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Chick- l-A Mall Road Bagging Training Guide

Create Eye Contact, Share a Smile, Speak with a Friendly Tone, Always Say “My Pleasure.”

Standards Notes
1. Today we will review the objectives and accomplishments of the position. Following this, you will shadow with
discussion. After shadowing, you will have the opportunity to proactive with coaching.

2. There are three elements to bagging:

1. Hospitality: Intentional placement of items communicates the message of hospitality. Ultimately,

their visit and encounter with Chick- l-A is not over until their meal is complete. Guests should 1. No notes.

have an excellent experience from the time they order to the time they are enjoying their meal.
2. No notes.

Intro 2. Accuracy: Order intake and bagging serve as the two primary points of accuracy. It is essential
that we are intentional in both of these processes to ensure the Guest receives everything they
No notes.

The current destinations are: Drive Thru, M-Drive-Thru, Dine-In, M-Dine-In, Carryout, M-Carryout, TM
ordered as well as everything they need to enjoy their meal.
Delivery, 3rd Party.
3. Speed: We can use bagging as an opportunity to increase speed and give the Guest back time in
their day.

3. De nition of Destination: the channel through which the Guests orders and receives their meal. Some
guidelines apply to all destinations and some apply speci cally to some or multiple.

1. Condense all bags to one bag.

1. This is a hospitality play by anticipating the need of the customer to easily carry their meal inside their
2. We automatically place beverages in a carrier when there are 3 or more beverages in the Drive-Thru and more destination.

than one for Mobile and Door Dash.

2. This is to be hospitable, anticipating needs, and increase speed of service.

3. Baggers must seek to ensure all items are delivered at with only a few exceptions. Wraps can be served in a 3. The end goal is stability with the bag so that it doesn’t fall over. The sandwich vertical direction provides
to-go bag or salad bag with the open side facing up. The exceptions to this are single item nugget boxes and stability for the bag and support for the sandwich so that it is not crushed.

all bagged sandwiches. Bagged sandwiches should go sideways so that the top and bottom seams are 4. When verifying orders, count entrees, sides, and kids meals and verify count, similar to Costco and

4. Always double check bagged orders when more than three meals of any combination are ordered.
5. This is to avoid confusion and double bagging in the event someone steps over to help.

5. Immediately bump an order once it is completely bagged.

6. This is not the time to go “above and beyond”. Accuracy is getting it precise and exact.

6. Give the Guests exactly what they ask for, especially as it relates to the number of condiments requested.
7. Double bagging soup prevents spillage into their vehicle in the event the lid comes o . Single bagging
7. Always double bag soup unless it will be placed in another, larger bag such as a shopping bag or salad bag.
saves on paper cost when the soup goes into a salad or shopping bag.

8. Always bag cold items separate from hot items

8. This is to help ensure hot food stays hot and cold food stays cold.

9. When bagging food, seek to have fries standing up.

9. This makes it easier for Guests when they are passing out items at their destination.

General 10. Napkin Standards

10. There are several reasons for this. First, the napkin on top keeps debris from falling into the open Wa y
1. Always cover fries in each bag with at least one napkin.

Guidelines 2. Always have napkins in each bag, including the salad condiment bag and kids meals.

Fry container. Second, having napkins in each bag helps the Guest pass out completed meals to
everyone in their party and reduces their inconvenience. Third, this is to control costs. Fourth, it’s good
3. The general standard is two napkins per entree.

4. Always deliver napkin to beverage and/or dessert only orders.

11. If you have more than this or combination not listed, use a shopping bag. The goal is that the Guest can
11. Salad Bag Standards-when condensing to one bag using the salad bag, only these combinations are allowed: easily grab the handles at the top and carry it e ectively.

1 large and 1 small bag, 2 kids bags, 2 medium bags, 1 wrap and 1 medium bag, and 1 entree salad and 1 12. This ensures food is made and taken in order. The sticker also serves as a second point of accuracy
small bag.
which the Guest will engage with. If the Guest receives an item labeled with the incorrect destination,
12. When getting labeled food from the chutes, only grab the items designated for your destination.
then it erodes trust as they may doubt whether they received the correct item.

13. Read all stickers carefully.

13. Don’t assume the order in the chutes is the correct order. Often the Kitchen’s screens are in a di erent
14. Fork Standards-if a Kids Meal has a fruit cup and grilled nuggets, only serve with 1 fork. For all other items order than the Front screens, especially in Drive-Thru.

that require a fork, always give 1 fork per item. For 30 Count Grilled Nuggets, provide 4 forks.
14. Forks are built into the cost of the item. We don’t want to assume that the same person will be eating all
15. When placing labels on items, the Kitchen should place the label in the same direction as the logos on the of the items requiring a fork.

containers, and place the label in the center of the item.

