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4, OCTOBER 2009

Recognizing Noise-Influenced Power Quality Events

With Integrated Feature Extraction and
Neuro-Fuzzy Network
Chiung-Chou Liao, Member, IEEE, and Hong-Tzer Yang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The wavelet transform coefficients (WTCs) contain CWT of the signal with parameters and
plenty of information needed for transient signal identification of .
power quality (PQ) events. However, once the power signals under
investigation are corrupted by noises, the performance of the DWT of the sampled signal with scale
wavelet transform (WT) on detecting and recognizing PQ events and sampling point .
would be greatly degraded. At the mean time, adopting the WTCs
directly has the drawbacks of taking a longer time and much Values of correlation of adjacent scales.
memory for the recognition system. To solve the problem of noises
riding on power signals and to effectively reduce the number of Pre-set threshold value for scale .
features representing power transient signals, a noise-suppression
A distorted signal.
scheme of noise-riding signals and an energy spectrum of the
WTCs in different scales calculated by the Parseval’s Theorem are Last approximate coefficient.
presented in this paper. The neuro-fuzzy classification system is
then used for fuzzy rule construction and signal recognition. The The th scale of WTCs.
success rates of recognizing PQ events from noise-riding signals
have proven to be feasible in power system applications.
Energy spectrum of each scale of the WTCs.
Index Terms—Feature extraction, neuro-Fuzzy network, noise- Difference of energy spectrum.
suppression, power quality, wavelet transform.
Fuzzy member function.
Inference output vector of the NFCS.
Desired output vector of the NFCS.
PQ Power quality. Error of the th output neuron of the NFCS.
WT Wavelet transform. The inference value of the fuzzy rule neuron
RMS Root-mean-square. .
FT Fourier transform. Fuzzy weight on the connection from input
neuron to rule neuron .
STFT Short-time fourier transform.
Weight on the connection from rule neuron
WTCs Wavelet transform coefficients.
to output neuron .
CWT Continuous wavelet transform.
Error of fuzzy rule neuron .
DWT Discrete wavelet transform.
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio. I. INTRODUCTION
N general, PQ events include voltage swell, voltage sag,
Neuro-fuzzy classification system.
Four coefficients of Daubechies function. I harmonic, impulse, and flicker, etc. Recently, due to close
interconnection with power grid and wide use of precise
ANN Artificial neural network. instruments in high-tech industries, tolerance to temporary
distorted voltage waveforms resulting from system failures or
operations of heavy-loaded equipments has decreased. The
Manuscript received May 27, 2008; revised November 24, 2008. First
published July 28, 2009; current version published September 23, 2009. This
distorted voltage waveforms may not only lead to a decline
work was supported in part by Taiwan National Science Council under Grant in the quality of power supply, but also cause huge damages
96-2221-E-231-026. Paper no. TPWRD-00385-2008. on customers’ equipments and add on to the loss cost of the
C. C. Liao is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Ching Yun Uni-
versity, Jung-Li, Taoyuan 320, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail:
companies [1], [2].
H. T. Yang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Prior to recognizing PQ events, eliminating noises, and
Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail: feature extraction from the distorted voltage waveforms are
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
necessary steps. The WT exhibits its notable capabilities in
at the recognition of the distorted signal. Its capabilities are often
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2009.2016789 significantly degraded owing to the existence of noises on
0885-8977/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

