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ISSN: 1040-2004 (Print) 1547-397X (Online) Journal homepage:

Wear Mechanism Analysis of Engine Exhaust Valve

Seats with a Laboratory Simulator

R. Zhao , G. C. Barber , Y. S. Wang & J. E. Larson

To cite this article: R. Zhao , G. C. Barber , Y. S. Wang & J. E. Larson (1997) Wear
Mechanism Analysis of Engine Exhaust Valve Seats with a Laboratory Simulator, TRIBOLOGY
TRANSACTIONS, 40:2, 209-218, DOI: 10.1080/10402009708983647

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Published online: 25 Mar 2008.

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Wear Mechanism Analysis of Engine Exhaust Valve Seats
with a Laboratory Simulator@
R. ZHAO and G. C. BARBER (Member, STLE)
Oakland University
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Rochester, Michigan 48309
Eaton Engine Components Division
Engineering Center
Marshall, Michigan 49068

Engzne valve seat wear aflects engine perJmance. A common goal uously working with engine manufacturers in an effort to im-
for both valve and engine manuJacturers is to improve both valve prove valve quality and life. Many changes in material, design
quality and lye. By p m j m i n g tests on a simulator which is va$ed and construction have greatly inlproved engine valve and en-
to be capable of simulating a n engane operating environment, the gine performance. However, these changes have difficulty
keeping pace with the high demands placed upon engine
wear resistance of various valve materials is ranked, and the wear
valves due to the continual increase in requirements of engine
mechanisms are investigated.
performance in a worldwide competitive environment.
Four commonly used exhaust valve ma&a'als,23-8N, 21-4N Mod,
Valve wear involves so many variables that it is impossible
Pyromet 31 and Stellite 6 (hardfacing), were tested with insert ma- to confirm precisely individual quantitative evaluations of all
terial made of Sil X B at a n operating teinpernlure of 53S°C. 'Iksts of them in service situations. Sirnillation of valve wear is more
run Jor three million cycles shorued that Pyroinet 31 had the lowest practical since it can isolate the critical operating conditions,
wear rate and 21-4N Mod had the highest. Y'hen, three valve ina- is cost effective and saves time.
ta'als, 23-SN, 21-4N Mod and Pyromet 31, 7uere tested ruith insert Combustion events generate cyclic loads on the contact sur-
matm'al made oJEatonite 6 at a n operating temperalure oJ 649°C. faces of the valve and insert. Each combustion event imposes
These tests gave the same ranking as those tested with the Sil X B a contact stress o n the seating surfaces. In an ideal valve-insert
inserts. However, all three valve materials i n the second "
eroub shorued seating situation, in which uniform seating occurs as the valve

much less wear than those i n the ~ i r s group.