15. Hospitality also includes how the meal is presented. We’re borrowing this principle from ne-dining!

16. Focus is the key to accuracy. Avoid multi-tasking while bagging. 16. No notes.

1. Guidelines

1. If 2 meals or more, use the large bag.

2. If 1 entree and two sides or two entrees and 1 side, use the medium bag.

3. If single items, use the small bag.

4. If entree salad and medium bag or larger, use shopping bag.

This is the o cial process. ALWAYS follow this process.

5. Use the salad bag for combo’s mentioned above.

1. Determine bag/bags needed.

2. This will be taught later in the training. You will be the fastest you can be by using this method.

2. Open bag using “Weaker Hand Popping Method”.

Bagging 3. Bag all cold items, set aside.

Usually these are ready quicker and it gives the kitchen time to prepare the rest of the order.

Sometimes these are complex, so focusing on these only helps increase accuracy. If there are multiple,
Process 4. Bag all kids meals.

5. Bag all entrees.

bag one at a time.

5. Process should be BOXES, BOWLS, BAGS. This helps you stay focused and ensure all entrees ordered
6. Bag all sides.

are put in the bag. Pay attention to the rst line of the next box on the screen so that you don’t miss an
7. Print ticket, place on the bag, then place all napkins, condiments, utensils, and straws.
add-on that carries over. You can also put “bowl sides” in during this time as well. This is part of
building the order in the bag.

6. This is done last to help preserve Wa y Fry temperature.

7. Put the utensils and condiments in the bag for which they will be likely be used. Don’t put all in one bag.
This is for hospitality purposes.
Chick- l-A Mall Road Bagging Training Guide
Create Eye Contact, Share a Smile, Speak with a Friendly Tone, Always Say “My Pleasure.”

Standards Notes
Hurricane Bagging (Executed with 1, 2, or 3 Baggers)
Hurricane Bagging (Executed with 1, 2, or 3 Baggers)
1. When hurricane bagging, Team Members are responsible for completing an entire order from start
1. This allows the Team Member to focus on ONE order and ensure that every component of that order is
to nish.

ful lled.

2. A Team Member enters the bagging position by communicating with the other Team Members
2. When hurricane bagging, it is essential to clarify which order needs ful lled as to ensure that two Team
serving as baggers. He or she must clarify which orders are actively being ful lled and which
Members are not bagging the same meal.

order needs ful lled next.

3. See process as previously communicated.

3. Continue by following the o cial bagging process.

4. The goal is so that the Guest can easily pass out meals to the people in their party. You do not need to put
4. If there is an entrée salad that will not be bagged in its own salad bag, place its condiments and
these items in a small bag if the salad is going into a salad bag. Put them directly into the salad bag with the
utensils in a small bag to keep it separated.


5. When nished, slide the order down to the cashier with the ticket facing out and then move on to
5. This ensures the cashier can clearly see the name so that can pass out quickly.
the next order.

Drive-Thru MODIFIED Hurricane Bagging (2 or 3 Baggers)

1. When executing MODIFIED hurricane bagging, Team Members will follow the same procedures
and ful ll the order with all food items. Once the order is complete, he or she will slide the order to
the Second Bagger.

MODIFIED Hurricane Bagging (2 or 3 Baggers)

2. The Primary Bagger is responsible for opening the salad or shopping bag as needed for the order
1. No notes.

and for getting all dressings.

2. This allows the Second Bagger to move faster and more e ciently add condiments and sauces.

3. The Second Bagger will ful ll the remainder of the order by including napkins, condiments,
3. He or she will complete this by using the sticky ticket.

utensils, and straws.

1. This prevents a bottle-neck in the Drive-Thru.
1. If at any time there are four or more orders waiting to be served at Window, a Team Member
serving in the bagging position should slide over and assist Window.

1. Begin by communicating with the Team Member currently serving in the position and clarify which order
needs ful lled next.

2. There are two priority screens. Priority One: Carry-Out, Mobile, and Delivery. Priority Two: Dine-In and
DoorDash. Baggers should prioritize Carry-Out, Mobile, and Delivery over Dine-In and DoorDash.

1. This ensures a smooth transition and provides the new bagger with a clear starting point.

3. Begin by following the o cial bagging process.

2. The two priority screens allows the Front-Counter bagger to better understand which orders need ful lled
4. Bump the order upon completion.

rst based on our speed priorities.

5. Review and include the sauces, straws, utensils, and condiments listed on the sticky ticket or required by
3. See process as previously communicated.

respective menu items. Make every e ort to place condiments in the same bag for which they will likely be
4. This is to avoid confusion and double bagging in the event someone steps over to help.


5. This is to be common sensical about the condiments so that the Guest is not searching all over for the
6. If the server is at any time backed up, the bagger should pull o and serve any Carry-Out, DoorDash, or
condiments for their meals.

Mobile Orders.

