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Chick-fil-A Mall Road Breading Training Guide

Make is Safe. Make it Fast. Make it Right. Page 1

Standards Notes
1. Monitor refill queue to determine when Strips need to be cooked. If the Strip Kanban is
in the queue, review the Breading Table iPad for the correct batch size. Within 2 1. The amount on the iPad represents recommended quantities. Based on the
minutes of the Kanban coming back, the chicken should be in the fryer.
pace of the business, this might need to be modified.

2. Retrieve the correct portion of Strips, and place into the perforated pan over the milk 2. Do not leave the Strips in the milk wash as this will wash off some of the
marinade. Do not bread more than one bag of Strips at a time.

3. Lower the perforated pan into the milk wash. Use your fingers to separate the Strips to 3. Most of the milk wash should drain during this process.

ensure adequate milk was coverage. Raise the perforated pan out of the milk wash 4. The goal is to minimize the amount of milk wash that is transferred into the
then separate the Strips with your fingers to ensure milk wash completely drains out of seasoned coater so that it does not get clumpy.

the pan.
5. Removing excess coater ensures that we minimize the amount of excess that
Strips 4. Transfer the Strips by hand to the seasoned coater then “toss” the Strips in the gets into the pressure fryer. Excess coater in the pressure fryer accelerates
seasoned coater to ensure 100% coater coverage.
the need to quick clean it more often and, potentially, change the oil more
5. Transfer up to six cups of the coated Strips to the wire basket, then, while holding the often. Do not exceed six cups in the wire basket as more than six cups
wire basket over the seasoned coater, shake the wire basket so that excess coater falls reduces the effectiveness of the shaking.

into the pan of seasoned coater.

6. The strips should be loaded no more than 11 per shelf and 44 per drop. They
6. After being adequately sifted, dump the strips into the transfer pan. Take the transfer can also be placed in any of the chicken fryers.

pan to the pressure fryer with a tiered basked and load the Strips onto the shelves in 7. The non-raw Team Member must respond. Continue to call them using their
the tiered basket.
name until they respond. This officially passes the responsibility to them.

7. Communicate to a non-raw Team Member that Strips are ready to be cooked. Return
the transfer pan and the wire basket to their appropriate spots.
1. Monitor refill queue to determine when Spicy Filets need to be cooked. If the Filet 1. The amount on the iPad represents recommended quantities. Based on the
Kanban is in the queue, review the Breading Table iPad for the correct batch size. pace of the business, this might need to be modified.

Within 2 minutes of the Kanban coming back, the chicken should be in the fryer.
2. Improperly fileted Spicy Filets will cook smaller and give the appearance of
2. Ensure that the Spicy Filets are fileted properly, include full separation of the top, thick being underportioned.

ligament and all of the small ligaments down the spine.

3. Do not leave them in the milk wash so that the seasoning is not washed off.

3. Count out the number of Spicy Filets you desire to cook as you go.
4. Always shake the Filet after submerging it to minimize excess clumps in the
4. Use one hand to fully submerge the Filet into the milk wash, immediately remove it, coater.

and shake it gently to remove excess milk wash. Place it into the coater.
5. The pressure ensures that the coater adequately covers and sticks to the Filet.
5. Scoop some coater onto the Spicy Filet and press the Spicy Filet firmly in the coater Shaking it is important to ensure that excess coater does not end up in the
using your upper body weight and lifting your heels off the ground for additional pressure fryer, causing more frequent cleaning and more frequent changing of
Spicy Filets pressure. Flip the Spicy Filet and repeat for the other side. Lift the Filet out of the the oil. Do not punch the Spicy Filets. This will cause uneven breading and
coater and gently shake it to remove excess coater. Place it in the transfer pan smooth potentially break the Filet.

side up for proper loading.

