Solucion Ejercicio 3

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Draw FBD and Find Reactions at Supports

The first step in any beam problem is to calculate the reaction forces at the supports. To do this we must consider that the beam
is in static equilibrium. This means that we balance or resolve the forces acting on the beam.

After finding all the forces acting on the beam we can draw a free body diagram (FBD) and then balance these forces for static

DL Forces from 0m to 6m

10 kN/m 60 kN 10 kN/m

0 3 6 /2

Start by finding the equivalent loads caused by the distributed loads (DLs).

Remember that the equivalent load of a DL has a magnitude equal to its area, acting through the area's centroid.

Equivalent load(s) of the DL from x = 0m to x = 6m:

Rectangular Load Magnitude:  (6m − 0m) × (−10kN/m) = −60kN

6m − 0m
Rectangular Load Position: 0m + = +3m

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Statically Indeterminate
Hand calculations for the reaction forces via the Moment Distribution Method for this statically indeterminate scenario can be
found below:

Moment Distribution Method

Participating Joints
Any joint which is connected by 2 beam segments is considered to be participating.
A beam segment is the length of the beam between two joints or a joint and a free end.

Joint Type Participating Position (m)

A fixed No 0

B roller No 6

Stiffness Factors
To calculate the stiffness factors of each beam segment connected to each participating joint, use the following formula:

kAB =

Where: kAB = the stiffness factor of the beam segment AB

SAB = the stiffness constant of the beam segment AB, which can be taken as:

= 0 for free ends

= 3 for pinned or roller support ends and,

= 4 for fixed ends, or with a far joint which is participating

E = the modulus of elasticity of the beam segment's material

I = the moment of inertia of the beam segment's cross-section

LAB = the length of the beam segment AB

The total joint stiffness is the sum of the left-hand side and right-hand side stiffness factors:

KB = kBA + kBC

Distribution Factors
The distribution factor of the sides of the joints is that side's stiffness factor divided the joint stiffness factor.
Note that for beams with continuous EI, there is no need to calculate these terms as they cancel:


Joint Li,i−1 Si,i−1 ki,i−1 Li,i+1 Si,i+1 ki,i+1 Ki DFi,i−1 DFi,i+1

The beam segments are tabulated below with the left and right hand fixity that will be used to determine end moments. Joints which
areparticipating are considered fixed as they will be locked during the analysis, otherwise joints are considered not to resist bending.

Segment Left-hand Fixity Right-hand Fixity Length (m)

AB fixed pinned 6

Fixed End Moments

Explanatory note regarding distributed loads: for the ease of calculation, trapazoidal distributed loads will be split into two
triangularly varying loads

Segment 1

Distributed Loads 1

Load ω = 10 kN /m
Left Hand Moment LH M = 45 kN m

ω× L
LH M =

10 kN /m × 36 m
LH M =

LH M = 45 kN m

Right Hand Moment RH M = 0 kN m

ω× L
RH M =

10 kN /m × 36 m
RH M =

RH M = 0 kN m

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1 45 kN m 0 kN m

Σ 45 kN m 0 kN m

Moment Distribution



45 kN m 0 kN m

Segment Reactions
Variables used for this section
Distance between start of segment and start of load a
Distance between start of load and end of load b

Segment 1
Take the sum of the moments about the left support

Σ ML = +(ω1 × b × (a + b × 0.500)) + F E MR1 + F E ML2

Σ ML = +(−10 kN /m × 6 m × (0 m + 6 m × 0.500)) + 45 kN m + 0 kN m

Σ ML = −135 kN m

Take the sum of the moments about the right support

Σ MR = −(ω1 × b × (L − a − b × 0.500) + F E MR1 + F E ML2

Σ MR = −(−10 kN /m × 6 m × (6 m − 0 m − 6 m × 0.500)) + 45 kN m + 0 kN m

Σ MR = 225 kN m

Divide the sum of the moments about the right support by the length to get the reaction at left support

RyL = = 37.5 kN

Take the sum of the forces in the y-direction

Σ Fy = +(b × ω) − RyL − RyR

Σ Fy = +(6 m × −10 kN /m) − 37.5 kN − RyR

RyR = 22.5 kN

Joint Reactions

Ry 37.5 kN 22.5 kN

M 45 kN m 0

Find Shear Forces (V) and Draw SFD

The 'Method of Sections' or 'Method of Cuts' is used to determine the shear force value at locations along the beam.