6. This prevents Guests from seeing their meal sit on the counter without being served.

7. The Front Counter bagger should always prioritize Mobile, Delivery, and Carry Out orders ahead of Dine-In
7. Speed of service is a perception. Time moves faster for Guests ordering their meals as Carry-Out verses
and DoorDash orders.

Guests who order their meals as Dine-In.

Front- Dine-In
Counter 1. All Dine-In orders should be served using trays. Bags for a single order should be placed on a
1. This saves the cost of wasted bags as the Guest is not transporting the meal.

single tray for the server.

2. We will save on the cost of the salad or shopping bag as the Guest will not be transporting the
2. If there is an entrée salad with other items, place its condiments and utensils in a small bag and

place the salad and condiment bag on a tray.

3. No notes.

3. These orders only need straws for desserts and specialty beverages as the Team Member serving
4. No notes.

on Register is responsible for providing the straws for tea, lemonade, and soda.

4. The Server is responsible for reviewing the ticket and retrieving any desserts or specialty

1. This is a hospitality play by anticipating the need of the customer to easily carry their meal inside
their destination.

2. No notes.

1. All Carry-Out orders should be served using the one-bag standard.

3. No notes.
2. These orders only need straws for desserts and specialty beverages as the Team Member serving
on Register is responsible for providing the straws for tea, lemonade, and soda.

3. The Server is responsible for reviewing the ticket and retrieving any desserts or specialty
Chick- l-A Mall Road Bagging Training Guide
Create Eye Contact, Share a Smile, Speak with a Friendly Tone, Always Say “My Pleasure.”

Standards Notes
1. All Delivery bags should be delivered to the Dispatcher as individual bags rather than using the one-
bag standard.

2. All cold items must be bagged separately including Fruit Cups and Apple Sauce in Kids Meals.

3. Hot protein in salads should be served and bagged separately from the cold salad.

4. Wa e Potato Fries should be as fresh and as full as possible.

1. The Delivery Team will check and seal each bag prior to the Driver delivering the meal.

5. These orders need straws for ALL beverages including desserts and specialty beverages.

2. This allows the Delivery Team to place cold items in the cold bags and hot items in the hot bags.

6. The Server is responsible for reviewing the ticket and retrieving any desserts or specialty beverages.
3. This allows the Delivery Team to place the cold salad in the cold bags and hot protein in the hot
All desserts should be sealed with a at lid.


4. This ensures the Guest receives the freshest fries possible after transport.

Mobile Carryout/Mobile Dine-In and DoorDash

5. No notes.

1. All Mobile Orders should be bagged using the one-bag standard except Mobile Dine-In where you
6. The at lid ensures food safety during transport.

do not use large bags.

Front- 2. All Mobile Orders and DoorDash orders are bagged in the same manner with the exception of
DoorDash orders being sealed with a sticker.

Mobile Carryout/Mobile Dine-In and DoorDash

Counter 3. These orders need straws for ALL beverages!

1. This is a hospitality play by anticipating the need of the customer to easily carry their meal inside
their destination. No notes.

4. The Server is responsible for reviewing the ticket and retrieving all beverages, desserts, and
2. No notes.

specialty beverages. Except for Mobile Dine-In, if there are ve or six beverages, place four
3. No notes.

beverages in a four cup carrier, place one or two beverages in a two cup carrier, and then put both
4. The shopping bag is a hospitality move to help the Guest transport and delivery their order with
carriers in a shopping bag. For more than 6 beverages, use additional cup carriers.


5. DoorDash desserts should be sealed with a at lid.

5. The at lid ensures food safety during transport.

6. If the Guest has not arrived, place the Mobile Carryout or Doordash order on the Mobile Shelf.

6. The Guest or DoorDasher will retrieve the meal themselves.

7. Orders with two or more beverages should be served using cup-carriers.

7. The goal is the reduce the burden on the Guest and provide them with the opportunity to easily
transport their meal.

Job 1. Serve the Guests. 2. Stock your workstation. 3. Clean your workstation.

1. Handwashing is the single most e ective way to prevent the spread of illness. Make sure you use the proper
1. Wash your hands when you arrive, at least once per hour, when changing tasks, after touching your phone, in procedure as outlined on the sidekick training aid near the handsink.

the restroom after using the restroom and again after returning from the restroom.
2. If you call o or need to leave, ensure it is because of one of these reasons. You must inform a leader of the
2. Do not come to work or remain at work if you experience the following symptoms: fever/sore throat, reason so that it can be appropriately documented.

Food vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice (yellowing of the skin/eyes), or lesions with pus.
3. This reduces/eliminates cross-contamination of bacteria that may be on personal items getting into food
Safety 3.
Store personal items or beverages in their appropriate, marked space.

If you cough or sneeze, do so into the crook of your elbow.


This is to prevent the spread of germs.