6. Spicy Filets should only be cooked in the Spicy fryer to avoid flavor transfer.

6. Rub your hands together over the appropriate coater pan to remove excess coater 7. The rough side down keeps the Spicy Filet from curling up, forming a pocket,
from your gloves. Then, take the transfer pan to the appropriate pressure fryer with a and retaining excess oil. When loading Spicy Filets, ensure they are not
tiered basket.
touching or hanging off the edge of the shelf. If it is a smaller batch of Spicy
7. Load the Spicy Filets into the tiered basket, rough side down, and no more than six Filets, place them towards the top of the tiered basket to ensure proper
Spicy Filets per shelf.

8. Take the transfer pan back to the breading table and communicate to a non-raw Team 8. The non-raw Team Member must respond. Continue to call them using their
Member that Spicy Filets are ready to be cooked. name until they respond. This officially passes the responsibility to them.
1. The amount on the iPad represents recommended quantities. Based on the
1. Monitor refill queue to determine when grilled product need to be cooked. If the pace of the business, this might need to be modified.

Kanban is in the queue, review the Breading Table iPad for the correct batch size. 2. This includes opening the grill and rolling butter onto the grill so that the
Within 2 minutes of the Kanban coming back, the chicken should be on the grill.
chicken does not stick.

2. Request that a non-raw Team Member prepare the appropriate grill for cooking.
3. This helps prevent gluten contact with grilled product.

3. Change your gloves when cooking grilled products.

4. Grilled Filets and Grilled Nuggets require a marinade. It is a one to one, bag to
Grilled Nuggets 4. Retrieve the appropriate product from the breading table cabinet, whether Grilled Filets pouch, ratio.

and or Grilled Nuggets.

5. Do not cook more than 10 Grilled Spicy Filets per cycle. They should be
5. For Grilled Filets, place them on the grill with the smooth side facing down and the tips placed in two rows of five. Work from front to back when placing the fillets on
Grilled Filets facing the outer edges of the grill.
the grill.

6. For Grilled Nuggets, place them on the grill completely separated with a maximum total 6. Ensure that the Nuggets are not touching each other or the outer edges of the
of 50 Nuggets per cycle.
grill. Also, ensure each nugget is touching at least two bars on the rack so
7. Communicate to a non-raw Team Member that Grilled products are ready to be that they don’t fall through when transferring to the Kanban.

cooked. Return the pan to its appropriate spot. 7. The non-raw Team Member must respond. Continue to call them using their
name until they respond. This officially passes the responsibility to them.
Chick-fil-A Mall Road Breading Training Guide
Make is Safe. Make it Fast. Make it Right. Page 2

Standards Notes
1. Clear out the bottom three shelves of chicken and set them aside.
1. They can be set aside onto something, but it will need to be cleaned
2. Take out the large metal tray that sits on the bottom of the thaw cabinets and place later.

them in the mop sink or get the dishes person to clean them.
2. There is one per half of a thaw cabinet.

3. Take the hose on the hottest water possible and spray the inside of the thaw cabinet 3. This should be sprayed so that most of the solid chicken juice or bits
that was just emptied.
are loosened and be taken out.

Cleaning a 4. Grab the hand-held squeegee and get as much water out of the thaw cabinet as 4. Make sure to stand back as much as possible so that the chicken
juices and bits do not land onto any part of the uniform.

Thaw Cabinet 5. Begin to fill up an empty pickle bucket with hot floor cleaner.
5. While this is happening, spray off the large metal trays from earlier to
6. Pour the floor cleaner into the bottom of the thaw cabinet and then hose the insides loosen up the stuck on chicken and clean them.

as well to ensure the bottom is as clean as possible.

6. Be careful handling the hot floor cleaner so that you are not burnt.

7. Finally squeegee the soapy water out as much as possible and clean the floor of the 7. Use a squeegee and mop if necessary.

mess generated from the thaw cabinet.

8. Make sure that the chicken is placed in the correct order again so
8. Place the clean metal trays and chicken back into the thaw cabinets. that the chicken isn’t pulled incorrectly.
1. Make sure to combine any product from the table being cleaned to the next one
before discarding any unusable product.