t head is subjected to cylinder pressure, the valve and insert are
subjected to a relatively low contact stress. In reality, however,
The valve seat wear mechanisms'were Jound to be a complex com-
the valve and insert often d o not seat uniformly. This situation
bination of abrasive wear, adhesive wear/matenal transjer, plastic
could create high pressure on the seating surfaces since the
deformation and oxidation. Based on analysis oJ the test specimens
seating pressure varies inversely with the amount of valve-insert
scanning electron mimoscop~ and energy dispersive lhe de- face contact. Other reasons for nonuniform seating " are ther-
gree to which these mechanisms appeared varied wilh diferent ma- ma1 distortion/expansion of components, poor valve dynamics
terials. Some ways to make valve materials more wear resistant to and adverse ignition events. Due to the uneven contact with
these mechanisms would be to select more compatible valve and insert the valve seat, the valve tends to have side movement which
materials and to improve the operating environment. aggravates valve seat wear.
Valve seat wear is generally thought to occur by three types
of wear: abrasive, adhesive, and corrosive (1).
Abrasive wear is usually observed by gouging and scoring
Engines, Wear, Materials, Properties and Tribology o n the contact surfaces. During engine operation, relative
sliding of the mating surfaces enhances abrasive wear. In ad-
dition, trapped wear debris, combustion products, contami-
nant particles from oil, fuel, and air are also influencing
Engine valve wear is one of the most important factors which factors. Godfrey and Courtney ( 2 ) suggested that seat wear
affects engine performance. Valve manufacturers are contin- is caused by two mechanisms: material transfer (adhesive
wear) and subsequent abrasion.
Adhesion is another cause of wear. Adhesive wear is char-
Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting acterized as microwelding o r bonding between contact sur-
in Chicago, Illinois
May 14-19, 1995 faces. T h e contact surface projections o r asperities are
Final manuscript approved February 13, 1996 plastically deformed and eventually welded together by high
Ioc;tl pressure. Scuffing ~ ~ s u a l lresults y from a d h e s i ~ ewear. engines in a time- and cost-effective manner. T h e simulator
I-ligl~cont;\ct stress, poor seat lubrication, relative sliding and does not simulate chemical wear that is seen on field-run
i ~ l c o ~ n p ; ~ t i scat b l c materials are thought to be the primary valves since it uses a natural gas flame for heating. T h e sim-
c;~ttscsof ;~cllicsivcwcar. ulator consists of three major parts: the hydraulic system, the
Corrosive wcar occurs due to the s~tuationof a chemical electronic control system and the mechanical equipment, as
cn\~ironmcntancl high temperature. Corrosive wear is distin- shown in Fig. l ( a ) . T h e hydraulic actuator is used to apply
g ~ ~ i s l ~from
c c l ;~brasivcwear in that corrosion is first assumed the load to the valve head to simulate engine combustion
to take pl;lcc at the surface Then, r ~ ~ b b ~ between
ng the slid- pressure. T h e control system is an electronic unit to control
Ing rl~rfilccsremoves the surface compounds. Corrosive wear and monitor all the test parameters which include load ap-
can result In v;~lvcguttering o r burning. At an early stage, plied o n the valve head, spring load, temperatures of the
cl~:~nncling is ol~scrved.With further gas leakage, high tem- valve and insert and displacement of the valve and insert.
p w ~ t u r coxitlation and erosion of the valve metal begins. T h e valve and insert geometries and dimensions are shown
I:it~;tlly,v;~l\~c guttering and burning arc produced. Guttering in Fig. l ( b ) . T h e tested valves were supplied with the seat
o r I~urningarc mostly observed in exhaust valves. Corrosive premachined to a 45" angle. Production valves' seat angles
constit~tcntsfrom combustion p r o d ~ ~ c w sulfated
, ash in oils are typically machined to 30". T h e 45" seat angle creates more
;~nclliigl~tcmpcratllrc contril>ute greatly to this kind of wear. radial sliding during valve closing and, thus, was chosen as
Ch;~uclhur~ ( 3 ) points out that material selection of the ex- the preferred seat angle for accelerated wear testing of valve
II;ILIS~ \1;1lvc should consider both oxidation and sulphidation seats. T h e seat of the insert was machined to a 0.51 m m width
rcsist;tncc. and a 47" seat angle as specified in the baseline test param-
V;ln Dicscl c t al. ( 4 ) studied wear mechanisms of valve eters. T h e simulator was designed to have a lateral offset of
c u m p o ~ ~ c n t s bcollecting y 76 worn engine valves which were 0.76 mm. A profilometer was used to measure the seat wear
rtln i t 1 c i t l ~ c rg;lsolinc o r diesel engines. By using optical and of both the valve and insert at Positions 1, 2, 3 and 4 at 90"
c l c c t ~ o nmicroscopy to observe the wcar patterns on these apart. T h e maximum wear should always be at Position 3,
v:~lvcs,they concl~tdcdthat valve seat recession occurs by re- which has the maximum contact stress.
~~lov;rl of m;~tcrialby systematically gouging o r deforming the T h e test matrix was divided into two stages. In the first
sc;tt face. 'l'hcy bclievccl that material deformation could re- stage, four types of valve materials (23-8N, 21-4N Mod, Py-
h t ~ l t in ;I S C ~ I C Sof ridges and valleys on the seat Pace and romet 31 and Stellite 6 ) were run with inserts made of Sil XB
progrcssiivc pitting o r shearing of ridge peaks may occur with at an operating temperature of 538°C. In the second stage,
con1inuccl v;tlvc ;~ctuation.
M;~l;ttcst;~ ct '11. (5) developed test parameters on a valve
sc:~t wc;u simr~lator.They found that lateral m~salignmentis
critic:~li l l cngcnclcr~ngvalve seat wear, and angular offset of
tllc valve to its insert promotes valve stick~ng.They believed
tliat s c v c ~ t lp;u;imctcrs are C I - ~ t ~ cfor a l valve seat wear, such
;IS gcomctry/pl;1ce111c11t, operatrng cnvlronnient, rnaterial
:~nclC ~ ~ I I ; I I I I I cC f i c t s .
. .
1111.; 1>;1pcr; i ~ i a l y ~worn e $ exhaust valves which were tested
O I I ;I s~m~rl;ttor. The simulator was designed with a lateral
ol'l'sct I>ct\vccn the valve and Insert centerl~nein order to - FRAME
;~ccclcratcthe valve wcar. Several groups of exhaust valves CUlOE
m:~clcof cliffcrcnt materials were run on the sin~ulatorunder
thc same conclitions of applied load, seating velocity, com-
bustion cIi:umbcr temperature and number of test cycles. Ex-
1i:rust valvcs f~lnctionas seals of combustion gas in gasoline HEAT CHAMBER
o r clicscl engines. Since they operate in a hostile environ- & BURNER ASSY
ment, thc materials for exhaust valves should maintain suffi- INSERT CORE
cient wcar rcsisrance, high fatigue strength and good & INSERT

