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Rizal’s Life: Higher Education and

Life Abroad
Rizal’s Secret Mission
Rizal concieved the secret mission, with the
blessing of his brother Paciano was to do the
“Observe keenly the life and culture,
languages and commerce and government
and laws of the European Nations in order to
prepare himself for the task of liberating his
people from Spanish Tyranny”
• Jose Mercado- Rizal used this name; a cousin from
• May 3, 1882- Rizal departed on board the Spanish
streamer Salvador bound for Singapore.
• Donato Lecha- the ship captain from Asturias, Spain.
-Rizal described him as an affable man, “much more
refined than his other countrymen and collegues
that I have met.”
• May 9, 1882- the Salvadora docked at Singapore.
• Hotel de la paz- Rizal registered here and spent two
days on a sightseeing soiree of the city, which was a
colony of England.
• In Singapore, Rizal transferred to another ship
Djemnah, a French streamer , which left Singapore
for Europe on May 11,1882.
• May 17, 1882- Djemnah reached Point Galle, a
seacoast town in southern Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).
• Colombo- capital of Cyelon
• “Colombo is more beautiful, smart, and elegant than
Singapore, Point Galle and Manila.”
• Aden- city hotter then Manila; Rizal was amused to see
the camels, for the first time.
• City of Suez- the Red Sea terminal of the Suez Canal
• Suez Canal- canal which built by Ferdinand de Lesseps
(French diplomat-engineer) which was inaugurated on
November 17, 1869.
• Port Said- the Mediterranean terminal of the SuezCanal.
• June 11, 1882- Rizal reached Naples
-Rizal was pleased on this Italian City because of its
business activity, its lively people and its panoramic
• Night of June 12, 1882- the streamer docked at the
French harbor of Marseilles.
• Rizal visited the famous Chateau d’lf, where Dantes,
hero of the count of Monte Cristo was imprisoned.
• June 16, 1882- Rizal finally reached his destination- Barelona.
• August 20, 1882, His article “Amor Patrio” was published in
the Diarong Tagalog.
• “Amor Patrio” was the first article he wrote abroad.
• Rizal enrolled at the Universidad Central De Madrid. He took
the following subjects: Medical Clinic, Surgical Clinic, legal
medicine, and obstetrical clinic.
• He also studied painting and sculpture in the Academy of Fine
Arts of San. Fernando and took lessons in French, German and
English under private teachers.
• March 1883, Rizal joined the Masonic Lodge called
Acacia in Madrid. He became a mason so that he
could secure Freemasonry's aid in his aim to fight
against the friars in the Philippines.
• He was awarded the Diploma as a Master
Mason by Le Grand Orient de France in France.
• On June 18, 1883, with Felipe Zamora and
Cunanan, He visited the Laennec Hospital to
observe how Dr. Nicaise treated his patients.
• June 20, 1883, he visited the Lariboisiere
hospital where Felix Pardo de Tavera was an
• On September 28, 1883, Rizal enrolled at the Central
Universidad de Madrid of the second course in
• He came to know of the imprisonment, by order of Sr.
Vicente Barrantes, of the 14 wealthy innocent persons
in Manila. The prisoners who knew nothing of the
cause of their detention and who became sick later
for they were kept in a humid person cell.
• June 25, 1884, Rizal won first prize in Greek contest,
after which he delivered a speech in honor of the two
Filipino painters, Juan Luna and Felix Ressurrecion
• Rizal wrote the poem “A Las Flores de
Heidelberg”. In a letter of his Austrian friend, he
says it was the first impartial and daring book to
be written on the life of tagalogs.
• POSTDAM – 1. Companion: Dr. Maximo Viola
2. May 11, 1887: Spring Season
3. Rizal’s luggage include letters from his family
and friends.
1. Regional Floral Exposition
2. Visited Dr. Adolph B. Meyer (Museum of Art)
3. Met Dr. Jagor who advised them to wire Blumentritt
• 1. Arrived on May 13, 1887 (1:30 PM)
2. Meeting with Blumentritt – kind-hearted, old
Austrian professor who helped Rizal and Viola during
their stay in Leimeritz, greeted each other in fluent
German. They stayed from May 13 to May 16.
• 3. Enjoyed the hospitality of Blumentritt’s
family: Rosa (Wife), Children (Dora, Conrad,
and Fritz)
4. He painted a portrait of Blumentritt and
gave it to him.
5. Met a renowned scientist named Dr. Carlos
6. May 16 (9:45 A.M) they left leimeritz by
1. Carried letters recommendation from Dr.
2. Visited the tomb of Copernicus, Museum of
Natural History and the famous cave of San Juan
Rizal was fascinated by it’s buildings, religious
images, haunting waltzes, and majestic charm.
• 1. June 19, 1887: Rizal treated Viola to a
blowout on his 26th birthday.
2. June 23, Viola and Rizal parted ways.
• 1. He want to Turin, Milan Venice, and Florence
2. June 27, 1887: Rome
3. June 29- Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul
First Homecoming
• Rizal arrived in Manila on August 5, 1887.
• On August 18, 1887, in a letter, Archbishop p.
Payo advised Fr. Gregorio Echevarria, Rector of
the University of Sto. Thomas that a piece of
information about the novel Noli Me Tangere
was issued by a commission composed of
university professors Fr. Matias Gomez, Fr.
Norberto del Prado and Fr. Evaristo Fernandez
• Rizal made a pencil drawing of a sailboat
sailing on Laguna de Bay, which he saw with
Jose Taviel de Andrade, Lietenant of the Civil
Guards assigned by the Governor-General
Terrero tovprotect him during an excursion to
Los banos.
• The permanent board of Censure headed by Fr. Salvador font
issued a judgment prohibiting the circulation of the Noli Me
Tangere in the Philippines. Upon the recommendation of the
Governor General, Father Font said:
“... Aside from attacking to directly, as you have seen your
Excellency, the Religion of the State, institutions and
respectable persons for their official character, the book is
replete of foreign teachings and doctrines: and the general
synthesis of the same is to inspire among the loyal and
submissive sons of Spain in these distant islands, profound,
and furious hate to the mother country...”
Rizal’s Second Trip Abroad
• On February 8, 1888, he arrived in Hong Kong.
He was welcomed by Filipino residents,
including Jose Basa, Balbino Mauricio and
Manuel Yriarte.
Yokohama, Japan
• He was visited by Juan Perez Caballero who
invied Rizal to live at the Spanish Legation.
Rizal Accepted it for two reasons:
- He could economize his living expenses
- He had nothing to hide from the prying eyes
of the Spanish authorities.
United States of America
• He went to San, Francisco riding the steamer
• He witnessed discrimination of Chinese and
Japanese by the American.
London, England
• Rizal chose London to improve in his english language.
• He received a good news and bad news from his home
town as such:
1. Persecution of Filipinos who signed the Anti-Friar
petition was rampant;
2. Persecution of the Calamba tenants including Rizal’s
family and relatives;
3. Furious attacks on Rizal by Spanish mentors
4. Rizal’s brother in-law exiled to bohol;
5. A friend of Rizal was arrested and jailed in Bilibid prison
for keeping a copy of Noli.
• On February 15, 1889: Graciano Lopez Jaena founded La
Solidaridad in Barcelona.
• Rizal’s first article in the La Solidaridad entitled Los
Agricultores Filipinos was published.
• Jose wrote the Tagalog version of “The women of
Malolos” This letter was about a filipino woman and her
rights. Rizal finished four sculptural works:
1. Prometheus bound;
2. The triumph of death over life;
3. The triumph of science over death;
4. A carving of the heads of the Beckett sisters.
Rizal’s Second Sojourn in Paris and the
Universal Expostion
• He lived with two other Filipinos, Captain Justo
Trinidad, and Jose Albert.
• Rizal formed Kidlat Club was then replaced by
Indios Bravos.
• Another secret society that Rizal formed was
the R.D.L.M Paris 1890: annotated edition of
Morga’s Sucesos was published Rizal wrote the
“Philippines within a Colony” and the essay
“Indolence of the Filipinos”
Brussels, Belgium
• He wrote articles for La Solidaridad which were:
1. “A La Defensa” (To La Defensa) – April 9, 1889
2. “La Verdad Para Todos” (The truth for All) – May 31, 1889
3. “Vicente Barrantes’ Teatro Tagalo” – June 15, 1889
4. “Una Profanacion” (A Profanation) – July 31, 1889
5. “Verdades Nuevas” (New Truths) – August 15, 1889
6. “Crueldad” (Differences) – July 31, 1889
7. “Differencias” (Differences) – Sept 15, 1889
8. “Inconsequencias” (Inconsequences) –Nov. 30, 1889
9. “Lllanto y Risas” (Tears and laughter) – Nov. 30, 1889
10. “Ingratitudes” (Ingratitude) – January 15, 1890
Rizal Arrived in Madrid
• Retana – A talented spanish scholar and Rizal’s
bitter enemy of the pen, to a duel.
• August 19, 1990: Death of Jose Ma.
Panganiban – A friend of Rizal who died
because of a lingering illness.
With the Boustead in Blarritz, France