You should aim to 'cut' the beam between loads, supports and along distributed loads. After taking a cut you simply consider
equilibirium in the y-axis (i.e. let the sum of the forces in the y-axis equal zero and solve for the unknown shear force V).

If you follow this procedure for every cut/section then you will Find the equation of shear force for every segment of the beam
and therefore you can create the shear force diagram (SFD).

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Shear for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6

10 kN/m 10x kN 10 kN/m


37.5 kN

 x (m)
0    x 6

Take a cut for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6 :

Find the forces due to the DL from x = 0 to x = 6 :

The rectangular DL acts at distance of   from the cut with a force of:

b × h = −10x = −10x

+ ↑ ΣFy = 0

+37.5 + [−10x] − V1 (x) = 0

V1 (x) = +37.5 − 10x


∴ V1 (x) = +37.5 − 10x  for  0 ≤ x ≤ 6

Find Bending Moments (M) and Draw BMD

The 'Method of Sections' or 'Method of Cuts' is used to determine the bending moment value at locations along the beam.

You should aim to 'cut' the beam between loads, supports and along distributed loads. After taking a cut you simply consider
equilibirium about the point of the cut (i.e. let the sum of the moment about the cut equal zero and solve for the unknown
bending moment M).

If you follow this procedure for every cut/section then you will find the equation of bending moment for every segment of the
beam and therefore you can create the bending moment diagram (BMD).

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Moment for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6

10 kN/m 10x kN 10 kN/m

45 kN-m M1


37.5 kN

 x (m)
0    x 6

Take a cut for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6 :

Find the moments due to the DL from x = 0 to x = 6 :

The rectangular DL acts at distance of   from the cut with a force of:

b × h = −10x = −10x
So the moment force is:  (−10x) ( ) = −5x

+ ↻ ΣMx = 0
+ (37.5) (x − 0) − 45 + [−5x ] − M1 (x) = 0

M1 (x) = −45 + 37.5x − 5x
∴ M1 (x) = −45 + 37.5x − 5x  for  0 ≤ x ≤ 6

Solve Moment by Integration

Moment of a beam due to bending can be determined by using integration of the Shear equation:

M (x) = ∫ V (x) dx

The integration method is one of the most common and simple methods to calculate the moment. This is an alternative method
to using the method of sections/cuts as shown in the previous section of the hand calculations.

We start at the left side of the beam and we use the known value of the moment to calculate the constant of integration in the
first moment equation, M1 (x). If there is a Fixed Support on the left side of the beam then the moment value at x = 0 is the
value of the moment reaction. Otherwise, the value of the moment is zero at x = 0.

For all other moment equations apart from the first moment equation, the Continuity Condition is used to determine the values
of the constants of integration.

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Moment for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6
For 0 ≤ x ≤ 6 :

Previously we found the shear equation was: 

V1 (x) = −10x + 37.5

Integrating this shear equation once gives us the moment, M (x):

M1 (x) = ∫ (−10x + 37.5) dx

M1 (x) = −5x + 37.5x + C

At the left side of the beam (x = 0), we know the moment value is the moment reaction at the Fixed Support: 

M1 (0) = −45

−5(0) + 37.5(0) + C = −45

0 + C = −45

C = −45

Finally, substituting the constant value into the moment equation: 

M1 (x) = −5x + 37.5x − 45

Find Slope and Deflection Equations

Deflection of a beam due to bending can be determined by using double integration of the equation:
d υ M (x)
dx EI

Here the internal moment M must be expressed as a function of the x coordinates that extend across the beam. The constants
of integration are obtained from the boundary conditions at the pin, roller or fixed supports:

a) For a fixed support, the boundary condition states that the beam cannot deflect or rotate. This means that both the deflection
and slope are zero at the location of the support:

θ(x) = 0


υ(x) = 0

b) For a pin support or roller support, the boundary condition states that the beam cannot deflect but it is free to rotate. This
means that only the deflection is zero at the location of the support:

υ(x) = 0

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Slope and Deflection Equations for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6
For 0 ≤ x ≤ 6 :

2 2
d υ d υ
EI = M1 (x) → EI = −5x + 37.5x − 45
2 2
dx dx

Integrating this equation once gives us the slope, θ(x):

dυ dυ
EI = ∫ (−5x + 37.5x − 45) dx  and  = θ(x)  is the Slope
dx dx
3 2
−5x 37.5x
EI θ1 (x) = + − 45x + C1
3 2
3 2
EI θ1 (x) = −1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x + C1

