government organizations

Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target market and getting , keeping and
growing customer through creating delivering and communicating superior customer value.

What can be market











Seven function of marketing

 selling
 distributing
 product service management
 Promotion
 Pricing
 Financing
 Marketing information management

What is product life cycle?

Product life cycle is the progression of an item through the four stages of its
time on the market. The four life cycle stages are: Introduction, Growth,
Maturity and Decline. Every product has a life cycle and time spent at each
stage differs from product to product.

The term product life cycle refers to the length of time a product is introduced
to consumers into the market until it's removed from the shelves. The life cycle
of a product is broken into four stages—introduction, growth, maturity, and
decline. This concept is used by management and by marketing professionals
as a factor in deciding when it is appropriate to increase advertising, reduce
prices, expand to new markets, or redesign packaging. The process of
strategizing ways to continuously support and maintain a product is
called product life cycle management.


 A product life cycle is the amount of time a product goes from being
introduced into the market until it's taken off the shelves.
 There are four stages in a product's life cycle—introduction, growth,
maturity, and decline.
 The concept of product life cycle helps inform business decision-
making, from pricing and promotion to expansion or cost-cutting.
 Newer, more successful products push older ones out of the market.
How Product Life Cycles Work
Products, like people, have life cycles. A product begins with an idea, and
within the confines of modern business, it isn't likely to go further until it
undergoes research and development (R&D) and is found to be feasible and
potentially profitable. At that point, the product is produced, marketed, and
rolled out.

As mentioned above, there are four generally accepted stages in the life cycle
of a product—introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

 Introduction: This phase generally includes a substantial investment in

advertising and a marketing campaign focused on making consumers
aware of the product and its benefits.
 Growth: If the product is successful, it then moves to the growth stage.
This is characterized by growing demand, an increase in production,
and expansion in its availability.
 Maturity: This is the most profitable stage, while the costs of producing
and marketing decline.
 Decline: A product takes on increased competition as other companies
emulate its success—sometimes with enhancements or lower prices.
The product may lose market share and begin its decline.

Examples of Product Life Cycles

Many brands that were American icons have dwindled and died. Better
management of product life cycles might have saved some of them, or
perhaps their time had just come. Some examples:

 Oldsmobile began producing cars in 1897 but the brand was killed off in
2004. Its gas-guzzling muscle-car image lost its appeal, General Motors
 Woolworth's had a store in just about every small town and city in
America until it shuttered its stores in 1997. It was the era
of Walmart and other big-box stores.
 Border's bookstore chain closed down in 2011. It couldn't survive the
internet age.

A ‘concept’ is a philosophy, an attitude, a course of thinking, an idea

or a notion relating to any aspect of divine and human creations.
The philosophy of an organisation in the dynamic realm of
marketing is referred to as a ‘marketing concept.’ A concept is an
orientation or a philosophy.

Thus, marketing concept is the way of life in which all the resources
of an organisation are mobilized to create, stimulate and satisfy the
consumer at a profit. It represents a distinct philosophy of business
and considers marketing more than a physical process.

Wherever this concept prevails, that marketing organisation is

future oriented, customer oriented, value oriented, profit oriented
and applies modern management practices to all sales, distribution
and other marketing functions.
Evolution of Marketing Concept:
This marketing philosophy has undergone a thorough and gradual
change since the great Industrial Revolution that took place during
the latter-half of the 18th and first-half of the 19th centuries. This
gradual change can be traced under four periods and captions
namely, production orientation period, sales-orientation period,
customer-orientation period and social orientation period.

1. Production Orientation Philosophy:

Till 1930s, there prevailed a strong feeling that whenever a firm has
a good product, it results in automatic consumer response and that
needed little or no promotional efforts. This production-oriented
marketing concept was built on “Good wine needs no push.” That is,
if the product is really good and the price is reasonable, there is no
need for special marketing efforts.

The assumptions of this concept are:

(i) Anything that can be produced can be sold,

(ii) The most important task of management is to keep the cost of

production down.

(iii) A firm should produce only certain basic products.

2. Sales Orientation Philosophy:

The failures of the production orientation philosophy of 1930s
paved the way for change in the outlook that was possible during
1940s. This reshaped philosophy was sales-orientation that holds
good to a certain extent even today.

It states that mere making available the best product is not enough;
it is futile unless the firm resorts to aggressive salesmanship.
The essence of sales orientation philosophy is “Goods are not
bought but sold.” The maker of product must say that his product is
best and he fails if he keeps mum.

The assumptions of this philosophy are:

(i) Producing the best possible product.

(ii) Finding the buyer for the product,

(iii) The management’s main task is to convince the buyers through

high pressure tactics, if necessary.