the power signal [3]. A noise-suppression scheme is to be

integrated with the WT as a part of the PQ event recognition
system. Based on the WT and the noise-suppression techniques,
the developed system is equipped with the abilities of detecting
PQ events even more accurately in noisy surroundings.
For feature extraction of PQ events, previous methods [4]–[6]
include analysis of the peak-load value, RMS value [4], and fre-
quency components of power signals (e.g., the FT [5] and the
STFT [6]). The RMS method can only identify particular PQ
events and the FT approach [5] has the limitation of fixed win-
dows. Being able to adjust the length of windows automatically,
the WT approaches [7], [8] may use proper window functions, Fig. 1. Principle block diagram of a PQ event recognition system.
which are capable of carrying out multi-resolution analysis of
the signals, between time and frequency domains. Accordingly,
the WT approach is deemed as more suitable than the FT to an- sification system is constructed via fuzzy rule set for PQ events
alyze various PQ events in power systems, especially with the recognition. Numerical results are also presented to verify the
transient signals [9]. proposed approach in this paper.
To classify and recognize PQ events, Elmitwally et al. [10]
utilized RMS value, average value, standard deviation, and the
first scale of the WTCs of the distorted signal as the features II. THE PROPOSED PQ EVENT RECOGNITION SYSTEM
of input data in the PQ event recognition system. This scheme The block diagram of the PQ event recognition system, in-
had succeeded in identifying PQ events. Theoretically, all scales cluding the processes of the WT technique, the noise-suppres-
of the WTCs may include all the features of the original signal. sion scheme, extracting the features from transient signals, and
However, if only the 1st scale of the WTCs were used, some sig- the neuro-fuzzy classification network, is shown in Fig. 1. The
nificant features in the other scales of the WTCs may be ignored. procedures of recognizing distorted signals to be belonging to
Mo et al. [11] extracted the different scales of the WTCs certain kinds of the PQ event are described as follows. First, a
as the features of input data in the neural network recognition voltage-waveform of transient signal is transferred using WT
system to classify unstable power signals. On the other hand, to obtain the different scales of the WTCs. Although the WT
Santoso et al. [12] used absolute value of the different scales of exhibits its great power in detecting and localizing the distur-
the WTCs as the features in classification of PQ events. Simi- bance, its ability is often degraded due to the noises riding on
larly, research [13], [14] adapted all scales of the WTCs as the the signal. To overcome the difficulties of capturing the distur-
features in order to achieve a better recognition rate. Although bances out of the background noises in a low-SNR environment,
the WT technique may reserve all features of the original power a noise-suppression algorithm is applied to deal with the noises
transient signals, it has the drawbacks of taking a longer time by adaptively trimming off the WTCs.
and too much memory for the recognition system to reach a Although all scales of the WTCs of the original distorted sig-
proper recognition rate. As a result, if all scales of the WTCs nals include all of the features, as mentioned before, the recog-
were taken as features, it would be difficult to classify diverse nition system would require too much training time and memory
PQ events accurately within reasonable time. if all the WTCs are adopted directly as the features. As shown
Although the DWT exhibits its great power in detecting and in Fig. 1, the Parseval’s Theorem is, therefore, employed to ex-
localizing the disturbance, its ability is often degraded due to tract the spectrum energies of the WTCs as the features of the
the noises riding on the signal. The disturbance is usually de- PQ event identification system. To make the recognition system
tected by comparing the transformed signal with an empiri- equips with the abilities to explain the reasoning process of PQ
cally-given threshold in actual applications. Due to the nature of events identification, the neuro-fuzzy classification technique
flat spectrum, a filter cannot simply get rid of the noises without is utilized instead of the existing neural network recognition
removing the significant disturbance signals. However, as the system [13] in this paper.
signal under analysis contains noises, especially the white noise
with flat spectrum, the effectiveness of a PQ recognition system
may be significantly decreased. III. UTILIZED METHODS IN THE PROPOSED PQ EVENT
To overcome the above-mentioned problems of noise-riding RECOGNITION SYSTEM
signals and to effectively reduce the number of features repre- In the following subsections, the WT technique, the noise-
senting power transients, a noise-suppression scheme of noise- suppression algorithm, the Parseval’s Theorem, and the neuro-
riding signals and spectrum energies of the WTCs in different
fuzzy classification system used in this paper will be described.
scales calculated by the Parseval’s Theorem are presented. With
the proposed approaches, noises and features of the original
A. Discrete Wavelet Transform [15]
power transient signals can be removed and reserved, and the
recognition accuracy and the number of features can be greatly Based on the characteristics of the band-pass filters, the WT
improved and reduced at the same time. Based on the features has been proposed to investigate the transient phenomena of
of spectrum energies extracted as input data, a neuro-fuzzy clas- power signals from different scales of the WTCs. Particularly,

the transient problems with high-frequency components can be

detected and located through adequate scales of the WTCs.
Let be a mother wavelet, and its FT can be shown as


After the operations of dilation and translation, (1) can be

written as a baby wavelet shown below:


where is a scaling factor and is a translating factor.

The CWT of a time-continuous signal is defined as:


where the asterisk in (3) denotes a complex conjugate operation.

