Laser Induced-Thermal Lens Spectrometry After Cloud Point Extraction For The Determination of Trace Amounts of Rhodium

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Talanta 73 (2007) 662–667

Laser induced-thermal lens spectrometry after cloud point extraction

for the determination of trace amounts of rhodium
N. Shokoufi, F. Shemirani ∗
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University College of Science,
The University of Tehran, P.O. Box 14155-6455, Tehran, Iran
Received 1 January 2007; received in revised form 18 April 2007; accepted 19 April 2007
Available online 27 April 2007

A new combination method, employing thermal lens spectrometry (TLS) after cloud point extraction (CPE), has been developed for the
preconcentration and determination of rhodium. TLS and CPE methods have good matching conditions for the combination because TLS is a
suitable method for the analysis of low volume samples obtained after CPE.
Rhodium was complexed with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN) as a complexing agent in an aqueous medium and concentrated by octylphe-
noxypolyethoxyethanol (Triton X-114) as a surfactant. After the phase separation at 50 ◦ C based on the cloud point extraction of the mixture, the
surfactant-rich phase was dried and the remaining phase was dissolved using 20 ␮L of carbon tetrachloride. The obtained solution was introduced
into a quartz micro cell and the analyte was determined by laser induced-thermal lens spectrometry (LI-TLS). The single laser TLS was used as
a sensitive method for the determination of Rhodium-PAN complex in 20 ␮L of the sample. Under optimum conditions, the analytical curve was
linear for the concentration range of 0.5–50 ng mL−1 and the detection limit was 0.06 ng mL−1 . The enhancement factor of 450 was achieved for
10 mL samples containing the analyte and relative standard deviations were lower than 5%. The developed method was successfully applied to the
extraction and determination of rhodium in water samples.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thermal lens spectrometry; Cloud point extraction; Rhodium; Laser

1. Introduction substances, isolating them from the bulk aqueous solution [5,9].
The centrifugation and decantation of the aqueous phase can
The use of surfactants in analytical chemistry provides a lot of easily separate the two phases. The species that can interact
possibilities [1,2]. Separation and preconcentration based on the with micellar systems either directly or after being derivatized,
cloud point extraction emerges as an important practical tech- become concentrated in a small volume of the surfactant-rich
nique. Aqueous solutions of most non-ionic surfactants possess phase which can subsequently be analyzed using analytical
the ability to decrease their solubility rapidly and become tur- systems such as AAS, ETAAS, ICP, GC, HPLC, CE and spec-
bid when they are heated above a temperature called the cloud trophotometry [10–16].
point temperature (tc ) [3,4]. For higher temperatures (above tc ) Spectrophotometric methods are the most commonly used
two distinct phases are formed; one consisting of almost the techniques and continue to enjoy wide popularity. The common
entire surfactant and the other containing a small portion equal availability of the instrumentation, the simplicity of the proce-
to the critical micellar concentration (cmc) [5,6]. The mech- dures, speed, precision and accuracy of the technique still make
anism of this separation is attributed to the rapid increase in spectrophotometric methods attractive. The spectrophotometric
the aggregation number of the surfactant’s micelles due to an analysis has been used for cloud point extraction of trace metal
increase in the temperature [7,8]. During their formation, the ions such as Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni [17,18], U [19,20], Er [21], Gd [22],
surfactant micelles have proved to entrap several hydrophobic Al [23] and Co [24].
Thermal lens spectrometry as an indirect spectrophotome-
try has many advantages over direct spectrophotometry such
∗ Corresponding author. as high sensitivity, low volume analysis and organic solvent
E-mail address: (F. Shemirani). enhancement effect. The thermal lens effect has been success-