2. Scrape as much debris out of the dishes as possible.

1. This limits unnecessary waste.

3. Turn the upper holding rail area of the breading table off and remove the remaining 2. By doing this, the cleaning process for the dishes becomes much
milk wash and coater and as much ice as possible into the trash.
easier since the stuck on breading product will have either been
4. After ensuring the drain for the table is closed, pour warm water into the upper rail to removed or at least loosened.

continue to clean and melt any ice buildup. A green scrub can be used with the warm 3. Use the large yellow breading paddle to complete this task.

water to clean the upper holding. Drain this once the ice is completely gone and all 4. Use an empty pickle bucket if possible, but otherwise, the dish must
other bits are cleaned off.
be considered a chicken dish until it is completely cleaned. Make
Cleaning the 5. Grab a fresh rag and a full bottle of multi-surface and wipe the whole upper rail area sure to place the container below the drain to catch all of the water
Breading Table including the underside of the lid and the whole exterior using a scraper if necessary.
and then dump it into the mop sink.

6. Take back any wire shelving inside the table and clean this area with a rag and multi- 5. No Notes.

6. If there is nowhere to place product that is stored inside the table,
7. Sanitize the whole table with a full bottle of sanitizer by spraying the whole table and leave it on the uppermost shelf to clean the bottom of the fridge
pour the rest of the sanitizer down the drain swirling the bottle to ensure the whole switching them out when possible. All shelving must be cleaned.

drain is sanitized and clean.

7. Leave the table opened and leave the sanitizer alone to air-dry.

8. Finish by taking out the filter in the area just below the drain and take out the 8. It must be washed, rinsed, sanitized, dried and reinstalled.

condenser filter to be cleaned and then dried.

9. Wipe both the inside and outside of that door.
9. While the filter is being cleaned, use a sanitized towel to wipe the door that led to the
Chick-fil-A Mall Road Breading Training Guide
Make is Safe. Make it Fast. Make it Right. Page 3

Standards Notes
1. Coater should be reworked after the equivalent of 1 bag of chicken
1. Coater should be reworked after the equivalent of 1 bag of chicken breaded. breaded. Reworking involves rubbing your hands together in the
Reworking involves rubbing your hands together in the coater to break up large coater to break up large clumps of coater. New coater can be added
clumps of coater. New coater can be added after coater is reworked.
after coater is reworked.

2. Coater should be sifted after the equivalent of 2 bags of chicken breaded.

2. Coater should be sifted after the equivalent of 2 bags of chicken
3. Grab the coater sifter and place it on top of the coater pan.

4. Fill the sifter half full with coater. It is only half filled to prevent coater from flying 3. Grab the coater sifter and place it on top of the coater pan.

Sifting Coater into other parts of the breading table while sifting.
4. Fill the sifter half full with coater. It is only half filled to prevent coater
5. Shake the sifter back and forth to sift the coater.
from flying into other parts of the breading table while sifting.

6. Dump the crumbs into the trash and repeat with more coater until the coater has 5. Shake the sifter back and forth to sift the coater.

a sandy texture.
6. Dump the crumbs into the trash and repeat with more coater until the
7. Dump remaining crumbs into the trash and return the sifter to its place.
coater has a sandy texture.

8. Add new coater to the now sifted coater 7. Dump remaining crumbs into the trash and return the sifter to its place.

8. Add new coater to the now sifted coater

1. No notes.

1. Amounts of chicken needing to be thawed should be predetermined by BOH

2. Lunch Filets are blue, Nuggets are pink, Strips are green, Breakfast
Leadership. Please see the shelf allocation chart on each door to determine
Filets are yellow, Grilled Filets are tan, Spicy Filets are purple, and
which chicken goes in which doors and on which shelves.

Grilled Nuggets are gray. Nuggets, Breakfast Filets, and Lunch Filets
2. All chicken is color coded. Do not shift colors around, mix and match colors, and
should be thawed above everything else as they have minimal juice
pay attention to the placement of the chicken to avoid juice drippage and flavor
drippage and mild flavor transfer. Strips should be thawed below

those, Grilled Filets and Grilled Nuggets should be thawed below all of
3. Thawing rotation, including the movement of the “Use First” marker, goes from
those above, and then Spicy Filets should be thawed at the bottom.