corrosion resistance at elevated temperatnres ( 6 ) , ( 7). VALVE THERMOCOUPL

2 PLCS 180 OEC. A
'l'l~c clifl'crcnt wcar patterns on the individual valves were
;~~i;~lyzccl using optical microscopy and scanning electron mi-
croscopy. Alicr the analysis of test results and wear mecha-
nisms, the V~IIVC materials tested are ranked and differences (PISTON)
in wc:ir performance explained on the basis of the wear
mcch;unisms produced in the various valve materials.

.I.he \~:~lvcscat wcar simulator is designed to simulate intake
; I I ~ C I ~ ~ I I ; I L I S L V:IIV~ seat wcar produced in internal combustion Fig. l(a)-The simulator.
Wear Mechanism Analysis of Engine Exhaust Valve Seats with a Laboratory Simulator

Val ' geometry

Insert geometry

all dimensions in millimeters

Fig. l(b)-The valve and insert geometries and dimensions.

Sil XB 1.50 0.40 2.15 20.0 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bal.

Eatonite 6 1.75 0.80 1.30 28.0 1.65 5.00 0.00 0.10 Bal. 0.025P + 0.02s

three types of valve material (238N, 21-4N Mod and Pyromet Table 3 and Fig. 2(Q give the results of different valve ma-
31) were run with inserts made of Eatonite 6 at an operating terials-23-SN, 21-4N Mod and Pyromet 31-after running
temperature of 649°C. Table 1 shows the nominal composi- with inserts made of Eatonite 6 at an operating telnperatilre
tion of these valve and insert materials. of 649°C. T h e results show that the wear resistances of these
three materials were improved even though the operating
temperature was raised. For these three materials, the wear
rates ranked the same as in Table 2: Pyromet 31 had the
T h e wear performance of the valves was analyzed by pro- lowest average wear rate and 21-4N Mod had the highest a\.
cedures which include wear depth measurements, wear sur- erage wear rate. T h e wear rates for the valves made of 23-SN,
face photographs, chemical composition and microstructure 21-4N Mod and Pyromet 31 tested with inserts made of Sil
analyses. Figures 2(a)-2(d) show wear measurements o n XB are almost double the wear rates produced for valves
valves at Position 3 tested with Sil XB inserts. tested with inserts made of Eatonite 6.