0039-9140/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Shokoufi, F. Shemirani / Talanta 73 (2007) 662–667 663

fully applied to the spectrometric measurement of trace amounts

of analytes [25–28]. The absorption of the laser beam with Gaus-
sian profile by the analyte produces temperature gradient in
sample. This temperature gradient leads to the refractive index
gradient that corresponds to the formation of thermal lens in
solution. The strength of the lens is determined by its effect on
the divergence of the same laser beam [26] or on the divergence
of a second laser beam [28]. A steady-state condition is obtained
when the rate of laser heating equals the rate of heat loss due to Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of single-laser thermal lens spectrometer: L, lens;
the thermal conductivity of the solvent and the finite temperature C, chopper; S, sample microcell; M1 and M2, mirror; F, filter; P, pinhole; PD,
rise. The build-up of the lens can take place on time scales from photodetector; Op-Amp, operational amplifier; ADC, analog digital converter;
PC, personal computer.
tens of microseconds to hundreds of milliseconds, depending
on the thermo-optical properties of the solvent and the radius of
the laser beam through the sample [25,29]. Thermal lens takes was focused by an 18 cm focal length lens and passed through the
time to develop into its full strength of thermal effect in solu- cylindrical microcell located at the confocal distance. The laser
tion (steady-state) [30], afterwards the thermal lens effect needs beam was allowed to irradiate the sample and blocked using a
some time to relax in the solution [31]. The maximum signal is chopper with an electronic controller. After filtration, the beam
obtained when the steady-state condition is applied. intensity change was measured through 1 mm pinhole with a
The lack of tunability of the laser source precludes the mea- photo-detector that was located at a 2 m distance from the sample
surement of spectra, therefore the selectivity of a method must cell. The output signal from the photo-detector was amplified
be provided by chemical means, e.g., chromogenic reaction or by an operation amplifier and it was digitized by the analog
separation technique, while the thermal lens apparatus acts as a to digital converter (ADC). The digital signals were processed
sensitive, quantitative system. in personal computer by laboratory developed software in the
The aim of this research is to combine thermal lens spec- Delphi 7 program environment.
trometry, as a high sensitive method, with cloud point extraction
for determination of rhodium. This combination is favorable 2.2. Thermal lens signal calculation
because TLS is a suitable determination method for low volume
of the remained phase obtained after CPE and for organic sol- Under CW-laser excitation, the intensity measured at the
vents used to dissolve the remaining analyte phase. Furthermore, beam center, I(t), will initially (t = 0) reflect only the Beer’s law
we would like to use low power laser, discrete wavelength and response of the sample. After sufficient time, when a steady state
continues-wave lasers because lasers of this type are inexpensive temperature difference is reached, the intensity at the detector,
and accessible. In this work, we used thermal lens spectrometry I(∞), will depend on the optical arrangement of the system. An
after cloud point extraction in order to determine rhodium for optimum configuration which minimizes I(∞) is obtained when
the first time. the sample is placed one confocal length beyond the beam waist
Rhodium is present at about 0.001 ␮g mL−1 in the crust of formed by a long focal length lens. In this configuration, using
the earth. Rhodium metal is known for its stability in corro- a TEM00 laser beam to probe a sample whose length, L, is suffi-
sive environments, physical beauty and unique physical and ciently small (L  2πw20 n/λ, where w0 is the beam waist, n the
chemical properties. Recent interest in the medical and indus- refractive index, and λ is the laser wavelength), the following
trial significance of rhodium has been accompanied by an expression governs the initial and final intensities.
increasing interest in determination at low levels. The determi-
nation of rhodium has been studied in different techniques and I(0) − I(∞) 2.303(dn/dT )
TLsignal = =− PA (1)
samples [32,33]. Spectrophotometric determination of rhodium I(∞) λk
with PAN in organic solvent was previously reported [34].
Rhodium(III) reacts with PAN as a ML2 water–insoluble com- E=− P (2)
plex. λk
In the present work, we report on the results obtained for where P is the power of laser, dn/dT the change in solvent refrac-
the preconcentration and determination of rhodium by CPE/LI- tive index with temperature, λ the laser wavelength, k the thermal
TLS. The proposed method was applied to the determination of conductivity, E the enhancement of this effect relative to Beer’s
rhodium in water samples. law behavior and A is the absorbance of the sample. This expres-
sion assumes that all of the absorbed light is converted into heat
2. Experimental [24].
The intensity of laser beam passing through the microcell was
2.1. Thermal lens spectrometer setup measured during the thermal lens effect at initial time (I(0)), and
steady state time (I(∞)). Then thermal lens signal (TLsignal )
A single laser thermal lens spectrometer was designed and was calculated by Eq. (1). For each sample, the signal was
developed in our laboratory (Fig. 1). The He–Ne laser (632.8 nm, derived from the average of three recordings of the thermal lens
5 mW, TEM00 ) was used as pump/probe source. The laser beam signals.
664 N. Shokoufi, F. Shemirani / Talanta 73 (2007) 662–667

