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Take the cumpill trannoids


(in vague order of priority from top to bottom)
Completed goals will be highlighted with an appropriate colour
Everything Can and Probably Will Be Changed. Nothing is Final.
Red is postponed/being rewritten, Yellow is WIP and Green is complete

❖ Complete redoing of the map (fixing errors in the process, plus many other adjustments.)

- Resource allocation will also be adjusted to be more inline with 1960’s OTL resource production. Germany for a start, has too much oil
production in its core states.

- Adjusting the size of numerous islands (Okinawa, Iwo Jima, etc) and adding proper archipelagoes (Seychelles, Channel Isles and more)

- Removal of Atlantropa, Lake Megachad and Lake Congo

- Redrawing of China’s provinces and states to actually look like what they actually looked like OTL.

❖ Re-add any trees that are already realistic or that can easily be modified to fit Redux’s new canon.

- Removal of trap paths all together.

❖ Reworking core elements of TNO (Nuclear war will no longer result in a game over, German Africa will no longer
be a thing, removal/rework of useless and frustrating mechanics such as the US election mechanic and much

- Resource rework. Gas will be added as a resource due to its increasing relevance. More changes are still planned.

- Tech Rework. Proper icons instead of neon garbage. For now, only the icons will be changed however there might be more changes in
the future.

❖ Full rework of East Asia (Chongqing, Reorganized Republic of China, Japan, Thailand, Burma and Vietnam)

- The Chongqing Government are the remnants of the Republic of China, having only survived with the American entry into the Pacific
Theater - causing the Japanese to get bogged down in the mainland. Exiled to the province of Chongqing, Chiang Kai-Shek prepared
and built up his armies throughout the 1940’s and 1950, and is preparing for the War of Liberation on the fateful Deadline of 1965.

- The Reorganized Government of China is bearing the brunt of the damage caused by Chen Gongbo’s disastrous industrial reforms
leading to mass famine and the partisans of the west to gain power. The Meeting of the Legislative of Yuan in 1962 will decide how the
collaborationists will approach the resurgence of their arch nemesis, and will test how much Japan is willing to commit to maintain their
conquered lands.

- The Kingdom of Thailand has come out of the Second World War as a new regional power in Southeast Asia under Phibun. As a
reward for their efforts, the Japanese have decided to adopt Thailand as a safeguard against partisan movements throughout Indochina,
Burma and the western Malays - the consequence of which leaving a massive administrative burden on Thailand’s new lands, the rise of
infighting amongst Phibun’s generals and the general stress of his job causing his health to decline. The day Phibun finally dies is the
day that Thailand’s fate could go in new directions.

❖ Rework of Russia & New Content for Kazakhstan

- Sablin will be removed and replaced with a figure that makes more sense to be in power in the province of Buryatia. Who will replace
him is still up to debate. Sablin meanwhile will be relocated to a different part of Russia due to his ties to the navy - his lore will be
rewritten to fit the change and to get rid of the reasons for redditors to worship him even though he was a hardcore leninist OTL.

- Content for Nowa Polska. Spychalski can be assassinated and replaced with either the military, a new nominee from his government or
through a new election. Spychalski can also survive, and crack down on personal liberties of Kazakhs as he increases the power and
privileges of the military, coincidentally emulating the same political situation that Poland found itself in years before its fall. Nowa
Polska will afterwards gain new diplomatic options to abandon the idea of a “New Home” and begin gearing up to retake their
homeland of Poland, or they could instead prioritize pacifying the anarchy in Kazakhstan and to seek ties to whatever power is resurgent
in Russia.

❖ Full Rework of Burgundy, Pre-Hitler Death Germany and entirely new paths for Germany depending on your
choices from the start. The German Civil War will now be avoidable - if you’ve played your cards right.

- Heydrich’s Germany will no longer result in a nonsensical warlord Germany and Heydrich will no longer arbitrarily commit suicide.
Paths for establishing a Spartan Germany or a more Esoteric Germany will be introduced.

- Speer’s lore will be slightly adjusted for him to allow to avoid the Slave Revolt if he’s going a conservative route. More changes are
still being planned.

- Göring will no longer be a warmonger for no reason, and instead will serve as the lesser moderate candidate with hedonistic
tendencies and questionable political experience. He will be able to take more aggressive choices due to his lack of political subtlety,
and will be far more interested in the space race and technology, while increasing the power of technocrats within the government. He’d
give greater power to industrial magnates, and effectively shift the Nazi economy into more of a corporatist model.

- Bormann will no longer be an incompetent retard, and serve as arguebly the better moderate candidate who will concede slightly to
reformism while maintaining core nazi values. He will be the equivalent of Khruschev in Redux’s Cold War - he would seek to
reconsolidate Germany’s sphere, strengthen the bureaucracy of the Nazi regime and he would aim to fix the economy by taking
advantage of Germany’s status as an industrial powerhouse by fostering new international trade. However, he wouldn’t shy away from
brutally suppressing the revolts in the RKs and he would likely start an arms race with their American and Japanese rivals.

- Goebbels will be brought back to life to serve as Germany’s most aggressive Fuhrer, however not in the world conquest type that
you’d imagine. He’d bring in his own reforms that would serve to strengthen the German state even further - provoking an arms race the
most extreme and downright unusual views in the Reich which would influence his choices.with the other powers. He’d loosen
oppression on Slavs in favour of integrating them and he would expand the Honorary Aryan system to whatever serves him best
politically. He would also violently ensure the German sphere is strong and expansive. However, in spite of his soft-spot for Slavs, he
would ensure Russia would never rise as a power again.

- Himmler’s Burgundy will be modified to not be a plot device, but as a smaller alternative for a Germany player. He will be split
between assertive and submissive focus trees - submissive being inactive, dormant and continuing the Germanification of North France,
while the assertive tree will result in Himmler having more external choices, such as the conquest of Vichy France, Brittany and the
potential intervention of the Burgerkrieg (if it does occur).

❖ New Content for Cornwall, England, the Reichskommisariats, Finland, Vichy France, Free France, Hungary and

❖ Reintroducing and reworking some cut content (e.g. Indiana Jones’ style adventure in Kaukasien, Free France
and more)

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