Ranking Wear Resistance of the Valve Materials Wear Mechanisms Analysis

Table 2 and Fig. 2(e) give the wear results for four valve After the wear depth measurements were completed Tor
materials (23-8N, 21-4N Mod, Pyromet 31 and Stellite 6) run each valve, the valve was sectioned in order to photograph
with inserts made of Sil XB at an operating temperature of and perform chemical composition analysis of the worn sur-
538°C. It can be seen that Pyromet 31 has the lowest average face. SEM photographs of the worn seat area were taken rc-
wear rate of 0.0099 m m / l ~ % ~ c l eand 21-4N Mod has the spectively at magnifications of 20, 50, 150 and 300X so that
highest average wear rate of 0.0211 mm/106 cycle. Table 2 the topology of the worn surface area could be determined.
also shows insert wear which is determined by measuring the Each tested valve was also examined with energy dispersive
increase in seat width due to wear. X-ray (EDX) both in the worn area and in the base material.
Insert: Sil XB
0.07 - Temperature: 538OC 21-4N mod Temperature: 649°C

Flg. 2-The worn track measurement on the valve seat tested with insert Sil XB.
(a) 23-8N (d) Stellite 6
(b) 21-4N Mod (e) valve seat wear against Sil XB insert
(c) Pyromet 31 (1) valve seat wear agalnst Eatonlte 6 Insert

13y cotnp~u'ing the EDX results, any chemical composition tact stress at the major diameter area is higher than that at
changes occurring during the test can be determined. Then, the minor diameter area since the load profile is triangular,
the vnlvc section was mounted so that worn surface layer i.e., the load increases to the maximum valve in 0.05 seconds
could be photographed and the chemical composition both and comes down to zero in 0.05 seconds.
in the worn surface layer and in the base material were ex- Figure 3(c) shows visible plastic flow toward the outer di-
>umined. T h e valve material microstructure was also deter- ameter in the worn surface after radial sectioning the valve
mined from ~nicrophotographsof the sections. seat. The microstructure underneath the worn surface layer
was severely deformed. This implies that severe plastic defor-
V ~ l v r23-8N
! 7 b k d ruilli Insert St1 XI1 al 538OC
rnation occurred before the material was worn away. In Fig.
'The topology o r the worn valve surface is shown in Fig. 3.
3(d), the EDX of the worn surface on the spot arrowed in Fig.
As can I,c sccn in Fig. 3(a), the wear pattern has a different
3(c) shows a lower percentage of Ni and a higher percentage
~ the minor diameter area as compared to the
; I I ~ ~ C ; W ; I I I Ca1
of Si after running. T h e chemical composition of the worn
m:!jor diameter area. T h e worn surface at the major diameter
spot is similar to the insert Sil XB and indicates that material
:irc;i is rougher than at the minor diameter area. There are
transfer from insert to valve occurred during the test.
rclativcly larger peaks and valleys which appear irregularly in
the major diameter area which could result from severe ad- Valve 21-4N Mod Tested with Insert Sil XB al 538OC
hcsivc wear, as Fig. 3(b) shows. Plastic deformation of the Figure 4 shows the topography and the EDX results of the
matcrial and Iiigh local pressure are the primary reasons to wear pattern of valve 21-4N Mod. As can be seen in Fig. 4(a),
dcvclop ;~dhcsivcwear. These conditions exist from the be- the wear in the major diameter area is rougher than that of
ginning of the sliding to the end. Furthermore, the local con- the minor diameter area. his characteristic is the same as
Wear Mechanism Analysis of Engine Exhaust Valve Seats with a Laboratory Simulator





23-8N 1 3.40 0.0473 1.5008 0.0139

2 3.47 0.0512 1.3091 0.0148
3 3.00 0.053 1 1.5103 0.01 77
4 3.00 0.0330 1.3683 0.01 10

Average 3.22 0.0462 1.4221 0.01 44

21-4N Mod 5 3.00 0.061 1 2.4504 0.0203

6 3.00 0.0716 2.0475 0.0239
7 3.00 0.0572 1.7366 0.0191

Average 3.00 0.0633 2.0782 0.021 1

Pyromet 31 8 3.00 0.0344 1.6183 0.01 15

9 3.00 0.0364 1.1529 0.0121
10 3.00 0.0183 1.3219 0.0061

Average 3.00 0.0297 1.3644 0.0099

Stellite 6 hardfacing 12 3.00 0.0751 1.9794 0.0238

13 3.00 0.0266 1.6321 0.0089
14 3.00 0.0538 1.9621 0.0179

Average 3.00 0.0506 1.8579 0.0 169

Insert: Sil XB. Temperature: 5.78'