2.3. Reagents and solutions is a well-matched range to the wavelength of the He–Ne laser at
632.8 nm.
All chemicals used were of analytical reagent grade. The
non-ionic surfactant TritonX-114 was obtained from Sigma (NJ, 3.2. Time of steady-state thermal lens
USA). Stock standard solution of rhodium at a concentration of
1000 ␮g mL−1 was prepared from RhCl3 ·4H2 O (PROLABO, The steady-state thermal lens effect is due to the formation of
Paris, France). Working standard solutions were obtained by the temperature dependent refractive index gradient. In order to
appropriate dilution of the stock standard solution. A solution of optimize the required time for the steady-state thermal lens effect
5.0 × 10−4 mol L−1 PAN was prepared in pure ethanol (Merck, the laser beam path to the sample was continuously blocked
Darmstadt, Germany). The materials and vessels used for the and opened by a chopper at different frequencies. The intensity
trace analysis were kept in 10% nitric acid for at least 24 h and of detector output over time was evaluated for 10 ng mL−1 of
subsequently washed four times with doubly distilled water. rhodium–PAN complex after CPE at 632.8 nm laser wavelength.
It was found that the frequency of 0.5 Hz (time of 2 s) is suitable
2.4. Apparatus for the steady-state condition which is favorable to build up and
decay the thermal lens effect.
Thermostatic bath (Fision-Germany, model HAKKE-N3)
maintained at the desired temperature was used for cloud point 3.3. Time of heating and its effect on complex formation
extraction experiments, and phase separation was performed
using a centrifuge (DAMON/IEC division, USA). Atomic The formation of rhodium–PAN complex is very slow at the
absorption spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer, model 1100B) equipped room temperature, so the color formation is very slow. The
with the electro thermal system was used for the determina- color begins to form about 2 min after the solution is heated
tion of rhodium. A 20 ␮L quartz Suprasil cylindrical microcell in a boiling water bath. To determine the optimum time of the
with 10 mm light path was used as a determination cell (Hellma, color formation, samples containing 30 ng mL−1 rhodium and
GmbH). 7.5 × 10−6 mol L−1 PAN were prepared and placed in a boil-
ing water bath for varying lengths of time. Then the samples
2.5. Procedures were cooled in tap water and cloud point extraction procedure
was carried out by addition of 0.7 mL of Triton X-114 1% (w/v)
For the rhodium–PAN complex formation, an aliquot of to each sample. The surfactant rich phase was separated after
10 mL solution containing rhodium and 7.5 × 10−6 mol L−1 CPE and dissolved in carbon tetrachloride, and then its thermal
PAN was adjusted to pH 4.0 and was kept for 30 min in the boil- lens signal was measured afterwards. The negligible increase
ing water batch. Afterward for cloud point extraction, 0.7 mL in TLsignal on the heating of samples longer than 30 min does
Triton X-114 (1.0%, w/v) was added to the solution and it was not merit the increased time for analysis, thus a heating time of
kept for 10 min in the thermostatic bath at 50 ◦ C. Since the sur- 30 min is recommended.
factant density is higher than water, the surfactant-rich phase
typically settles through the aqueous phase. The separation of the 3.4. Effect of pH
phase was accelerated by centrifuging at 2500 rpm for 10 min.
On the cooling stage in an ice-bath, the surfactant-rich phase The thermal lens signal of rhodium after CPE as a function
became viscous. Then, the aqueous phase was separated by sim- of the pH was performed using hydrochloric acid and potassium
ple decantation. Later, surfactant rich phase was heated in oven hydroxide at the pH range of 1–7. Separation of metal ions by the
at 100 ◦ C to remove the remaining water. Twenty microliters of cloud point method involves prior formation of a complex with
carbon tetrachloride were added to the remaining phase and then sufficient hydrophobicity to be extracted into the small volume
the sample was introduced into the 20 ␮L micro cell located at of surfactant-rich phase. Extraction yield depends on the pH at
the thermal lens spectrometer. Thermal lens spectrometer was which complex formation is carried out. The Effect of pH on the
set at wavelength of 632.8 nm and chopper frequency of 0.5 Hz. thermal lens signal of rhodium–PAN complex was evaluated for
The intensity of the detector over time was obtained during ther- 10 mL of 10 ng mL−1 rhodium at 0.07% (w/v) Triton X-114 and
mal lens effect for each sample and then the thermal lens signal 7.5 × 10−6 mol L−1 PAN conditions. The results showed that the
was calculated by Eq. (1). signal increases with the increase of pH up to 3; thereafter, the
signal is almost constant up to pH 5. Hence pH 4 was chosen.
3. Results and discussion
3.5. Effect of PAN concentration
3.1. Selection of wavelength
The thermal lens signal of rhodium as a function of the
The absorption spectrum of rhodium–PAN complex was complexing agent concentration was evaluated. The variation
studied in the remaining phase after dissolving with carbon tetra- of the thermal lens signal over the PAN concentration was
chloride. This complex exhibits absorption in the wavelength evaluated in the range of 1 × 10−6 to 25 × 10−6 mol L−1 for
range of 600–660 nm in the surfactant rich phase while Triton 10 mL aliquots of solutions containing 30 ng mL−1 rhodium
X-114 and PAN do not have any absorption at this range. This and 0.07% (w/v) Triton-X114 at pH of 4. The TLsignal
N. Shokoufi, F. Shemirani / Talanta 73 (2007) 662–667 665

