Goin To Vs Present Continuous

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7. I’m sorry I can’t come.

I plan to shop all

morning and have lunch in town.
I´m sorry I can’t come. I am going to
plan to shop all morning and leave lunch
in town
8. We mean to visit our friends in London
and spend the night with them.
We are going to mean to visit our
friends in London and spend the ninght
with them
9. Goodbye! I’ve arranged to play tennis in
half an hour.
Goodbye! I've arranged to play tennis in
half an hour

____ / 9

B- Change the following sentences from

the going to construction to the present
continuous form of the future.
1. John is going to buy a car.
CONTINUOUS John is buying a car
2. We are going to visit Africa this summer.
We're visiting Africa this summer.
a- Change the following sentences into 3. They are going to build a new bridge
the form with the present continuous. across the river.
Example: They're building a.new.bridge across the
He intends to go to the cinema this evening. river
He is going to the cinema this evening. 4. Are you going to sell your house?
Are you selling your house?
1. The Jones family plan to go to Italy this 5. He’s going to finish his book this year.
summer. He's finishing his book this year.
The Jones family are going to Italy this 6. I am going to have a bath.
summer I am having a bath
2. Do you want to go to the concert 7. The children are going to start tennis
tonight? next year.
Do you going to the concert toniht? The children are starting tennis next
3. John plans to sell his car this weekend year
and buy a new one.
John is selling his car this weeked and ____ / 7
he is buying a new one
4. I must leave immediately. I hope to
catch a bus in a few minutes.
I am leaving inmediatel. I am catching a
bus a few minutes
5. Please wait a moment! I promise to
come soon.
Please wait a moment.I am coming soon
6. Come and say goodbye. Our guests have
to leave in a minute.
Come and say goodbye. Our quests are
going to have to leave in minute

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