It can be illustrated as under:

The philosophy has been prevailing since 1940. It is more prevalent

in selling all kinds of insurance policies, consumer non-durables
and consumer durable products, particularly the status-symbols.

Effective sales-promotion, advertising and public- relations are of

top importance. High pressure salesmanship and heavy doses of
advertising are a must to move the products of the firm.

3. Customer Orientation Philosophy:

This philosophy was brought into play during 1950s and points out
that the fundamental task of business undertaking is to study and
understand the needs, wants, desires and values of potential
consumers and produce the goods in the light of these findings so
that consumer specifications are met totally.

Here, the starting point is the customer rather than the product.
The enterprise is to commence with the consumer and end with the
requisite product. It emphasizes the role of marketing research well
before the product is made available in the market place.

The assumptions are:

1. The firm should produce only that product as desired by the

2. The management is to integrate all its activities in order to

develop programmes to satisfy the consumer wants.

3. The management is to be guided by ‘long-range profit goals’

rather than ‘quick sales.’

It can be illustrated as under:

This means a radical change in the philosophy.

It meant two basic changes namely:

(i) Move from production to market-orientation,

(ii) Gradual shift from age old “Caveat emptor” to “Caveat vendor”.

Since 1950, this philosophy is in vogue and will continue so long as

consumer is the King of the market.
4. Social Orientation Philosophy:
There has been a further refinement in the marketing concept
particularly during 1970s and 1980s. Accordingly, the new concept
goes beyond understanding the consumer needs and matching the
products accordingly.

This philosophy cares for not only consumer satisfaction but for
consumer welfare or social welfare. Such social welfare speaks of
pollution-free environment and quality of human life.

Thus, a firm manufacturing a pack of cigarettes for consumer must

not only produce the best cigarettes but pollution-free cigarettes; an
automobile not only fuel efficient but less pollutant one.

In other words, the firm is to discharge its social responsibilities.

Thus, social welfare becomes the added dimension.

The assumptions of social-orientation philosophy are:

(i) The firm is to produce only those products as are wanted by the

(ii) The firm is to be guided by long-term profit goals rather than

quick sales.

(iii) The firm should discharge its social responsibilities,

(iv) The management is to integrate the firm’s resources and

activities to develop programme to meet these individual consumer
and social needs.

This concept can be illustrated as under:

This social oriented philosophy is the latest and is considered as an
integrated concept. This philosophy, as it covers earlier long-
standing concepts, is bound to rule the marketing world for pretty
long time.

However, we are to wait and see as to what changes are likely in the
coming years and decades that will shape the new marketing

What is Market Positioning?

Market Positioning refers to the ability to influence consumer

perception regarding a brand or product relative to competitors. The
objective of market positioning is to establish the image or identity of
a brand or product so that consumers perceive it in a certain way.

For example:

 A handbag maker may position itself as a luxury status symbol

 A TV maker may position its TV as the most innovative and cutting-
 A fast-food restaurant chain may position itself as the provider of
cheap meals

Types of Positioning Strategies

There are several types of positioning strategies. A few examples are

positioning by:

 Product attributes and benefits: Associating your brand/product

with certain characteristics or with certain beneficial value
 Product price: Associating your brand/product with competitive
 Product quality: Associating your brand/product with high quality
 Product use and application: Associating your brand/product with a
specific use
 Competitors: Making consumers think that your brand/product is
better than that of your competitors

A Perceptual Map in Market Positioning

A perceptual map is used to show consumer perception of certain brands.

The map allows you to identify how competitors are positioned relative to
you and to identify opportunities in the marketplace.

How to Create an Effective Market Positioning Strategy?

Create a positioning statement that will serve to identify your business and
how you want the brand to be perceived by consumers.

For example, the positioning statement of Volvo: “For upscale American

families, Volvo is the family automobile that offers maximum safety.”

1. Determine company uniqueness by comparing to competitors

Compare and contrast differences between your company and competitors

to identify opportunities. Focus on your strengths and how they can exploit
these opportunities.

2. Identify current market position

Identify your existing market position and how the new positioning will be
beneficial in setting you apart from competitors.

3. Competitor positioning analysis

Identify the conditions of the marketplace and the amount of influence

each competitor can have on each other.

4. Develop a positioning strategy

Through the preceding steps, you should achieve an understanding of what

your company is, how your company is different from competitors, the
conditions of the marketplace, opportunities in the marketplace, and how
your company can position itself.

What is Market Repositioning?

Market repositioning is when a company changes its existing brand or

product status in the marketplace. Repositioning is usually done due to
declining performance or major shifts in the environment.

Many companies, instead of repositioning, choose to launch a new product

or brand because of the high cost and effort required to successfully
reposition a brand or product.

