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pagan Authors You Should Know

Religion and Spirituality
Religion & Spirituality
Paganism / Wicca
Books & Sacred Texts
Rituals & Ceremonies
Sabbats & Holidays
Gods & Goddesses
Dreams & Meditation
Latter-Day Saints
by Patti Wigington
Updated August 31, 2016
The following people are some of the most well-known authors in the fields of
magic, the occult, Paganism and Wicca. While not everyone agrees with everything
these authors have written, reading their work will give you a greater
understanding of the history of Paganism and Wicca in the modern era. Although this
isn't a comprehensive list, it's a good starting point for anyone who's interested
in reading more about Wicca and Paganism.

1 Starhawk
Starhawk at the Planet Repair Institute, 2011. Photo Credit: Sarah
Dent/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Starhawk is the founder of the Reclaiming Tradition of Wicca, and an environmental
activist. In addition to writing numerous books about Paganism such as The Spiral
Dance, she is also the author of several speculative fiction books. She is also co-
author of Circle Round, a must-have for anyone raising kids in pagan traditions.
Originally born Miriam Simos, Starhawk has worked as a consultant on a number of
films, but spends most of her time writing and working for environmental and
feminist causes. She travels regularly, teaching others about caring for the earth
and global activism.

Photo Credit: Sarah Dent/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 2.0)

2 Adler, Margot
Margot Adler
Margot Adler signs books at University of the Pacific in Stockton, 2010. Photo
Credit: Patrick Giblin/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Margot Adler (April 16, 1946 � July 28, 2014) was a highly respected columnist and
journalist for National Public Radio. In 1979 she joined NPR as a reporter, and
covered controversial topics such as the right to die and the death penalty in
America. Later on she became a Harvard fellow.

In the eighties Adler covered a number of diverse topics� from making a documentary
about AIDS patients in San Francisco to reporting on the Winter Olympics in Calgary
and Sarajevo. She occasionally appeared as a guest commentator on shows like "All
Things Considered", which is a staple for NPR listeners, and was the host of the
network's "Justice Talking." Her book Drawing Down the Moon is often referred to as
a field guide to modern Paganism.

Photo Credit: Patrick Giblin/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 2.0)

3 Buckland, Raymond
Wiccan author Ray Buckland in 2008. Photo Credit: Patti Wigington
Raymond Buckland (born August 31, 1934) is one of the greatest living influences on
modern Pagans and Wiccans. He began studying spiritualism in his native England as
boy. He began studying Wicca and developed a correspondence with Gerald Gardner
himself. He was initiated in Scotland in 1963.

After leaving the Gardnerian tradition, Buckland formed Seax-Wica, based on the
culture of the Saxons. He spent several years teaching and training other witches
through the Seax-Wica Seminary, and eventually turned to solitary practice. Many
people credit his work with getting Wiccans "out of the broom closet".

4 Cunningham, Scott
Scott Cunningham was the other of numerous popular books on Paganism. Photo
Credit: Llewellyn Publishing
The late Scott Cunningham is probably second only to Ray Buckland when it comes to
the volume of information he has published on Wicca and witchcraft. As a college
student in San Diego Scott developed an interest in herbs, and his first book,
Magickal Herbalism, was published by Llewellyn in 1982. It has since become known
as one of the definitive works on the use of herbal correspondences in magick and

In 1990, Scott Cunningham became ill on a lecture tour, and his health gradually
deteriorated. Although he went home and continued to write more books, he
eventually passed away in 1993.

5 Curott, Phyllis
Phyllis Curott
Phyllis Curott's books emphasize empowerment. Photo Credit: Book cover images from
Phyllis Curott (born February 8, 1954) obtained her law degree from NYU'�s School
of Law, and has worked as an attorney with a focus on civil liberties, which she
continues to do today. She was one of the founding members of the Religious
Liberties Lawyers Network, which provides legal assistance and resources for cases
stemming from First Amendment religious issues.

She was initiated into Wicca in 1985, after many years of studying Goddess
traditions. Her first book was published in 1998. In addition to writing, she has
spoken around the world about such matters as religious freedom and the rights of
women. Her book Witch Crafting is a must-read for Pagans who are interested in
social justice and activism within a spiritual context.

6 Farrar, Stewart and Janet

Stewart Farrar
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
Janet and Stewart Farrar met in 1970, when twenty-year-old Janet was initiated into
the coven of Alex Sanders. Stewart had been initiated into the Sanders' coven early
in 1970. Stewart and Janet broke away to form their own coven that same year and
spent some time building their group. They were handfast in 1972 and legally
married a few years later. Stewart wrote a book entitled What Witches Do, and
became a vocal proponent of Wicca.

In the mid-seventies Stewart and Janet left Britain and moved to Ireland, forming a
new coven and collaborating on several books which have become staples for modern
pagans. Janet now collaborates on books with her partner Gavin Bone.