5. Do not chew gum while working.

5. This is unprofessional and could pose as a food safety risk in the event that spittles y out of your mouth or
6. Work to minimize the contact your hands have with Wa e Fries. your gum falls out.

6. No notes

Chick- l-A Mall Road Bagging Training Guide
Create Eye Contact, Share a Smile, Speak with a Friendly Tone, Always Say “My Pleasure.”

Standards Notes

1. Top of Nugget Chute: Grilled Items, Cobb and Special Salads, Cookies, Brownies, Mac & Cheese, and 8OZ 1. No notes.

Bottled Sauces.
2. Check 1 and 2 count strips by opening the box as they are both in the small red box.

2. Nugget Chutes: From left to right, 4 count, 6 count, 8 count, and 12 count Fried Nuggets. Strips are 3. The Drive-Thru Specials chute includes all modi ed sandwiches for the Drive-Thru. The Front-Counter
delivered in the chute to the right. 4 count strips are in a red box. 3 count strips are in a white box.
Specials chute includes all modi ed sandwiches for the Front-Counter. Examples include CFA no pickle,
Bagging 3.
Bottom Sandwich Chutes: From left to right, Drive-Thru Specials, CFAs, CFAs, and Front-Counter Specials.

Top Sandwich Chutes: CFA Deluxe, Spicy Deluxe, Soup, and Spicy.
deluxe no tomato, CFA Deluxe with Colby Jack, etc.

Deluxe Chutes include both destinations which is why stickers are checked. When selling both Chicken
Station 5. Refrigerator: The left side includes Market Salads, Spicy Southwest Salads, and Grilled Cool Wraps. The
right side includes Small Fruit Cups, Fruit Cups, Parfaits, Kale Crunch Sides, Apple Sauce, and Side Salads.

Noodle and Tortilla, the bagger must check the contents of the bowl.

5. No notes.

Tour 6. Dressings: The bagger is responsible for including dressing with orders. The Drive-Thru Baggers get 6. No notes.

dressing under the counter to the left of the refrigerator. The Front-Counter Baggers get dressing from the 7. No notes.

organizer in the tray cubby.

8. Remind that when salads do not have a dressing rung in nor say “no dressing”, default dressings are Avo for
7. Bags: There are small, medium, and large bags. There are also salad and shopping bags for larger orders
Cobb and Side, Salsa for Southwest, Avo for Wraps, and Apple Cider for Market. Always include these
8. Condiments: Review the sidekick on the counter to learn what goes with what. dressings if no dressing is rung in nor “no dressing” is indicated.

1. “Weaker Hand Popping Method”: Begin by grabbing the bottom ap of the bag with your weaker hand. Place
1. This will help you become the fastest bagger you possibly can be. Practice until you get it.

the bag on your hip, slide your hand to the half-moon cut in the bag, hold the edge with your thumb and
2. This allows you to save time and bag in a more e cient manner.

index nger, and then proceed by “popping” it open.

3. This ensures that fries are standing up and not falling over.

2. When you are able, use one hand to open and one hand to begin grabbing items. Hold the bag in your
Bagging weaker hand while you use gravity to help keep items in place so you can stack e ectively and e ciently.

This allows you to quickly nish an order. If you are waiting more than a minute on an item, do not bag fries.

It is essential to ask for help at any time. Asking for help reduces the time needed to recover after large
3. If the order is large, place entrees in one bag and fries in another.

Best 4. If waiting for one item, prepare the remaining components of the order. You can do this by opening the
orders or when you hold.

6. Servers are focused on serving and are not acting as baggers. Therefore, they are not accountable for
Practices 5.
shopping bag, bagging fries, placing the contents in the larger bag, grabbing condiments, etc.

Ask for help!


7. Peek through to see if they are working on your items, review other screens to get a picture of where they are
6. All primary baggers are responsible for accuracy. Servers are not responsible for accuracy. The Front-
and when they’ll make your items, communicate hold times to other baggers, try not to ask too soon, don’t
Counter bagger should ensure that all items are in the bag.

allow minutes to pass without knowing when your item will be ready.
7. Ask for food from the kitchen appropriately.

Training Initial Training Agenda-3 Hours

Bagging Certi cation Process
1. Initial Training (3 Hours)

Schedule 1. Review Training Guide (50 Minutes), stopping at Food Safety

2. Conduct Bagging Station Tour and review Bagging Best Practices (20 Minutes)

2. Practice Shifts (2, 4-hour shifts as a third hurricane bagger during peak or second hurricane bagger
during non-peak, ensuring pairing with strong baggers)

and 3. Drive-Thru Bagging Demonstration and Imitation (105 Minutes)

3. Front Training Shift (2 hour shift where initial bagging trainer is second bagging while trainee is
4. Feedback at the Table (5 Minutes) primary bagging)

Timelines 4. This process should take two weeks at most from start to nish.


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