2MN 16 3.00 0.004 1 0.5580 0.00 14

17 4.20 0.0551 0.6589 0.0131
18 3.00 0.01 17 0.6655 0.0039

Average 3.40 0.0236 0.6268 0.0061

214N Mod 19 3.00 0.0331 0.5648 0.01 102

20 4.20 0.0360 0.5917 0.0086
21 2.60 0.0359 0.5313 0.0 138

Average 3.27 0.0350 0.5626 0.01 114

Pyrolncr 31 22 3.00 0.0043 0.5522 0.0014

23 3.00 0.0126 0.7151 0.0042
24 3.00 0.0175 0.8485 0.0058

Average 3.00 0.01 15 0.7019 0.0038

Insert: Ea~onire6. Temperature: 64g°C

valve 23-8N. However, the appearance of the wear surface is There are large plateaus and valleys irregularly clistributccl
smoother than that of 23-8N. The peaks and valleys at the on the surface. The EDX result at the spot arrowcd in Fig.
major diameter area are small and shallow. The EDX results 4(c) indicates additional Mn and W appeared arter running,
indicate the percentage of Nb and Mn slightly decreased and which likely came from the valve, as Fig. 4(d) de~nonstratcs.
additional Si appeared in the worn area of the valve after
running. Valve Pyrornet 31 7'ested'with Insert Sil XI3 at 538OC
The worn valve surface layer as shown in ~ i g 4(b)
. shows The wear pattern of Pyromet 31, which is a nickel-based
some plastic deformation in the sliding direction. This is sim- alloy, shows a different appearance when comparccl with the
ilar to the behavior displayed by valve 23-8N. The oxide layer iron-based materials (23-8N and 21-4N Mod), as Fig. 5 shows.
covered the worn surface with an uneven thickness. There is no significant difference in appearance bet\vccn the
Figure 4(c) shows the photograph of the worn insert sur- major diameter area and the minor diameter area. As can be
face. It has a different appearance than the valve 23-8N. seen in Fig. 5(a), the wear is uniform through the entire
-- --
SERT R I G SRMPLE 4 2 VRLVE SERT R TO 1959 Preset- Ftf
Vcrt- 5000 c o u n t s D l r p . 1 Elapserl. 6'5 s e e ,

Fig. 3--The topology of the worn valve 23-8N surface.

(a) SEM photograph of valve 23-EN worn surface (c) SEM photograph of valve 23-EN worn seat cross section
(b) SEM photograph of valve 23-EN worn surface (d) EDX analysis of valve 23-EN worn seat cross section at spot arrowed

sliding area. The entire worn surface appeared to be slightly area. There is a visible edge between the worn area and un-
pitted and grooved. The EDX results of the worn surface area worn area at the major diameter. Figure 6(b) shows the EDX
and base material indicate a higher percentage of Fe, a lower analysis of the worn surface. A lower percentage of Co and
percentage of Ni and a higher percentage of Cr after run- Cr and a higher percentage of Fe are present in the worn
ning. In addition, Si appeared and A1 and Ti disappeared spot arrowed in Fig. 6(a) after running. In a manner similar
after running. to the other materials, additional Si appeared.
Fig. 5(b) shows the worn surface layer. A slight amount of
Valve 23-8N Tested with Insert Eatonite 6 at 649OC
plastic deformation toward the outer diameter can be seen.
Figure 7 shows the worn seat surface and the EDX results
It seems that the material did not undergo severe plastic de-
of the valve (23-8N) when tested with an insert made of Ea-
formation before wear occurred. An oxide layer can be seen
tonite 6. The wear band is much narrower than when it was
in Fig. 5 (b).
tested with the insert made of Sil XB. From Fig. 7(a), it can
Value Stellite 6 (Hardfacing) Tested with Insert Sil XB be seen that the wear track looks like additional material cov-
This type of valve is hardfaced with Stellite 6, which is a ered the worn surface, rather than the seat material being
Co-based alloy. Figure 6(a) shows the wear pattern of the worn away. There are ridges at the outer diameter, which
valve with a rougher worn surface at the major diameter area. seem to be the result of the seat material piling up. The EDX
Unlike either of the last three materials, the wear pattern results are shown in Fig. 7(b). The spot arrowed in Fig. 7(a)
looks like beach marks and displays uniformly directed lines has a lower percentage of Cr, slightly increased Ni and Si,
rather than spots. The whole sliding zone appears rough but and additional S and C1 after running.
shows no evident peaks and valleys at the major diameter Figure 7(c) is a photograph of the worn valve (238N) sur-
Wear Mechanism Analysis of Engine Exhaust Valve Seats with a Laboratory Simulator 215