Example of Market Repositioning

The example below describes Coca-Cola’s repositioning of Mother Energy


The Coca-Cola Company launched Mother Energy Drinks in 2006 into the

Australian market. The launch campaign was professionally executed, and
Coca-Cola was able to leverage its distribution channels to get the product
into major retailers. However, the taste of Mother Energy Drink was subpar
and repeat purchases were very low. Coca-Cola was faced with a decision:
to improve and reposition the product or withdraw it and introduce a new
brand and product. The company ultimately decided to reposition the
product due to already high brand awareness. The biggest challenge faced
by Coca-Cola was to persuade consumers to try the product again. The
company changed the packaging, increased the size of the can, and
improved the taste of the product. The relaunch of the product featured a
new phrase – “New Mother, tastes nothing like the old one.” Ultimately,
Coca-Cola was able to successfully reposition Mother Energy Drinks and
the brand today competes with the two leading energy drinks in the market
– V and Red Bull.

Promotion Strategy Marketing

You feel that you are ready to move up the ladder. You might have already

taken the initial steps for moving forward like letting the others in the

organization know about your wishes and also by putting feelers out for

the opportunities for advancement in career. What are the next steps?

There is more than you can imagine the art of putting yourself in a strategic

position for the purpose of promotion strategy marketing. As several hiring

decisions in the larger organizations are taken by more than a single

individual, there is a growing need for you to make yourself “promotable”

and present yourself accordingly.

You may be doing your job faithfully each day and even doing it

exceptionally well. However, you have been stuck in the same position for

three years whereas others who seem to be less deserving have got

promotions strategy marketing. The reason for this is that people who have

got promotions are aware of one crucial thing which you are not aware

of. Job Promotion is not only regarding doing the work for which you are
being paid. It is also not with respect to being the “best widget maker that

you can be”. Promotion is regarding the pushing of limits that are related to

the position in which you are currently. It is basically reflecting that you are

in a position to take up new responsibilities as you have outgrown the ones

that you currently have.

Tips to Make Yourself Ready for a Promotion

Strategy Marketing
1. Have an understanding of your organization
In order to prepare yourself for a promotion, you need to have a thorough

understanding of the various drivers for the success of the organization. It

does not signify that you need to do more things. Rather it signifies that

you need to do more of the correct things. You need to ask yourself the

following questions –

 What are the organization’s strategic goals?

 How does the work of your department sync with the organization’s

overall strategy?

 How is the performance of your boss measured?

 What are the critical functions that are performed by other people

who belong to your team?

You might also want to make moves in the literal way that is too similar

positions in other departments. This may be from the perspective of

increasing your overall appreciation for what is being done by the

organization. If you have a broader exposure, there is a possibility that you

may be taken into consideration for more opportunities with respect to

promotion strategy marketing. For instance, in case you are a

communications manager and have the feeling that there is no other place

to go with your job, you should try and gain experience in different areas of

the organization. When a right mix of skill as well as experience is present, it

turns out that promotion to a higher level becomes a goal that is realistic.

2. You should increase your responsibilities

Generally, responsibility is given to managers for something and then the

managers delegate the various responsibilities to their staff. This is done so

that more time is available to them for concentrating on tasks of the higher

levels. The higher levels of tasks are the ones in which you wish to involve

yourself. For gaining access to them, firstly you need to demonstrate that

you have the capability of handling the additional responsibilities. Certain

ways of proving your capabilities are as follows –

 You need to finish your job thoroughly and with a minimum of

supervision. This consists of working in a well-organized way as a

team member and at the same time shows your individual


 In case you have certain questions to ask your boss, you need to be

prepared with the solutions also.

 Your skill set needs to be expanded. For this, you need to determine

what more you have to learn in order to add higher value and then

you should formulate a plan for acquiring those skills. You should

also determine the skills that will be required in the new position and

ensure that these are acquired by you.

 You need to keep yourself updated with the current happenings in

your field. This can be done by going through the industry press. You

should figure out the opportunities for continuing the process of

your education as well as learning.

 You should have the awareness of the business and economic

pressures that face your company.

 You need to make use of good judgment while conducting the

responsibilities that have been assigned to you. You should give a

thought to the cost versus benefits, carry out a review of the results

that are bottom-line and have knowledge regarding the impact of

your role on the organization as a whole.

Subsequently, you should look for opportunities for leading projects. This

will not only help you in practicing skills of leadership but will also assist

you in demonstrating your abilities for taking on new responsibilities. For

this purpose, you can try to –

 Volunteer and take projects that are new along with other

opportunities, learning as well as practice certain other skills. For

instance, you might offer to take up the responsibilities of a co-

worker when he or she might be on a vacation.