increased as the concentration of PAN increased from 1 × 10−6 is higher than those of polar organic solvents and water. There-
to 5 × 10−6 mol L−1 and reached the highest in the range fore, it may be advantageous to use organic solvents to improve
of 5 × 10−6 to 10 × 10−6 mol L−1 , then decreased after the sensitivity of TLS method after CPE. For this reason, the
10 × 10−6 mol L−1 of the PAN concentration. Therefore, a PAN remaining phase after cloud point extraction was dissolved in
concentration of 7.5 × 10−6 mol L−1 was employed for the other 20 ␮L of organic solvent. Suitable solvents must dissolve com-
experiments. plex or complexes, excess of ligand, surfactant and also they
should have good thermo-optical properties.
3.6. Effect of Triton X-114 concentration The effect of organic solvents such as carbon tetrachloride,
chloroform, THF, cyclohexane and DMSO were investigated on
A successful cloud point extraction would be that which max- the thermal lens signal after cloud point extraction for 10 mL
imizes the extraction recovery through minimizing the phase of 30 ng mL−1 rhodium at 7.5 × 10−6 mol L−1 PAN, 0.07%
volume ratio. We evaluated the effect of the surfactant con- (w/v) Triton X-114 and pH 4.0 condition. The results show
centration in the range of 0.01–0.2% (w/v) Triton X-114 on that a good correlation exists between the thermal lens signal
the thermal lens signal for 10 mL of 30 ng mL−1 rhodium at obtained for rhodium in various solvents and the calculated
7.5 × 10−6 mol L−1 PAN and pH 4.0 conditions. It is found that E parameter. Since the thermal lens signal is the highest in
the thermal lens signal is approximately constant and high in the the carbon tetrachloride media, it was chosen as a suitable
range of 0.04–0.10% (w/v), so an amount of 0.07% (w/v) Tri- solvent.
ton X-114 was chosen for subsequent experiments. The signal
decreases with the increase of the Triton X-114 concentration 3.9. Figure of merits
(over 0.1% (w/v)) due to an increase in the volume and the
viscosity of the remaining phase. Calibration graph was obtained by preconcentrating 10 mL of
samples in the presence of 7.5 × 10−6 mol L−1 PAN and 0.07%
3.7. Effect of equilibration temperature and time (w/v) Triton X-114 at the pH of 4.0. The remained phases
of the samples after CPE were analyzed by the thermal lens
It is suitable to choose the shortest equilibration time and the spectrometer after dissolving with carbon tetrachloride. Under
lowest possible equilibration temperature which ensures com- optimum conditions, the calibration curve was linear from 0.5
pletion of phase separation in the cloud point extraction. An to 50 ng mL−1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.9968 (R2 ). The
excellent thermal lens signal was obtained for the equilibration linear calibration curve was obtained with an intercept and slope
temperature from 40 to 80 ◦ C. Therefore, temperature of 60 ◦ C of 0.036 and 0.232, respectively. The limit of detection (LOD)
was used in subsequent experiments. The dependence of ther- was calculated as the ratio of three times of the blank stan-
mal lens signal upon incubation time was studied in the range dard deviation over the slope of the calibration curve. The value
of 5–15 min and the optimum time of 10 min was chosen as a of 0.06 ng mL−1 was obtained for LOD. The relative standard
suitable time. deviations were lower than 5% for five samples subjected to
the complete procedure. The enhancement factor, as the ratio
3.8. Effect of organic solvent of slope of preconcentrated samples to that obtained without
preconcentration, was 450.
A general trend in Eq. (1) shows the enhancement of thermal Table 2 compares the proposed method with those was
lens signal is obtained for the smaller thermal conductivity (k) reported previously for the determination of rhodium after pre-
and the larger absolute amount of temperature dependent refrac- concentration procedure. It shows that the proposed method
tive index (dn/dT). The order of magnitude of E predicts that the has a low detection limit compared with previous studies and
organic solvent will produce enhancement for TLS relative to it allows the determination of ng mL−1 levels of rhodium. Also,
Beer’s law. As it is shown in Table 1, organic solvents have better TLS requires low volume of the remained phase after CPE
thermo-optical properties than the water medium at thermal lens (20 ␮L) for determination of analyte in comparison with the
spectrometry [26,35–37]. We have calculated E parameter for other similar determination methods such as FAAS, Spectropho-
organic solvents and water at 632.8 nm and 5 mW (Table 1). The tometry or ICP-AES that they require about 500–5000 ␮L of the
results show that the E parameter for non-polar organic solvent remained phase after preconcentration methods, So the remained