3 2
θ1 (x) = (−1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x + C1 )

Integrating this equation for a second time gives us the deflection, υ(x):

3 2
∫ θ1 (x) dx = ∫ (−1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x + C1 ) dx
4 3 2
1 −1.6667x 18.75x −45x
υ1 (x) = ( + + C1 x + C2 )
EI 4 3 2

4 3 2
υ1 (x) = (−0.4167x + 6.25x − 22.5x + C1 x + C2 )

According the type of support, we can use the next boundary conditiones for substituting these results into equations:

Pin: θ ≠ 0, υ = 0

Roller: θ ≠ 0, υ = 0

Fixed: θ = 0, υ = 0

BOUNDARY CONDITION: Fixed Support at x=0 :

Where slope is zero,  θ1 (0) = 0

3 2
(−1.6667(0) + 18.75(0) − 45(0) + C1 ) = 0
3 2
−1.6667(0) + 18.75(0) − 45(0) + C1 = 0

0 + C1 = 0

C1 = 0

Where deflection is zero,  υ1 (0) = 0

4 3 2
(−0.4167(0) + 6.25(0) − 22.5(0) + C1 (0) + C2 ) = 0
4 3 2
−0.4167(0) + 6.25(0) − 22.5(0) + C1 (0) + C2 = 0

0 + C1 (0) + C2 = 0

0C1 + C2 = 0

C2 = 0

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Now that  C1  and  C2  are known, we can substitute them into the slope and deflection equations:

1 3 2
θ1 (x) = (−1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x + C1 )

3 2
θ1 (x) = (−1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x)

1 4 3 2
υ1 (x) = (−0.4167x + 6.25x − 22.5x + C1 x + C2 )

4 3 2
υ1 (x) = (−0.4167x + 6.25x − 22.5x )

BOUNDARY CONDITION: Roller Support at x=6 :

Where deflection is zero,  υ1 (6) = 0

4 3 2
(−0.4167(6) + 6.25(6) − 22.5(6) + C1 (6) + C2 ) = 0
4 3 2
−0.4167(6) + 6.25(6) − 22.5(6) + C1 (6) + C2 = 0

0 + C1 (6) + C2 = 0

6C1 + C2 = 0

Now that  C1  and  C2  are known, we can substitute them into the slope and deflection equations:

3 2
θ1 (x) = (−1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x + C1 )

3 2
θ1 (x) = (−1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x)

4 3 2
υ1 (x) = (−0.4167x + 6.25x − 22.5x + C1 x + C2 )

4 3 2
υ1 (x) = (−0.4167x + 6.25x − 22.5x x)

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Maximum Deflection
For each segment of the beam, we will try to find the location of maximum deflection by finding where the slope is zero:

θ(x) = 0

For 0 ≤ x ≤ 6 :

3 2
θ1 (x) = (−1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x)

3 2
0 = (−1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x)
3 2
0 = −1.6667x + 18.75x − 45x

x = 0 is a solution to this equation, so there is a potential maximum there. Substitute it into the deflection equation:

1 4 3 2
υ1 (x) = (−0.4167x + 6.25x − 22.5x )

υ1 (0) = 0 , so this is not a maximum and we can ignore it.

x = 3.45 is a solution to this equation, so there is a potential maximum there. Substitute it into the deflection equation:

4 3 2
υ1 (x) = (−0.4167x + 6.25x − 22.5x )

4 3 2
υ1 (3.45) = (−0.4167(3.45) + 6.25(3.45) − 22.5(3.45) )

υ1 (3.45) = (−70.1876)

Let's check the deflection at the start of the beam: 

4 3 2
υ1 (x) = (−0.4167x + 6.25x − 22.5x )

4 3 2
υ1 (0) = (−0.4167(0) + 6.25(0) − 22.5(0) )

υ1 (0) = (0)  , so this is not a maximum and we can ignore it.

Let's check the deflection at the end of the beam: 

4 3 2
υ1 (x) = (−0.4167x + 6.25x − 22.5x )

4 3 2
υ1 (6) = (−0.4167(6) + 6.25(6) − 22.5(6) )

υ1 (6) = (0)  , so this is not a maximum and we can ignore it.

∴ The absolute maximum deflection in the above equations is:   at x = 3.45

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