7 Gardner, Gerald Brousseau

Image Credit: Citadel Press
An initiate of Aleister Crowley, in 1949, Gerald Gardner (1884�1964) published the
novel High Magic's Aid, which was in fact not really a novel but a disguised
version of Gardner's Book of Shadows. A few years later, Gardner met Doreen
Valiente and initiated her into his coven. Valiente revamped Gardner's Book of
Shadows, eliminated much of the Crowleyan influence, and worked together with him
to create a huge body of work that became the foundation of the Gardnerian
tradition. In 1963, Gardner met Raymond Buckland, and Gardner's HPs, Lady Olwen,
initiated Buckland into the Craft. Gerald Gardner died of a heart attack in 1964.

8 Leek, Sybil
Photo Credit: Emyerson/E+/Getty Images
According to Sybil herself, she was born in 1922 in Staffordshire, into a family of
hereditary witches (reports from around the time of her death say she was actually
born in 1917). She claimed to trace her mother�s family of witches back to the time
of William the Conqueror. Leek was initiated into witchcraft in France. She later
joined her family near the New Forest, and then spent a year living with the
Gypsies, who welcomed her as one of their own. Later in life, Sybil Leek became
publicly known as a witch, wrote her Six Tenets of Witchcraft and several books,
and traveled the world giving talks and interviews about the subject before
settling down in America.

9 Leland, Charles G.
Charles Leland
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
Leland (Aug. 15, 1824 � March 20, 1903) was a folklorist who wrote several books
about English Gypsies. His early years were spent in America, and legend has it
that shortly after his birth an old family nurse performed a ritual upon him, which
was to bring him good fortune and that he would become a scholar and wizard. In
addition to collecting exotic occult objects, Leland was a prolific writer and
produced over fifty books during his lifetime, some of which influenced Gerald
Gardner and Doreen Valiente. He died in 1903, before completing the bulk of his
work on Italian Witchcraft. To this date, his best known work remains Aradia,
Gospel of the Witches.

10 Murray, Margaret
Margaret Murray
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
Margaret Murray was an anthropologist who became well known for her theory of a
pre-Christian European religion. Margaret became recognized as a competent
Egyptologist and folklorist and was influenced by works such as James Frazer'�s .
After evaluating the records of the European witch trials, she published The Witch
Cult in Western Europe, in which she posited that witchcraft was far older than the
middle ages, that it had in fact been a religion of its own, existing long before
the Christian Church came along. Many of her theories have since been debunked by
scholars, but her work is still noteworthy.
Pagan Authors You Should Know
Religion and Spirituality
Religion & Spirituality
Paganism / Wicca
Books & Sacred Texts
Rituals & Ceremonies
Sabbats & Holidays
Gods & Goddesses
Dreams & Meditation
Latter-Day Saints
by Patti Wigington
Updated August 31, 2016
The following people are some of the most well-known authors in the fields of
magic, the occult, Paganism and Wicca. While not everyone agrees with everything
these authors have written, reading their work will give you a greater
understanding of the history of Paganism and Wicca in the modern era. Although this
isn't a comprehensive list, it's a good starting point for anyone who's interested
in reading more about Wicca and Paganism.

1 Starhawk
Starhawk at the Planet Repair Institute, 2011. Photo Credit: Sarah
Dent/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Starhawk is the founder of the Reclaiming Tradition of Wicca, and an environmental
activist. In addition to writing numerous books about Paganism such as The Spiral
Dance, she is also the author of several speculative fiction books. She is also co-
author of Circle Round, a must-have for anyone raising kids in pagan traditions.
Originally born Miriam Simos, Starhawk has worked as a consultant on a number of
films, but spends most of her time writing and working for environmental and
feminist causes. She travels regularly, teaching others about caring for the earth
and global activism.

Photo Credit: Sarah Dent/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 2.0)

2 Adler, Margot
Margot Adler
Margot Adler signs books at University of the Pacific in Stockton, 2010. Photo
Credit: Patrick Giblin/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Margot Adler (April 16, 1946 � July 28, 2014) was a highly respected columnist and
journalist for National Public Radio. In 1979 she joined NPR as a reporter, and
covered controversial topics such as the right to die and the death penalty in
America. Later on she became a Harvard fellow.

In the eighties Adler covered a number of diverse topics� from making a documentary
about AIDS patients in San Francisco to reporting on the Winter Olympics in Calgary
and Sarajevo. She occasionally appeared as a guest commentator on shows like "All
Things Considered", which is a staple for NPR listeners, and was the host of the
network's "Justice Talking." Her book Drawing Down the Moon is often referred to as
a field guide to modern Paganism.

Photo Credit: Patrick Giblin/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 2.0)

3 Buckland, Raymond
Wiccan author Ray Buckland in 2008. Photo Credit: Patti Wigington
Raymond Buckland (born August 31, 1934) is one of the greatest living influences on
modern Pagans and Wiccans. He began studying spiritualism in his native England as
boy. He began studying Wicca and developed a correspondence with Gerald Gardner
himself. He was initiated in Scotland in 1963.