Table 1
Thermo-optical properties and amounts of enhancement parameter for several solvents
Solvent dn/dT (K−1 ) k (Wm−1 K−1 ) Ea

Carbon tetrachloride −6.12 × 10−4 0.103 46.948

Chloroform −6.03 × 10−4 0.117 40.722
THF – 0.126 –
Cyclohexane −5.56 × 10−4 0.123 35.716
DMSO – 0.199 –
Water −0.91 × 10−4 0.598 1.202
a Calculated at 632.8 nm and 5 mW of laser.
666 N. Shokoufi, F. Shemirani / Talanta 73 (2007) 662–667

Table 2
Comparison of preconcentration-determination methods for rhodium reported in the literature with the proposed method

Determination Preconcentration Sample volume Solvent volume Enhancement LDRa LODb Reference
technique method (mL) (␮L) factor (ng mL−1 ) (ng mL−1 )

FIA-FAAS SPE 50 – – – 8 [38]

ETAAS IEMc 2.4 40 20 0.9–50 0.3 [39]
FAAS CPE 100 300 50 0.16–1.5 0.052 [40]
Spectrophotometry SLSd 250 5000 40 30–2500 14.4 [41]
Spectrophotometry LLE – – – 440–4400 – [42]
LI-TLS CPE 10 20 450 0.5–50 0.06 Present work
a Linear dynamic range.
b Limit of detection.
c Ion exchange microcolumn.
d Solid liquid separation.