In practical applications, the continuous wavelet function can
be transferred to a discrete form via sampling. In (3), the fac-
tors and are replaced by and , respectively, where
Fig. 2. Flowchart of noise-suppression algorithm.
, and is a set of integers. Then, (3) can be written
into a general discrete form as


The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of the sampled signals

is employed to replace the CWT


where is an operating index; is a scaling number; is a

sampling time point, for , and is the number
of sampling points. The factors and in (3) are expressed using
integer parameters and through and (thereby
a dyadic transformation), respectively, in the DWT.
As described above, due to diverse frequency components, es-
pecially the high frequencies which often exist in the signals of
PQ events, examining scales of the WTCs would help to deter-
mine the occurrence of the disturbance events as well as their oc-
curring time. Counting on this, the DWT techniques have been
widely used to analyze the disturbance events in power systems.

B. Noise-Suppression Algorithm
Fig. 3. Procedure of the noise-suppression algorithm for simulated sag.
Although the WT exhibits its great power in the recognition
of the disturbances, its ability is often degraded due to noise-
riding on the distorted signals. To overcome the difficulties of
classifying the disturbances out of the background noises in a
low-SNR environment, a noise-suppression algorithm [16] is to (6)
be integrated with the DWT described in the above subsection.
A flow chart of the noise-suppression algorithm is presented
in Fig. 2. The steps of the algorithm adapted from [16] are de- s.t.
scribed as follows. where is the number of scale inter-multiplication, and is
Step1: Calculate the correlations of adjacent the number of all scales.
scales For example, Fig. 3(a) is a simulated voltage-sag signal. After
DWT, the first and second scales (higher-frequency portions)
are displayed in Fig. 3(b) and (c). Through (6), the correlation

function is significant disturbance signals by referring to

enhanced at the points corresponding to main WTCs pulses of and . This procedure of signal compression and
the disturbances, but, simultaneously, is suppressed at the points disturbance information extraction is iterated till the sum of the
corresponding to the background noises of the signals, as shown power of un-extracted points at the is less than
in Fig. 3(d). some reference noise power at the first scale.
Fig. 3(d) shows that two main sharp pulses (denoting the start Step5: Stopping condition.
and the end points of disturbances) appear much clearer in the Repeat the procedure till all the scales have been calculated.
function of than those in . Nevertheless, After the noise-suppression procedure, the pure WTCs in
the background noises still exist in the current functions Fig. 3(e) are employed in feature extraction of the PQ event
obtained in the step. In the next step, a scheme is proposed to recognition system described in next subsections and .
further strengthen the correlated features of disturbances to dis-
tinguish the significant disturbance signals from the noises. C. The Parseval’s Theorem
Step2: Calculate the new values of
If the scaling function and the mother wavelet are of an or-
thonomal basis, then, the relationship between the energy spec-
trum of signal and each scale of the WTCs can be built
(7) by the Parseval’s Theorem. This means that the WT can sepa-
rate energy of signal in time and frequency domains. Through
the multi-resolution characteristic of the WT, a distorted signal
where , and can be represented by each scale of the WTCs,
. , where is a number of the WT scale.
Using (7), is adaptively strengthened at the sharp Based on the general WT dilation formula, the signal calcu-
pulses of the th-scale WTCs through the and the factor lated by the Parseval’s Theorem can be distinguished with time
of . and scale . It can be shown as below [17] as follows:
Step3: Extract the disturbances from the noise-riding signals
at the scale through the following procedure. (10)
For The first component of (10) represents the average power of
pure power signal. The later component expresses the sum of
the average power of all scales of the transient signal after the
D. Energy Spectrum of the WTCs
Then If the chosen mother function and the scale function
are mutually orthnormal, then, with the energy spectrum of a
distorted signal described by the Parseval’s Theorem and the
WTCs, the energy spectrum of each scale of the WTCs
End can be obtained. The formula is shown as follows [18], [19]:

As described above, the two main pulses in Fig. 3(b), for
example, are extracted by comparing the absolute values of
and by setting and . (12)
The pulses, shown in Fig. 3(d), are now masked with the
symbol .
Step4: Create new of all scales. where

If (13)

Hence, the square of the WTCs of different scales can

(9) be employed as the features. The advantage is that the features
Else , go to Step 1. are not influenced by occurring points of PQ events. Comparing
with the original WTCs, which have not been processed, the
For instance, as shown in Fig. 3(e), and extracted features of the proposed method can be used in clas-
after the first run are obtained to extract the sifying PQ events.

