UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Haley Knowlton Program: Student Teaching Course: Sociology

Lesson Topic / Title: Introduction to World Religion

Lesson Date: March 9th Lesson Length: 60 Minutes Grade/Age: Grades 10-12

Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and
performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● Students will identify what they already ● Having students identify what they already
know about religion(s). know about religion in the form of a KWL
chart (Know, What to know, and Learned) is
to assess the student’s prior knowledge
about world religions. I chose to do this as a
pre assessment of the topic since the
students in this class span across three grade
levels, their exposure/knowledge about
religion and religious practices is very
different. This is a very non-threatening way
to gather individual information about what
they know in comparison to a multiple
choice/written exam.
● Students can define or explain the meaning of ● There is a lot of vocabulary in relation to
certain terms that are related to world religions around the world. The definitions to
religion(s). certain terms can also vary depending on
how you are using certain words. For
instance certain words can have a general
meaning but in Sociology we are
defining/using them differently. So having
the students be able to know and use the
words in a sociological sense is important.
They will be recording these definitions in a
set of guided notes based upon a slideshow
that I put together. This is so that they can
have it as a resource for future
use/application of the terms.
Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

World History Standard (Grade 10) ● Sociology is an elective course therefore it

Understands how various religions are impacting does not have standards. So, I chose this
the world today (Analyze) standard from the 10th grade World History
curriculum because it directly relates to
1. I can identify the key components of each world religions.Identifying key components,
of the five major world religions. origins, principal beliefs and practices of the
five major religions (as indicated in
indicators one and two) can all be tied to the
vocabulary that is being introduced and
2. I can compare the origins, principal beliefs, recorded on their guided notes. The students
and practices of the (five) major world will need this background information in
order to move forward in this unit.
religions and belief systems.

Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance and determines
best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● KWL Chart on Religion (Pre-Assessment) ● In order to gauge the levels of student

learning, this KWL chart is done as an
independent pre-assessment. This is done
due to the fact that these students are across
three grade levels and will have had varying
degrees of exposure to world religion. It will
indicate the individual knowledge level of
each student.
● Students will be assessed on the completion ● School policy is that we grade the students
of their guided notes for participation and every two weeks on their habits of work. This
habits of work grade. (Participation) involves their participation in class and
completion of assignment. I do not actually
grade the notes individually because they are
optional but rather stress the importance of
having them for future work as a resource. As
a result of routine all of my students use
them to follow along with lectures and
highlight the important concepts from the
slideshows. So student participation with
note taking and following along with lectures
gets factored into their grades based on their
Habits of Work rubrics.

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in reviewing
instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner needs.
Materials, Resources, and/or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● Laptops ● Students will need their laptops to access our

google classroom where all of the
assignments are posted for today’s class. My
remote students also need them to access
● Zoom ● Zoom is essential in reaching the students
from home. We have cameras in the room
which connect to zoom so that the students
who are on remote learning are able to see
what is going on in the classroom, including
anything I share visually on the computer
through screen sharing or any notes that I
happen to write on the board. In this specific
instance I will be utilizing the screenshare
feature of zoom so that I can share my
slideshow with all of my remote students.
● KWL Chart ● Each student will get a copy of their own
KWL chart. It is available through google
classroom which is another reason for the
students to have their laptops. This chart is
solely available through their computers so
that they have ample room to write in the
boxes and can revisit it through the unit.
● Guided Notes on Religion Vocabulary ● The guided notes are available to them
through google classroom as well so that they
can keep track of them and have them as a
resource through the unit.
● Introduction Slideshow ● The slideshow is something that I will be
presenting during class through our in-class
flatscreen for my in-person student and
screen sharing through zoom for my remote
students. At the end of the unit, just before
their summative, I upload all of the
slideshows to our google classroom page so
that if their notes are missing anything or
they need to go back and watch any of the
video hyperlinked in it it is available to the