 Identify the opportunities for delegating your work. This will free your

time and will give you time to get a practice of supervising the work

of others.

 Offer and then take up the tasks that are either disliked by your boss

or he is weak in. this is a win-win situation as you will increase your

experience range and also make the work of your boss simpler.

3. Get Innovative
When preparing for a promotion you should always think about doing the
things in a better way. This is among the leaders defining characteristics.
How can something be done by you in a way that is faster, cheaper and
involves less wastage? The following can be considered for this –

 While reporting to your boss you need to demonstrate critical

thinking. Instead of accepting the things in the way that they are, you

should think about the ways of improving them. You need to find

innovative ways of doing things in a better way.

 You need to have an understanding of the bigger picture and then

incorporate that into the decisions that you take as well as in your


 You should find out the things that are not at all being done.

Innovation involves not only bringing improvements in the already

existing things but also adding something that has value.

 You should put your ideas forward even though you may not have

surety regarding the response. This will reflect your imagination and

also how much willing you are to take risks. You should be prepared

that several of your ideas might not be accepted.

If you are able to prove that you have an interest in improving the

performance of the organization and that you have the ability to come up
with few original ideas, it will be a good method of setting the stage for

promotion strategy marketing.

4. Set Goals for Promotion Techniques

You are the person who has to work in a proactive manner for

promotion techniques to take place. In case you are relying on somebody

else to make things happen for you, you will mostly end up being

disappointed. You can take actions with the steps mentioned below

 The career goals that you have within the organization have to be

identified by you.

 You should speak to the people holding crucial positions and the

authority levels that you are looking for. You should find out what

were the steps taken by them to reach the position that they are in.

The more learning you can gain from the experience of other people,

the better it will be for you.

 You should do an evaluation of your strengths and also set

goals for learning the skills that are needed by you to achieve


 Make a note of the people who can offer you competition internally.

They may be the other persons in the company on the lookout for
the same position that you want. In such a case you should put in

hard work for distinguishing yourself and making yourself stand out.

 Find a mentor in the organization. It is a great benefit to have a

person to whom you can talk to and who may be able to champion

your ideas.

 You have to set your goal and then make sure that you follow it.

In case you face obstacles, look for ways to handle them. Maintaining a

positive attitude will help you to go a long way in order to achieve your

goals and also get noticed for your capability to motivate as well as inspire.

5. Communicate Your Desire

Doing all the promotional activities given above will most likely result in

great appreciation but is not enough for guaranteeing promotion

techniques. You will have to let the people be aware of what exactly you are

looking for and then work in a proactive way for achieving it. The steps that

you can adopt for communicating your wishes are –

 Identification of a role or a position for which you wish to work.

 Finding out the experience as well as the skills that are required for

getting the job by use of your knowledge regarding the organization.

 Setting the performance objectives by working with your boss in

order to achieve the experience and skills that are essential.

 Networking with people within the organization and letting as many

persons as you consider appropriate to know regarding the type of

role that you find interesting. Seeking advice on the ways that can be

utilized in order to prepare for such a role.

 When the promotion strategy marketing becomes available, ask for it.

In case you are still not ready, then make use of the opportunity for

developing the skills that you will need.

When you execute your promotion plan, you should let the other people

who have an impact on your decision be aware of the things that you are

doing. You should be “your own best champion”. When preparing for a

promotion policy it is advisable not be shy and quiet. You have to let

several people know what you want and what your capabilities are.

You need to give these tips a thought. If you are busy with your work and

have been producing a higher number of widgets than any other person,

then why should you be promoted? It is clear that you are valuable to the

organization due to your efficiency. If you are promoted, then there might

be a sudden fall in the output of production. Keeping the focus on just

what you are expected to do might be a good promotion strategy

marketing for keeping your current job. However, moving beyond the

expectations and stretching yourself more than the expectations of your

present role can result in a new job that will have additional responsibilities.

However, you should not stop to be effective at things. You need to

remember that to prepare yourself for promotion strategy marketing, you

need to put up a good performance and meet the requirements of your

present job. The key lies in the identification of more ways for adding value

to the contributions that you are already making. By solving problems the

organizations move ahead so you need to discover ways that will increase

your involvement in the solutions and this will, in turn, take you forward.

It is partly under your control to earn a promotion strategy marketing. The

guarantee was an advancement in career is not just doing what you are

expected to do and being the best in doing that. In order to prepare

yourself for promotion, you need to enhance your value to the

organization. You have to be smart regarding the kind of value

opportunities created by you. You should also have an understanding

regarding the drivers of your organization’s success, expand your set of

skills, take on the right responsibilities more and also communicate your

goals with respect to promotion to others. Being proactive will help you in

the creation of the path for the position that you wish to achieve.

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