1 Peter 4.10

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...In Favor
10 As every man hath
received the gift, even Luke 19:13
so minister the same
one to another , as
good stewards of the
manifold grace of God.
11 If any man speak ,
let him speak as the
oracles of God; if any
man minister, let him
do it as of the ability Day 1
which God giveth : Read I Peter 4:7-11.  Thus far in our study of Spiritual Gifts we have Personal
that God in all things heard only from the Apostle Paul.   Beginning today, we hear from
may be glorified Apostle Peter.   This passage verifies the cohesion of Truth, in that
through Jesus Christ, Paul and Peter seem to agree on all counts in relation to Spiritual
to whom be praise and Gifting.   Peter combines all spiritual gifts into two categories: speaking and
dominion for ever and serving. Peter doesn’t help us identify which gifts belong to which category. In
ever. Amen. fact, Peter never says that each gift fits easily within one of these categories, or
even that these are the only two categories. Again, the emphasis is not on
1 Peter 4:10-11 defining or describing the individual gifts.  The emphasis is in the using of the
Having a toolbox full of tools does gift.  Do you put more emphasis on trying to learn your gift or practice your
not make one a carpenter. Owning gift?  Which is more important?
a set of golf clubs does not make Relational
one a golfer. It is the use of these
instruments that identifies the Two words jump out of this week’s verse, in light of our
individual as a participant and a relationships; the words “each” and “others”. Each of us, whoever
we are, whatever we are, or are not, is to be in service to others. Perhaps
practitioner in a particular field.
it is time in your life to start asking yourself the hard questions about being
As followers of Christ, we already “other” focused as a foundational aspect of your life.
know we are endued with spiritual Generational
gifts. But are we using them? Only Have everyone in your family talk about what your roles are within
when we do, can we truly fulfill our your family. What are the expectations of every member? What
role in the Body of Christ. Only happens when someone else does your role?
then can we be who God intends.
24/7 faith Relational Faith Generational Faith

A 24/7 faith is the only faith that is authentic. It Relationships define who we are. God has God expects us to pass on our faith to the
is unselfish and God-centered. This type of placed us in community with others with whom next generation. Scripture is full of commands
faith is personal and real. It is not produced by we must relate. Whether it is marriage, to leave a legacy of faith. However, it is not for
community, but community enhances it. This employment, social, civic, worship, etc., we must the faint of heart. This section will provide
section is for the individual believer. learn to relate to others as Christ. fodder for you to talk about faith at home...
Day 2 Personal
Day 3 Day 4
Personal Personal
Peter, like Paul, combines the Also like Paul, Peter This passage also links
concepts of sober thought and recognizes that spiritual gifts practicing spiritual gifts with
love with spiritual gifts. Remember that in originate with God and are worship. We bring glory to God when
Romans 12, Paul’s teaching about spiritual as different as God’s “varied
grace”. Peter also emphasizes that God we speak the words of God and serve
gifts followed the reminder to have a in the strength that God provides. In
is the source of spiritual gifts.   The
renewed mind and proper view of self. fact, this is worship.  Exercising spiritual
ability to exercise spiritual gifts then
Peter uses a similar verb in I Peter 4:7 to shows that if we speak, we are speaking gifts encourages others toward
tell his readers to think soberly. Peter the sayings of God, and if we serve, we worship. This is why spiritual gifts are
also follows Paul’s insistence that serve from the strength which God used primarily for the building up of
Believers show and practice love. Peter provides. For Peter, it seems, there is no the Body of Christ.   It is not talking
shows there is an unmistakable and place for speaking human words or about “praise and worship”, as in music
inseparable connection between love and serving from human strength. Spiritual and singing. Instead, Peter is talking
spiritual gifts.   Is it more important to gifts are provided by God and are about living a life in obedience to God
know your gift or practice love at all exercised through the words and that brings honor to God – this is
times?   Is it possible that by practicing strength of God.  Do you feel as if you
are a continuation of God’s ministry to worship. And, exercising spiritual gifts
real love that you may more clearly demonstrates and encourages
your family, to your friends, to your
understand your gifting? worship.   Does your life embrace
church, to your community?
Relationalworship?  Does your life promote and/
Relational (As you read today’s section, remember or produce worship in others?
Let’s turn the words “other” that grace is an unearned, undeserved
and “each” around in our focus kindness, favor, or act of love and Relational
today. In the body of Christ, not generosity.) This week’s verse tells us that Today, let’s turn the grace
only are each of us an “each”, but we are we are stewards of God’s grace. God equation around. This verse
also an “other”. The beauty of life in the simply puts it in our lives so that we may tells us that grace comes in a
Body is our shared service to one another. dispense it to others. Today, make it a diverse or varied fashion or form. What
Now it is time to ask another hard goal to be a “grace dispenser” to may seem to you at times to be an
question. Are you one of those who have someone. Perhaps your spouse needs uncalled for difficulty or conflict is in fact
a hard time allowing others to serve you? grace today. Maybe it will be a child or a form of God’s grace. Today, look for
If so, consider that you are taking the coworker who steps into the path of God’s grace offered to you in the
blessing of service from someone. It may needed grace. Be a good steward of that circumstances, conversations or conflicts
n o t b e u n s e l fi s h n e s s , b u t r a t h e r today. Be the hand of God giving grace of your day. Allow God to give someone
selfishness, that causes us to someone. the opportunity to dispense grace to
to refuse to be served. you!
Each person who knows Jesus as Generational
their personal Savior has been
What would happen if the given their own gift or role within the In what ways does our
youngest of the family Body of Christ. So it would also be true church depend on your
were to take on the role of the parent? that each family has a place within the family? Why is this important to the
What would it look like if the mom Body of Christ. What do your think ministry of the whole church?
became the baby? your family’s role is inside of our church?
Day 5 Therefore, in this passage, Peter encourages his readers – and us by extension – to ‘think rightly’ and to
‘love completely’ by exercising the spiritual gifts that God has given and empowered to us. We are to
exercise and practice these gifts as God provides the means and opportunities.  In fact, we are to look for
opportunities to use our gifts.  We are to do so in order to bring glory to God and build up each other.  
Are you actively looking for opportunities to express your gift(s) into the body?  What keeps you from
actively pursuing opportunities to be used for His glory?

This verse calls us to be “good” stewards of God’s grace. Take up the challenge of excellence in your service
and gracefulness. Set yourself a standard of fulfilling your stewardship with passion. Make it your goal to be
a grace-filled, grace-offering, graceful servant to others.

Individuals make up families, just like the Body of Christ is made up of individual parts. Together, it is a great
thing when all of these work together so that Christ receives the glory. Remember, what you do alone and
together for Christ, makes a huge difference!

NEXT WEEK: Matthew 5:21

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