Moderators Paper Setter Code No. MAR 101

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Paper Code: MAR-101

Roll No....................

M.Arch. Healthcare Architecture Examinations, Semester – I, Session 2019-20

Subject: Architecture Philosophy
Duration: 3 Hours Max Marks: 50

NOTE: (i) Attempt all three sections

(ii) Support your answers with neat sketches& dimensions.
(iii) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

Note: Attempt all parts of the following question . (10 marks)
Q.1. Answer any five of the following questions (5X2=10 marks)
a) Define a Difficult Whole?
b) List down seven lamps of architecture?
c) Explain Vitruvian triad?
d) Differentiate between Ante Mortem and Post Mortem practice in architecture?
e) List down four factors (4Ps) that decide the matrix of architecture.
f) What is the need of Alterity in Architecture?
g) Define the term Ambiguity in Architecture.

Note: Attempt any Four questions (4X5=20 marks)

Q.2. Architecture of 21st century is losing its vocabulary and identity. True or false? Comment.
Q.3. Indian architectural practices lacks in grossly in ethics. Explain those lacking Ethics.
Q.4. What are the intangible and intangible purposes of architecture.
O.5. Discuss “lees is more and less is bore” in light of complexity and contradicts in architecture.
Q.6. Difference of opinion is beauty of the architecture. True or false? Comment
Q.7. Differentiate between Idealism, Naturalism and existentialism
Note: Attempt any two questions (2X10=20 marks)

Q.8 Academia should be ahead of practice in market? Discuss in terms of Anti Mortem and post
mortem scenario.
Q.9 Explain “Reason informed by emotion - expressed in beauty, elevated by earnestness. lightened
by humour - that is the ideal that should guide all artists.”
Q.10 Architecture is the physical manifestation of culture. Explain with example.

(I hereby assign to Jamia Millia Islamia all right including

copyright of the said question paper, I have destroyed all
the notes, rough drafts and carbon papers used for the
question paper mentioned above and retain no copy of it.)

Moderators Paper setter

Code no. MAR 101

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