Fig. 4-The topography and EDX results of valve 21-4N Mod.

(a) SEM photograph of valve (21-4N Mod) worn seat surface and (c) SEM photograph of insert (SII XB) worn seat surface
cross section (d) EDX analysis of insert (Sil XB) worn seat surface at spot arrowed
(b) SEM photograph of valve (21-4N Mod) worn seat surface and in (c)
cross section

Fig. 5-Wear pattern of Pyromet 31.

(a) SEM photograph of valve (Pyromet 31) worn Seat surface
(b) worn seat cross section
VRLYE S E f l l # I 3 SPOT B TO 1715 Preset- Off
Vet-t- 5000 c o u n t s Dlsp- 1 Elapsed- 19 SCCS

4- B.FJ00 Range. 2U.460 k e V

Intesral B - 10. I 0 0

Fig. 6-Wear pattern of Stellite 6.

(a) SEM photograph of valve (Stellite 6) worn seat surface and cross section
(b) EDX analysis of valve (Stellite 6) worn seat surface at spot arrowed in (a)

i-Scp-1993 08:26:02
TEST 116 VRLVE SEOT C TO 1877 Preset- Off
Vert- 5000 c o u n t s Dlsp- 1 Elapsed. 78 becs


- Ll.000 Range- 28.468 k c V

Integral 0 - 1 0 . 1 0 0 -)

Fig. 7-The topography and EDV results of valve 23-8N worn surface.
(a) SEM photograph of valve (23-8N) worn surface and cross section (c) SEM photograph of valve (23-8N) worn surface and cross section
(b) EDX analysis of valve (23-8N) worn seat surface at spot arrowed (d) SEM photograph of insert (Eatonite 6) worn surface
in (a)
Wear Mechanism Analysis of Engine Exhaust Valve Seats with a Laboratory Simulator 217


'YFILYE $;€FIT lt19 R TO 7 2 6 Preset- Off '?F,I.'.'F ~ E M T# 2 ? n T(j 2 i l C ! PI-eret:. Of<

t 51380 c o u n t s IIlsp= 1 Elapsed. 63 stcr ':ert - 5080 , : o , , n ~r li~sp. I Elaerecl: Ell3 ,, e t i

Ft F i.

Fig. &Wear pattern of 21-4N Mod. Fig. +Results of valve Pyromet 31 tested with insert Eatonite 6 at 649°C.
(a) SEM photograph of valve (21-4N Mod) worn seat surface (a) SEM photograph of valve (Pyromet 31) worn seat surface
(b) EDX analysis of valve (21-4N Mod) worn seat surface at spot (b) EDX analysis of valve (Pyromet 31) worn seat surface at the
arrowed in (a) spot arrowed in (a)