After leaving the Gardnerian tradition, Buckland formed Seax-Wica, based on the
culture of the Saxons. He spent several years teaching and training other witches
through the Seax-Wica Seminary, and eventually turned to solitary practice. Many
people credit his work with getting Wiccans "out of the broom closet".

4 Cunningham, Scott
Scott Cunningham was the other of numerous popular books on Paganism. Photo
Credit: Llewellyn Publishing
The late Scott Cunningham is probably second only to Ray Buckland when it comes to
the volume of information he has published on Wicca and witchcraft. As a college
student in San Diego Scott developed an interest in herbs, and his first book,
Magickal Herbalism, was published by Llewellyn in 1982. It has since become known
as one of the definitive works on the use of herbal correspondences in magick and

In 1990, Scott Cunningham became ill on a lecture tour, and his health gradually
deteriorated. Although he went home and continued to write more books, he
eventually passed away in 1993.

5 Curott, Phyllis
Phyllis Curott
Phyllis Curott's books emphasize empowerment. Photo Credit: Book cover images from
Phyllis Curott (born February 8, 1954) obtained her law degree from NYU'�s School
of Law, and has worked as an attorney with a focus on civil liberties, which she
continues to do today. She was one of the founding members of the Religious
Liberties Lawyers Network, which provides legal assistance and resources for cases
stemming from First Amendment religious issues.

She was initiated into Wicca in 1985, after many years of studying Goddess
traditions. Her first book was published in 1998. In addition to writing, she has
spoken around the world about such matters as religious freedom and the rights of
women. Her book Witch Crafting is a must-read for Pagans who are interested in
social justice and activism within a spiritual context.

6 Farrar, Stewart and Janet

Stewart Farrar
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
Janet and Stewart Farrar met in 1970, when twenty-year-old Janet was initiated into
the coven of Alex Sanders. Stewart had been initiated into the Sanders' coven early
in 1970. Stewart and Janet broke away to form their own coven that same year and
spent some time building their group. They were handfast in 1972 and legally
married a few years later. Stewart wrote a book entitled What Witches Do, and
became a vocal proponent of Wicca.

In the mid-seventies Stewart and Janet left Britain and moved to Ireland, forming a
new coven and collaborating on several books which have become staples for modern
pagans. Janet now collaborates on books with her partner Gavin Bone.

7 Gardner, Gerald Brousseau

Image Credit: Citadel Press
An initiate of Aleister Crowley, in 1949, Gerald Gardner (1884�1964) published the
novel High Magic's Aid, which was in fact not really a novel but a disguised
version of Gardner's Book of Shadows. A few years later, Gardner met Doreen
Valiente and initiated her into his coven. Valiente revamped Gardner's Book of
Shadows, eliminated much of the Crowleyan influence, and worked together with him
to create a huge body of work that became the foundation of the Gardnerian
tradition. In 1963, Gardner met Raymond Buckland, and Gardner's HPs, Lady Olwen,
initiated Buckland into the Craft. Gerald Gardner died of a heart attack in 1964.

8 Leek, Sybil
Photo Credit: Emyerson/E+/Getty Images
According to Sybil herself, she was born in 1922 in Staffordshire, into a family of
hereditary witches (reports from around the time of her death say she was actually
born in 1917). She claimed to trace her mother�s family of witches back to the time
of William the Conqueror. Leek was initiated into witchcraft in France. She later
joined her family near the New Forest, and then spent a year living with the
Gypsies, who welcomed her as one of their own. Later in life, Sybil Leek became
publicly known as a witch, wrote her Six Tenets of Witchcraft and several books,
and traveled the world giving talks and interviews about the subject before
settling down in America.

9 Leland, Charles G.
Charles Leland
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
Leland (Aug. 15, 1824 � March 20, 1903) was a folklorist who wrote several books
about English Gypsies. His early years were spent in America, and legend has it
that shortly after his birth an old family nurse performed a ritual upon him, which
was to bring him good fortune and that he would become a scholar and wizard. In
addition to collecting exotic occult objects, Leland was a prolific writer and
produced over fifty books during his lifetime, some of which influenced Gerald
Gardner and Doreen Valiente. He died in 1903, before completing the bulk of his
work on Italian Witchcraft. To this date, his best known work remains Aradia,
Gospel of the Witches.

10 Murray, Margaret
Margaret Murray
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
Margaret Murray was an anthropologist who became well known for her theory of a
pre-Christian European religion. Margaret became recognized as a competent
Egyptologist and folklorist and was influenced by works such as James Frazer'�s .
After evaluating the records of the European witch trials, she published The Witch
Cult in Western Europe, in which she posited that witchcraft was far older than the
middle ages, that it had in fact been a religion of its own, existing long before
the Christian Church came along. Many of her theories have since been debunked by
scholars, but her work is still noteworthy.

