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Teacher’s name: Kristina Hess 

Grade Level: Kindergarten                                                                                    
Lesson Topic: Parts of a Book
 Instructional Set Up:
Standard(s) addressed:

RI.K.5. Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.

RL.K.5. Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).

RL.K.6. With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the
role of each in telling the story.

Enduring Understanding: 
-Recognize where and what the title, front cover, back cover, author, illustrator and page
numbers are that are a part of every book.
Lesson Objective:  After analyzing their own picture book, students will be able to verbally
state and demonstrate the different parts of a book.
Materials: YouTube video:, Book:
“Winter is Here”, students’ books, chapter book: Junie B Jones
Teaching Process:
1. Anticipatory Set
- Ask students if they brought a book to class to hold them up
- I will also hold up my book
- Questioning: Ask students if they know what their book is called
- I will tell them my book is called “Winter is Here”
- I will explain today we are going to learn the parts of a book! All books have the same
special parts and you’re going to find them on your book.
- Show YouTube video:
Pacing: 5 minutes

2. Instruction:
- After watching the video, I will tell them and model with my own book that every book
has a title, an author (the person who writes/made the story), an illustrator (the person
that draws the pictures), a front cover, a back cover, a title page inside the book, and page

Guided Practice:
- Modeling: I will point to my title and say the book I have is titled “Winter is Here”.
- Checking for understanding: I will question the students to point to their title on their
- Modeling: Then I will say also on the front cover of the book there is the author and
point to the authors name and say the author of my book was Kevin Henkes.
- Checking for understanding: I will question the students to find the author and tell
them it would be under the title of the books name, on the bottom or the top of the book.
- If the students are unsure, I will ask them to hold up their book, so I can help them
identify the author.

- Modeling: Then I will point to the illustrators’ name and say the illustrator of my book
was Laura Dronzek.
- I will tell the students some books do not have the illustrator listed, but if they do it
would probably be next to the authors name and to point to the other name on the book.
- Again, if the students are unsure, I will ask them to hold up their book, so I can help them
identify the illustrator.
- Modeling: I will hold up the front of my book and say that where you see the title, author
and illustrator, that is called the front cover.
- Checking for understanding: I will question the students to hold up the front
cover/front of the book.

- Modeling: Then I will flip one page in my book and tell the students this is called the
title page. The title page has the name of the book, the author, and the illustrator again
just inside the book.
- I will ask them to find their title page (checking for understanding) while explaining
some books don’t always have a title page, but if they have one to hold it up.
- Then I will tell the students to open up a page in their book and look at the bottom of a
page and question them if there are any numbers there.
- I will tell them that sometimes, picture books do not have the page number but if you see
a number to hold up your book and point to the number.

- Lastly, I will flip my book to the back, and tell them to do the same (Checking for
- I will question them if this is called the front cover (and demonstrate the front of the
book) what you think the BACK of the book is called?
- I will tell them it is the back cover. It sometimes tells you what the book is about or
shows the characters in the story.
- I will also have a chapter book and model that some books have a lot of pages and they
have chapters which are different sections of a book.
Pacing: 10 minutes

3. Closure
- Assessment: As a class, I will call out parts of the book and tell them to show me or point
to me that part of the book. “Can you show me the title of your book? Can you show me
the back cover of your book What does the illustrator do”?
- Assessment/Review: Then I will call on individual students and ask them to tell me one
of the parts of the book they learned today.
Pacing: 5-10 minutes

Total Pacing: 20-25 minutes

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