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks by using a
variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning accessible to all learners and
support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● Attendance and check-in about test ● I allow for approximately seven minutes at
time/homework (7 Minutes) the start of class for attendance and
check-ins with the students to build
connections with them. This extended time is
also where they can ask some questions
about the homework or just feel like they can
settle in before we get into covering material.
It also allows for any technological glitches,
zoom issues or tardiness to be resolved and
not interfere as much with my time covering
class material. Some remote students show
up routinely a few minutes after class starts
so it prevents a lot of recovering or
reteaching of material that we go over at the
immediate start of class.
● KWL Chart on Religion (30 Minutes) ● Students will have five minutes to
individually fill in the What you know column
on their KWL chart. This will track where
their individual learning is already at before
we go over material on the chart. Then ten
minutes will be spent asking them to share
with the class what they already know so
that I can fill out a classwide chart. The next
five minutes will be spent filling in the What
do you want to know column on their charts.
Again, the following ten minutes will be
spent filling in this column on the class chart.
This chart is the student’s pre-assessment to
measure what they already know about
world religions. At the end of the unit it will
also be a post assessment to see if they made
progress and met some of their individual
goals from the What you want to know
● Slideshow with Guided Notes (20 Minutes) ● The slideshow with guided notes will
introduce religion vocabulary through the
sociological sense. It will also introduce
major concepts that show up through more
than one of the major religions such as the
ten commandments. To track the information
the students are given guided notes so that
they can highlight the important concepts
and track the definitions they will need to
● Clean-up/Question time (3 Minutes) ● Clean up procedures are required to be done
due to COVID-19 guidelines. As a result I allot
time for the students to pack up and sanitize
while I clean their desks and chairs. This final
five minutes is also allotted for questions and
clarifications on things we covered in class
and any homework that they have.

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

extensions, modifications, accommodations)
● Individual work ● Though this class does not have any IEP/504
plans I provide a variety of ways to
accomplish work. At the beginning of the
semester I gave the students a learning
survey. From this I gathered that the majority
of my students like to do individual written
work. It allows them to gather and organize
their thoughts more thoroughly than on the
spot conversations will.
● Group Discussion ● From the same survey there are also a
number of them that like verbal and group
work which is why this lesson has a
collaborative group discussion portion. We
are incorporating their individual written
work but this discussion allows them the
opportunity to share the notes that they
wrote down on their own KWL charts and
have me write them on the class chart we
filled in after their individual charts. I did not
force everyone to share what they had
written down because I did not want to
single anyone out for not having a deeply
developed knowledge on religion since some
of my students have not yet studied it in their
other courses.

Field Course Only – Post lesson


For learning objective one, “Students will identify what they already know about religion(s) “ five out of six
students met the objective today. The student that did not meet the objective today was absent and she made
arrangements to meet with me and get caught up on the material tomorrow March 10th.
For learning objective two, “Students can define or explain the meaning of certain terms that are related to
world religion(s)” five out of six students met the objective today. The student that did not meet the objective
today was absent and she made arrangements to meet with me and get caught up on the material tomorrow
March 10th.
This data and the high rate of student participation show me that this lesson was a success. If I were to do
this lesson again however, I would make it more interactive with filling in the class chart. Due to four out of
the five students being remote and only having one physically in class this was not possible. In the future
with a classroom of more kids and no requirement of social distancing I might have poster sections on the
wall for the class chart that they can go write things on themselves.

Teaching Standards and Rationale

Standard # 1 Learner Development: The teacher understands how students learn and develop,
recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive,
linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate
and challenging learning experiences.
Performance: 1(a) Regularly assesses individual and group performance in order to design and modify
instruction to meet learners’ needs in each area of development (cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and
physical) and scaffolds the next level of development.
Having a KWL chart and introductory religious vocabulary as part of the first day’s activity is a way in which
this unit is scaffolding materials for future use. There is not a need to modify the KWL chart because it is
individually based to measure each student’s learning. It is developmentally appropriate for each learner as
well since it is based upon their own learning and what they are striving to know, so it recognizes that not
every student is in the same place or has the same goals.

Standard #4 Content Knowledge: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and
structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of
the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners.
Performance: 4 (d) Stimulates student reflection on prior content knowledge, links new concepts to
familiar concepts, and makes connections to learners' experiences.
In order for the KWL chart activity to work the first step is students reflecting on their prior knowledge that
they have in regards to religion. The students are then asked to identify what they want to know in general
about religion that they might not already know or practice as well as identifying what they want to know
about sociology connecting to religion. Having the students identify what they want to know or explore also
makes this learning personal and meaningful to each learner individually.
Standard #7 Planning for Instruction: The teacher draws upon knowledge of content areas,
cross-disciplinary skills, learners, the community, and pedagogy to plan instruction that supports every
student in meeting rigorous learning goals.
Performance: 7 (d) Plans for instruction based on formative and summative assessment data, prior learner
knowledge, and learner interest.
This lesson plan meets standard seven because it includes a plan for a formative assessment, summative
assessment, prior learner knowledge and includes learner interest as required by indicator seven d. The
KWL is a formative/pre-assessment. The first section of the KWL chart is based upon prior student
knowledge on what they know about religion. The second section has a focus on what the students are
interested in learning about religion, meeting learner interest. The final section of the KWL chart is going to
be a part of their summative assessment which we will be completing on day seven. There is also a focus on
learner interest based upon the student learning survey that they took in the beginning of the semester. This
focus is shown through including both individual sections of work as well as group collaboration when we
discuss their charts and I fill in the class copy of the KWL.

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