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Vol. 33, No.

8 577

For the Office-ba sed Tea cher of Fa mily Medicine

Pa ul M. Pa ulma n, MD
Fea ture Ed itor

Editor’s Note: In this month’s column, John H. George, PhD, of Penn State College of Medicine, and
Frank X. Doto, MS, of County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ, describe a method to improve psycho-
motor procedure training for our learners.
I welcome your comments about this feature, which is also published on the STFM Web site at I also encourage all predoctoral directors to make copies of this feature and distribute it
to their preceptors (with the appropriate Family Medicine citation). Send your submissions to Paul
Paulman, MD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Family Medicine, 983075
Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-3075. 402-559-6818. Fax: 402-559-6501. Submissions should be no longer than 3–4 double-spaced pages. Refer-
ences can be used but are not required. Count each table or figure as one page of text.

A Simple Five-step Method for Tea ching Clinica l Skills

John H. George, PhD; Fra nk X. Doto, MS

One of the problems facing today’s mental principles are (1) Concep- component practice—practicing a
office-based preceptor is how to tualization—the learner must un- small portion of the skill, linkage
teach psychomotor skills in some derstand the cognitive elements of practice—practicing small portions
kind of organized fashion that will the skill, that is, why it’s done, when linked together, contiguous prac-
optimize the use of time but pro- it’s done, when it’s not done, and tice—practicing the entire skill re-
duce a satisfactory learning experi- the precautions involved. The petitively. This leads to learner pre-
ence for the student. One technique learner must know the instruments cision practice and eventual articu-
that has been used successfully in and tools involved in the skill’s per- lation. (5) Correction and reinforce-
the American College of Surgeon’s formance. (2) Visualization—the ment—skill errors need immediate
Advanced Trauma Life Support learner must see the skill demon- correction. Positive reinforcement
course1 is the five-step method for strated in its entirety from begin- should be used to cement correct
teaching psychomotor skills. ning to end so as to have a model of performance. (6) Skill mastery—
To understand how and why the the performance expected. This the ability to routinely perform a
five-step method works, a quick re- leads to learner imitation. (3) Ver- sequence of skills in a practice situ-
view of psychomotor teaching prin- balization—the learner must hear a ation without error. This leads to
ciples is necessary. The principles narration of the steps of the skill learner articulation. (7) Skill au-
are based on the taxonomy of the along with a second demonstration. tonomy—the ability to regularly
psychomotor domain.2 The funda- If the learner is able to narrate cor- perform the skill as a routine in real-
rectly the steps of the skill before life situations without error. This
demonstrating there is a greater leads to learner naturalization.
likelihood that the learner will cor- By using these basic principles,
rectly perform the skill. This leads the five-step method was created.
(Fam Med 2001;33(8):577-8.) to learner manipulation. (4) Prac-
tice—the learner having seen the Step 1
skill, heard a narration, and repeated Overview: To be motivated to
From the Department of Family and Commu- the narration, now performs the learn a skill, the learner must un-
nity Medicine, Penn State College of Medicine,
Hershey, Pa (Dr George); and County College skill. The skill may be broken down derstand why the skill is needed and
of Morris, Randolph, NJ (Mr Doto). into discreet units for practice: sub- how it is used in the delivery of care.
578 September 2001 Family Medicine

Step 2 This simple five-step method can Affective Factors

The preceptor should demon- be used for any type of skill teach- Affective factors can include fear,
strate the skill exactly as it should ing, regardless of the level of diffi- intimidation, distraction, embar-
be done without talking through the culty. If students have a problem rassment, lack of belief in the value
procedure. This silent demonstra- learning a skill, the preceptor will of the skill, sense of skill irrel-
tion gives students a mental picture need to identify which of the fol- evancy, or performance anxiety and
of what the skill looks like when it lowing reasons may be underlying can cause deficits in skill learning.
is being done correctly. This image their performance deficit.
is important since students will use Inaccurate Learner Perception
this picture to self-evaluate their Learner Trait Ability of Performance
own performance when practicing Learner trait ability is the inher- The learner may not be able to
the skill. ent inability of the learner to per- recall what was done and what was
form the task because the learner not done correctly.
Step 3 may not possess the strength, fine
The preceptor then repeats the motor coordination, or the fine mo- If the preceptor recognizes any
procedure but takes time to describe tor skills necessary to do the task. of these problems, corrective ac-
in detail each step in the process. tions can be initiated. Skill teach-
This will help students see how each Inadequate/Inappropriate Task ing need not be a time-intensive
step fits into the optimal sequence Description and/or process if the preceptor will learn
and will allow time for students to Demonstration this quick and easy five-step
ask questions or seek clarification Learners may not know what the method. While going through these
of a step or a procedure. correct task looks like if they have five steps may seem lengthy, the
not paid attention to the demonstra- result is that the preceptor will
Step 4 tion, or there was too much time be- spend less time observing and cor-
Students talk through the skill. tween when the demonstration took recting performance problems and
By asking students to describe step place and his/her attempt to perform will ensure a better learning envi-
by step how to do the skill, the pre- the task. ronment.
ceptor will ensure that the students
understand and remember each step Imprinting of Previous Incorrect Corresponding Author: Address correspondence
to Dr George, Penn State College of Medicine,
in the sequence of performing the or Obsolete Performance Department of Family and Community Medi-
skill. This will also help the students Learners may be automatically cine, H154, M.S. Hershey Medical Center, 500
commit the process to memory so repeating what was previously University Drive, PO Box 850, Hershey, PA
17033-0850. 717-531-8736. Fax: 717-531-5024.
they can recall steps as they move learned even though it was incor-
to the next procedure. rect. This is often the case in office-
based procedures where students REFERENCES
Step 5 have attempted to learn a procedure
1. American College of Surgeons. Advanced
The students perform the skill. under other conditions and were not trauma life support for doctors, sixth edition.
Now students are ready to do their given appropriate feedback and cor- Chicago: American College of Surgeons,
first attempt at the skill with the rective action and thus are repeat- 1997.
2. Simpson JS. The classification of educational
preceptor carefully observing and ing an inappropriate application of objectives: psychomotor domain. Urbana,
providing feedback or coaching as the skill. Ill: University of Illinois, Office of Educa-
needed. Following a successful at- tion, project no. 5-85-104, 1966.
tempt, students should continue to Improper Correction/
practice until they reach the desired Reinforcement
level of proficiency. Learners may have received what
was believed to be feedback indi-
cating the performance was correct
when it was not.

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