Module 4

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Place Based


In Surrey, B.C
Brooksdale Learning Centre
Brooksdale Learning Centre

Why are these locations appropriate?

● This is located close to our community and could easily be arranged by volunteers/parent drivers.
● The programs are based on the new provincial curriculum.
● They offer multiple different programs depending on the age range that really helps builds on what students have learned from previous years or are
learning in school so you will be able to base lessons of what you have learned.
● There are programs for different times of year.
● It allows for a connection to be built through school, community, classmates and different members of the community (Becker, 2016.)

What would your kindergarten students learn about at each location

● Students would be able to explore what makes different living things unique from one another or from non-living things.
● Students would be able to ask themselves questions such as, ‘What do the organisms need to live?’
● Observe the features, structures and behaviours that help organism survive in the forest, garden or pond.
● Students will be able to follow the life cycle of a salmon.
● Explore our part of the Little Campbell River watershed and its importance in supporting the salmon and trout population.

How would you teach this?

● I would be able to either pre-teach this or use this learning opportunity as a scaffold into teaching students about biodiversity and the environment around
us. If were were learning about the Salmon Life Cycle, this would be a great way to finish off our learning by viewing the stream.
● Brooskdale Learning Centre would provide opportunities for hand-on instruction and learning.
● Have students go on a nature walk and observe the land while taking note of their surroundings with clipboards (5 senses.)
● Allow students to really make use of diving in and getting their hands dirty - engage in play-based learning through the environment.
Bear Creek Park
Bear Creek Park- A local park

Why are these locations appropriate?

● This park is a nice and easy walk from the school and we are able to get there within fifteen to twenty minutes minutes. It is a park students visit quite a few times a year
so they are used to the walk and enjoy it. "The kids already know what's happening in the community. Sometimes you just need to be very quiet and listen, and they'll
lead you." (Edutopia, 2015.)
● The park has many different areas of focus and this can be something done weekly - part of a whole unit. There are areas for hands-on learning, observations, play-based
learning and inquiry all within one location.
● It has three different species of salmon (chum, coho and chinook) that are visible during certain times of the year and you can see them spawning and coming back

What would your kindergarten students learn about at each location

● Spaces in our community, places that we visit every day, can offer up new experiences of learning.
● Where Salmon come back and seeing them at their spawn sites.
● Different species of plants (there are explanations and information on labels next to the plants.)
● The different cultures and communities (there are multilingual signs with sections for multiple cultures with their own plants or structural features)
● Appreciating the environment around us.

How would you teach this?

● I would be able to either pre-teach this or use this learning opportunity as a scaffold into teaching students about biodiversity and the environment around us. If were
were learning about the Salmon Life Cycle, this would be a great way to finish off our learning by viewing the stream where the different species of salmon are
● This park would provide opportunities for hand-on instruction and learning.
● Have students go on a nature walk (there are many nature trails) and observe the land while taking note of their surroundings with clipboards - (5 senses.)
● Allow students to really make use of diving in and getting their hands dirty - engage in play-based learning through the environment. There are two different play areas,
there is an “outdoor gym” and a water park.
Community Garden- Cedar Grove Organic
Community Garden
Cedar Grove Organic Community Garden

Why are these locations appropriate?

● This garden is right in our local community.

What would your kindergarten students learn about at each location

● It shows how different people in the community can come together for a shared purpose.
● It would teach students about teamwork, responsibility and environmental sustainability.
● They would be able to learn about different vegetables and fruits and the different seasons that allow them to grow.
● How they can take part in their own community by taking part in the garden (or by taking the step to creating their own in the school - a
global awareness project.)

How would you teach this?

● I would be able to either pre-teach this or use this learning opportunity as a scaffold into teaching students about environmental
● Hands on learning - students can have the opportunity to plant seeds/water the plants and have the opportunity to learn about what can
be planted in different soils/weather conditions.
● Observations - I want them to be able to take note of the different plants/vegetables and fruits that they see .
● Ask them to take into consideration how they would make their own community garden -- an end of the unit proposal.

A Rocha Canada (2015, June 1st) A Rocha: Inspiring the Next Generation. [Video.] Youtube.

Bear Creek Park. (2021, February 25). Retrieved February 27, 2021, from

Becker, M. (2016, April 19). 5 benefits of outdoor education. Retrieved February 27, 2021, from

Brooksdale ENVIRONMENTAL Centre. (2020, March 28). Retrieved February 27, 2021, from

Cedar grove organic garden. (2021, January 31). Retrieved February 27, 2021, from

Cedar Grove Park. (2021, January 11). Retrieved February 27, 2021, from

Edutopia. (2015, November 10). Learning kids can put their hands on. Retrieved February 27, 2021, from

Morning adventures in Bear Creek Park. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2021, from

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