Fig. 5. Structure of NFCS.

are around the eighth scale and the values are of negative
quantity. This result is opposite to voltage swell, which has
positive values of energy spectrum of the particular scales.
Consequently, in terms of the energy spectrum in large or small
scales (in the low- or high-frequency domain, respectively),
and positive or negative observation values of energy, different
PQ events can be classified using particular energy spectrums
as the features in the PQ event recognition system.
Hence, employing as the feature of classifying PQ event
Fig. 4. Energy distributions of each scale reduced baseband: (a) 14 transient can reach a higher efficiency level. Generally, feature is de-
signals; (b) 3 oscillatory transient signals; (c) 4 voltage sag signals; (d) 4 voltage fined as follows:
swell signals; (e) 3 notch signals.

To enhance the features of PQ events, subtract energy

of baseband from the energy of distorted signals E. Neuro-Fuzzy Classification System
caused by PQ events will derive difference of energy The NFCS is a technique of analysis and recognition to solve
classification problems [20]. Assume a function of a catego-
rization problem is mapping to its category

.. ..
. .
where is the number of output neurons.
.. .. In fact, the function cannot be calculated by back propa-
. . gation network in this recognition system. We had to find an
approximate function to resemble the function . In other
words, the function can be obtained through the equation
. is a mapping result of the NFCS. The
.. recognition system adapts the mode of “Winner Takes All”. The
. highest value of output vectors represents 1, others are zero.
The structure of the NFCS is shown in Fig. 5 and has three
. layers of fuzzy perceptions. The input samples are the differ-
ences of the energy of a PQ event in (16) and the output
samples are the categories of PQ event for establishing the PQ
Hence, using differences of energy as the features of power recognition system. The procedure of constructing the NFCS is
distorted signals can distinguish different PQ events easily. indicated in Fig. 6. According to the algorithms in [20], once
As shown in Fig. 4, four categories of the different distortion the correct categories of training samples were given, the fuzzy
power signals, including oscillatory transient, voltage well, rule set was constructed in NFCS after the first training epoch,
voltage sag, and notch, are used as testing signals of PQ events. and improper fuzzy rules can be reduced or changed to connect
The energy spectrum in Fig. 4 expresses that the particular to another proper output neuron if necessary at the same time.
distributions of energy of voltage sag without baseband energy Using the pairs of input-output samples to train the recognition

Fig. 6. Procedure of NFCS construction.

system, the optimal numbers of the fuzzy rules of each category

were extracted.
After establishing optimal fuzzy rule set, the initial member-
ship functions were adjusted via a pair of training samples and
the desired output to get a higher recognition rate. Fuzzy mem-
bership function is a triangle which is defined by three vari-
ables ( , and ) in NFCS


where represents the tip of the triangle; and represent the

left and the right side of the triangle, respectively.
Output neurons produce an output vector of each learning
generations in the NFCS. Since the desired output vector of
the training samples was known, the error vector was
to come to existence between values of inference and the de- Fig. 7. Flowchart of training an optimal fuzzy rule set.
sired outputs. Hence, the fuzzy membership functions of input
neurons were conditioned by using error vector for the training
of the NFCS. The fuzzy membership functions can be adjusted Step 6) Utility new variables , and to get new .
through changing values of variables , and . By repeatedly Step 7) If a desired stop condition is reached, then, training
adjusting the membership functions in the recognition system, procedure is stopped; otherwise, repeat from Step 1.
the inference results would be closer to the desired output. The
training procedure was stopped till the error reached the pre-set-
ting value or the number of training time. IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS
The learning method of the NFCS is a series of repeated
training of samples until a desired condition is reached. In The distorted signals of PQ events can be described and de-
order to earn an optimal fuzzy set, a flow chart is indicated in composed using the mother wavelet and the scaling function.
Fig. 7 as well as the training steps are given as follows. If the chosen mother wavelet has more coefficients, the wave-
Step 1) Choose a set of training sample from , form of this function is smoother. At the same time, it has an
and determine the inference output vector by the ability to represent a transient signal more precisely after DWT.
NFCS. In addition, if the values of the chosen mother wavelet after FT
Step 2) Determine the error of each output neuron descend to zero quickly, the frequency response of the mother
. wavelet has a sharper cut-off zone. It can reduce leakage ener-
Step 3) For each rule neuron , the error can be gies of adjacent scales of the DWT. These principles have an
determined advantage in increasing the recognition rate in the classification
(19) system. Hence, in order to enhance features of the power tran-
sient signals, more coefficients of the mother wavelet is being
chosen for the DWT. However, the drawback of utilizing this
Step 4) Using (20), find neuron with the influenced least kind of the mother wavelet is that it may take longer calculating
weight can be found time. It is necessary to figure out the proper features in the recog-
nition system quickly.
A. Simulated Noise-Riding Signals
Step 5) is used to adjust variables , and
To test the ability of the PQ recognition system in tolerating
noises on the input signal, the level of noises with the SNR value
was set to 25 dB and added into simulated signals. The value of
(21) the SNR is defined as follows:

where is the learning rate. (22)


where is the variance (power) of the signal, and is that of TABLE I

the noise. The SNR dB value was simulated by the Monte-Carlo FUZZY RULE SET
simulation method [21].
A new PQ event recognition approach, which integrated the
noise-suppression algorithm, the algorithm of feature extrac-
tion and the neuro-fuzzy classification network, has been devel-
oped and tested using the simulated data for various disturbance
events in this paper. The PQ event recognition system was im-
plemented in Matlab programming language on a PC-586 com-
puter. In order to train the proposed classification system, sim-
ulated training samples of the noise-riding signals, including 10
oscillatory transient signals, 27 voltage sag signals, 27 voltage
swell signals, 10 notch signals, and 10 normal signals were em-
ployed as input data. In the meantime, 200 simulated power tran-
sient signals of each PQ event were created and used to test the
recognition system.
The proposed PQ recognition system had been used the D4,
D8, D10, and D40 as the mother wavelets to train and test. The
testing identification rates of PQ events reached at least 94%,
97%, 98%, and 98%, respectively. Since fewer coefficients of
the mother wavelet can reduce calculation time and make clas-
sifying PQ events more speedily, D8 with eight coefficients of
the Daubechies function as the mother wavelets has been good
enough to acquire reasonable accuracy and efficient calculation
in the recognition system.
Further, as mentioned before, if all scales of the WTCs were
taken as features, the recognition system would spend a longer
training time and need more memory. Hence, this paper adopted
the energy spectrum method calculated by the Parseval’s The-
orem as the features to replace all scales of the WTCs. The
training time of the NFCS can then be greatly reduced from
1153 to 680 s (59% time needed on average). The memory of
hardware of the 1000 training patterns needs 65 kB for all scales
of WTCs, but the memory requirement can be reduced to 45 kB
after using the proposed method. Memory requirement of actual
patterns for recognizing PQ events can thus be cut down 31%
on average.
The five categories of PQ events were used as input sam-
ples for training the NFCS. Before establishing the recogni-
tion system, the fuzzy rule set had to be built according to the
features of training samples after noise-suppression algorithm.
to in Table I indicating input neurons were mapped to
the third to eleventh spectrum energies of scales of the WTCs.
Hence, and represented a high- and low-frequency com-
ponent of input neurons, respectively. Fuzzy rule set of corre-
sponding input neurons expressed the magnitudes of the spec-
trum energies of diverse PQ events.
This paper used ten fuzzy rules as the membership functions
of each input neuron. Based on the magnitudes of the spectrum
energies, the membership functions of each input neurons
could be set up. After the first training epoch, the total number of
membership functions was reduced from 90 to 53. Fig. 8 shows
the optimal membership functions adjusted after using training
rules of fuzzy set. The recognition time needed for the original
system with 90 membership functions is 0.361 s for one input Fig. 8. Optimal fuzzy membership functions.
pattern classification. It is reduced to 0.213 s (about 41% de-
creased) for one pattern recognition with the reduced member- After reducing the number of the membership functions and
ship functions. adjusting the shape of the membership functions, appropriate


Fig. 9. Test of actual field data of voltage sag: (a) waveform of voltage sag and
(b) energy spectrum of each scale without baseband.

