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There is no childern who refusing playing in the rain. Surely all childern love playing
in the rain, they think were discovered a huge water park. Now, Mentari were enjoying
playing in the rain with her yellow raincoat. Mentari is running around while singing. When
Mentari arrived to the edge of the lake behind her house, Mentari founded a boy floating in
the midle of the lake. Suddenly Mentari ran towards the shore of the lake and shouthing,
“Hey !! Are you alright?”. But there was no answer. Mentari took the initiative to take the
boy using pole. After Mentari founded a pole, she headed to the lake and tried to reach the
boy. Unfortunately, Mentari fell into the lake. Mentari tried to swim to the surface, but her
feet twisted by the water plants. Mentari felt tired and her vision became blurry and dark.
In the next morning, Mentari woke up in her room, and thinking about the condition
of the boy she saw in the lake. Her day dream stoped because her mother were come to the
her room while bring the breakfast. To answer her curiosity, Mentari asked to her mother to
the boy’s condition. But, the mother's answer did not answer Mentari's curiosity.
A few days later, Mentari played in the garden behind her house. A simple garden on
the edge of a lake with calm water surrounded by trees that makes the air feel more
refreshing. The wind began blow strongly and Mentari feel a droplets of water in her face.
Realizing the weather had changed, Mentari ran to the gazebo. While she arriving at the
gazaebo Mentari surprised, because she saw a boy who was sitting staring at her. The boy
who sitting in the gazebo is the boy that she saw in the lake. "Hi," said the boy with a friendly
smile. "You didn't drown yesterday, did you?" asked Mentari, while looking at the boy. "No."
replied the boy. Mentari felt relieved and took a deep breath. "By the way, what's your
name?" Asked the boy. "My name is Mentari Rawika, just call me Mentari, what about you?"
said Mentari. Then the boy answered "My name is Aryasetya Mahesa Putera Samudra, just
call me Arya".
As the time goes by, they became close friends. One day, Arya gave a gift to Mentari
a simple bracelet that had a pendant in the shape of a white lotus. Then Arya invited Mentari
to visit her place of residence. Mentari was excited to visit a close friend's house. However,
Mentari felt confused after Arya took her to the lake. Arriving at the edge of the lake, Arya
continued to pull the Sun to the middle of the lake, until Mentari entered a fairy tale as she
used ussually read in her book. Mentari saw several creatures in front of her, one of them is a
rabbits but the bodies like clouds, then she also saw a horse but had wings, and a cranes but
had golden fur and some other strange animals. They played together and till the sun is fell.
They went back to Mentari's house. When arriving at the edge of the lake, Arya explained
that the bracelet Arya gave was an intermediary that could connect Mentari’s world and
Arya’s world.
The next day, Mentari returned to his usual activities until the next school holidays
arrived. Mentari came to the lake behind his house to meet Arya without telling Arya.. In the
middle of the way, Mentari’s bracelet fell. This made Mentari unconscious. On the other
hand, Arya suddenly felt anxious and decided to leave her task and meet Mentari. Arya's
father, who noticed the change in his son's strange attitude, then followed Arya quitely. Arya
came to the lake and saw a crowd. Arya was curious and approached the crowd. Seeing
Mentari was founded fainted out. Arya felt panic about Mentari's condition. Arya's father
who saw the incident felt disappointed with his son's attitude because he had made friends
with the human race. So Arya’s father take down the Arya’s power. Because Arya does not
have power anymore he could not bring Mentari back to her world. Arya begged to his Father
for returning Mentari to the her world. Arya's father now thought for a moment, with some
considerations. In the end Arya's father decided to agree with his son's wishes, with the
consequence Arya was prohibited from seeing Mentari again and promised not to delaying
any work given by his father.
Unwillingly, Arya leting go of his close friend and agreed to consequence given by
his father to save Mentari's life. The next morning, Mentari woke up and she was already in
his room. Mentari, who was curious about Arya's condition, came to the lake behind her
house while calling out Arya's name when it was raining while bring the bracelet from Arya.
But there was no answer, and the other day the result still same. Since that day, Mentari and
Arya never met again.

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