13 Books for Beginning Wiccans
10 Traditions of Modern Witchcraft
Doreen Valiente, Mother of Pagan Traditions
What is the Alexandrian Tradition of Wicca?
Scott Cunningham's Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Humanities � Religion & Spirituality
13 Books Every Wiccan Should Read
Religion and Spirituality
Religion & Spirituality
Paganism / Wicca
Books & Sacred Texts
Rituals & Ceremonies
Sabbats & Holidays
Gods & Goddesses
Dreams & Meditation
Latter-Day Saints
by Patti Wigington
Updated October 14, 2016
Now that you've decided you want to learn about contemporary Wicca or another
modern Pagan path, what should you read? After all, there are literally thousands
of books on the subject -- some good, others not so much. Be sure to read What
Makes a Book Worth Reading? for some insight as to what separates the good from the

1 Why These Books?

woman reading book in hammock
Andrey Artykov / Getty Images
This list features the thirteen books that every Wiccan - and many other Pagans -
should have on their shelves. A few are historical, a few more focus on modern
Wiccan practice, but they're all worth reading more than once. Bear in mind that
while some books may purport to be about Wicca, they are often focused on NeoWicca,
and do not contain the oathbound material found in traditional Wiccan practice.
2 Adler, Margot: Drawing Down the Moon
If you want to learn about birds, you get a field guide about birds. If you want to
learn about mushrooms, you get a field guide to mushrooms. Drawing Down the Moon is
a field guide to Pagans. Rather than offering up a book of spells and recipes,
Margot Adler presents an academic work that evaluates modern Pagan religions -
including Wicca - and the people who practice them. The work is based on a survey
the author took over two decades ago, but the information within is still a worthy
read. Drawing Down the Moon makes no apologies for the fact that not all Wiccans
are full of white light and fluff, but instead tells it like it is. Adler's style
is entertaining and informative, and it's a bit like reading a really well-done
thesis paper. Buy from Amazon �

3 Buckland, Raymond: Complete Book of Witchcraft

Big Blue
Raymond Buckland is one of Wicca's most prolific writers, and his work Complete
Book of Witchcraft continues to remain popular two decades after it was first
published - and for good reason. Although this book represents a more eclectic
flavor of Wicca rather than a particular tradition, it's presented in a workbook-
like format that allows new seekers to work through the exercises at their own
pace, learning as they go. For more seasoned readers, there's a lot of useful
information as far as rituals, tools, and magic itself. This book is a classic, and
well worth picking up. Buy from Amazon �

4 Cunningham, Scott: Wicca - A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

Cunningham Solitary
The late Scott Cunningham wrote a number of books before his untimely death, but
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner remains one of the best known and most
useful. Although the tradition of witchcraft in this book is more Cunningham's
eclectic path than any other tradition, it's full of information on how to get
started in your practice of Wicca and magic. He goes into depth about tools, how
and why they are used, ethics, and the concept of god and goddess. If you're
interested in learning and practicing as an individual, and not necessarily jumping
into a coven right off the bat, this book is a valuable resource. Buy from Amazon �

5 Curott, Phyllis: Witch Crafting

Phyllis Curott
Phyllis Curott's books emphasize empowerment. Photo Credit: Book cover images from
Phyllis Curott is one of those people who makes me glad to be Pagan -- because
she's really normal. An attorney who has spent her life working on First Amendment
issues, Curott has managed to put together a really useful book. Witch Crafting is
not a collection of spells, rituals or prayers. It's a hard and fast look at
magical ethics, the polarity of male and female in the divine, finding the god and
goddess in your everyday life, and the pros and cons of coven life vs. solitary
paths. Curott also offers up a very interesting take on the Rule of Three. Whether
you're a new student of Wicca, or a veteran, Witch Crafting is worth reading more
than once. Buy from Amazon �

6 Eilers, Dana: Pagans and the Law - Understand Your Rights

Eilers Law
Dana D. Eilers spent many years facilitating an event called Conversations With
Pagans, and from that she wrote a book entitled The Practical Pagan. She then drew
on her experience as an attorney to write Pagans and the Law: Understand Your
Rights. This book goes into depth about precedents in religious discrimination
lawsuits, how to protect yourself if you may be a victim of workplace harassment,
and how to document everything if your spirituality is leading someone to treat you
unfairly. Eilers is an outspoken woman who has a lot of great advice worth
listening to. Buy from Amazon �

7 Farrar, Janet & Stewart: A Witches� Bible: The Complete Witches� Handbook
Stewart Farrar
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
The first section of this book is Eight Sabbats for Witches. It goes into depth on
Sabbat rites, and the meanings behind the holidays are expanded on. While the
ceremonies in A Witches� Bible: The Complete Witches� Handbook are the Farrars'
own, there's a heavy influence of the Gardnerian tradition, as well as Celtic
folklore and some other European history. The second half of the book is in fact
another book, The Witches Way, which looks at the beliefs, ethics, and practice of
modern witchcraft. Despite the fact that the authors are a bit conservative by
today's standards, this book is an excellent look at the transitioning concept of
what exactly it is that makes someone a witch. Buy from Amazon �
8 Gardner, Gerald: Witchcraft Today
Image Credit: Citadel Press
Gerald Gardner is the founder of modern Wicca as we know it, and of course of the
Gardnerian tradition. His book Witchcraft Today is a worthy read, however, for
seekers on any Pagan path. He discusses paganism in Europe, as well as the so-
called "witch cult", and goes on to demonstrate how many of history's notable names
are connected, one way or another, to what we know today as witchcraft. Although
some of the statements in Witchcraft Today should be taken with a grain of salt --
after all, Gardner was a folklorist and that shines through in his writing -- it's
still one of the foundations that contemporary Wicca is based on. For its
historical value, few things beat this book. Buy from Amazon �

9 Hutton, Ronald: Triumph of the Moon

Ronald Hutton is the author of a number of books on historical and modern
Paganism. Photo Credits: Oxford University Press, Patti Wigington
Triumph of the Moon is a book about Pagans by a non-Pagan, and Ronald Hutton, a
highly respected professor, does an excellent job. This book looks at the emergence
of contemporary Pagan religions, and how they not only evolved from the Pagan
societies of the past, but also owe heavily to 19th-century poets and scholars. In
fact, Hutton points out that a good deal of what we consider "ancient" Pagan
practice can be attributed to the novelists and romantics of the late Edwardian and
early Victorian era. Despite his status as a scholar, Hutton's breezy wit makes
this a refreshing read, and you'll learn far more than you ever expected to about
today's Pagan religions. Buy from Amazon �

10 Morrison, Dorothy: The Craft - A Witch's Book of Shadows

Dorothy Morrison is one of those writers who doesn't hold back, and while her book
The Craft is aimed at beginners, she manages to create a work that can be useful
for anyone. Morrison includes exercises and rituals which are not only practical,
but teaching tools as well. Despite its focus on the lighter side of witchcraft,
it's a good starting point for anyone trying to learn about Wicca, and how to
create your own rituals and workings. Morrison also has written a number of other
books, including a companion work to this one. Buy from Amazon �

11 Russell, Jeffrey: A History of Witchcraft

Russell Witchcraft
Historian Jeffrey Russell presents an analysis of witchcraft in an historical
context, from the early days of Medieval Europe, through the witch craze of the
Renaissance, and up into modern times. Russell doesn't bother trying to fluff up
the history to make it more palatable to today's Wiccans, and takes a look at three
different kinds of witchcraft -- sorcery, diabolical witchcraft, and modern
witchcraft. A noted religious historian, Russell manages to make an entertaining
yet informative read, as well as accepting that witchcraft in and of itself can in
fact be a religion. Buy from Amazon �

12 Serith, Ceisiwr: A Book of Pagan Prayer

13 Books Every Wiccan Should Read

Religion and Spirituality
Religion & Spirituality
Paganism / Wicca
Books & Sacred Texts
Rituals & Ceremonies
Sabbats & Holidays
Gods & Goddesses
Dreams & Meditation
Latter-Day Saints
by Patti Wigington
Updated October 14, 2016
Now that you've decided you want to learn about contemporary Wicca or another
modern Pagan path, what should you read? After all, there are literally thousands
of books on the subject -- some good, others not so much. Be sure to read What
Makes a Book Worth Reading? for some insight as to what separates the good from the

1 Why These Books?

woman reading book in hammock
Andrey Artykov / Getty Images
This list features the thirteen books that every Wiccan - and many other Pagans -
should have on their shelves. A few are historical, a few more focus on modern
Wiccan practice, but they're all worth reading more than once. Bear in mind that
while some books may purport to be about Wicca, they are often focused on NeoWicca,
and do not contain the oathbound material found in traditional Wiccan practice.

2 Adler, Margot: Drawing Down the Moon

If you want to learn about birds, you get a field guide about birds. If you want to
learn about mushrooms, you get a field guide to mushrooms. Drawing Down the Moon is
a field guide to Pagans. Rather than offering up a book of spells and recipes,
Margot Adler presents an academic work that evaluates modern Pagan religions -
including Wicca - and the people who practice them. The work is based on a survey
the author took over two decades ago, but the information within is still a worthy
read. Drawing Down the Moon makes no apologies for the fact that not all Wiccans
are full of white light and fluff, but instead tells it like it is. Adler's style
is entertaining and informative, and it's a bit like reading a really well-done
thesis paper. Buy from Amazon �

3 Buckland, Raymond: Complete Book of Witchcraft

Big Blue
Raymond Buckland is one of Wicca's most prolific writers, and his work Complete
Book of Witchcraft continues to remain popular two decades after it was first
published - and for good reason. Although this book represents a more eclectic
flavor of Wicca rather than a particular tradition, it's presented in a workbook-
like format that allows new seekers to work through the exercises at their own
pace, learning as they go. For more seasoned readers, there's a lot of useful
information as far as rituals, tools, and magic itself. This book is a classic, and
well worth picking up. Buy from Amazon �

4 Cunningham, Scott: Wicca - A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

Cunningham Solitary
The late Scott Cunningham wrote a number of books before his untimely death, but
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner remains one of the best known and most
useful. Although the tradition of witchcraft in this book is more Cunningham's
eclectic path than any other tradition, it's full of information on how to get
started in your practice of Wicca and magic. He goes into depth about tools, how
and why they are used, ethics, and the concept of god and goddess. If you're
interested in learning and practicing as an individual, and not necessarily jumping
into a coven right off the bat, this book is a valuable resource. Buy from Amazon �

5 Curott, Phyllis: Witch Crafting

Phyllis Curott
Phyllis Curott's books emphasize empowerment. Photo Credit: Book cover images from
Phyllis Curott is one of those people who makes me glad to be Pagan -- because
she's really normal. An attorney who has spent her life working on First Amendment
issues, Curott has managed to put together a really useful book. Witch Crafting is
not a collection of spells, rituals or prayers. It's a hard and fast look at
magical ethics, the polarity of male and female in the divine, finding the god and
goddess in your everyday life, and the pros and cons of coven life vs. solitary
paths. Curott also offers up a very interesting take on the Rule of Three. Whether
you're a new student of Wicca, or a veteran, Witch Crafting is worth reading more
than once. Buy from Amazon �

6 Eilers, Dana: Pagans and the Law - Understand Your Rights

Eilers Law
Dana D. Eilers spent many years facilitating an event called Conversations With
Pagans, and from that she wrote a book entitled The Practical Pagan. She then drew
on her experience as an attorney to write Pagans and the Law: Understand Your
Rights. This book goes into depth about precedents in religious discrimination
lawsuits, how to protect yourself if you may be a victim of workplace harassment,
and how to document everything if your spirituality is leading someone to treat you
unfairly. Eilers is an outspoken woman who has a lot of great advice worth
listening to. Buy from Amazon �

7 Farrar, Janet & Stewart: A Witches� Bible: The Complete Witches� Handbook
Stewart Farrar
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
The first section of this book is Eight Sabbats for Witches. It goes into depth on
Sabbat rites, and the meanings behind the holidays are expanded on. While the
ceremonies in A Witches� Bible: The Complete Witches� Handbook are the Farrars'
own, there's a heavy influence of the Gardnerian tradition, as well as Celtic
folklore and some other European history. The second half of the book is in fact
another book, The Witches Way, which looks at the beliefs, ethics, and practice of
modern witchcraft. Despite the fact that the authors are a bit conservative by
today's standards, this book is an excellent look at the transitioning concept of
what exactly it is that makes someone a witch. Buy from Amazon �
8 Gardner, Gerald: Witchcraft Today
Image Credit: Citadel Press
Gerald Gardner is the founder of modern Wicca as we know it, and of course of the
Gardnerian tradition. His book Witchcraft Today is a worthy read, however, for
seekers on any Pagan path. He discusses paganism in Europe, as well as the so-
called "witch cult", and goes on to demonstrate how many of history's notable names
are connected, one way or another, to what we know today as witchcraft. Although
some of the statements in Witchcraft Today should be taken with a grain of salt --
after all, Gardner was a folklorist and that shines through in his writing -- it's
still one of the foundations that contemporary Wicca is based on. For its
historical value, few things beat this book. Buy from Amazon �

9 Hutton, Ronald: Triumph of the Moon

Ronald Hutton is the author of a number of books on historical and modern
Paganism. Photo Credits: Oxford University Press, Patti Wigington
Triumph of the Moon is a book about Pagans by a non-Pagan, and Ronald Hutton, a
highly respected professor, does an excellent job. This book looks at the emergence
of contemporary Pagan religions, and how they not only evolved from the Pagan
societies of the past, but also owe heavily to 19th-century poets and scholars. In
fact, Hutton points out that a good deal of what we consider "ancient" Pagan
practice can be attributed to the novelists and romantics of the late Edwardian and
early Victorian era. Despite his status as a scholar, Hutton's breezy wit makes
this a refreshing read, and you'll learn far more than you ever expected to about
today's Pagan religions. Buy from Amazon �

10 Morrison, Dorothy: The Craft - A Witch's Book of Shadows

Dorothy Morrison is one of those writers who doesn't hold back, and while her book
The Craft is aimed at beginners, she manages to create a work that can be useful
for anyone. Morrison includes exercises and rituals which are not only practical,
but teaching tools as well. Despite its focus on the lighter side of witchcraft,
it's a good starting point for anyone trying to learn about Wicca, and how to
create your own rituals and workings. Morrison also has written a number of other
books, including a companion work to this one. Buy from Amazon �

11 Russell, Jeffrey: A History of Witchcraft

Russell Witchcraft
Historian Jeffrey Russell presents an analysis of witchcraft in an historical
context, from the early days of Medieval Europe, through the witch craze of the
Renaissance, and up into modern times. Russell doesn't bother trying to fluff up
the history to make it more palatable to today's Wiccans, and takes a look at three
different kinds of witchcraft -- sorcery, diabolical witchcraft, and modern
witchcraft. A noted religious historian, Russell manages to make an entertaining
yet informative read, as well as accepting that witchcraft in and of itself can in
fact be a religion. Buy from Amazon �

12 Serith, Ceisiwr: A Book of Pagan Prayer

Serith Prayer
There is nothing else on the market like Ceisiwr Serith's A Book of Pagan Prayer.
Despite the fact that some view prayer as a Christian concept, many Pagans do pray.
This unique book features hundreds of prayers written to meet the needs of Pagans
from a wide range of traditions. There are prayers for life events, such as
handfastings, births, and deaths; for times of the year such as the harvest and
midsummer, as well as petitions and litanies offered to different gods. Serith also
covers the theories behind prayer -- how and why we do it, as well as tips on
creating your own, personal prayers. Chances are that once you've started using
this book, it will stay near your altar for years to come. Buy from Amazon �
13 Starhawk: The Spiral Dance
The Spiral Dance
While The Spiral Dance is one of the best-known books on Wicca, it's also one of
the most spiritually profound. Written by noted activist Starhawk, The Spiral Dance
leads us on a journey through the spirituality of feminine consciousness. Sections
on raising the cone of power, trance magic, and magical symbolism make it worth
reading. Bear in mind that the original edition of this book was published twenty
years ago, and Starhawk herself has said she's reconsidered some of the things she
said the first time around -- particularly in reference to the polarity of the
male/female. Despite some of the eco-feminist complaints about Starhawk, this book
is powerful because it's one of the first of its kind, portraying Woman as Goddess.
Buy from Amazon �

14 Valiente, Doreen: Witchcraft for Tomorrow

If Gerald Gardner is the great-grandfather of modern Wicca, Doreen Valiente is the
wise granny who offers wisdom and counsel. A contemporary of Gardner's, she is
credited with the beautiful, evocative Charge of the Goddess, and may well have
been responsible for much of Gardner's original Book of Shadows. Valiente spends a
good amount of the book discussing the historical contexts of a number of rituals
and practices in use today, but also takes care to acknowledge that practices and
beliefs change even if the intent remains constant, and she points out ancient
sources that may or may not be the root of contemporary ideals. Though it helps to
have some knowledge of British Traditional Wicca beforehand, this book is a must-
read for anyone. Buy from Amazon �

Show Full Article

10 Pagan Authors Whose Names You Should Know
6 Books for Pagan Men to Read
Doreen Valiente, Mother of Pagan Traditions
Gerald Gardner and the Gardnerian Wiccan Tradition
Wicca, Witchcraft or Paganism - What's the Difference, Anyway?
Humanities � Religion & Spirituality
Pagan Authors You Should Know
Religion and Spirituality
Religion & Spirituality
Paganism / Wicca
Books & Sacred Texts
Rituals & Ceremonies
Sabbats & Holidays
Gods & Goddesses
Dreams & Meditation
Latter-Day Saints
by Patti Wigington
Updated August 31, 2016
The following people are some of the most well-known authors in the fields of
magic, the occult, Paganism and Wicca. While not everyone agrees with everything
these authors have written, reading their work will give you a greater
understanding of the history of Paganism and Wicca in the modern era. Although this
isn't a comprehensive list, it's a good starting point for anyone who's interested
in reading more about Wicca and Paganism.

1 Starhawk
Starhawk at the Planet Repair Institute, 2011. Photo Credit: Sarah
Dent/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Starhawk is the founder of the Reclaiming Tradition of Wicca, and an environmental
activist. In addition to writing numerous books about Paganism such as The Spiral
Dance, she is also the author of several speculative fiction books. She is also co-
author of Circle Round, a must-have for anyone raising kids in pagan traditions.
Originally born Miriam Simos, Starhawk has worked as a consultant on a number of
films, but spends most of her time writing and working for environmental and
feminist causes. She travels regularly, teaching others about caring for the earth
and global activism.

Photo Credit: Sarah Dent/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 2.0)

2 Adler, Margot
Margot Adler
Margot Adler signs books at University of the Pacific in Stockton, 2010. Photo
Credit: Patrick Giblin/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Margot Adler (April 16, 1946 � July 28, 2014) was a highly respected columnist and
journalist for National Public Radio. In 1979 she joined NPR as a reporter, and
covered controversial topics such as the right to die and the death penalty in
America. Later on she became a Harvard fellow.

In the eighties Adler covered a number of diverse topics� from making a documentary
about AIDS patients in San Francisco to reporting on the Winter Olympics in Calgary
and Sarajevo. She occasionally appeared as a guest commentator on shows like "All
Things Considered", which is a staple for NPR listeners, and was the host of the
network's "Justice Talking." Her book Drawing Down the Moon is often referred to as
a field guide to modern Paganism.