fuzzy rules for the recognition system were extracted and the
fuzzy rule set was constructed as shown in Table I. The par- Fig. 10. Test of actual field data of voltage swell: (a) waveform of voltage swell
and (b) energy spectrum of each scale without baseband.
ticular energy spectrum of oscillatory transient belongs to high
frequency domain, i.e., input neurons of and . The domi-
nant energy spectrum of voltage sag and swell were in to
In Table II, six simulated voltage sag transient signals were
of input neurons, but their feature values of input neurons were
mis-identified to oscillatory transient signals. Owing to the de-
opposite, as indicated in Table I. However, even if the energy
graded level of the voltage sag being too low and the noise ef-
spectrum of notch was smaller, in the of the input neurons,
fect of dB was too high, the energy magnitudes of
the fuzzy rule set could still be created owing to the functioning
the third and fourth scales had become stronger. The features of
of the noise-suppression algorithm.
third and fourth scales were categorized to be oscillatory tran-
To compare the effectiveness of the proposed method, the
sient signals. Hence, according to the fuzzy rule set in Table I,
ANN [13] is employed to train and test the PQ recognition
these six cases occurred inaccurately from voltage sag to oscil-
system using the same simulated samples and the number of
latory transient. However, if SNR was above 30 dB, the NFCS
hidden layer. In other words, the same simulated samples and
would reach a 100% recognition rate.
22 hidden layers were used in NFCS and as well as ANN. The
recognition results of the ANN, the NFCS with the noise-sup-
B. Actual Field Data
pression algorithm, and the NFCS without noise-suppression
algorithm were shown in Table II. Comparing with the ANN, Since the actual data cannot be collected easily, simulated
which was adjusted with two groups of weights by the training samples with the same voltage-levels of actual data were used
algorithm, the NFCS system only adjusted the shapes of the to train and establish the NFCS. Then we used two kinds of ac-
membership functions in order to approach the desired outputs tual PQ events, voltage sag and swell, obtained from the prac-
in the recognition system. tical power systems of Taiwan Power Company (TPC) to test
In Table II, the testing results between the ANN and the the proposed recognition system and to prove that the proposed
neuro-fuzzy network of classification system have proven that system has the ability to be used in practical power systems.
the proposed method has a better detecting rate. Moreover, The two cases utilized were measured from the voltage sag of
thanks to the elimination of redundant fuzzy rules in an earlier 22 kV-level and the voltage swell of 110 V-level of TPC. In
stage of the building of the NFCS, the training time of this the first case, voltage sag happened due to a heavy load added
system went down substantially. After examining 1000 testing into the power system at about 0.065 s as shown in Fig. 9(a).
samples of different PQ events, the identification rates of The energy spectrum in Fig. 9(b) illustrated the particular en-
PQ events reached at least 97% and 91% with and without ergy spectrum of voltage sag without baseband and an obvious
noise-suppression, respectively, which was better than the voltage sag feature with a negative value in the 8th scale. In the
80% of the ANN, are shown in Table II. Consequently, the second case, voltage swell happened at about 0.068 s as shown
established fuzzy rule set of the NFCS in this paper has the in Fig. 10(a). The energy spectrum in Fig. 10(b) exhibited the
ability to distinguish various PQ transient signals. particular energy spectrum of voltage swell without baseband

TABLE III able to decrease noise-riding effects and increase the recog-
RECOGNITION RESULT USING ACTUAL VOLTAGE SAG DATA nition rate. Besides, reduced features representing power
transients are capable of improving recognition accuracy and
reducing training time, in contrast with the more features if
directly adopting the WTCs. As an efficient classifier, the
neuro-fuzzy recognition system has been used for the fuzzy
rule construction and the signal recognition of different PQ
events. The process of reasoning PQ events identification can
also be tracked through the developed NFCS, if it is needed.
In terms of the computation time, the memory needed, and
the recognition accuracy achieved, the overall performance of
the proposed systems has been proven superior to the existing
approaches. Applications of the proposed systems to practical
PQ events classification will be promoted and tested on more
field data for possible performance improvement.

