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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Modeling excellence

Fuente: SENA

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

For this evidence, go online and find information about the daily routine of at least
three people you consider role models. You should compare their routines and
find the things they have in common. Then, you should write a threeparagraph
composition about their commonalities and the way your routine resembles or will
resemble theirs. Make sure you use the conjunctions (so, either, neither, too) you
learned in this learning activity.

The structure of the composition is as follows:

Paragraph 1: A short description about why you decided to choose those people
and a short description about who they are.

Paragraph 2: The similarities you found in their routines.

Paragraph 3: The way your routine reflects or will reflect their routines.
-Although they belong to different generations, I was able to find several
commonalities in their leadership routines that inspire me to do my best every
day. Commonalities in their leadership routines that inspire me to do my best
every day. They were generous people despite their treatment and hardships
managed to make incredible changes in the world.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is widely recognized

as one of the greatest political and spiritual leaders of
the twentieth century. Honored in India as the father
of the nation, he pioneered and practiced the
principle of Satyagraha: resistance to tyranny
through nonviolent mass civil disobedience. While
leading nationwide campaigns to alleviate poverty,
expand women's rights, create religious and ethnic
harmony, and eliminate the injustices of the caste

-Martin Luther King, Jr. was one

of the best-known advocates of
nonviolent social change of the
20th century. His life and work
symbolize the quest for equality
and non-discrimination that lie at
the heart of the American and
human dream.
-In 1964 he received the Nobel Peace Prize making him one of the youngest
people ever to receive it.
-More than 900 streets in the United States are named after Martin Luther King,
-Thanks to the struggle of Martin Luther King, Jr., laws were changed to give a
little more equality to African Americans and other minority communities.
-Malcolm X is one of the personalities
who has marked the recent history of
the United States and is remembered
now in a period in which the
movements for justice and freedom in
the face of racist policies are living their
golden age.
Malcolm would go on to become a
global symbol because of his struggle for equality and justice. In particular, he
became a hero of the Muslim peoples, who were searching for a new identity.

All three thought that peace and tranquility were the missing factors in the world.
Malchus and Martin would not start the day unless they prayed first, and Gandhi
did not.
Gandhi and Malco always helped people on a daily basis, Martin too.
Martin did not hurt people, neither Malco nor Gandhi.
Gandhi and Malco prayed every night to accomplish what they wanted, Martin
did too.
-Martin was always generous with people, he thought that evil was an act that
would not let him live in peace.
I did not let him live in peace, so did Malchus and Gandhi.
Gandhi didn't care what people who opposed him said, he just wanted peace, and
so did Malchus and Martin.
peace, and so did Malchus and Martin.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
Intercambia puntos de vista en el contexto, haciendo uso de la estructura
gramatical y el vocabulario requerido.

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