• March 29, 1891, he finished writing his book El

Filibusterismo .
• He had an affection for Nelly Boustead.
To Paris and Back to Brussels
• Rizal informed Deodato Arellano of his plan to
from Europe to either Hong Kong, Philippines
or Japan, or to renounce the receiving of
pension from the propaganda.
• He was living in the most challenging
situation, renting a small room and eating the
modest food.
Salient Point to Ponder before El
Filibusterismo was Pusblished in Ghent
• 1. October 1887 Jose Rizal started writing El
2. 1888 in London he made changes in the plot and
added more characters in Paris and Madrid.
3. March 19, 1891, he finished his manuscript in Biarritz
4. July 5, 1891, Rizal left Brussels for Ghent
5. On Augusut 6, 1891, he suspended the publishing of
the novel because of lack of funds.
6. Valentin Ventura in Paris gave Rizal funds to resume
the novel.
7. September 18, 1891, El Fili came off the press.
Ophthalmic Surgeon in Hong Kong
• Ophtalmic Surgeon, Rizal studied in HongKong
• Dr. Lorenzo P. Marques who helped him build
a vest clientele.
Second Homecoming and the Liga Filipina

• Don Juan –
• Don Ong- Junco – A chinese mestizo, who was living
in the district of Tondo.
• The founding of the Liga Filipina, a Civic league of
Filipinos, which he desired to established an it’s role
on the socio-economic life of the people. Liga Filipina
officers were:
1. Ambrosio Salvador (President)
2. Deodato Arellano (Secretary)
3. Bonifacio Arevola Agustin de la Rosa (Treasurer)
Fiscal Conditions of Liga Filipina
• 1. To unite the archipelago into one compact
and homogenous body.
2. Mutual protection in every want and
3. Defense against all violence and injustice.
4. Encourage education, agriculture and
5. Study of Application and reforms.
Last trip Abroad
Upon arriving in Barcelona, Rizal was arrested
and taken to the fortress Monjuich.
General Despujol sends Rizal back to Manila to
be tried by the court.
Last Homecoming and Trial
Rizal was subjected to a 5-day investigation
by Judge Advocate Colonel Francisco
Rizal chose Don Luis Taviel de Andrade to
defend him in court. Rizal pleads “no

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