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8.1 :{. Past perfect Complete the questions with the past perfect fоrrr
ofthe verbs in brackets.
1 The door was open.
(Ье; the.e Г


had 2 Vol

passed the test. (read) the book before you saw the film?
hadnt (= had not)
3 ] saw you at about thrее otlock.

the ехаm аlrеаdу (finish) Ьу thc

а Why did Веп соmе back to the house?,. ,.. ,

. .. (forget) somethino?

yoU Joe and Chloe left the cinema еаrlч. ,,..

Yes, l had. they
he/she/it passed the test? (see) the fi]m before?

No,1 hadn't. 6 Why was еvеrуопе outside the rеstаurапt?
they it.. ,,,,,,,,. (close) еа,
7 \lаrуwasntatn","

we form the past реrfесt wilh had / hаdп't + past participle
Remember that the past participle is often the same as the
past simple fоrm, However, mапу pa5t participles have ап 3 choose the correct words.
irrе9ulаr form. 'l we were / had Ьееп there for ten minutes when t[=
police arrived.
We use the past реrfесt to talk about Something that
2 The гeason you пеаrlу fainted was because you didn't
eat / hadn't eaten anything.
nappened Ьеlоrе sотеrhiг9 else ]п Iпе pa5t,
Маrig, had lg{t tha o{f'ce whgfi l *ailed 1зеr. (Маriе left the
З Where did Ryan go / had Ryan gопе оп holiday las:
office, and then I calIed her.)
we can a]so use the past реrfесt to explain а situatlon оr
4 | didn't
9о to the theatre that ечепiпg because l'd
already seen / | already saw the play.
give а rеаsоп.
{ ъ+аа *g,t"чоцg bc,*ali*P i hadn'i
5 ]n ]950, thеrе were / had Ьееп two ice rinks iп this
drive,* *rз th* m*tor.wa*
We сап USe the past perfect together with the past simpie
6 We didn't have / hadn't had much money whеп we
Wеrе young, but We en;oyed ourselves.
to describe two past actions, introduced бу whеп оr аftеr.
The чеrь in the past perfect always refers to the action that
7 Tina wasn't / hadn't been very well last niqht.

happened first.
8 She joined the beginners'group even though she
had played / played Ьеfоrе.
Th*1 t**K аиа1 hi* rтed;itr а{iрr hе had ы*п it. (Не won the
medal, and then they took it away,)
4 Write one sentence that links the sentence pairs
laJhe* &*htз arriv.c,d. .{;vsrYФ!lе, had gаtзе hоmr. (Ечегуопе
with Ьесачsе. use the past perfect form once in each
went hогпе, and then Соliп arrived.)
new sentence.
Write the second sentence of each pair. Use the past ] We cou dn't get iп Кеirа locked the dооr.
perfect form of the verb given.
1 We аrriчеd too late.The trаiп / just/ leave the Station
2 Еvеrуопе congratulated N/аrk. Не did so well.

l thought Неlеп would win the prize. She wlote а

lt was а waste of mопеу, Jo and Апп / buy / the same
briIliant essay.
present for Ben

Steve didn't have апу mопеу. Не bouqht а new pair

З Sam was disappointed. Не / not win / the competition
ot ruппiпg shoes,

l had to accept the truth. The campaign / not Ье /

The two athletes left the Competition. They cheated
su cces sfu l

l was vеrу happy. l made some

Chloe thanked mе. |/ congratulate / hеr on winning ргоqrеss оп mу
the rасе

The telephone wasn't working. You didn't рау the bill.

Еvеrуопе WaS Vеrу rеliеvеd to аrrivе. The journey /

ý rlB Grammar reference and practice 8

8.2 usеd to ? Write statements and questions with the correct
form of used to.
1 we / win / every game of сriсkеt ý

used to
-hл / tL
- L/
didn't use to
swim еvеrу day. 2 ny g,a.rdour"nr, , uo,a il ete,v o,ut"t".,;on J

з ir,.,i.Ji.,. i';;;;;",;";;;; ;;i'

';;;; '
use to swim Yes,l did 4 Dan /Ье / very confident about his 5роrtiпg abi]ities ý
every day? No,1 didn't.
5 you / Ье / а very patient реrsоп ?

,lse used tо + infinltive to talk about:
6 lап /spend / every evening at the gym gl
oast habits.
Ц]hе* ка* 1оu*g"
1 l lr*eC i* plag {**iba11 иith rи1 frie.rr<t*

avor1 *ftоrпсоп.
ла used lo go bailrng iп *ulпrпоr. bu,t tlcы т,е рrеfrг
7 Laura's dad / Ье / а civil servant ?
л*,,*}:;* Ь;Уi*л

!ilhз} Kinci о{ 1э*оК* dld 1ои uсg t* r*аd а* а chltd?

paSt States оr SituationS.
S L;; ) .g;'.r, much Ь gger boys n u'
Тая **gd t* }эаvе vегg 1оtз9 hаir, !э*t *hе had !t сul otrlort '.;;;.i"
la6{ ýеаr.
ý!g u*еd to live i* iho*iar, bcr'i хg yýgvad t* t,"lсл,саsilо
S rоrоfIе^ 'i,u.l о.О Ceo,ge о,,, oos.e ocll ]

ýhеп t wае týelve..

Аtlпа did*"t *tле t* liKg iaa. bult **w *1,l* dritзК* tca ыilh
10 they / get up / еагlу iп the mоrпiпg Х
rnltK ail [il9 liý19.
,lVe don't use used tо fоr single action5. Соmраrе the
fo owing sentences:
We ý*cd to go io ttrзр t}эе,аtrе * igt с{hgý uа trive.d iтз }-овс!оrз.
Comp|ete the sentences with the verbs below. Use
N ОТ ýj*,***gd****eJ*-*&g-4}*cetý9-ýý-{sy*sё}*Жi++bd+1
used to if possible. lf not, use the past simple form of
Bic,hard uaed to hо v*r1 h*п*1**пз* иhеп }за иаб ,,{*&itlg.
the verb.
NОТ rt1_1а*+

ý$" dream buy.,,,follow,,.,, Ье want ui d оwп win

We can often use the past simple instead of used rо, but 'l Му parents , . а shop, t was vеrу
we рrеfеr used to when we want to emphasize that the successfu l.

situation today is different. 2 James ,.., ameda,Hewasvery

ýhg* Тс},ý vraa а tаояаgоr. he. ligtепgd tg rо*К *эtl*lс, (Не proud of it.
mау оr гпау поt listen to rock music now,) З They the new school very quickly.
Whе.п Terý иа* а t*апаgеr, hв u*gd io li*igп to rсзсК rвuзiс. 4l of this moment, and поw it's
(Не doesn't listen to rock music any more.) finaly arrived,
Note that used to doesn't have а рrеsепt tense fоrm, То 5 We , the campaiqn frоm start
talk about present hablts and situations, we always use the to finish.
рrеsепt simple, NOT сý€+о. 6 Sаrаh ,. ,, , , hеr cousin а beautiful
рrеsепt when she got mаrriеd.
7 Back in the l960s, а lot of students
to change the wоrld.
8 That's where the post office
оvеr there on the соrпеr.

Grammar reference and practice 8 119 ý

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