face layer. From Fig. 7(c), an oxide layer, which covered the of Eatonite 6 at 649°C. As can be seen in Fig. 9(a), the wear
rough surface with an uneven thickness, can be seen. Figure band is very narrow. There is no difference in appearance
7(d) shows the worn insert (Eatonite 6) seat surface. The between the major and minor diameter areas. This is similar
appearance of the worn surface on the insert seat looks like to the wear pattern when it was tested with the insert made
"ocean waves." The grooves are visible on the surface. This of Sil XB at 538°C. The EDX results are shown in Fig. 9(b).
may result from abrasion. The spot arrowed in Fig. 9(a) has a higher percentage of Fe
and a lower percentage of Cr, Ni and Ti. A1 and Mo disap
Valve 21-4N Mod Tested with Insert Eatonite 6 at 649OC
peared after running. Additional Si and S appeared after run-
Figure 8(a) shows the wear pattern on the valve (214N
ning. The chemical composition of the spot is similar to the
Mod) seat. The worn surface looks smooth and no pits are
insert material except for a lower percentage of Cr.
apparent. There are some ridges on the outer diameter of
the valve seat. It appears that the material was severely
pushed toward the outer diameter and piled up. The EDX CONCLUSIONS
results are shown in Fig. 8(b). The spot arrowed in Fig. 8(a)
Four different diesel engine exhaust valve materials
has a lower percentage of Cr and additional S and Mo after
(23-8N, 21-4N Mod, Pyromet 31 and Stellite 6) were tested
running. Nb disappeared after running.
in a valve seat wear simulator with insert material Sil XB at
Value Pyromet 31 Tested with Insert Eatonite 6 at 649OC 538°C; then, valve materials (23-8N, 21-4N Mod and Pyromet
Figure 9 shows the worn seat surface and the EDX results 31) were tested with insert material Eatonite 6 at 64g°C. The
of the valve (Pyromet 31) when tested with an insert made results showed that Pyromet 31 has the lower wear rate of all

v:~lvcmatcrii~lstested either with Sil XB at 538°C o r Eatonite comments and making this project possible. T h e technical
ti ;IL 649OC. When the insert material was changed from Sil assistance from R. Clark, E. Hurlbert, J. Collins and V. Beck
XI3 lo Eatonite 6, the wear resistance of valves improved sig- of EECD is appreciated.
~~ilic;~ntly, which suggests that making the valve and insert
nl;~tct.i;~l tiiorc compatible is an effective way to reduce valve
sc;11 wc;lr.
I lie wear meclianistns were observed to be a combination ( I ) Narasimhan, S. L. and Larson, J. M., "Valve Gear Wear and Materials."
of ;ll)l.;~bi\~c wear, adhcsivc wear/material transfer, plastic de- SAE Paper No. 851497, SAE. Warrendale, PA. (1985).
( 2 ) Godfrey, D. and Courtney. R. L., "Investigation of the Mechanism of Ex-
li)rm;ition and oxitlation. Abrasive wear likely occurs d u e to haust Valve Seat Wear in Engines Run on Unleaded Gasoline." SAE Paper
LIIC misalignment between the valve and the insert a t lower No. 710356, SAE, Warrendale, PA, ( 1971).
1111ntl)crof cycles and will continue as more wear debris is ( 3 ) Chaudhuri, A.. "Hot Corrosion of Diesel Engine Exhaust Valves." SAE
Paper No. 730679, SAE, Warrendale, PA, (1973).
procluccd. Adhesive wear depends on the compatibility of the ( 4 ) Van Diesel. R., Barber, G. C.. Larson, J. M. and Narasimhan, S. L., "En-
\~;~lvc and insert materials. Plastic deformation is related to gine Valve Seat and Insert Wear," SAE Paper No. 892146, SAE. Warren-
tii;~ccrialproperties such as microhardness and hot hardness. dale. PA, (1989).
(5) Malatesta. M. J.. Barber, G. C.. Larson, J. M. and Narasimhan. S. L., "De-
O x i d ; ~ r ~ oexists
n on the worn valve and insert seat surface. velopment of a Lahoratory Bench Test to Simulate Seat Wear of Engine
I-lowcvcr, tlie exact fitnction of the oxide layer still remains Poppet Valves." Trib. Trans., 36, 4, p 627, (1993).
r~tiknown. ( 6 ) Johnson, V. A. and Galen. C. W., "Diesel Exhaust Valves." SAE Paper No.
660034, SAE, Warrendale, PA, ( 1966).
( 7 ) Jenkins. L. F. and Larson. J. M.. "The Development of a New Austenitic
Srainless Steel Exhaust Valve Material." SAE Paper No. 780245, SAE. War-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS rendale. PA. (1978).

'I'hc :u~~hot-swould like to thank J . M. Larson and S. L.

of Eaton Engit2e Components Division for their

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