Week 6

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Monday October 21, 2019

Rotation Position: Sandwich line

Today was another one of our cookie baking days. This time I did most of the work when mixing
the dough. Also after the cookies were scooped and put on cookie sheets I was put in charge of
baking cookies and getting them on the lines. I was left tbaki g the cookies with basically no
knowledge of how they cook them time wise. So I asked and found out that you have to bake
them for four minutes then rotate the pans and bake for another four minutes then they are
complete. Then after they were baked I had to divide almost 700 cookies between 3 cookie
sheets and bucket. Also today comes to find out that one of the main freezers at the warehouse
had broken down over the weekend and so there is no pizza for anyone in the district. So we had
to use what we had in our freezer and used up what was left of the pizza rippers then in the last
lunch of the day we used what was left of the cheese zombies that were in the freezer. The main
line had the Dorito enchiladas and we ran out of that by last lunch so the students got a regular
chicken burger.

Tuesday October 22, 2019

Rotation Position: washroom.
Today as I came into work I did breakfast on my own again which wasn't hard at all this time.
Then I went to the back when breakfast was cleaned up and helped with making rolls. after rolls
I helped with getting the main course ready for the two lines that was mashed potatoes and
gravy. After prepping that I went on to help fruit since they were behind on getting the fruit
cupped.we didn't run the dishwasher because we were short two people and so they needed me to
step in and do our special needs employee's job since she was gone for the week. After I cleaned
up my area I went to the back to help record and put food away.

Wednesday October 23, 2019

Rotation Position: Stacker
Today was the potato bar. And we are still down a person and there is no subs available.
Because it is Wednesday I hoped right into helping with fruit because of the shorter amount of
time we have to prepare. While doing the fruit I also helped with making the chili when the
main cook of the week need some help for a moment. Even though I was stacker I am usually on
the main line serving but this time I filled in again for our special needs employee. We didn't run
the dishwasher today so all I had to do was to restock the foam trays and the forks. After work
when I came home continued to read the Fred Factor. This book makes me think deeper into
different perspectives than I have for a while. One of the lessons so far that I have loved and can
I apply to my internship is " Fred is proof that in any job or business, relationship building is the
most important objective because the quality of the relationship determines the quality of the
product or service." I can see how that can apply to making the workplace a more wholesome
place to work because we work better together when we have a better professional relationship.
Thursday October 24, 2019
Rotation Position: Main line

"The truth is is that we compete against our own potential every day. And most of us fall short of
what we are capable of doing or being." –— The Fred Factor

I think that in a time of chaos we need to believe in ourselves and rise to the occasion and get out
of our comfort zone. After breakfast today instead of doing fruit I started on getting the fries and
onion rings on their trays. After that I put the hamburgers in their pans ready to be put in the
steamer. After that I got the steamed veggies ready for the steamer also. Then I moved on to
helping finish putting the chicken burgers for the pizza line on the baking sheets since there is no
pizza due to the freezer being out of order in the warehouse. I then moved on to help finish up
with the last of the fruit. Then I prepared the main line and got the veggies and fruit out on the
line and got the buns ready for the Philly cheese steak. When lunch was over I helped count the
leftovers and put food away due to the manager having an emergency and needing to leave work
right when the lunches were done.

Friday October 25, 2019

Rotation Position: sandwich line

Never have I ever seen pure chaos happen in the kitchen as I did this morning. I walked into
work and there were almost 15 band student and 5 parents plus the band teacher preparing their
baked potatoes for their concert tonight. First thing that I am asked to do by two different no
people one right after the other is call the main office and see if there was any cooking oil they
could bring us because it didn't come through with our order cause the software deleted half the
delivery. After the call I went and helped finish preparing breakfast and serving it until I was
needed to help make the cheese zombies. Cheese zombies are basically a baked ham and cheese
sandwich served with tomato soup. I helped roll out the dough for the tops and bottoms of the
zombies. After the zombies were completed I took over the fruit cause the assistant manager was
over that but had to be in charge because our manager could come in. Fruit was easy because I
did all canned fruit and no fresh due to lack of time and just placed it in a pan so the students
could dish out their own. I was over the sandwich line today and was by myself. I think that half
of all the students I served no longer likes me due to sending half of the students that came
through my line to get more veggies or fruit because they didn't have a full half cup which is one
full scoop of either pan. Clean up was easy and quick today for some reason there wasn't a lot of
dishes and you just toss the veggies from the salad bar at the end of each week.

Time log
Date Time Hours

October 21, 2019 8am- 2 pm 6

October 22, 2019 7:30am- 2pm 6.5

October 23, 2019 8am-1 pm 5

October 24, 2019 7:30 am- 2pm 6.5

October 25, 2019 8am-2pm 6

Total Hours 30

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