Pulling Chicken top to bottom. Pay attention to chicken that thaws in multiple doors to ensure the
3. If you reach the bottom of one door, check the other door and place the
clip gets rotated appropriately.

clip at the top of the alternate door.

4. While pulling chicken, each tray must have a label designating when the item was
4. Every set of chicken must have a food label. Always label food
pulled to ensure that the chicken is fresh and safe for use.


5. Bags of frozen chicken fit two to a tray, and three trays to a shelf, or one case per
5. Ensure the bags are as flat as possible so that air can circulate

completely around the bag/tray.

6. Compact/throw away all empty boxes and trash when finished.

6. This keeps the area safe and clean for further usage.

7. Place all used dishes either in the mop sink or under the 3 compartment sink.
7. Raw chicken dishes are kept separate from non-raw dishes.
1. This prevents flavor transfer from one to the other.

1. Do not use the same yellow gloves for different chicken.

2. Filleting the chicken ensures that the chicken remains flat and ensures
2. All Filets should be filleted properly before use.
adequate portion size and bun coverage.

3. When filleting, examine the chicken for hanging pieces of fat, bone, hard pieces of 3. This ensures adequate safety, appearance, and quality.

cartilage, and blood spots. Trim all of these items with yellow scissors.
4. This is absolutely critical. The large ligament at the top is most
4. Using your thumbs, break the large ligament at the top of the rough side where important. Break the ligament without tearing the filet.

the two sides of the filet (the larger and smaller) meet.
5. The spine can be detected on the shiny side. It is the white line running
Fileting 5. Use the ball of your hand with your fingers and massage the tendons apart on the the length of the filet, most visible on the smooth side.

Chicken bottom part of the filet. If you use your thumb down the middle, the Filets rip or 6. No notes.

get over Filleted so when the breader pushes on them they will rip. 
7. This makes it easier to bread and ensures that the dull side faces down
6. Roll and stretch the filet open with both hands.
during the loading process into the tiered basket.

7. Stack them smooth side up in a 4” deep pan.

8. Do not use the bag in which the raw chicken came. Always label food
8. When finished, cover with fresh food film and a dated sticker.

9. Place either in the breading table or in the holding cabinet.

9. No notes.

10. Clean and sanitize the area when you are finished. 10. This prepares the area for use again.

Chick-fil-A Mall Road Breading Training Guide

Make is Safe. Make it Fast. Make it Right. Page 4

Standards Notes
1. Wash your hands when you arrive, at least once per hour, when changing tasks, after 1. Handwashing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of illness. Make
touching your phone, in the restroom after using the restroom and again after returning sure you use the proper procedure as outlined on the sidekick training aid near the
from the restroom.

2. Do not come to work or remain at work if you experience the following symptoms: 2. If you call off or need to leave, ensure it is because of one of these reasons. You
fever/sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice (yellowing of the skin/eyes), or lesions must inform a leader of the reason so that it can be appropriately documented.

with pus.
3. This reduces/eliminates cross-contamination of bacteria that may be on personal
3. Store personal items or beverages in their appropriate, marked space.
items getting into food items. All beverages must be in a cup with a lid and a straw.

4. Do not touch your hair or face when working. If so, wash your hands after.
4. This is to prevent cross-contamination.

5. If you cough or sneeze, do so into the crook of your elbow.

5. This is to prevent the spread of germs.

6. Do not chew gum while working.

6. This is unprofessional and could pose as a food safety risk in the event that spittles
7. Do not cook any chicken that is frozen.
fly out of your mouth or your gum falls out.

8. Do not place the bag in which the chicken comes in the upper rail of the breading 7. To be safe, the chicken must reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees for 15
seconds. If the chicken is frozen, it is likely that this will not happen.

9. The breading Team Member should always wear yellow gloves and a yellow apron and 8. This helps prevent cross-contamination from contaminants that might be on the bag.

should NEVER touch a surface that a non-raw Team Member could potentially touch.
9. This helps prevent cross-contamination of raw products and RTE products.