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highest inference output value was 0.73 and corresponded di- [11] F. Mo and W. Kinsner, “Wavelet modelling of transient in power sys-
tems,” in Proc. Communications, Power, and Computing Conf., 1997,
rectly to voltage swell via Rules 13 to 17. From the fuzzy rule pp. 132–137.
set and the results of the final network inference output, actual [12] S. Sannoto, E. J. Powers, W. M. Grady, and P. Hofmann, “Power
field data can be successfully recognized by the NFCS. quality assessment via wavelet transform analysis,” IEEE Trans.
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[13] D. Borrás, M. Castilla, N. Moreno, and J. C. Montaño, “Wavelet and
V. CONCLUSION neural structure: A new tool for diagnostic of power system distur-
bances,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 184–190, Jan.–Feb.
This paper has demonstrated that a PQ event recognition 2001.
system, which integrated the noise-suppression algorithm, [14] J. S. Huang, M. Negnevitsky, and D. T. Nguyen, “A neural-fuzzy
classifier for recognition of power quality disturbances,” IEEE Trans.
feature extraction based on the Parseval’s Theorem, and the Power Del., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 56–57, Apr. 2002.
neuro-fuzzy classification system, was successfully developed [15] S. Mallat, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, 2nd ed. San Diego,
and tested using both simulated noise-riding data of various CA: Academic Press, 1999.
[16] Y. Xu, J. B. Weaver, D. M. Healy, and J. Lu, “Wavelet transform
disturbance events and actual field data. The numerical results domain filters: A spatially selective noise filtration technique,” IEEE
have shown that the proposed noise-suppression algorithm is Trans. Image Process., vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 747–758, Nov. 1994.

[17] A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, and J. R. Buck, Discrete-Time Signal Hong-Tzer Yang (M’02–SM’08) was born in
Processing, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999. Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., on March 19, 1960. He
[18] A. M. Gaouda, E. F. El-Saadany, M. M. A. Salama, V. K. Sood, and A. received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical
Y. Chikihani, “Monitoring HVDC systems using wavelet multi-reso- engineering from National Cheng-Kung University
lution analysis,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 662–670, (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan, in 1982 and 1984 respec-
Nov. 2001. tively, and received the Ph.D. degree in electrical
[19] A. M. Gaouda, S. H. Kanoun, M. M. A. Salama, and A. Y. Chikihani, engineering from National Tsing-Hua University,
“Pattern recognition applications for power system disturbance clas- Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, in 1989.
sification,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 677–683, Jul. From 1989 to 1992, he was a Senior Specialist and
2002. Technical Superintendent from 1993 to 1995 with
[20] D. Chakraborty and N. R. Pal, “A neuro-fuzzy scheme for simulta- Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology,
neous feature selection and fuzzy rule-based classification,” IEEE Kaohsiung, Taiwan, where he developed an artificial intelligence-based target
Trans. Neural Netw., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 110–123, Jan. 2004. identification system and a real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation system.
[21] R. Y. Rubinstein, Simulation and the Monte Carlo method. New From 1995 to 2000, he was an Associate Professor with the Department of
York: Wiley, 1981. Electrical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), Jhong -Li,
Taiwan. In 2000, he was promoted to Full Professor. He was the Director of
Chiung-Chou Liao (M’05) was born in Yung-Lin, Incubation Center, CYCU, during 2000–2003 and the Chair of the Department
Taiwan, R.O.C., on Oct. 6, 1973. He received the B.S. of Electrical Engineering, CYCU, during 2002–2004. In 2007, he joined the
and M.S. degrees in 1996 and 1998, respectively, Faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, NCKU as a Professor
from the Department of Electrical Engineering, and Director of Electrical Laboratories. His current research interests include
Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), Jhong neural networks, evolutionary computing, and fuzzy expert system applications
-Li, Taiwan, and the Ph.D. degree in 2001 from the in power systems.
Department of Electronics Engineering, CYCY. Dr. Yang Chaired the IEEE Power Engineering Society’s (PES) Taipei
Since 2003, he has been an Assistant Professor Chapter in 2002. He is a member of Phi Tau Phi and the IEEE PES and CSS
with the Department of Electronics Engineering, societies.
Ching Yun University at Jhong-Li, Taiwan. Dr. Liao
is a member of Phi Tau Phi and the IEEE. He was a
reviewer of IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. His present research
interests are in signal processing and power quality of power systems.

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