phase was dissolved by low volume of solvent in the proposed 3.11. Analysis of water samples
The proposed method has a high enhancement factor in com- In order to test the applicability and reliability of the pro-
pare to the other similar methods because of high volume ratio posed method, tap water, drinking water, dispenser water and
(sample volume to the remained phase volume after CPE). seawater samples were analyzed. For this purpose, 10 mL of
each sample was preconcentrated with 7.5 × 10−6 mol L−1 PAN
3.10. Interferences and 0.07% (w/v) Triton X-114 in accordance to the proposed
method. For the calibration, the working standard solutions
Considering the selectivity provided by the cloud point (0.5–50 ng mL−1 ) were subjected to the same preconcentration
extraction and thermal lens spectrometry, many anions and procedure as used for the sample solutions. The results are shown
cations were evaluated. An ion was considered to interfere when in Table 3. In all cases the spike recoveries confirmed the reliabil-
its presence produced a variation of 5% in thermal lens signal of ity of the proposed method. Also, we applied standard addition
sample. The effect of foreign ions on the preconcentration and method for the determination of rhodium in 20 ng mL−1 spiked
determination of rhodium was investigated. Among the tested real samples mentioned in Table 3. The results showed that the
ions; Sb5+ , Sb3+ , Pb2+ , Mn2+ , Ca2+ , Mg2+ , Na+ , K+ , F− , Cl− , obtained concentrations were in the range of 19.4–20.5 ng mL−1
Br− , NO3 − , SO4 2− did not show any interference at a concentra- that good recoveries (97–102.5%) were achieved for analyzed
tion of 500 times higher than rhodium concentration, however samples.
Fe3+ , Cu2+ and Ni2+ showed interferences at a concentration We carried out determination of rhodium by ETAAS after
of 20 times higher than rhodium concentration and Co2+ , Pd2+ CPE for samples detailed in Table 3. The results confirm the
showed interference at the same concentration of rhodium. accuracy of CPE/TLS method for rhodium preconcentration and

Table 3
Determination of rhodium in the real and spiked samples after CPE
Sample Spiked (ng mL−1 ) TLS ETAAS

Found (ng mL−1 )a Recovery (%) Found (ng mL−1 )a Recovery (%)

Tap waterb – N.D – N.D –

15.0 15.3 ± 0.31 102.0 14.9 ± 0.25 99.3
30.0 30.9 ± 0.40 103.0 30.4 ± 0.25 101.3
Drinking waterb – N.D – N.D –
20.0 19.8 ± 0.43 99.0 20.4 ± 0.25 102.0
40.0 40.1 ± 0.39 100.2 40.2 ± 0.25 100.5
Dispenser waterb – N.D – N.D –
20.0 19.9 ± 0.39 99.5 20.6 ± 0.25 103.0
40.0 39.9 ± 0.44 99.7 39.3 ± 0.25 98.2
Sea waterb – N.D – N.D –
15.0 15.2 ± 0.25 101.3 14.6 ± 0.25 97.3
30.0 30.1 ± 0.30 100.3 30.3 ± 0.25 101.0
Synthetic samplec 20.0 19.9 ± 0.30 99.5 20.5 ± 0.25 102.5
40.0 39.7 ± 0.23 99.2 39.3 ± 0.25 98.2
a Mean ± S.D. (n = 3).
b The concentration of Cu2+ , Fe3+ , Ni2+ were lower than 100 ng mL−1 and Co2+ , Pd2+ were not detected.
c Sb3+ , Pb2+ , Mn2+ , Ca2+ and Mg2+ 2000 ng mL−1 of each cation; Na+ and K+ 10,000 ng mL−1 of each.
N. Shokoufi, F. Shemirani / Talanta 73 (2007) 662–667 667

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