Food Safety 10. The milk wash wire basket should always be stored in the milk wash when not in use.
10. This keeps the wire basket at 40 degrees or below and out of the Temperature
11. The Nugget measuring cup should be stored in the raw Nugget pan with the handle Danger Zone (TDZ).

facing up.
11. This keeps the cup at 40 degrees or below and out of the Temperature Danger Zone
12. The lid to the breading table should be closed when the table is not in use.

13. Pay attention for bones or thick cartilage in all chicken products and remove if 12. This helps keep the upper rail 40 degrees or below.

13. These items are physical contaminants and should not be served to Guests.

14. All hair must be contained in a hair restraint.

14. An official Chick-fil-A hat or a hairnet will suffice.

15. Yellow gloves and a yellow apron must always be worn when working with raw 15. This serves as a visual cue to everyone that you are allowed to touch RTE foods and
food contact surfaces.

16. Ensure that only 6” deep pans are used in the breading table.
16. This ensures maximum performance and temperature control with the upper rail.

17. Always leave at least 2” from the top of the raw chicken, coater, and milk wash to the 17. This ensures that the product in the pans is able to maintain a temperature of 40
top of the pan.
degrees or below.

18. Transfer pans and utensils should be cleaned every four hours throughout the day.
18. This ensures that bacteria does not grow to a harmful level as these times are kept in
19. Any aprons worn while handling raw products must stay in that area and cannot be the TDZ.

used in any other part of the kitchen. 19. This helps ensure food safety standards are met and prevents cross-contamination.

1. You must always be in full uniform at all times.

1. This includes belt, shirt (tucked in), Shoes for Crews, name tag, and pants.

2. Only official Chick-fil-A outerwear is allowed.

2. This includes sweaters, jackets, cardigans, etc.

3. All hair must be pulled back and out of the face.

3. This is to minimize hair falling into food.

Appearance 4. Only studded earrings are allowed.

4. No hoops or dangling earrings are allowed for food and Team Member safety.

5. All headgear must be official Chick-fil-A gear, or it must be red, black, or white.
5. This includes hats and headbands/headwraps.

6. Nails must not have any polish or paint, and they must not extend beyond the tips of 6. Underneath nails contains about 80% of the germs on your hands. Polish could chip
fingers. off and become a physical contaminant.
1. When not in use, aprons should be hung on the hook by the breading table. If you are
finished with your apron, discard it in the dirty apron bin.
1. Do not leave aprons in any other spot in the kitchen.

2. Place all opened packages of bowls, lids, and clamshells above the hot holding 2. Do not leave opened packages of bowls, lids, or clamshells in any other place.

3. Any area that deals with raw product must be cleaned at least once in a 24 hour
3. The secondary breading table needs to be clean at 6:00am.

Cleanliness 4. All trash should be changed at 10:30am, 1:30pm, 5:00pm, and closing.
4. This helps maintain a clean floor and clean workspace.

5. All kitchen floors should be swept at 10:30am, 1:30pm, 5:00pm, and closing.
5. This helps maintain a clean floor and clean workspace.

6. Put empty boxes directly in the compactor. Drain all oil from oil containers, place the 6. This helps maintain a clean floor and clean workspace and reduces oil waste.

box in the cardboard compactor, and place the empty jug with the kitchen trash area.
7. This keeps bacteria levels down on our food contact surfaces.

7. Wipe countertops with a KICS wipe every hour.

8. This helps maintain a clean and organized work environment.
8. Wipe down fryer shelves every hour.
1. Create eye contact, share a smile, speak in a friendly tone, and always say “My
1. Use the Core 4 at all times.

Hospitality 2. Always use the language of hospitality.


2. “Certainly!”, “My Pleasure!”, “meals”, “beverages”, “entrees”, etc.

Job Duties 1. Serve the Guests. 2. Help your Neighbor. 3. Clean your workstation. 4. Stock your workstation.

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