Photo Credit: Patrick Giblin/Flickr/Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 2.0)

3 Buckland, Raymond
Wiccan author Ray Buckland in 2008. Photo Credit: Patti Wigington
Raymond Buckland (born August 31, 1934) is one of the greatest living influences on
modern Pagans and Wiccans. He began studying spiritualism in his native England as
boy. He began studying Wicca and developed a correspondence with Gerald Gardner
himself. He was initiated in Scotland in 1963.

After leaving the Gardnerian tradition, Buckland formed Seax-Wica, based on the
culture of the Saxons. He spent several years teaching and training other witches
through the Seax-Wica Seminary, and eventually turned to solitary practice. Many
people credit his work with getting Wiccans "out of the broom closet".

4 Cunningham, Scott
Scott Cunningham was the other of numerous popular books on Paganism. Photo
Credit: Llewellyn Publishing
The late Scott Cunningham is probably second only to Ray Buckland when it comes to
the volume of information he has published on Wicca and witchcraft. As a college
student in San Diego Scott developed an interest in herbs, and his first book,
Magickal Herbalism, was published by Llewellyn in 1982. It has since become known
as one of the definitive works on the use of herbal correspondences in magick and

In 1990, Scott Cunningham became ill on a lecture tour, and his health gradually
deteriorated. Although he went home and continued to write more books, he
eventually passed away in 1993.

5 Curott, Phyllis
Phyllis Curott
Phyllis Curott's books emphasize empowerment. Photo Credit: Book cover images from
Phyllis Curott (born February 8, 1954) obtained her law degree from NYU'�s School
of Law, and has worked as an attorney with a focus on civil liberties, which she
continues to do today. She was one of the founding members of the Religious
Liberties Lawyers Network, which provides legal assistance and resources for cases
stemming from First Amendment religious issues.

She was initiated into Wicca in 1985, after many years of studying Goddess
traditions. Her first book was published in 1998. In addition to writing, she has
spoken around the world about such matters as religious freedom and the rights of
women. Her book Witch Crafting is a must-read for Pagans who are interested in
social justice and activism within a spiritual context.

6 Farrar, Stewart and Janet

Stewart Farrar
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
Janet and Stewart Farrar met in 1970, when twenty-year-old Janet was initiated into
the coven of Alex Sanders. Stewart had been initiated into the Sanders' coven early
in 1970. Stewart and Janet broke away to form their own coven that same year and
spent some time building their group. They were handfast in 1972 and legally
married a few years later. Stewart wrote a book entitled What Witches Do, and
became a vocal proponent of Wicca.

In the mid-seventies Stewart and Janet left Britain and moved to Ireland, forming a
new coven and collaborating on several books which have become staples for modern
pagans. Janet now collaborates on books with her partner Gavin Bone.

7 Gardner, Gerald Brousseau

Image Credit: Citadel Press
An initiate of Aleister Crowley, in 1949, Gerald Gardner (1884�1964) published the
novel High Magic's Aid, which was in fact not really a novel but a disguised
version of Gardner's Book of Shadows. A few years later, Gardner met Doreen
Valiente and initiated her into his coven. Valiente revamped Gardner's Book of
Shadows, eliminated much of the Crowleyan influence, and worked together with him
to create a huge body of work that became the foundation of the Gardnerian
tradition. In 1963, Gardner met Raymond Buckland, and Gardner's HPs, Lady Olwen,
initiated Buckland into the Craft. Gerald Gardner died of a heart attack in 1964.

8 Leek, Sybil
Photo Credit: Emyerson/E+/Getty Images
According to Sybil herself, she was born in 1922 in Staffordshire, into a family of
hereditary witches (reports from around the time of her death say she was actually
born in 1917). She claimed to trace her mother�s family of witches back to the time
of William the Conqueror. Leek was initiated into witchcraft in France. She later
joined her family near the New Forest, and then spent a year living with the
Gypsies, who welcomed her as one of their own. Later in life, Sybil Leek became
publicly known as a witch, wrote her Six Tenets of Witchcraft and several books,
and traveled the world giving talks and interviews about the subject before
settling down in America.

9 Leland, Charles G.
Charles Leland
Photo Credit: Book cover images courtesy of
Leland (Aug. 15, 1824 � March 20, 1903) was a folklorist who wrote several books
about English Gypsies. His early years were spent in America, and legend has it
that shortly after his birth an old family nurse performed a ritual upon him, which
was to bring him good fortune and that he would become a scholar and wizard. In
addition to collecting exotic occult objects, Leland was a prolific writer and
produced over fifty books during his lifetime, some of which influenced Gerald
Gardner and Doreen Valiente. He died in 1903, before completing the bulk of his
work on Italian Witchcraft. To this date, his best known work remains Aradia,
Gospel of the Witches.

10 Murray, Margaret

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